Matillion ETL Data Model for DynamicsCRM
Version - 21.0.8137.0

Note: Data models are true for the latest version of Matillion ETL. If you are on an older version or using a component from an old job, your experience may differ.

Connection String OptionsBack To Top

  1. AuthScheme
  2. URL
  3. CRMVersion
  4. InternetFacingDeployment
  5. User
  6. Password
  7. OrganizationName
  8. CredentialsLocation
  9. AzureTenant
  10. InitiateOAuth
  11. OAuthClientId
  12. OAuthClientSecret
  13. OAuthAccessToken
  14. OAuthSettingsLocation
  15. CallbackURL
  16. ADFSServer
  17. OAuthGrantType
  18. OAuthVerifier
  19. OAuthRefreshToken
  20. OAuthExpiresIn
  21. OAuthTokenTimestamp
  22. KerberosKDC
  23. KerberosRealm
  24. KerberosSPN
  25. KerberosKeytabFile
  26. KerberosServiceRealm
  27. KerberosServiceKDC
  28. KerberosTicketCache
  29. SSLServerCert
  30. FirewallType
  31. FirewallServer
  32. FirewallPort
  33. FirewallUser
  34. FirewallPassword
  35. ProxyAutoDetect
  36. ProxyServer
  37. ProxyPort
  38. ProxyAuthScheme
  39. ProxyUser
  40. ProxyPassword
  41. ProxySSLType
  42. ProxyExceptions
  43. Logfile
  44. Verbosity
  45. LogModules
  46. MaxLogFileSize
  47. MaxLogFileCount
  48. Location
  49. BrowsableSchemas
  50. Tables
  52. AutoCache
  53. CacheDriver
  54. CacheConnection
  55. CacheLocation
  56. CacheTolerance
  57. Offline
  58. CacheMetadata
  59. BatchSize
  60. CallerId
  61. ConnectionLifeTime
  62. ConnectOnOpen
  63. DefaultPrecision
  64. IncludeCalculatedColumns
  65. MaxRows
  66. Other
  67. Pagesize
  68. PoolIdleTimeout
  69. PoolMaxSize
  70. PoolMinSize
  71. PoolWaitTime
  72. PseudoColumns
  73. QueryMethod
  74. QueryPassthrough
  75. Readonly
  76. RTK
  77. SavedQueryFilter
  78. SupportEnhancedSQL
  79. Timeout
  80. UseConnectionPooling
  81. UseDisplayNames
  82. UseDisplayTableNames
  83. UseNameForPicklistValue
  84. UseSimpleNames


Data Type


Default Value



Together with Password and User, this field is used to authenticate against an on-premises Dynamics CRM 4.0 server. This property will not be used for other versions of CRM. NTLM is the default option. Use the following options to select your authentication scheme:


Data Type


Default Value



The root URL of the organization. For example, a CRM 4.0 or CRM 2011 URL will resemble http://MySite/MyOrganization. For CRM Online, the URL will resemble


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Default Value



The type of Dynamics CRM server to which you are connecting. Accepted entries are CRM2011+ or CRMOnline. A value of CRMOnline is required to connect using the Office 365 STS.

Set InternetFacingDeployment to connect to an IFD instance of CRM.


Data Type


Default Value



Set this to true if you are connecting to an Internet Facing Deployment (IFD) for CRM.


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Default Value



Together with Password, this field is used to authenticate against the SharePoint server.

For SharePoint On-Premise, User should include the domain and will look similar to the following: DOMAIN\Username.

For SharePoint Online, User will look similar to the following:


Data Type


Default Value



The User and Password are together used to authenticate with the server.


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Default Value



The following table is a description for setting this property in each Dynamics CRM version.

Dynamics CRM 4.0 without IFDOptional. If this property is not set, the organization name can be retrieved from the URL.
CRM 4.0 with IFDRequired. This property must be set.
Dynamics CRM 2011 on-premisesOptional. If this property is not set, the organization name can be retrieved from the URL.
Dynamics CRM 2011 with IFDOptional.
Dynamics CRM 2011 without IFDOptional.


Data Type


Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\DynamicsCRM Data Provider\\CredentialsFile.txt"


If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\DynamicsCRM Data Provider\\CredentialsFile.txt" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


Data Type


Default Value



The Microsoft Online tenant being used to access data. For instance, Alternatively, specify the tenant Id. This value is the directory Id in the Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > Properties.

Typically it is not necessary to specify the Tenant. This can be automatically determined by Microsoft when using the OAuthGrantType set to CODE (default). However, it may fail in the case that the user belongs to multiple tenants. For instance, if an Admin of domain A invites a user of domain B to be a guest user. The user will now belong to both tenants. It is a good practice to specify the Tenant, although in general things should normally work without having to specify it.

The AzureTenant is required when setting OAuthGrantType to CLIENT. When using client credentials, there is no user context. The credentials are taken from the context of the app itself. While Microsoft still allows client credentials to be obtained without specifying which Tenant, it has a much lower probability of picking the specific tenant you want to work with. For this reason, we require AzureTenant to be explicitly stated for all client credentials connections to ensure you get credentials that are applicable for the domain you intend to connect to.


Data Type


Default Value



The following options are available:

  1. OFF: Indicates that the OAuth flow will be handled entirely by the user. An OAuthAccessToken will be required to authenticate.
  2. GETANDREFRESH: Indicates that the entire OAuth Flow will be handled by the driver. If no token currently exists, it will be obtained by prompting the user via the browser. If a token exists, it will be refreshed when applicable.
  3. REFRESH: Indicates that the driver will only handle refreshing the OAuthAccessToken. The user will never be prompted by the driver to authenticate via the browser. The user must handle obtaining the OAuthAccessToken and OAuthRefreshToken initially.


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Default Value



As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId value, sometimes also called a consumer key, and a client secret, the OAuthClientSecret.


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Default Value



As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId, also called a consumer key. You will also receive a client secret, also called a consumer secret. Set the client secret in the OAuthClientSecret property.


Data Type


Default Value



The OAuthAccessToken property is used to connect using OAuth. The OAuthAccessToken is retrieved from the OAuth server as part of the authentication process. It has a server-dependent timeout and can be reused between requests.

The access token is used in place of your user name and password. The access token protects your credentials by keeping them on the server.


Data Type


Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\DynamicsCRM Data Provider\\OAuthSettings.txt"


When InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH, the driver saves OAuth values to avoid requiring the user to manually enter OAuth connection properties and allowing the credentials to be shared across connections or processes.

Alternatively to specifying a file path, memory storage can be used instead. Memory locations are specified by using a value starting with 'memory://' followed by a unique identifier for that set of credentials (ex: memory://user1). The identifier can be anything you choose but should be unique to the user. Unlike with the file based storage, you must manually store the credentials when closing the connection with memory storage to be able to set them in the connection when the process is started again. The OAuth property values can be retrieved with a query to the sys_connection_props system table. If there are multiple connections using the same credentials, the properties should be read from the last connection to be closed.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\DynamicsCRM Data Provider\\OAuthSettings.txt" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


Data Type


Default Value



During the authentication process, the OAuth authorization server redirects the user to this URL. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.


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Default Value



Should only be specified when CRMVersion is set to CRM2011+. Otherwise this property is ignored.


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Default Value



The grant type for the OAuth flow. The following options are available: CODE,CLIENT,PASSWORD


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Default Value



The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL. This can be used on systems where a browser cannot be launched such as headless systems.

Authentication on Headless Machines

See Establishing a Connection to obtain the OAuthVerifier value.

Set OAuthSettingsLocation along with OAuthVerifier. When you connect, the driver exchanges the OAuthVerifier for the OAuth authentication tokens and saves them, encrypted, to the specified file. Set InitiateOAuth to GETANDREFRESH automate the exchange.

Once the OAuth settings file has been generated, you can remove OAuthVerifier from the connection properties and connect with OAuthSettingsLocation set.

To automatically refresh the OAuth token values, set OAuthSettingsLocation and additionally set InitiateOAuth to REFRESH.


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Default Value



The OAuthRefreshToken property is used to refresh the OAuthAccessToken when using OAuth authentication.


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Default Value



Pair with OAuthTokenTimestamp to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


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Default Value



Pair with OAuthExpiresIn to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


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Default Value



The Kerberos properties are used when using SPNEGO or Windows Authentication. The driver will request session tickets and temporary session keys from the Kerberos KDC service. The Kerberos KDC service is conventionally colocated with the domain controller.

If Kerberos KDC is not specified, the driver will attempt to detect these properties automatically from the following locations:

Note: Windows authentication is supported in JRE 1.6 and above only.


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Default Value



The Kerberos properties are used when using SPNEGO or Windows Authentication. The Kerberos Realm is used to authenticate the user with the Kerberos Key Distribution Service (KDC). The Kerberos Realm can be configured by an administrator to be any string, but conventionally it is based on the domain name.

If Kerberos Realm is not specified the driver will attempt to detect these properties automatically from the following locations:

Note: Kerberos-based authentication is supported in JRE 1.6 and above only.


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Default Value



If the SPN on the Kerberos Domain Controller is not the same as the URL that you are authenticating to, use this property to set the SPN.


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Default Value



The Keytab file containing your pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys.


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Default Value



The KerberosServiceRealm is the specify the service Kerberos realm when using cross-realm Kerberos authentication.

In most cases, a single realm and KDC machine are used to perform the Kerberos authentication and this property is not required.

This property is available for complex setups where a different realm and KDC machine are used to obtain an authentication ticket (AS request) and a service ticket (TGS request).


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Default Value



The KerberosServiceKDC is used to specify the service Kerberos KDC when using cross-realm Kerberos authentication.

In most cases, a single realm and KDC machine are used to perform the Kerberos authentication and this property is not required.

This property is available for complex setups where a different realm and KDC machine are used to obtain an authentication ticket (AS request) and a service ticket (TGS request).


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Default Value



This property can be set if you wish to use a credential cache file that was created using the MIT Kerberos Ticket Manager or kinit command.


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Default Value



If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.

This property can take the following forms:

Description Example
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
A path to a local file containing the certificate C:\cert.cer
The public key (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d

If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.

Certificates are validated as trusted by the machine based on the System's trust store. The trust store used is the '' value specified for the system. If no value is specified for this property, Java's default trust store is used (for example, JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts).

Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.


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Default Value



This property specifies the protocol that the driver will use to tunnel traffic through the FirewallServer proxy. Note that by default, the driver connects to the system proxy; to disable this behavior and connect to one of the following proxy types, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.

Type Default Port Description
TUNNEL 80 When this is set, the driver opens a connection to Dynamics CRM and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy.
SOCKS4 1080 When this is set, the driver sends data through the SOCKS 4 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort and passes the FirewallUser value to the proxy, which determines if the connection request should be granted.
SOCKS5 1080 When this is set, the driver sends data through the SOCKS 5 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort. If your proxy requires authentication, set FirewallUser and FirewallPassword to credentials the proxy recognizes.

To connect to HTTP proxies, use ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate to HTTP proxies, use ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword.


Data Type


Default Value



This property specifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. The protocol is specified by FirewallType: Use FirewallServer with this property to connect through SOCKS or do tunneling. Use ProxyServer to connect to an HTTP proxy.

Note that the driver uses the system proxy by default. To use a different proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


Data Type


Default Value



This specifies the TCP port for a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. Use FirewallServer to specify the name or IP address. Specify the protocol with FirewallType.


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Default Value



The FirewallUser and FirewallPassword properties are used to authenticate against the proxy specified in FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified in FirewallType.


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Default Value



This property is passed to the proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified by FirewallType.


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Default Value



This takes precedence over other proxy settings, so you'll need to set ProxyAutoDetect to FALSE in order use custom proxy settings.

NOTE: When this property is set to True, the proxy used is determined as follows:

To connect to an HTTP proxy, see ProxyServer. For other proxies, such as SOCKS or tunneling, see FirewallType.


Data Type


Default Value



The hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through. The driver can use the HTTP, Windows (NTLM), or Kerberos authentication types to authenticate to an HTTP proxy.

If you need to connect through a SOCKS proxy or tunnel the connection, see FirewallType.

By default, the driver uses the system proxy. If you need to use another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


Data Type


Default Value



The port the HTTP proxy is running on that you want to redirect HTTP traffic through. Specify the HTTP proxy in ProxyServer. For other proxy types, see FirewallType.


Data Type


Default Value



This value specifies the authentication type to use to authenticate to the HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer and ProxyPort.

Note that the driver will use the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to connect to another proxy, you will need to set ProxyAutoDetect to false, in addition to ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.

The authentication type can be one of the following:

If you need to use another authentication type, such as SOCKS 5 authentication, see FirewallType.


Data Type


Default Value



The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword options are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.

You can select one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme. If you are using HTTP authentication, set this to the user name of a user recognized by the HTTP proxy. If you are using Windows or Kerberos authentication, set this property to a user name in one of the following formats:




Data Type


Default Value



This property is used to authenticate to an HTTP proxy server that supports NTLM (Windows), Kerberos, or HTTP authentication. To specify the HTTP proxy, you can set ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To specify the authentication type, set ProxyAuthScheme.

If you are using HTTP authentication, additionally set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to HTTP proxy.

If you are using NTLM authentication, set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to your Windows password. You may also need these to complete Kerberos authentication.

For SOCKS 5 authentication or tunneling, see FirewallType.

By default, the driver uses the system proxy. If you want to connect to another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


Data Type


Default Value



This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to an HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer. This value can be AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER, or TUNNEL. The applicable values are the following:

AUTODefault setting. If the URL is an HTTPS URL, the driver will use the TUNNEL option. If the URL is an HTTP URL, the component will use the NEVER option.
ALWAYSThe connection is always SSL enabled.
NEVERThe connection is not SSL enabled.
TUNNELThe connection is through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy.


Data Type


Default Value



The ProxyServer is used for all addresses, except for addresses defined in this property. Use semicolons to separate entries.

Note that the driver uses the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to explicitly configure proxy exceptions for this connection, you need to set ProxyAutoDetect = false, and configure ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.


Data Type


Default Value



Once this property is set, the driver will populate the log file as it carries out various tasks, such as when authentication is performed or queries are executed. If the specified file doesn't already exist, it will be created.

Connection strings and version information are also logged, though connection properties containing sensitive information are masked automatically.

If a relative filepath is supplied, the location of the log file will be resolved based on the path found in the Location connection property.

For more control over what is written to the log file, you can adjust the Verbosity property.

Log contents are categorized into several modules. You can show/hide individual modules using the LogModules property.

To edit the maximum size of a single logfile before a new one is created, see MaxLogFileSize.

If you would like to place a cap on the number of logfiles generated, use MaxLogFileCount.

Java Logging

Java logging is also supported. To enable Java logging, set Logfile to:


As in the above sample, JAVALOG:// is a required prefix to use Java logging, and you will substitute your own Logger.

The supplied Logger's getLogger method is then called, using the supplied value to create the Logger instance. If a logging instance already exists, it will reference the existing instance.

When Java logging is enabled, the Verbosity will now correspond to specific logging levels.


Data Type


Default Value



The verbosity level determines the amount of detail that the driver reports to the Logfile. Verbosity levels from 1 to 5 are supported. These are detailed in the Logging page.


Data Type


Default Value



Only the modules specified (separated by ';') will be included in the log file. By default all modules are included.

See the Logging page for an overview.


Data Type


Default Value



When the limit is hit, a new log is created in the same folder with the date and time appended to the end. The default limit is 100 MB. Values lower than 100 kB will use 100 kB as the value instead.

Adjust the maximum number of logfiles generated with MaxLogFileCount.


Data Type


Default Value



When the limit is hit, a new log is created in the same folder with the date and time appended to the end and the oldest log file will be deleted.

The minimum supported value is 2. A value of 0 or a negative value indicates no limit on the count.

Adjust the maximum size of the logfiles generated with MaxLogFileSize.


Data Type


Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\DynamicsCRM Data Provider\\Schema"


The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the driver (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\DynamicsCRM Data Provider\\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


Data Type


Default Value



Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.


Data Type


Default Value



Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the driver.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Data Type


Default Value



Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the driver.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Data Type


Default Value



When AutoCache = true, the driver automatically maintains a cache of your table's data in the database of your choice. By default, the driver incrementally updates the cache, retrieving only changes since the last SELECT query was run if the length of time since the last run has exceeded the CacheTolerance. After the cache is updated, the query is executed against the cached data.

Setting the Caching Database

When AutoCache = true, the driver caches to a simple, file-based cache. You can configure its location or cache to a different database with the following properties:

See Also


Data Type


Default Value



You can cache to any database for which you have a JDBC driver, including CData JDBC drivers.

The cache database is determined based on the CacheDriver and CacheConnection properties. The CacheDriver is the name of the JDBC driver class that you want to use to cache data.

Note that you must also add the CacheDriver JAR file to the classpath.

The following examples show how to cache to several major databases. Refer to CacheConnection for more information on the JDBC URL syntax and typical connection properties.

Derby and Java DB

The driver simplifies Derby configuration. Java DB is the Oracle distribution of Derby. The JAR file is shipped in the JDK. You can find the JAR file, derby.jar, in the db subfolder of the JDK installation. In most caching scenarios, you need to specify only the following, after adding derby.jar to the classpath:

jdbc:dynamicscrm:CacheLocation='c:/Temp/cachedir';User=myuseraccount;Password=mypassword;URL=;CRM Version=CRM Online;
To customize the Derby JDBC URL, use CacheDriver and CacheConnection. For example, to cache to an in-memory database, use a JDBC URL like the following:
jdbc:dynamicscrm:CacheDriver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver;CacheConnection='jdbc:derby:memory';User=myuseraccount;Password=mypassword;URL=;CRM Version=CRM Online;

The following is a JDBC URL for the SQLite JDBC driver:

jdbc:dynamicscrm:CacheDriver=org.sqlite.JDBC;CacheConnection='jdbc:sqlite:C:/Temp/sqlite.db';User=myuseraccount;Password=mypassword;URL=;CRM Version=CRM Online;

The following is a JDBC URL for the included CData JDBC Driver for MySQL:

  jdbc:dynamicscrm:Cache Driver=cdata.jdbc.mysql.MySQLDriver;Cache Connection='jdbc:mysql:Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=cache;User=root;Password=123456';User=myuseraccount;Password=mypassword;URL=;CRM Version=CRM Online;

SQL Server

The following JDBC URL uses the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server:

jdbc:dynamicscrm:Cache;Cache Connection='jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\sqlexpress:7437;user=sa;password=123456;databaseName=Cache';User=myuseraccount;Password=mypassword;URL=;CRM Version=CRM Online;

The following is a JDBC URL for the Oracle Thin Client:

jdbc:dynamicscrm:Cache Driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver;CacheConnection='jdbc:oracle:thin:scott/tiger@localhost:1521:orcldb';User=myuseraccount;Password=mypassword;URL=;CRM Version=CRM Online;
NOTE: If using a version of Oracle older than 9i, the cache driver will instead be oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver .

The following JDBC URL uses the official PostgreSQL JDBC driver:

jdbc:dynamicscrm:CacheDriver=cdata.jdbc.postgresql.PostgreSQLDriver;CacheConnection='jdbc:postgresql:User=postgres;Password=admin;Database=postgres;Server=localhost;Port=5432;';User=myuseraccount;Password=mypassword;URL=;CRM Version=CRM Online;


Data Type


Default Value



The cache database is determined based on the CacheDriver and CacheConnection properties. Both properties are required to use the cache database. Examples of common cache database settings can be found below. For more information on setting the caching database's driver, refer to CacheDriver.

The connection string specified in the CacheConnection property is passed directly to the underlying CacheDriver. Consult the documentation for the specific JDBC driver for more information on the available properties. Make sure to include the JDBC driver in your application's classpath.

Derby and Java DB

The driver simplifies caching to Derby, only requiring you to set the CacheLocation property to make a basic connection.

Alternatively, you can configure the connection to Derby manually using CacheDriver and CacheConnection. The following is the Derby JDBC URL syntax:

jdbc:derby:[subsubprotocol:][databaseName][;attribute=value[;attribute=value] ... ]
For example, to cache to an in-memory database, use the following:


To cache to SQLite, you can use the SQLite JDBC driver. The following is the syntax of the JDBC URL:



The installation includes the CData JDBC Driver for MySQL. The following is an example JDBC URL:

The following are typical connection properties:

SQL Server

The JDBC URL for the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server has the following syntax:

jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instance][:port]][;database=databaseName][;property=value[;property=value] ... ]
For example:
The following are typical SQL Server connection properties:

The following is the conventional JDBC URL syntax for the Oracle JDBC Thin driver:

For example:
The following are typical connection properties:

The following is the JDBC URL syntax for the official PostgreSQL JDBC driver:

jdbc:postgresql:[//[host[:port]]/]database[[?option=value][[&option=value][&option=value] ... ]]
For example, the following connection string connects to a database on the default host (localhost) and port (5432):
The following are typical connection properties:


Data Type


Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\DynamicsCRM Data Provider"


The CacheLocation is a simple, file-based cache. The driver uses Java DB, Oracle's distribution of the Derby database. To cache to Java DB, you will need to add the Java DB JAR file to the classpath. The JAR file, derby.jar, is shipped in the JDK and located in the db subfolder of the JDK installation.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\DynamicsCRM Data Provider" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config

See Also


Data Type


Default Value



The tolerance for stale data in the cache specified in seconds. This only applies when AutoCache is used. The driver checks with the data source for newer records after the tolerance interval has expired. Otherwise, it returns the data directly from the cache.


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Default Value



When Offline = true, all queries execute against the cache as opposed to the live data source. In this mode, certain queries like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and CACHE are not allowed.


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Default Value



As you execute queries with this property set, table metadata in the Dynamics CRM catalog are cached to the file store specified by CacheLocation if set or the user's home directory otherwise. A table's metadata will be retrieved only once, when the table is queried for the first time.

When to Use CacheMetadata

The driver automatically persists metadata in memory for up to two hours when you first discover the metadata for a table or view and therefore, CacheMetadata is generally not required. CacheMetadata becomes useful when metadata operations are expensive such as when you are working with large amounts of metadata or when you have many short-lived connections.

When Not to Use CacheMetadata


Data Type


Default Value



When BatchSize is set to a value greater than 0, the batch operation will split the entire batch into separate batches of size BatchSize. The split batches will then be submitted to the server individually. This is useful when the server has limitations on the size of the request that can be submitted.

Setting BatchSize to 0 will submit the entire batch as specified.


Data Type


Default Value



The Id of a user to impersonate when inserting or updating new records. All records modified with this set appear as if they were edited by the impersonated user.


Data Type


Default Value



The maximum lifetime of a connection in seconds. Once the time has elapsed, the connection object is disposed. The default is 0 which indicates there is no limit to the connection lifetime.


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Default Value



When set to true, a connection will be made to Dynamics CRM when the connection is opened. This property enables the Test Connection feature available in various database tools.

This feature acts as a NOOP command as it is used to verify a connection can be made to Dynamics CRM and nothing from this initial connection is maintained.

Setting this property to false may provide performance improvements (depending upon the number of times a connection is opened).


Data Type


Default Value



The decimal precision that is used for currencies throughout the system. Valid values are 0-4 and Auto. If the value is Auto, the default value will be retrieved from the Dynamics CRM server.


Data Type


Default Value



This option controls whether the driver returns the Calculated Columns defined on a table. Only applicable for CRM 2015+.


Data Type


Default Value



Limits the number of rows returned rows when no aggregation or group by is used in the query. This helps avoid performance issues at design time.


Data Type


Default Value



The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.

Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.

Caching Configuration

CachePartial=TrueCaches only a subset of columns, which you can specify in your query.
QueryPassthrough=TruePasses the specified query to the cache database instead of using the SQL parser of the driver.

Integration and Formatting

DefaultColumnSizeSets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMTDetermines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine.
RecordToFile=filenameRecords the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file.


Data Type


Default Value



The Pagesize property affects the maximum number of results to return per page from Dynamics CRM. Setting a higher value may result in better performance at the cost of additional memory allocated per page consumed.


Data Type


Default Value



The allowed idle time a connection can remain in the pool until the connection is closed. The default is 60 seconds.


Data Type


Default Value



The maximum connections in the pool. The default is 100. To disable this property, set the property value to 0 or less.


Data Type


Default Value



The minimum number of connections in the pool. The default is 1.


Data Type


Default Value



The max seconds to wait for a connection to become available. If a new connection request is waiting for an available connection and exceeds this time, an error is thrown. By default, new requests wait forever for an available connection.


Data Type


Default Value



This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".


Data Type


Default Value



The method to use when querying data from Dynamics CRM. In most cases FetchXML will work with all tables. However, QueryExpression may be specified as an alternative.


Data Type


Default Value



When this is set, queries are passed through directly to Dynamics CRM.


Data Type


Default Value



If this property is set to true, the driver will allow only SELECT queries. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and stored procedure queries will cause an error to be thrown.


Data Type


Default Value



The RTK property may be used to license a build. See the included licensing file to see how to set this property. The runtime key is only available if you purchased an OEM license.


Data Type


Default Value



A comma-separated list of filters to use for displaying Saved Queries as views. The names can be found by querying the SavedQuery table with a percent sign representing a wildcard (ex: Accounts%,Contacts%). An empty value (the default) will not return any of these as views. A value of just % will return all Saved Queries for the instance.


Data Type


Default Value



When SupportEnhancedSQL = true, the driver offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to Dynamics CRM and then processes the rest of the query in memory. In this way, the driver can execute unsupported predicates, joins, and aggregation.

When SupportEnhancedSQL = false, the driver limits SQL execution to what is supported by the Dynamics CRM API.

Execution of Predicates

The driver determines which of the clauses are supported by the data source and then pushes them to the source to get the smallest superset of rows that would satisfy the query. It then filters the rest of the rows locally. The filter operation is streamed, which enables the driver to filter effectively for even very large datasets.

Execution of Joins

The driver uses various techniques to join in memory. The driver trades off memory utilization against the requirement of reading the same table more than once.

Execution of Aggregates

The driver retrieves all rows necessary to process the aggregation in memory.


Data Type


Default Value



If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.

If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the driver throws an exception.


Data Type


Default Value



This property enables connection pooling. The default is false. See Connection Pooling for information on using connection pools.


Data Type


Default Value



Boolean determining if the display names for the columns should be used instead of the API names.


Data Type


Default Value



Boolean determining if the display names for the table should be used instead of the API names.


Data Type


Default Value



Boolean determining if the string value should be used for picklist field values instead of integers.


Data Type


Default Value



Dynamics CRM tables and columns can use special characters in names that are normally not allowed in standard databases. UseSimpleNames makes the driver easier to use with traditional database tools.

Setting UseSimpleNames to true will simplify the names of tables and columns returned. It will enforce a naming scheme such that only alphanumeric characters and the underscore are valid for the displayed table and column names. Any nonalphanumeric characters will be converted to an underscore.

TablesBack To Top

  1. Account
  2. ActivityMimeAttachment
  3. ActivityParty
  4. ActivityPointer
  5. Annotation
  6. AnnualFiscalCalendar
  7. ApplicationFile
  8. Appointment
  9. AsyncOperation
  10. Attachment
  11. AttributeMap
  12. Audit
  13. BulkDeleteFailure
  14. BulkDeleteOperation
  15. BulkOperation
  16. BulkOperationLog
  17. BusinessUnit
  18. BusinessUnitMap
  19. BusinessUnitNewsArticle
  20. Calendar
  21. Campaign
  22. CampaignActivity
  23. CampaignActivityItem
  24. CampaignItem
  25. CampaignResponse
  26. ClientUpdate
  27. ColumnMapping
  28. Commitment
  29. Competitor
  30. CompetitorAddress
  31. CompetitorProduct
  32. CompetitorSalesLiterature
  33. Connection
  34. ConnectionRole
  35. ConnectionRoleAssociation
  36. ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode
  37. ConstraintBasedGroup
  38. Contact
  39. ContactInvoices
  40. ContactLeads
  41. ContactOrders
  42. ContactQuotes
  43. Contract
  44. ContractDetail
  45. ContractTemplate
  46. CustomerAddress
  47. CustomerOpportunityRole
  48. CustomerRelationship
  49. Dependency
  50. DependencyNode
  51. Discount
  52. DiscountType
  53. DisplayString
  54. DisplayStringMap
  55. DocumentIndex
  56. DuplicateRecord
  57. DuplicateRule
  58. DuplicateRuleCondition
  59. Email
  60. EmailHash
  61. EmailSearch
  62. EntityMap
  63. Equipment
  64. Fax
  65. FieldPermission
  66. FieldSecurityProfile
  67. FilterTemplate
  68. FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar
  69. Goal
  70. GoalRollupQuery
  71. Import
  72. ImportData
  73. ImportEntityMapping
  74. ImportFile
  75. ImportJob
  76. ImportLog
  77. ImportMap
  78. Incident
  79. IncidentResolution
  80. IntegrationStatus
  81. InternalAddress
  82. InterProcessLock
  83. InvalidDependency
  84. Invoice
  85. InvoiceDetail
  86. IsvConfig
  87. KbArticle
  88. KbArticleComment
  89. KbArticleTemplate
  90. Lead
  91. LeadAddress
  92. LeadCompetitors
  93. LeadProduct
  94. Letter
  95. License
  96. List
  97. ListMember
  98. LookUpMapping
  99. MailMergeTemplate
  100. Metric
  101. MonthlyFiscalCalendar
  102. Notification
  103. Opportunity
  104. OpportunityClose
  105. OpportunityCompetitors
  106. OpportunityProduct
  107. OptionSetInfo
  108. OrderClose
  109. Organization
  110. OrganizationStatistic
  111. OrganizationUI
  112. Owner
  113. OwnerMapping
  114. PhoneCall
  115. PickListMapping
  116. PluginAssembly
  117. plug-intype
  118. PluginTypeStatistic
  119. PriceLevel
  120. PrincipalAttributeAccessMap
  121. PrincipalEntityMap
  122. PrincipalObjectAccess
  123. PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess
  124. Privilege
  125. PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes
  126. ProcessSession
  127. Product
  128. ProductAssociation
  129. ProductPriceLevel
  130. ProductSalesLiterature
  131. ProductSubstitute
  132. Publisher
  133. PublisherAddress
  134. QuarterlyFiscalCalendar
  135. Queue
  136. QueueItem
  137. Quote
  138. QuoteClose
  139. QuoteDetail
  140. RecurrenceRule
  141. RecurringAppointmentMaster
  142. RelationshipRole
  143. RelationshipRoleMap
  144. Report
  145. ReportCategory
  146. ReportEntity
  147. ReportLink
  148. ReportVisibility
  149. Resource
  150. ResourceGroup
  151. ResourceGroupExpansion
  152. ResourceSpec
  153. RibbonCommand
  154. RibbonContextGroup
  155. RibbonCustomization
  156. RibbonDiff
  157. RibbonRule
  158. RibbonTabToCommandMap
  159. Role
  160. RolePrivileges
  161. RoleTemplate
  162. RoleTemplatePrivileges
  163. RollupField
  164. SalesLiterature
  165. SalesLiteratureItem
  166. SalesOrder
  167. SalesOrderDetail
  168. SalesProcessInstance
  169. SavedQuery
  170. SavedQueryVisualization
  171. SdkMessage
  172. SdkMessageFilter
  173. SdkMessagePair
  174. SdkMessageProcessingStep
  175. SdkMessageProcessingStepImage
  176. SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfig
  177. SdkMessageRequest
  178. SdkMessageRequestField
  179. SdkMessageResponse
  180. SdkMessageResponseField
  181. SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar
  182. Service
  183. ServiceAppointment
  184. ServiceContractContacts
  185. ServiceEndpoint
  186. SharePointDocumentLocation
  187. SharePointSite
  188. Site
  189. SiteMap
  190. Solution
  191. SolutionComponent
  192. StatusMap
  193. StringMap
  194. Subject
  195. Subscription
  196. SubscriptionClients
  197. SubscriptionManuallyTrackedObject
  198. SubscriptionSyncInfo
  199. SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject
  200. SystemForm
  201. SystemUser
  202. SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMap
  203. SystemUserLicenses
  204. SystemUserPrincipals
  205. SystemUserProfiles
  206. SystemUserRoles
  207. Task
  208. Team
  209. TeamMembership
  210. TeamProfiles
  211. TeamRoles
  212. Template
  213. Territory
  214. TimeZoneDefinition
  215. TimeZoneLocalizedName
  216. TimeZoneRule
  217. TransactionCurrency
  218. TransformationMapping
  219. TransformationParameterMapping
  220. UnresolvedAddress
  221. UoM
  222. UoMSchedule
  223. UserEntityInstanceData
  224. UserEntityUISettings
  225. UserFiscalCalendar
  226. UserForm
  227. UserQuery
  228. UserQueryVisualization
  229. UserSettings
  230. WebResource
  231. WebWizard
  232. WizardAccessPrivilege
  233. WizardPage
  234. Workflow
  235. WorkflowDependency
  236. WorkflowLog
  237. WorkflowWaitSubscription


Create, update, delete, and query Account entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the account.

AccountCategoryCode String False

Drop-down list for selecting the category of the account.

AccountClassificationCode String False

Drop-down list for classifying an account.

AccountId String False

Unique identifier of the account.

AccountNumber String False

User-provided account number used in correspondence about the account.

AccountRatingCode String False

Drop-down list for selecting account ratings.

Address1_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 1.

Address1_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address1_City String False

City name for address 1.

Address1_Country String False

Country/region name for address 1.

Address1_County String False

County name for address 1.

Address1_Fax String False

Fax number for address 1.

Address1_FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for address 1.

Address1_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 1.

Address1_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 1.

Address1_Name String False

Name to enter for address 1.

Address1_PostalCode String False

ZIP code or postal code for address 1.

Address1_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 1.

Address1_PrimaryContactName String False

Name of primary contact for address 1.

Address1_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 1.

Address1_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 1.

Address1_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1.

Address1_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Address2_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 2.

Address2_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address2_City String False

City name for address 2.

Address2_Country String False

Country/region name for address 2.

Address2_County String False

County name for address 2.

Address2_Fax String False

Fax number for address 2.

Address2_FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for address 2.

Address2_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 2.

Address2_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 2.

Address2_Name String False

Name to enter for address 2.

Address2_PostalCode String False

ZIP code or postal code for address 2.

Address2_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 2.

Address2_PrimaryContactName String False

Name of the primary contact located at address 2.

Address2_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 2.

Address2_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 2.

Address2_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2.

Address2_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Aging30 Double True

For internal use only.

Aging30_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the aging 30 for the account.

Aging60 Double True

For internal use only.

Aging60_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the aging 60 for the account.

Aging90 Double True

For internal use only.

Aging90_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the aging 90 for the account.

BusinessTypeCode String False

Type of business associated with the account.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the account.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the account was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the account.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CreditLimit Double False

Credit limit for the account.

CreditLimit_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the credit limit for the account.

CreditOnHold Boolean False

Information about whether credit for the account is on hold.

CustomerSizeCode String False

Size of the account.

CustomerTypeCode String False

Type of the account.

DefaultPriceLevelId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the default price list associated with the account.

DefaultPriceLevelId_LogicalName String False

DefaultPriceLevelId_Name String False

Description String False

Description of the account.

DoNotBulkEMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending direct email to the account.

DoNotBulkPostalMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending bulk-rate postal mail to the account.

DoNotEMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending email to the account.

DoNotFax Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending faxes to the account.

DoNotPhone Boolean False

Information about whether to allow phone calls to the account.

DoNotPostalMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending postal mail to the account.

DoNotSendMM Boolean False

Information on whether to allow sending marketing mail to the account.

EMailAddress1 String False

First email address for the account.

EMailAddress2 String False

Second email address for the account.

EMailAddress3 String False

Third email address for the account.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the account with respect to the base currency.

Fax String False

Fax telephone number for the account.

FtpSiteURL String False

FTP site URL for the account.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IndustryCode String False

Type of industry with which the account is associated.

LastUsedInCampaign Datetime False

Date and time when the account was last contacted as a part of a marketing campaign.

MarketCap Double False

Market capitalization of the account.

MarketCap_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the market capitalization of the account.

MasterId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the master account for merge.

MasterId_LogicalName String True

MasterId_Name String True

Merged Boolean True

Information regarding whether the account has been merged with a master account.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the account.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the account was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the account.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the account.

NumberOfEmployees Integer False

Number of employees at the account.

OriginatingLeadId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the lead from which the account was created.

OriginatingLeadId_LogicalName String False

OriginatingLeadId_Name String False

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the account.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwnershipCode String False

Type of company ownership, such as public or private.

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the account.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the account.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the account.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParentAccountId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent account.

ParentAccountId_LogicalName String False

ParentAccountId_Name String False

ParticipatesInWorkflow Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the account participates in workflow rules.

PaymentTermsCode String False

Payment terms for the account.

PreferredAppointmentDayCode String False

Day of the week preferred by the account for scheduling service activities.

PreferredAppointmentTimeCode String False

Time of day preferred by the account for scheduling service activities.

PreferredContactMethodCode String False

Preferred contact method for the account.

PreferredEquipmentId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the facility/equipment preferred by the account for scheduling service activities.

PreferredEquipmentId_LogicalName String False

PreferredEquipmentId_Name String False

PreferredServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the service preferred by the account for scheduling service activities.

PreferredServiceId_LogicalName String False

PreferredServiceId_Name String False

PreferredSystemUserId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the system user preferred by the account for scheduling service activities.

PreferredSystemUserId_LogicalName String False

PreferredSystemUserId_Name String False

PrimaryContactId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the primary contact for the account.

PrimaryContactId_LogicalName String False

PrimaryContactId_Name String False

Revenue Double False

Revenue amount for the account.

Revenue_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the revenue amount for the account.

SharesOutstanding Integer False

Outstanding shares for the account.

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for the account.

SIC String False

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for the account.

StateCode String True

Reason for the status of the account.

StatusCode String False

Status of the account.

StockExchange String False

Stock exchange on which the business associated with the account is listed.

Telephone1 String False

First telephone number for the account.

Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number for the account.

Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number for the account.

TerritoryCode String False

Territory to which the account belongs.

TerritoryId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the territory to which the account belongs.

TerritoryId_LogicalName String False

TerritoryId_Name String False

TickerSymbol String False

Stock Exchange symbol for the account.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the account.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

WebSiteURL String False

Web site URL for the account.

YomiName String False

Pronunciation of the account name, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.


Create, update, delete, and query ActivityMimeAttachment entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the activity MIME attachment.

ActivityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the activity with which the email attachment is associated.

ActivityId_LogicalName String False

ActivityId_Name String False

ActivityMimeAttachmentId String False

Unique identifier of the email attachment.

ActivityMimeAttachmentIdUnique String False

For internal use only.

AttachmentId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the attachment with which this activity MIME attachment is associated.

AttachmentId_LogicalName String False

AttachmentId_Name String False

AttachmentNumber Integer False

Number of the email attachment.

Body String False

Contents of the email attachment.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

FileName String False

File name of the attachment.

FileSize Integer True

File size of the email attachment.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

MimeType String False

MIME type of the email attachment.

ObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the record with which the attachment is associated.

ObjectId_LogicalName String False

ObjectId_Name String False

ObjectTypeCode String False

Object type code of the entity that is associated with the attachment.

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the activity_mime_attachment.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the activity MIME attachment.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the activity MIME attachment.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

Subject String False

Descriptive subject for the email attachment.


Create, update, delete, and query ActivityParty entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the activity party.

ActivityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the activity associated with the activity party, any person who is associated with an activity.

ActivityId_LogicalName String False

ActivityId_Name String False

ActivityPartyId String False

Unique identifier of the activity party.

AddressUsed String False

Email address to which an email is delivered, and which is associated with the target entity.

DoNotEmail Boolean True

Information about whether to allow sending email to the activity party.

DoNotFax Boolean True

Information about whether to allow sending faxes to the activity party.

DoNotPhone Boolean True

Information about whether to allow phone calls to the lead.

DoNotPostalMail Boolean True

Information about whether to allow sending postal mail to the lead.

Effort Double False

Amount of effort used by the resource in a service appointment activity.

ExchangeEntryId String False

For internal use only.

InstanceTypeCode String True

Type of instance of a recurring series.

IsPartyDeleted Boolean True

Information about whether the underlying entity record is deleted.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the activity party.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

ParticipationTypeMask String False

Role of the person in the activity, such as sender, to, cc, bcc, required, optional, organizer, regarding, or owner.

PartyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the party associated with the activity.

PartyId_LogicalName String False

PartyId_Name String False

ResourceSpecId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the resource specification for the activity party.

ResourceSpecId_LogicalName String False

ResourceSpecId_Name String False

ScheduledEnd Datetime True

Scheduled end time of the activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime True

Scheduled start time of the activity.


Create, update, delete, and query ActivityPointer entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the activity pointer.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the activity in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the activity.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the activity.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the activity pointer.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the activity.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the activity pointer with respect to the base currency.

InstanceTypeCode String True

Type of instance of a recurring series.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information regarding whether the activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Information regarding whether the activity was created from a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the activitypointer.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team that owns the activity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user that owns the activity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the activity.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the activity is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer False

Scheduled duration of the activity, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the activity.

SeriesId String True

Unique identifier specifying the Id of a recurring series of an instance.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of an associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the activity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the activity pointer.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


Create, update, delete, and query Annotation entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the note.

AnnotationId String False

Unique identifier of the note.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the note.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the note was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the annotation.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DocumentBody String False

Contents of the note's attachment.

FileName String False

File name of the note.

FileSize Integer True

File size of the note.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsDocument Boolean False

Specifies whether the note is an attachment.

LangId String False

Language identifier for the note.

MimeType String False

MIME type of the note's attachment.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the note.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the note was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the annotation.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

NoteText String False

Text of the note.

ObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the note is associated.

ObjectId_LogicalName String False

ObjectId_Name String False

ObjectTypeCode String False

Type of entity with which the note is associated.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the note.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the note.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the note.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the note.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

StepId String False

Workflow step Id associated with the note.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the note.


Create, update, delete, and query annual fiscal calendar entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the annual fiscal calendar.

annual Double False

Sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year.

annual_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year.

BusinessUnitId_Id String True

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String True

BusinessUnitId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the quota for the annual fiscal calendar.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quota for the annual fiscal calendar was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the annual fiscal calendar.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EffectiveOn Datetime False

Date and time when the fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the annual fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency.

FiscalPeriodType Integer True

Type of fiscal period used in the sales quota.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quota for the annual fiscal calendar.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the annual fiscal calendar was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the annual fiscal calendar.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

SalesPersonId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the salesperson associated with the sales quota.

SalesPersonId_LogicalName String False

SalesPersonId_Name String False

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the annual fiscal calendar.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UserFiscalCalendarId String False

Unique identifier of the user associated with the annual fiscal calendar.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


Create, update, delete, and query ApplicationFile entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the application file.

Body String False

Body of the application file.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the application file.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the application file was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the application file.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

FileId String False

Unique identifier for application file instances.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the application file.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the application file was modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the application file.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

File name

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier for the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True


Create, update, delete, and query Appointment entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the appointment.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the appointment.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the appointment in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the appointment.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the appointment.

Category String False

Category of the appointment.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the appointment.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the appointment was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the appointment.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

A description of the appointment.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the appointment with respect to the base currency.

GlobalObjectId String False

Unique Outlook identifier to correlate appointments across Exchange mailboxes.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

InstanceTypeCode String True

Type of instance of a recurring series.

IsAllDayEvent Boolean False

Information on whether the appointment is an all day event.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information regarding whether the appointment was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Information regarding whether the appointment was created from a workflow rule.

Location String False

Location where the appointment is to occur.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the appointment.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedFieldsMask String True

For internal use only.

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the appointment was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the appointment.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OptionalAttendees_Ids String False

List of optional attendees for the appointment.

OptionalAttendees_LogicalNames String False

OptionalAttendees_Names String False

Organizer_Ids String False

Person who organized the appointment.

Organizer_LogicalNames String False

Organizer_Names String False

OriginalStartDate Datetime True

The original start date of the appointment.

OutlookOwnerApptId Integer False

Unique identifier of the Microsoft Office Outlook appointment owner that correlates to the PR_OWNER_APPT_ID MAPI property.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the appointment.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the appointment.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the appointment.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the appointment.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the appointment.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the appointment is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

requiredattendees_Ids String False

List of required attendees for the appointment.

requiredattendees_LogicalNames String False

requiredattendees_Names String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer False

Scheduled duration of the appointment, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the appointment.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the appointment.

SeriesId String True

Unique identifier specifying the Id of a recurring series of an instance.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier for an associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the appointment.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the appointment.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the appointment.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the appointment.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the appointment.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


Create, update, delete, and query AsyncOperation entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the system job.

AsyncOperationId String False

Unique identifier of the system job.

CompletedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the system job was completed.

CorrelationId String False

Unique identifier used to correlate between multiple SDK requests and system jobs.

CorrelationUpdatedTime Datetime False

Last time the correlation depth was updated.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the system job.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the system job was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the async operation.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Data String False

Unstructured data associated with the system job.

DependencyToken String False

Execution of all operations with the same dependency token is serialized.

Depth Integer False

Number of SDK calls made since the first call.

ErrorCode Integer True

Error code returned from a canceled system job.

ExecutionTimeSpan Double True

Time that the system job has taken to execute.

FriendlyMessage String False

Message provided by the system job.

HostId String False

Unique identifier of the host that owns this system job.

IsWaitingForEvent Boolean True

Indicates that the system job is waiting for an event.

Message String True

Message related to the system job.

MessageName String False

Name of the message that started this system job.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the system job.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the system job was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the async operation.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the system job.

OperationType String False

Type of the system job.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the system job.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the system job.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningExtensionId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the owning extension with which the system job is associated.

OwningExtensionId_LogicalName String False

OwningExtensionId_Name String False

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the record.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the record.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PostponeUntil Datetime False

Indicates whether the system job should run only after the specified date and time.

PrimaryEntityType String False

Type of entity with which the system job is primarily associated.

RecurrencePattern String False

Pattern of the system job's recurrence.

RecurrenceStartTime Datetime False

Starting time in UTC for the recurrence pattern.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the system job is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

RequestId String False

Unique identifier of the request that generated the system job.

RetryCount Integer True

Number of times to retry the system job.

StartedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the system job was started.

StateCode String False

Status of the system job.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the system job.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

WorkflowActivationId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the workflow activation related to the system job.

WorkflowActivationId_LogicalName String False

WorkflowActivationId_Name String False

WorkflowStageName String True

Name of a workflow stage.


Create, update, delete, and query Attachment entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the attachment.

AttachmentId String False

Unique identifier of the attachment.

Body String False

Contents of the attachment.

FileName String False

File name of the attachment.

FileSize Integer True

File size of the attachment.

MimeType String False

MIME type of the attachment.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the attachment.


Create, update, delete, and query AttributeMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the attribute map.

AttributeMapId String False

Unique identifier of the attribute map.

AttributeMapIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the attribute map.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the attribute map was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the attribute map.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EntityMapId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the entity map with which the attribute map is associated.

EntityMapId_LogicalName String False

EntityMapId_Name String False

IsManaged Boolean True

IsSystem Boolean False

Information about whether this attribute map is user-defined or system-defined.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the attribute map.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the attribute map was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the attribute map.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the attribute map is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

ParentAttributeMapId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent attribute map.

ParentAttributeMapId_LogicalName String False

ParentAttributeMapId_Name String False

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

SourceAttributeName String False

Name of the source attribute for the mapping.

TargetAttributeName String False

Name of the target attribute for the mapping.


Create, update, delete, and query Audit entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the audit.

Action String True

Actions the user can perform that cause a change.

AttributeMask String True

Contains a CSV of the ColumnNumber metadata property of attributes.

AuditId String True

Unique identifier of the auditing instance.

CallingUserId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the calling user in case of an impersonated call.

CallingUserId_LogicalName String True

CallingUserId_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the audit record was created.

ObjectId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the record that is being audited.

ObjectId_LogicalName String True

ObjectId_Name String True

Operation String True

The action that causes the audit. This value will be create, delete, or update.

TransactionId String True

Unique identifier for multiple changes that are part of a single operation; this field contains the same GUID for all the audit rows generated in a single transaction.

UserId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who caused a change.

UserId_LogicalName String True

UserId_Name String True


Create, update, delete, and query BulkDeleteFailure entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the bulk deletion failure record.

AsyncOperationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the system job that created this record.

AsyncOperationId_LogicalName String True

AsyncOperationId_Name String True

BulkDeleteFailureId String True

Unique identifier of the bulk deletion failure record.

BulkDeleteOperationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the bulk operation job that created this record.

BulkDeleteOperationId_LogicalName String True

BulkDeleteOperationId_Name String True

ErrorDescription String True

Description of the error.

ErrorNumber Integer True

Error code for the failed bulk deletion.

OrderedQueryIndex Integer True

Index of the ordered query expression that retrieved this record.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk operation log.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the bulk deletion failure record.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the bulk deletion failure record.

RegardingObjectId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the record. This value cannot be deleted.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String True

RegardingObjectId_Name String True


Create, update, delete, and query BulkDeleteOperation entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the bulk deletion job.

AsyncOperationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the system job that created this record.

AsyncOperationId_LogicalName String True

AsyncOperationId_Name String True

BulkDeleteOperationId String True

Unique identifier of the bulk deletion job.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the bulk deletion job.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the bulk deletion job was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the bulk delete operation.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

FailureCount Integer True

Number of records that could not be deleted by the bulk deletion job.

IsRecurring Boolean True

Information about if recurrence is defined for the bulk deletion job.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the bulk deletion job.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the bulk deletion job record was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the bulk delete operation.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String True

Name of the bulk deletion job.

NextRun Datetime True

Next scheduled time for the bulk deletion job to run.

OrderedQuerySetXml String True

Fetch XML of the ordered query set.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk delete operation.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Business unit that owns the bulk deletion job.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Business user who owns the bulk delete operation.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ProcessingQEIndex Integer True

Index of the ordered query expression that defines the deletion set.

StateCode String True

Status of the bulk deletion job.

StatusCode String True

Reason for the status of the bulk deletion job.

SuccessCount Integer True

Number of records deleted by the bulk deletion job.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


Create, update, delete, and query BulkOperation entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the bulk operation.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the bulk operation.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer True

Actual duration of the bulk operation in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime True

Actual end time of the bulk operation.

ActualStart Datetime True

Actual start time of the bulk operation.

BulkOperationNumber String True

Unique number that identifies the bulk operation.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the bulk operation.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the bulk operation was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the bulk operation.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CreatedRecordTypeCode String True

Type code of the objects created in the bulk operation.

Description String True

Description of the bulk operation.

ErrorNumber Integer True

Error code for a failed bulk operation.

FailureCount Integer True

Number of records which failed in the bulk operation.

IsBilled Boolean True

For internal use only.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean True

Specifies if the bulk operation was created from a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the bulk operation.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the bulk operation was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the bulk operation.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OperationTypeCode String True

Type of bulk operation to be performed.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk operation.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the bulk operation.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the bulk operation.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the bulk operation.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Parameters String True

XML string that contains the parameters to the bulk operation.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the bulk operation is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the bulk operation, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime True

Scheduled end date and time of the bulk operation.

ScheduledStart Datetime True

Scheduled start date and time of the bulk operation.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier for an associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the bulk operation.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the bulk operation.

Subject String True

Subject associated with the bulk operation.

SuccessCount Integer True

Number of records which succeeded in the bulk operation.

TargetedRecordTypeCode String True

Type code of the objects targeted in the bulk operation.

TargetMembersCount Integer True

Number of members to target.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the BulkOperationLog entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the bulk operation log.

AdditionalInfo String False

Additional information for the log.

BulkOperationId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the bulk operation that this log relates to.

BulkOperationId_LogicalName String False

BulkOperationId_Name String False

BulkOperationLogId String False

Unique identifier of the bulk operation log.

CreatedObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object created by the bulk operation.

CreatedObjectId_LogicalName String False

CreatedObjectId_Name String False

ErrorNumber Integer True

Error code for a failed bulk operation.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk operation log.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the bulk operation log.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the bulk operation log.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the bulk operation is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False


This is a table representing the BusinessUnit entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the business unit.

Address1_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 1.

Address1_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address1_City String False

City name for address 1.

Address1_Country String False

Country/region name for address 1.

Address1_County String False

County name for address 1.

Address1_Fax String False

Fax number for address 1.

Address1_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 1.

Address1_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 1.

Address1_Name String False

Name to enter for address 1.

Address1_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 1.

Address1_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 1.

Address1_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 1.

Address1_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 1.

Address1_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1.

Address1_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Address2_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 2.

Address2_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address2_City String False

City name for address 2.

Address2_Country String False

Country/region name for address 2.

Address2_County String False

County name for address 2.

Address2_Fax String False

Fax number for address 2.

Address2_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 2.

Address2_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 2.

Address2_Name String False

Name to enter for address 2.

Address2_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 2.

Address2_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 2.

Address2_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 2.

Address2_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 2.

Address2_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2.

Address2_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

BusinessUnitId String False

Unique identifier of the business unit.

CalendarId_Id String False

Fiscal calendar associated with the business unit.

CalendarId_LogicalName String False

CalendarId_Name String False

CostCenter String False

Name of the business unit cost center.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the business unit.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the business unit was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the businessunit.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CreditLimit Double False

Credit limit for the business unit.

Description String False

Description of the business unit.

DisabledReason String True

Reason for disabling the business unit.

DivisionName String False

Name of the division to which the business unit belongs.

EMailAddress String False

email address for the business unit.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the businessunit with respect to the base currency.

FileAsName String False

Alternative name under which the business unit can be filed.

FtpSiteUrl String False

FTP site URL for the business unit.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

InheritanceMask Integer False

Inheritance mask for the business unit.

IsDisabled Boolean True

Information about whether the business unit is enabled or disabled.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the business unit.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the business unit was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the businessunit.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the business unit.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the business unit.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

ParentBusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier for the parent business unit.

ParentBusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

ParentBusinessUnitId_Name String False

Picture String False

Picture or diagram of the business unit.

StockExchange String False

Stock exchange on which the business is listed.

TickerSymbol String False

Stock exchange ticker symbol for the business unit.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the businessunit.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for the business unit. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

WebSiteUrl String False

Web site URL for the business unit.

WorkflowSuspended Boolean False

Information about whether workflow or sales process rules have been suspended.


This is a table representing the BusinessUnitMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the business unit map.

BusinessId String False

BusinessUnitMapId String False

Unique identifier of the business unit map.

SubBusinessId String False


This is a table representing the BusinessUnitNewsArticle entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the announcement.

ActiveOn Datetime False

Date and time for the announcement to become active.

ActiveUntil Datetime False

Date and time of the last day the announcement is active.

ArticleTitle String False

Title of the announcement.

ArticleTypeCode String False

Type of announcement.

ArticleUrl String False

URL for the Web site on which the announcement is located.

BusinessUnitNewsArticleId String False

Unique identifier of the announcement.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the announcement.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the announcement was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the businessunitnewsarticle.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the announcement.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the announcement was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the businessunitnewsarticle.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

NewsArticle String False

Text for the announcement.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the announcement.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

ShowOnHomepage Boolean False

Information about whether to show the announcement on the Web site home page.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the Calendar entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the calendar.

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the calendar is associated.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

CalendarId String False

Unique identifier of the calendar.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the calendar.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the calendar was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the calendar.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Calendar used by the scheduling system to define when an appointment or activity is to occur.

IsShared Boolean False

Calendar is shared by other calendars, such as the organization calendar.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the calendar.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the calendar was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the calendar.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the calendar.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the calendar is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

PrimaryUserId String False

Unique identifier of the primary user of this calendar.


This is a table representing the Campaign entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the campaign.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end date for the campaign.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start date for the campaign.

BudgetedCost Double False

Budgeted cost for the campaign.

BudgetedCost_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the budgeted cost for the campaign.

CampaignId String False

Unique identifier of the campaign.

CodeName String False

Unique code name that identifies the campaign.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the campaign.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the campaign was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the campaign.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the campaign.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the campaign with respect to the base currency.

ExpectedResponse Integer False

Percent expected response for the campaign.

ExpectedRevenue Double False

Expected revenue from the campaign.

ExpectedRevenue_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the expected revenue from the campaign.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsTemplate Boolean False

Indication of whether the campaign is a template.

Message String False

Promotional message for the campaign.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the campaign.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the campaign was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the campaign.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the campaign.

Objective String False

Objective of the campaign.

OtherCost Double False

Other miscellaneous costs of the campaign.

OtherCost_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the other miscellaneous costs of the campaign.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the campaign.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the campaign.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the campaign.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PriceListId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the price list for the campaign.

PriceListId_LogicalName String False

PriceListId_Name String False

PromotionCodeName String False

Promotion code for the campaign.

ProposedEnd Datetime False

Proposed end date for the campaign.

ProposedStart Datetime False

Proposed start date for the campaign.

StateCode String True

Status of the campaign.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the campaign.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TotalActualCost Double True

Total actual cost of the campaign.

TotalActualCost_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total actual cost of the campaign.

TotalCampaignActivityActualCost Double True

Sum of all the actual costs of the campaign activities for this campaign.

TotalCampaignActivityActualCost_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sum of all the actual costs of the campaign activities for this campaign.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the campaign.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

TypeCode String False

Type of the campaign.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the CampaignActivity entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the campaign activity.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the campaign activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualCost Double False

Actual cost of the campaign activity.

ActualCost_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the actual cost of the campaign activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the activity in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the campaign activity.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the campaign activity.

BudgetedCost Double False

Budgeted cost for the campaign activity.

BudgetedCost_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the budgeted cost for the campaign activity.

Category String False

Category of the campaign activity.

ChannelTypeCode String False

Channel type code for the campaign activity.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the campaign activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the campaign activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the campaignactivity.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the campaign activity.

DoNotSendOnOptOut Boolean False

Information about whether to send marketing material to list members that prohibit sending of marketing material.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the campaign activity with respect to the base currency.

ExcludeIfContactedInXDays Integer False

Ignore if the campaign ran in the last X days.

from_Ids String False

For internal use only.

from_LogicalNames String False

from_Names String False

IgnoreInactiveListMembers Boolean False

Information regarding whether to ignore inactive lists during propagation/execution.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information regarding whether the campaign activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Information about whether the campaign activity is created by a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the campaign activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the campaign activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the campaignactivity.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the campaign activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the campaign activity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the campaign activity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Partners_Ids String False

Unique identifier of the partner of the campaign activity.

Partners_LogicalNames String False

Partners_Names String False

PriorityCode String False

Priority code for the campaign activity.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the campaign activity is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration, specified in minutes, of the campaign activity.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the campaign activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the campaign activity.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the campaign activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status reason for the campaign activity.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the campaign activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the campaign activity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the campaign activity.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True

TypeCode String False

Type of the campaign activity.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the CampaignActivityItem entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the campaign activity item.

CampaignActivityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the campaign activity for the item.

CampaignActivityId_LogicalName String False

CampaignActivityId_Name String False

CampaignActivityItemId String False

Unique identifier of the campaign activity item.

ItemId String False

Unique identifier of the item.

ItemObjectTypeCode String False

Identification of the type of the campaign activity item.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign activity item.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the campaign activity item.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user that owns the campaign activity item.


This is a table representing the CampaignItem entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the campaign item.

CampaignId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the campaign that is associated with the individual item.

CampaignId_LogicalName String False

CampaignId_Name String False

CampaignItemId String False

Unique identifier of the campaign item.

EntityId String False

Unique identifier of the entity for the campaign item.

EntityType Integer False

Object type of entity for the campaign item.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign item.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the campaign item.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user that owns the campaign item.


This is a table representing the CampaignResponse entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the campaign response.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the campaign response.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the campaign response in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the campaign response.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the campaign response.

Category String False

Category of the campaign response.

ChannelTypeCode String False

Channel type code of the campaign response.

CompanyName String False

Name of the company with which the campaign response is associated.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the campaign response.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the campaign response was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the campaignresponse.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Customer_Ids String False

Customer with which the campaign response is associated.

Customer_LogicalNames String False

Customer_Names String False

Description String False

Description of the campaign response.

EMailAddress String False

email address of the customer from whom this response is received.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the campaignresponse with respect to the base currency.

Fax String False

Fax number of the customer from whom this response is received.

FirstName String False

First name of the customer from whom this response is collected.

from_Ids String False

For internal use only.

from_LogicalNames String False

from_Names String False

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBilled Boolean False

Specifies whether the campaign response was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Specifies whether the campaign response is created by a workflow rule.

LastName String False

Last name of the customer from whom this response is collected.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the campaign response.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the campaign response was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the campaignresponse.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OriginatingActivityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the originating activity for the campaign response.

OriginatingActivityId_LogicalName String False

OriginatingActivityId_Name String False

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign response.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the campaign response.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the campaign response.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the campaign response.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Partner_Ids String False

Unique identifier of the partner for the campaign response.

Partner_LogicalNames String False

Partner_Names String False

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the campaign response.

PromotionCodeName String False

Promote code name associated with this response.

ReceivedOn Datetime False

Date on which this campaign response was received.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the campaign response is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

ResponseCode String False

Code of the campaign response.

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the campaign response in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the campaign response.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the campaign response.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier for the associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the campaign response.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status for the campaign response.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the campaign response.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the campaign response.

Telephone String False

Telephone number of customer from whom this response is received.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the campaignresponse.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

YomiCompanyName String False

Pronunciation of the company name, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters, with which the campaign response activity is associated.

YomiFirstName String False

Pronunciation of the first name of the customer, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters, from whom this response is collected.

YomiLastName String False

Pronunciation of the last name of the customer, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters, from whom this response is collected.


This is a table representing the ClientUpdate entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the client update.

ClientUpdateId String False

Unique identifier of the client update.

CreatedOn Datetime True

For internal use only. Date and time when the ClientUpdate script was created on server.

Description String False

Description of the client update.

SqlScript String False

Contents of the client update.

WasExecuted Boolean False

For internal use only. Should be set by client to 1 after action was executed.

WhenExecute String False

For internal use only. Values are: 1 - Before SchemaChanges; 2 - After SchemaChanges but before Download data; 3 - After download data.


This is a table representing the ColumnMapping entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the column mapping.

ColumnMappingId String False

Unique identifier of the column mapping.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the column mapping.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the column mapping was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the columnmapping.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ImportMapId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated data map.

ImportMapId_LogicalName String False

ImportMapId_Name String False

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the column mapping.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the column mapping was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the columnmapping.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ProcessCode String False

Information about whether the column mapping needs to be processed.

SourceAttributeName String False

Name of the source attribute.

SourceEntityName String False

Name of the source entity.

StateCode String True

Status of the column mapping.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the column mapping.

TargetAttributeName String False

Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM attribute.

TargetEntityName String False

Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity.


This is a table representing the Commitment entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the commitment.

ActivityId String True

ActivityTypeCode Integer True

CommitmentId String True

Effort Double True

ParticipationTypeMask Integer True

PartyId String True

ResourceSpecId String True

ScheduledEnd Datetime True

ScheduledStart Datetime True

ServiceId_Id String True

ServiceId_LogicalName String True

ServiceId_Name String True

StateCode String True

StatusCode String True

Subject String True


This is a table representing the Competitor entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the competitor.

Address1_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 1.

Address1_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address1_City String False

City name for address 1.

Address1_Country String False

Country/region name for address 1.

Address1_County String False

County name for address 1.

Address1_Fax String False

Fax number for address 1.

Address1_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 1.

Address1_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 1.

Address1_Name String False

Name to enter for address 1.

Address1_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 1.

Address1_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 1.

Address1_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 1.

Address1_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 1.

Address1_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1.

Address1_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Address2_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 2.

Address2_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 2. such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address2_City String False

City name for address 2.

Address2_Country String False

Country/region name for address 2.

Address2_County String False

County name for address 2.

Address2_Fax String False

Fax number for address 2.

Address2_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 2.

Address2_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 2.

Address2_Name String False

Name to enter for address 2.

Address2_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 2.

Address2_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 2.

Address2_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 2.

Address2_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 2.

Address2_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2.

Address2_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

CompetitorId String False

Unique identifier of the competitor.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the competitor.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the competitor was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the competitor.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the competitor with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

KeyProduct String False

Key products of the competitor.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the competitor.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the competitor was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the competitor.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the competitor.

Opportunities String False

Competitive opportunities against the competitor.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the associated organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

Overview String False

Summary description of the competitor.

ReferenceInfoUrl String False

URL for the Web site where reference information about the competitor is located.

ReportedRevenue Double False

Reported revenue for the competitor.

ReportedRevenue_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the reported revenue for the competitor.

ReportingQuarter Integer False

Fiscal year quarter for the competitor's business.

ReportingYear Integer False

Fiscal year for the competitor's business.

StockExchange String False

Stock exchange on which the competitor is listed.

Strengths String False

Strengths of the competitor.

Threats String False

Competitive threats posed by the competitor.

TickerSymbol String False

Stock exchange ticker symbol for the competitor.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the competitor.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

Weaknesses String False

Competitive weaknesses of the competitor.

WebSiteUrl String False

Web site URL for the competitor.

WinPercentage Double False

Percentage of opportunities that the competitor wins.

YomiName String False

Pronunciation of the competitor name, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.


This is a table representing the CompetitorAddress entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the competitor address.

AddressNumber Integer False

Information about which competitor address is applicable.

AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for the competitor, such as primary address.

City String False

City name in the competitor address.

CompetitorAddressId String False

Unique identifier of the competitor address.

Country String False

Country/region name in the competitor address.

County String False

County name in the competitor address.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the competitor address.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the competitor address was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the competitor address.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Fax String False

Fax number for the competitor address.

Latitude Double False

Latitude for the competitor address.

Line1 String False

First line for entering address information.

Line2 String False

Second line for entering address information.

Line3 String False

Third line for entering address information.

Longitude Double False

Longitude for the address for the competitor.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the competitor address.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the competitor address was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the competitor address.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name used to identify the competitor address.

ParentId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent object with which the competitor address is associated.

ParentId_LogicalName String False

ParentId_Name String False

PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the competitor address.

PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number in the competitor address.

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for the competitor.

StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the competitor address.

Telephone1 String False

First telephone number for the competitor address.

Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number for the competitor address.

Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number for the competitor address.

UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the address of the competitor.

UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.


This is a table representing the CompetitorProduct entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the competitor product.

CompetitorId String True

CompetitorProductId String False

Unique identifier of the competitor product.

ProductId String True


This is a table representing the CompetitorSalesLiterature entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the sales literature for the competitor product.

CompetitorId String True

CompetitorSalesLiteratureId String False

Unique identifier of the sales literature for the competitor product.

SalesLiteratureId String True


This is a table representing the Connection entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the connection.

ConnectionId String False

Unique identifier of the connection.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the connection.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the connection was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the connection.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the connection.

EffectiveEnd Datetime False

Effective end date for this connection.

EffectiveStart Datetime False

Effective start date for this connection.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate between the currency associated with the connection and the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsMaster Boolean True

Indicates that this is the master record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the connection.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the connection was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the connection.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String True

Name of the connection.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the connection.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the connection.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the connection.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the connection.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Record1Id_Id String False

Unique identifier of the source record.

Record1Id_LogicalName String False

Record1Id_Name String False

Record1ObjectTypeCode String True

Record type of the source record.

Record1RoleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the role for the source record.

Record1RoleId_LogicalName String False

Record1RoleId_Name String False

Record2Id_Id String False

Unique identifier of the target record.

Record2Id_LogicalName String False

Record2Id_Name String False

Record2ObjectTypeCode String True

Record type of the target record.

Record2RoleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the role for the target record.

Record2RoleId_LogicalName String False

Record2RoleId_Name String False

RelatedConnectionId_Id String True

Unique identifier for the reciprocal connection record.

RelatedConnectionId_LogicalName String True

RelatedConnectionId_Name String True

StateCode String True

Status of the connection.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the connection.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the connection.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False


This is a table representing the ConnectionRole entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the connection role.

Category String False

Categories for connection roles.

ComponentState String True

State of the component.

ConnectionRoleId String False

Unique identifier of the connection role.

ConnectionRoleIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the published or unpublished connection role record.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the relationship role.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the connection role was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the relationship role.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the connection role.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the connection role.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the connection role was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the relationship role.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the connection role.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization that this connection role belongs to.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

Date and time when the record was last overwritten.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

StateCode String True

Status of the connection role.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the connection role.


This is a table representing the ConnectionRoleAssociation entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the connection role association.

AssociatedConnectionRoleId String False

ConnectionRoleAssociationId String False

Unique identifier of the connection role association.

ConnectionRoleId String False


This is a table representing the ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the connection role object type association.

AssociatedObjectTypeCode Integer False

ConnectionRoleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the connection role associated with the connection role object type code.

ConnectionRoleId_LogicalName String False

ConnectionRoleId_Name String False

ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCodeId String False

Unique identifier of the connection role object type association.

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the connection role object type code.


This is a table representing the ConstraintBasedGroup entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the constraint-based resource group.

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated business unit.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

ConstraintBasedGroupId String False

Unique identifier of the resource group.

Constraints String False

Constraints defined for the resource group, such as availability and location.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the resource group.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the resource group was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the constraint-based group.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the resource group.

GroupTypeCode String False

Resource type, such as user/facility or equipment.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the resource group.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the resource group was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the constraint-based group.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name for the resource group.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the resource group.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True


This is a table representing the Contact entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the contact.

AccountId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the account with which the contact is associated.

AccountId_LogicalName String True

AccountId_Name String True

AccountRoleCode String False

Account role of the contact.

Address1_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 1.

Address1_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address1_City String False

City name for address 1.

Address1_Country String False

Country/region name for address 1.

Address1_County String False

County name for address 1.

Address1_Fax String False

Fax number for address 1.

Address1_FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for address 1.

Address1_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 1.

Address1_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 1.

Address1_Name String False

Name to enter for address 1.

Address1_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 1.

Address1_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 1.

Address1_PrimaryContactName String False

Name to enter for address 1 for the primary contact.

Address1_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 1.

Address1_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 1.

Address1_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1.

Address1_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Address2_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 2.

Address2_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address2_City String False

City name for address 2.

Address2_Country String False

Country/region name for address 2.

Address2_County String False

County name for address 2.

Address2_Fax String False

Fax number for address 2.

Address2_FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for address 2.

Address2_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 2.

Address2_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 2.

Address2_Name String False

Name to enter for address 2.

Address2_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 2.

Address2_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 2.

Address2_PrimaryContactName String False

Name to enter for address 2 for the primary contact.

Address2_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 2.

Address2_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 2.

Address2_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2.

Address2_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Aging30 Double True

For internal use only.

Aging30_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the aging 30 for the contact.

Aging60 Double True

For internal use only.

Aging60_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the aging 60 for the contact.

Aging90 Double True

For internal use only.

Aging90_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the aging 90 for the contact.

Anniversary Datetime False

Wedding anniversary of the contact.

AnnualIncome Double False

Annual income of the contact.

AnnualIncome_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the annual income of the contact.

AssistantName String False

Name of the contact's assistant contact.

AssistantPhone String False

Phone number for the contact's assistant.

BirthDate Datetime False

Birth date of the contact.

ChildrensNames String False

Names of the contact's children.

ContactId String False

Unique identifier of the contact.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the contact.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the contact was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the contact.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CreditLimit Double False

Credit limit for the contact.

CreditLimit_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the credit limit for the contact.

CreditOnHold Boolean False

Information about whether credit for the contact is on hold.

CustomerSizeCode String False

Size of the contact's business.

CustomerTypeCode String False

Type of business associated with the contact.

DefaultPriceLevelId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the default price list for the contact.

DefaultPriceLevelId_LogicalName String False

DefaultPriceLevelId_Name String False

Department String False

Department in the business unit or organization associated with the contact.

Description String False

Description of the contact.

DoNotBulkEMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending direct email to the contact.

DoNotBulkPostalMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending bulk-rate postal mail to the contact.

DoNotEMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending email to the contact.

DoNotFax Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending fax transmittals to the contact.

DoNotPhone Boolean False

Information about whether to allow phone calls to the contact.

DoNotPostalMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending postal mail to the contact.

DoNotSendMM Boolean False

Information regarding whether to allow sending marketing mail to the contact.

EducationCode String False

Formal education level that the contact has attained.

EMailAddress1 String False

First email address for the contact.

EMailAddress2 String False

Second email address for the contact.

EMailAddress3 String False

Third email address for the contact.

EmployeeId String False

Employee ID for the contact.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the contact with respect to the base currency.

ExternalUserIdentifier String False

Identifier for an external user.

FamilyStatusCode String False

Marital status of the contact.

Fax String False

Fax number for the contact.

FirstName String False

First name of the contact.

FtpSiteUrl String False

FTP site URL for the contact.

FullName String True

Full name of the contact.

GenderCode String False

Gender of the contact.

GovernmentId String False

Government ID for the contact.

HasChildrenCode String False

Information about whether the contact has children.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBackofficeCustomer Boolean False

Information about whether the contact is in an associated Microsoft Great Plains database.

JobTitle String False

Job title of the contact.

LastName String False

Last name of the contact.

LastUsedInCampaign Datetime False

Date and time when the contact was last contacted as a part of a marketing campaign.

LeadSourceCode String False

Source of the lead of the contact.

ManagerName String False

Name of the contact's manager.

ManagerPhone String False

Phone number for the contact's manager.

MasterId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the master contact for merge.

MasterId_LogicalName String True

MasterId_Name String True

Merged Boolean True

Information regarding whether the account has been merged with a master contact.

MiddleName String False

Middle name of the contact.

MobilePhone String False

Mobile phone number for the contact.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the contact.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the contact was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the contact.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

NickName String False

Nickname of the contact.

NumberOfChildren Integer False

How many children the contact has.

OriginatingLeadId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the lead from which the contact was created.

OriginatingLeadId_LogicalName String False

OriginatingLeadId_Name String False

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the contact.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the contact.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the contact.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the contact.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Pager String False

Pager number for the contact.

ParentContactId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the parent contact.

ParentContactId_LogicalName String True

ParentContactId_Name String True

ParentCustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the contact.

ParentCustomerId_LogicalName String False

ParentCustomerId_Name String False

ParticipatesInWorkflow Boolean False

Information about whether the contact participates in workflow rules.

PaymentTermsCode String False

Payment terms for the contact.

PreferredAppointmentDayCode String False

Day of the week that the contact prefers for scheduling service activities.

PreferredAppointmentTimeCode String False

Time of day that the contact prefers for scheduling service activities.

PreferredContactMethodCode String False

Preferred contact method for the contact.

PreferredEquipmentId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the facility/equipment preferred by the contact for scheduling service activities.

PreferredEquipmentId_LogicalName String False

PreferredEquipmentId_Name String False

PreferredServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the service preferred by the contact for scheduling service activities.

PreferredServiceId_LogicalName String False

PreferredServiceId_Name String False

PreferredSystemUserId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the system user preferred by the contact for scheduling service activities.

PreferredSystemUserId_LogicalName String False

PreferredSystemUserId_Name String False

Salutation String False

Salutation for correspondence with the contact.

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipping for the contact.

SpousesName String False

Name of the contact's spouse/partner.

StateCode String True

Status of the contact.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the contact.

Suffix String False

Suffix for the contact name, such as Jr., Sr., or III.

Telephone1 String False

First telephone number for the contact.

Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number for the contact.

Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number for the contact.

TerritoryCode String False

Unique identifier of the territory to which the contact is assigned.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the contact.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

WebSiteUrl String False

Web site URL for the contact.

YomiFirstName String False

Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact first name, used for Yomi sorting.

YomiFullName String True

Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact full name, used for Yomi sorting.

YomiLastName String False

Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact last name, used for Yomi sorting.

YomiMiddleName String False

Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact middle name, used for Yomi sorting.


This is a table representing the ContactInvoices entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the invoices for the contact.

ContactId String True

ContactInvoiceId String False

Unique identifier of the invoices for the contact.

InvoiceId String True


This is a table representing the ContactLeads entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the leads for the contact.

ContactId String True

ContactLeadId String False

Unique identifier of the leads for the contact.

LeadId String True


This is a table representing the ContactOrders entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the orders for the contact.

ContactId String True

ContactOrderId String False

Unique identifier of the orders for the contact.

SalesOrderId String True


This is a table representing the ContactQuotes entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the quotes for the contact.

ContactId String True

ContactQuoteId String False

Unique identifier of the quotes for the contact.

QuoteId String True


This is a table representing the Contract entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the contract.

AccountId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the account with which the contract is associated.

AccountId_LogicalName String True

AccountId_Name String True

ActiveOn Datetime False

Date and time when the contract becomes active.

AllotmentTypeCode String False

Type of allotment that the contract supports.

BillingAccountId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the account to which the contract is to be billed.

BillingAccountId_LogicalName String True

BillingAccountId_Name String True

BillingContactId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the contact to whom the contract is to be billed.

BillingContactId_LogicalName String True

BillingContactId_Name String True

BillingCustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the account or contact to which the contract is to be billed.

BillingCustomerId_LogicalName String False

BillingCustomerId_Name String False

BillingEndOn Datetime False

Date and time when the billing period ends.

BillingFrequencyCode String False

How often the customer or account is to be billed.

BillingStartOn Datetime False

Date and time when the billing period begins.

BillToAddress_Id String False

Address to bill for contract charges.

BillToAddress_LogicalName String False

BillToAddress_Name String False

CancelOn Datetime True

Date when the contract was canceled.

ContactId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the contact specified for the contract.

ContactId_LogicalName String True

ContactId_Name String True

ContractId String False

Unique identifier of the contract.

ContractLanguage String False

Description of the contract.

ContractNumber String False

System-generated contract identification number.

ContractServiceLevelCode String False

Response level or level of service specified for the contract.

ContractTemplateAbbreviation String True

Abbreviation of the contract template name.

ContractTemplateId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the template associated with the contract.

ContractTemplateId_LogicalName String False

ContractTemplateId_Name String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the contract.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the contract was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the contract.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the contract.

CustomerId_LogicalName String False

CustomerId_Name String False

Duration Integer True

Calculated duration of time that the contract spans.

EffectivityCalendar String False

Days of the week and times during which customer service support is available for the duration of the contract.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the contract with respect to the base currency.

ExpiresOn Datetime False

Date when the contract expires.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the contract.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the contract was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the contract.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

NetPrice Double True

Sum of all net values calculated on the contract lines.

NetPrice_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sum of all net values calculated on the contract lines.

OriginatingContract_Id String False

Unique identifier of the original contract from which this current contract was derived.

OriginatingContract_LogicalName String False

OriginatingContract_Name String False

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the contract.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the contract.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the contract.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the contract.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ServiceAddress_Id String False

Unique identifier of the address at which service is to be provided.

ServiceAddress_LogicalName String False

ServiceAddress_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the contract.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the contract.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

Title String False

Title of the contract.

TotalDiscount Double True

Total of all discounts specified on the contract lines.

TotalDiscount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total of all discounts specified on the contract lines.

TotalPrice Double True

Total price of the contract.

TotalPrice_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total price of the contract.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the contract.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UseDiscountAsPercentage Boolean False

Information about whether the discount is a percentage or a monetary amount.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the ContractDetail entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the contract line.

AccountId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the account with which the contract is associated.

AccountId_LogicalName String True

AccountId_Name String True

ActiveOn Datetime False

Date and time when the contract line becomes active.

AllotmentsOverage Integer True

Number of overage allotments for the contract line.

AllotmentsRemaining Integer True

Number of allotments remaining for the contract line.

AllotmentsUsed Integer True

Number of allotments that have been used for the contract line.

ContactId_Id String True

Unique identifier for the contact associated with the contract line.

ContactId_LogicalName String True

ContactId_Name String True

ContractDetailId String False

Unique identifier of the contract line.

ContractId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the contract associated with the contract line.

ContractId_LogicalName String False

ContractId_Name String False

ContractStateCode String True

Status of the contract.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the contract line.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the contract line was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the contractdetail.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier for the account or contact associated with the contract line.

CustomerId_LogicalName String False

CustomerId_Name String False

Discount Double False

Discount for the contract line. Specified as a monetary amount.

Discount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the discount for the contract line.

DiscountPercentage Double False

Discount for the contract line. Specified as a percentage.

EffectivityCalendar String False

Days of the week and times for which the contract line item is effective.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the contract detail with respect to the base currency.

ExpiresOn Datetime False

Date when the contract line item expires.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

InitialQuantity Integer False

Initial quantity of units allocated in the contract line item.

LineItemOrder Integer False

Position of item in the list of contract line items.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the contract line.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the contract line was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the contractdetail.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Net Double True

Net price for the contract line. Net price is the total price minus any applicable discount.

Net_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the net price for the contract line.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the contract detail.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the contract line.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the contract line.

Price Double False

Price of the contract line.

Price_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the price of the contract line.

ProductId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the product associated with the contract line.

ProductId_LogicalName String False

ProductId_Name String False

ProductSerialNumber String False

Serial number of the product referenced in the contract line.

Rate Double True

Billing rate for the contract line.

Rate_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the billing rate for the contract line.

ServiceAddress_Id String False

Address at which service is to be provided.

ServiceAddress_LogicalName String False

ServiceAddress_Name String False

ServiceContractUnitsCode String False

Unique identifier of the product units specified on the contract line.

StateCode String True

Status of the contract line item.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the contract line item.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

Title String False

Title of the contract line.

TotalAllotments Integer False

Total allotments for the contract line.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the contract detail.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True

UoMId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the unit associated with the contract line.

UoMId_LogicalName String False

UoMId_Name String False

UoMScheduleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the unit group associated with the contract line.

UoMScheduleId_LogicalName String False

UoMScheduleId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the ContractTemplate entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the contract template.

Abbreviation String False

Abbreviation of the contract template name.

AllotmentTypeCode String False

Criteria for the contracts based on the template, such as number of cases, time, or coverage dates.

BillingFrequencyCode String False

How often the customer or account is to be billed in contracts that are based on the template.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

ContractServiceLevelCode String False

Unique identifier of the level of service specified in contracts that are based on the template.

ContractTemplateId String False

Unique identifier of the contract template.

ContractTemplateIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the contract template.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the contract template was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the contracttemplate.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the contract template.

EffectivityCalendar String False

Days of the week and times for which contracts based on the template are effective.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the contract template.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the contract template was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the contracttemplate.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the contract template.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the contract template.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

UseDiscountAsPercentage Boolean False

Specifies whether the discount is a percentage or a monetary amount in contracts based on the template.


This is a table representing the CustomerAddress entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the customer address.

AddressNumber Integer False

Specifies which customer address is applicable.

AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for the customer, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

City String False

City name in the customer address.

Country String False

Country/region name in the customer address.

County String False

County name in the customer address.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the customer address.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the customer address was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the customeraddress.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerAddressId String False

Unique identifier of the customer address.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the customeraddress with respect to the base currency.

Fax String False

Fax number for the customer address.

FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the customer address.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

Latitude Double False

Latitude for the customer address.

Line1 String False

First line for entering address information.

Line2 String False

Second line for entering address information.

Line3 String False

Third line for entering address information.

Longitude Double False

Longitude for the customer address.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the customer address.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the customer address was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the customeraddress.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name used to identify the customer address.

ObjectTypeCode String False

Type of entity with which the customer address is associated.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the customer address.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the customer address.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the customer address.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParentId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent object with which the customer address is associated.

ParentId_LogicalName String False

ParentId_Name String False

PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the customer address.

PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number in the customer address.

PrimaryContactName String False

Name of the primary contact at the customer address.

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for the customer address.

StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the customer address.

Telephone1 String False

First telephone number for the customer address.

Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number for the customer address.

Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number for the customer address.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the customeraddress.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the address of the customer.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for the address. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.


This is a table representing the CustomerOpportunityRole entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity relationship.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique Identifier of the user who created the opportunity relationship.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the opportunity relationship was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the customer opportunity role.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the customer for the opportunity relationship.

CustomerId_LogicalName String False

CustomerId_Name String False

CustomerOpportunityRoleId String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity relationship.

Description String False

Description of the opportunity relationship.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the opportunity relationship.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the opportunity relationship was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the customeropportunityrole.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OpportunityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity for the opportunity relationship.

OpportunityId_LogicalName String False

OpportunityId_Name String False

OpportunityRoleId_Id String False

Unique identifier for role the customer plays with the opportunity.

OpportunityRoleId_LogicalName String False

OpportunityRoleId_Name String False

OpportunityStateCode Integer True

Status of the opportunity.

OpportunityStatusCode Integer True

Reason for the status of the opportunity.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the customer opportunity role.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the customer opportunity role.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the customer opportunity role.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the customer opportunity role.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True


This is a table representing the CustomerRelationship entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the customer relationship.

ConverseRelationshipId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the converse relationship of the customer relationship.

ConverseRelationshipId_LogicalName String False

ConverseRelationshipId_Name String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique Identifier of the user who created the customer relationship.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the customer relationship was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the customerrelationship.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the primary customer in the relationship.

CustomerId_LogicalName String False

CustomerId_Name String False

CustomerRelationshipId String False

Unique identifier of the customer relationship.

CustomerRoleDescription String False

Description of the customer and the customer's role in this relationship.

CustomerRoleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the customer role.

CustomerRoleId_LogicalName String False

CustomerRoleId_Name String False

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the customer relationship.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the customer relationship was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the customerrelationship.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the customer relationship.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the customer relationship.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the customer relationship.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the customer relationship.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PartnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the secondary customer in the relationship.

PartnerId_LogicalName String False

PartnerId_Name String False

PartnerRoleDescription String False

Description of the customer and the customer's role in this relationship.

PartnerRoleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the relationship role of the secondary customer.

PartnerRoleId_LogicalName String False

PartnerRoleId_Name String False


This is a table representing the Dependency entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the dependency.

DependencyId String True

Unique identifier of a dependency.

DependencyType String True

The dependency type of the dependency.

DependentComponentBaseSolutionId String True

DependentComponentNodeId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the dependent component's node.

DependentComponentNodeId_LogicalName String True

DependentComponentNodeId_Name String True

DependentComponentObjectId String True

DependentComponentParentId String True

DependentComponentType String True

RequiredComponentBaseSolutionId String True

RequiredComponentNodeId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the required component's node

RequiredComponentNodeId_LogicalName String True

RequiredComponentNodeId_Name String True

RequiredComponentObjectId String True

RequiredComponentParentId String True

RequiredComponentType String True


This is a table representing the DependencyNode entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the node.

BaseSolutionId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the solution

BaseSolutionId_LogicalName String True

BaseSolutionId_Name String True

ComponentType String True

The type code of the component.

DependencyNodeId String True

Unique identifier of the dependency node.

IsSharedComponent Boolean True

Whether this component is shared by two solutions with the same publisher.

ObjectId String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the node is associated.

ParentId String True

Unique identifier of the parent entity.

TopSolutionId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the top solution.

TopSolutionId_LogicalName String True

TopSolutionId_Name String True


This is a table representing the Discount entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the discount.

Amount Double False

Amount of the discount, specified either as a percentage or as a monetary amount.

Amount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the amount of the discount.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the discount.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the discount was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the discount.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DiscountId String False

Unique identifier of the discount.

DiscountTypeId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the discount list associated with the discount.

DiscountTypeId_LogicalName String False

DiscountTypeId_Name String False

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the discount with respect to the base currency.

HighQuantity Double False

Upper boundary for the quantity range to which a particular discount can be applied.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsAmountType Boolean True

Specifies whether the discount is specified as a monetary amount or a percentage.

LowQuantity Double False

Lower boundary for the quantity range to which a particular discount is applied.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the discount.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the discount was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the discount.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the discount.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

Percentage Double False

Percentage discount value.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the discount.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the discount.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True


This is a table representing the DiscountType entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the discount list.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the discount list.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the discount list was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the discounttype.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the discount list.

DiscountTypeId String False

Unique identifier of the discount list.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsAmountType Boolean False

Information about whether the discount list amounts are specified as monetary amounts or percentages.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the discount list.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the discount list was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the discounttype.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the discount list.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the discount list.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

StateCode String True

Status of the discount list.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the discount list.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the discount type.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False


This is a table representing the DisplayString entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the display string.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the display string.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the display string was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the display string.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomComment String False

Comment for a customized display string.

CustomDisplayString String False

Customized display string.

DisplayStringId String False

Unique identifier of the display string.

DisplayStringIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

DisplayStringKey String True

For internal use only.

FormatParameters Integer True

Parameters used for formatting the display string.

IsManaged Boolean True

LanguageCode Integer False

Language code of the display string.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the display string.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the display string was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the displaystring.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the display string.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

PublishedDisplayString String True

Published display string.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the DisplayStringMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the display string map.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

DisplayStringId String False

Unique identifier of the display string.

DisplayStringMapId String False

Unique identifier of the display string map.

DisplayStringMapIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

IsManaged Boolean True

ObjectTypeCode Integer False

Type of entity with which the note is associated.

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the DocumentIndex entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the indexed article.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the indexed article.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the indexed article was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the documentindex.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DocumentId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the document.

DocumentId_LogicalName String False

DocumentId_Name String False

DocumentIndexId String False

Unique identifier of the indexed article.

DocumentTypeCode String False

For internal use only.

IsPublished Boolean False

Flag indicating that the document is published.

KeyWords String False

Keywords for the document.

Location String False

Location of the document.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the indexed article.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the indexed article was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the documentindex.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Number String False

For internal use only.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the indexed article.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

SearchText String False

For internal use only.

SubjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the subject associated with the indexed article.

SubjectId_LogicalName String False

SubjectId_Name String False

Title String False

Title of the indexed article.


This is a table representing the DuplicateRecord entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the duplicate record.

AsyncOperationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the system job that created this record.

AsyncOperationId_LogicalName String True

AsyncOperationId_Name String True

BaseRecordId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the base record.

BaseRecordId_LogicalName String True

BaseRecordId_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the duplicate record was created.

DuplicateId String False

Unique identifier of the duplicate record.

DuplicateRecordId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the potential duplicate record.

DuplicateRecordId_LogicalName String True

DuplicateRecordId_Name String True

DuplicateRuleId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the duplicate rule against which this duplicate was found.

DuplicateRuleId_LogicalName String True

DuplicateRuleId_Name String True

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the duplicate record.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the duplicate record.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the duplicate record.


This is a table representing the DuplicateRule entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the duplicate detection rule.

BaseEntityMatchCodeTable String True

Database table that stores match codes for the record type being evaluated for potential duplicates.

BaseEntityName String False

Record type of the record being evaluated for potential duplicates.

BaseEntityTypeCode String True

Record type of the record being evaluated for potential duplicates.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the duplicate detection rule.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the duplicate detection rule was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the duplicaterule.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the duplicate detection rule.

DuplicateRuleId String False

Unique identifier of the duplicate detection rule.

IsCaseSensitive Boolean False

Indicates if the operator is case-sensitive.

MatchingEntityMatchCodeTable String True

Database table that stores match codes for potential duplicate records.

MatchingEntityName String False

Record type of the records being evaluated as potential duplicates.

MatchingEntityTypeCode String True

Record type of the records being evaluated as potential duplicates.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the duplicate detection rule.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the duplicate detection rule was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the duplicaterule.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the duplicate detection rule.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the duplicate detection rule.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns duplicate detection rule.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the duplicate detection rule.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the duplicate detection rule.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

StateCode String True

Status of the duplicate detection rule.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the duplicate detection rule.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the DuplicateRuleCondition entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the condition.

BaseAttributeName String False

Field that is being compared.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the condition.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the condition was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the duplicate rule condition.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DuplicateRuleConditionId String False

Unique identifier of the condition.

MatchingAttributeName String False

Field that is being compared with the base field.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the condition.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the condition was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the duplicate rule condition.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OperatorCode String False

Operator for this rule condition.

OperatorParam Integer False

Parameter value of N if the operator is Same First Characters or Same Last Characters.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the duplicate rule condition.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the condition.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the condition.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the condition is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False


This is a table representing the Email entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the email.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the email activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Duration of the email activity specified in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Time when the email activity ends.

ActualStart Datetime False

Time when the email activity begins.

bcc_Ids String False

Blind carbon copy (BCC) recipients.

bcc_LogicalNames String False

bcc_Names String False

Category String False

Category of the activity.

cc_Ids String False

Carbon copy (CC) recipients.

cc_LogicalNames String False

cc_Names String False

Compressed Boolean True

Indicates if the body is compressed.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the email activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the email activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the email.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DeliveryAttempts Integer False

Number of attempts made to deliver the email.

DeliveryReceiptRequested Boolean False

Delivery receipt requested.

Description String False

Main body text of the email.

DirectionCode Boolean False

Direction code for the email: incoming or outgoing.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the email with respect to the base currency.

from_Ids String False

Who the email is from.

from_LogicalNames String False

from_Names String False

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information regarding whether the email activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Indication if the email was created by a workflow rule.

MessageId String False

Unique identifier of the email message. Used only for email that is received.

MimeType String False

MIME type of the email message data.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the email activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the email activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the email.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Notifications String False

Notifications for detail form.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the email activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the email activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the email activity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the email activity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PriorityCode String False

Priority code of the email.

ReadReceiptRequested Boolean False

Indicates that a read receipt is requested.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the email is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the email activity, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the email activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the email activity.

Sender String False

Sender of the email.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier for the associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the email activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the email activity.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the email activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the email activity.

SubmittedBy String False

email delivery source.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

to_Ids String False

Recipient party list for the email, and references recipient records such as users and queues.

to_LogicalNames String False

to_Names String False

ToRecipients String False

String that lists email addresses corresponding to the recipients.

TrackingToken String False

Tracking token number.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the email.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the EmailHash entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the email hash.

ActivityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the activity with which the hash is associated.

ActivityId_LogicalName String False

ActivityId_Name String False

EmailHashId String False

Unique identifier of the email hash.

Hash Integer False

Hash value.

HashType Integer False

Hash type.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the email hash.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the email hash.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the email hash.


This is a table representing the EmailSearch entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the email search entry.

EmailAddress String False

The email address.

EmailSearchId String False

Unique identifier of the email search entry.

ParentObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent object with which the email address is associated.

ParentObjectId_LogicalName String False

ParentObjectId_Name String False


This is a table representing the EntityMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the entity map.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the entity map.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the entity map was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the entitymap.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EntityMapId String False

Unique identifier of the entity map.

EntityMapIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

IsManaged Boolean True

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the entity map.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the entity map was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the entitymap.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the entity map is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

SourceEntityName String False

Name of the source entity for the entity mapping.

TargetEntityName String False

Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity.


This is a table representing the Equipment entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the facility/equipment.

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated business unit.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

CalendarId_Id String False

Fiscal calendar associated with the facility/equipment.

CalendarId_LogicalName String False

CalendarId_Name String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the facility/equipment entry.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the facility/equipment entry was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the equipment.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the facility/equipment.

DisplayInServiceViews Boolean False

For internal use only.

EMailAddress String False

Email address of person to contact about the use of the facility/equipment.

EquipmentId String False

Unique identifier of the facility/equipment.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the equipment with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsDisabled Boolean False

Whether the facility/equipment is disabled or operational.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the facility/equipment.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the facility/equipment entry was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the equipment.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the facility/equipment.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the parent business unit.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

SiteId_Id String False

Site where the facility/equipment is located.

SiteId_LogicalName String False

SiteId_Name String False

Skills String False

Skills needed to operate the facility/equipment.

TimeZoneCode Integer False

Local time zone where the facility/equipment is located.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the equipment.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the Fax entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the fax activity.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the fax activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the fax activity in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the fax activity.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the fax activity.

BillingCode String False

Billing code associated with the sender.

Category String False

Category of the fax activity.

CoverPageName String False

Name of a cover page to use when sending a fax.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the fax activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the fax activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the fax.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the fax activity.

DirectionCode Boolean False

Direction code for the fax; incoming or outgoing.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the fax with respect to the base currency.

FaxNumber String False

Telephone number of the receiving fax equipment.

from_Ids String False

Who the fax is from.

from_LogicalNames String False

from_Names String False

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information regarding whether the fax activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Indication of whether the fax activity was created by a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the fax activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the fax activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the fax.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

NumberOfPages Integer False

Number of pages in the fax.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the fax activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the fax activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team that owns the fax activity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user that owns the fax activity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PriorityCode String False

Priority code of the fax activity.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the fax activity is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the fax activity, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the fax activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the fax activity.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier for an associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the fax activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the fax activity.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the fax activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the fax activity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

to_Ids String False

Person who is the receiver of the fax.

to_LogicalNames String False

to_Names String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the fax.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

Tsid String False

Transmitting station identifier (TSID) associated with a send action.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the FieldPermission entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the attribute.

AttributeLogicalName String False

Attribute name.

CanCreate String False

Can this Profile create the attribute

CanRead String False

Can this Profile read the attribute

CanUpdate String False

Can this Profile update the attribute

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

EntityName Integer False

Entity name.

FieldPermissionId String False

Unique identifier of the Field Permission.

FieldPermissionIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

FieldSecurityProfileId_Id String False

Unique identifier of profile to which this privilege belongs.

FieldSecurityProfileId_LogicalName String False

FieldSecurityProfileId_Name String False

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier for the organization

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the FieldSecurityProfile entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the profile.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the profile.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the profile was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the role.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the Profile

FieldSecurityProfileId String False

Unique identifier of the profile.

FieldSecurityProfileIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the profile.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the profile was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the profile.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the profile.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the associated organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the FilterTemplate entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the filter template.

Description String False

For internal use only.

FetchXml String False

String that specifies the filter template in Fetch XML language.

FilterTemplateId String False

Unique identifier of the filter template.

Name String False

Name of the filter template.

QueryType Integer False

For internal use only.

ReturnedTypeCode Integer False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the fixed monthly fiscal calendar.

BusinessUnitId_Id String True

Business unit responsible for the quota associated with this calendar.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String True

BusinessUnitId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the fiscal calendar.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quota for the fixed monthly fiscal calendar was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EffectiveOn Datetime False

Date and time when the fixed monthly fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the fixed monthly fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency.

FiscalPeriodType Integer True

Type of fiscal period used in the fixed monthly fiscal calendar sales quota.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the fixed monthly fiscal calendar.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the fixed monthly fiscal calendar was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Period1 Double False

Sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year.

Period1_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year.

Period10 Double False

Sales quota for the tenth period in the fiscal year.

Period10_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the tenth period in the fiscal year.

Period11 Double False

Sales quota for the eleventh period in the fiscal year.

Period11_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eleventh period in the fiscal year.

Period12 Double False

Sales quota for the twelfth period in the fiscal year.

Period12_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the twelfth period in the fiscal year.

Period13 Double False

Sales quota for the thirteenth period in the fiscal year.

Period13_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the thirteenth period in the fiscal year.

Period2 Double False

Sales quota for the second period in the fiscal year.

Period2_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second period in the fiscal year.

Period3 Double False

Sales quota for the third period in the fiscal year.

Period3_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the third period in the fiscal year.

Period4 Double False

Sales quota for the fourth period in the fiscal year.

Period4_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fourth period in the fiscal year.

Period5 Double False

Sales quota for the fifth period in the fiscal year.

Period5_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fifth period in the fiscal year.

Period6 Double False

Sales quota for the sixth period in the fiscal year.

Period6_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the sixth period in the fiscal year.

Period7 Double False

Sales quota for the seventh period in the fiscal year.

Period7_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the seventh period in the fiscal year.

Period8 Double False

Sales quota for the eighth period in the fiscal year.

Period8_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eighth period in the fiscal year.

Period9 Double False

Sales quota for the ninth period in the fiscal year.

Period9_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the ninth period in the fiscal year.

SalesPersonId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated salesperson.

SalesPersonId_LogicalName String False

SalesPersonId_Name String False

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the fixed monthly fiscal calendar.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UserFiscalCalendarId String False

Unique identifier of the user of the fiscal calendar.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the Goal entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the goal.

ActualDecimal Double False

Actual value (decimal type) against the target.

ActualInteger Integer False

Actual value (integer type) against the target.

ActualMoney Double False

Actual value (money type) against the target.

ActualMoney_Base Double True

Actual value (money type) in base currency against the target.

ActualString String True

Actual Value of the goal.

AmountDataType String False

Data type of the amount.

ComputedTargetAsOfTodayDecimal Double True

A system-generated expected amount for Actual (decimal) against the target goal.

ComputedTargetAsOfTodayInteger Integer True

A system-generated expected amount for Actual (integer) against the target goal.

ComputedTargetAsOfTodayMoney Double True

A system-generated expected amount for Actual (money) against the target goal.

ComputedTargetAsOfTodayMoney_Base Double True

A system-generated expected amount in base currency for Actual (money) against the target goal.

ComputedTargetAsOfTodayPercentageAchieved Double True

A system-generated expected value for percentage achieved against the target goal.

ConsiderOnlyGoalOwnersRecords Boolean False

Indicates whether only the goal owner's records, or all records, will be rolled up.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomRollupFieldDecimal Double False

Placeholder rollup field for value (decimal) against the target.

CustomRollupFieldInteger Integer False

Placeholder rollup field for value (integer) against the target.

CustomRollupFieldMoney Double False

Placeholder rollup field for value (money) against the target.

CustomRollupFieldMoney_Base Double True

Placeholder rollup field for value (money) in base currency against the target.

CustomRollupFieldString String True

Placeholder rollup field for the goal.

Depth Integer True

Depth of the goal in the tree.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate between the currency associated with the entity and the base currency.

FiscalPeriod String False

Fiscal period for the goal.

FiscalYear String False

Fiscal year for the goal.

GoalEndDate Datetime False

End date for the goal period.

GoalId String False

Unique identifier of the goal.

GoalOwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who needs to meet the goal.

GoalOwnerId_LogicalName String False

GoalOwnerId_Name String False

GoalStartDate Datetime False

Start date for the goal period.

GoalWithErrorId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the goal that caused an error in the rollup of the goal hierarchy.

GoalWithErrorId_LogicalName String False

GoalWithErrorId_Name String False

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Sequence number of the import that created this record.

InProgressDecimal Double False

In-progress value (decimal) against the target.

InProgressInteger Integer False

In-progress value (integer) against the target.

InProgressMoney Double False

In-progress value (money) against the target.

InProgressMoney_Base Double True

In-progress value (money) in base currency against the goal.

InProgressString String True

In-progress value of the goal.

IsAmount Boolean False

Indicates whether the metric type is Count or Amount.

IsFiscalPeriodGoal Boolean False

Indicates whether the goal period is a fiscal period or a custom period.

IsOverridden Boolean False

Indicates whether the system rollup fields are updated. If set to Yes, system rollup will not update the values of the rollup fields.

IsOverride Boolean False

Indicates whether the values of system rollup fields can be updated.

LastRolledupDate Datetime False

Date and time when the data for this goal was last rolled up.

MetricId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the metric associated with the goal.

MetricId_LogicalName String False

MetricId_Name String False

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who modified the record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the record was modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the manager of the goal.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the record.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the goal.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier for the user who owns the record.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParentGoalId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent goal to which the goal is connected.

ParentGoalId_LogicalName String False

ParentGoalId_Name String False

Percentage Double False

Percentage achieved against the target goal.

RollupErrorCode Integer False

Error code associated with rollup.

RollupOnlyFromChildGoals Boolean False

Indicates whether the data should be rolled up only from the child goals.

RollUpQueryActualDecimalId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the rollup query for the actual (decimal) rollup field.

RollUpQueryActualDecimalId_LogicalName String False

RollUpQueryActualDecimalId_Name String False

RollupQueryActualIntegerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the rollup query for the actual (integer) rollup field.

RollupQueryActualIntegerId_LogicalName String False

RollupQueryActualIntegerId_Name String False

RollUpQueryActualMoneyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the rollup query for the actual (money) rollup field.

RollUpQueryActualMoneyId_LogicalName String False

RollUpQueryActualMoneyId_Name String False

RollUpQueryCustomDecimalId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the rollup query for the custom rollup field (decimal).

RollUpQueryCustomDecimalId_LogicalName String False

RollUpQueryCustomDecimalId_Name String False

RollUpQueryCustomIntegerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the rollup query for the custom rollup field (integer).

RollUpQueryCustomIntegerId_LogicalName String False

RollUpQueryCustomIntegerId_Name String False

RollUpQueryCustomMoneyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the rollup query for the custom rollup field (money).

RollUpQueryCustomMoneyId_LogicalName String False

RollUpQueryCustomMoneyId_Name String False

RollUpQueryInprogressDecimalId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the rollup query for the in-progress (decimal) rollup field.

RollUpQueryInprogressDecimalId_LogicalName String False

RollUpQueryInprogressDecimalId_Name String False

RollUpQueryInprogressIntegerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the rollup query for the in-progress (integer) rollup field.

RollUpQueryInprogressIntegerId_LogicalName String False

RollUpQueryInprogressIntegerId_Name String False

RollUpQueryInprogressMoneyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the rollup query for the in-progress (money) rollup field.

RollUpQueryInprogressMoneyId_LogicalName String False

RollUpQueryInprogressMoneyId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the goal.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the goal.

StretchTargetDecimal Double False

Stretch target (decimal) of the goal.

StretchTargetInteger Integer False

Stretch target (integer) of the goal.

StretchTargetMoney Double False

Stretch target (money) of the goal.

StretchTargetMoney_Base Double True

Value of the stretch target (money) in base currency.

StretchTargetString String True

Stretch target value for all data types.

TargetDecimal Double False

Goal target of the decimal type.

TargetInteger Integer False

Goal target of the integer type.

TargetMoney Double False

Goal target of the money type.

TargetMoney_Base Double True

Goal target of the money type in base currency.

TargetString String True

Target value of the goal.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

Title String False

Title of the goal.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the entity.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True

TreeId String True

Unique identifier of the goal tree.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the GoalRollupQuery entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the goal rollup query.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

FetchXml String False

String that specifies the condition criteria in FetchXML.

GoalRollupQueryId String False

Unique identifier of the rollup query.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Sequence number of the import that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who modified the record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the record was modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the rollup query.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the goal rollup query.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the record.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the record.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the record.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

QueryEntityType String False

Entity type of the rollup query.

StateCode String True

Status of the goal rollup query.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the goal rollup query.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the Import entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the import job.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the import job.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import job was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the import.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EMailAddress String False

email address to send notification to.

ImportId String False

Unique identifier of the import job.

IsImport Boolean False

Information about whether the source of this import job is data import or data migration.

ModeCode String False

Information about whether to create or update records.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the import job.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import job was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the import.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the import job.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the import job.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Business unit that owns the import job.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the import.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the import.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

SendNotification Boolean False

Information about whether to send notification.

Sequence Integer True

Order in which the import was created.

StateCode String True

Status of the import job.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the import job.


This is a table representing the ImportData entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the import data.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the import data.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import data was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the import data.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Data String False

Data row of the import file.

ErrorType String False

Type of the import error.

HasError Boolean False

Information about whether this import data has an error.

ImportDataId String False

Unique identifier of the import data.

ImportFileId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the import file for this import data.

ImportFileId_LogicalName String False

ImportFileId_Name String False

LineNumber Integer False

Original line number of the data present in the file.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the import data.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import data was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the import data.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the import data.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Business unit that owns the import data.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the import data.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the import data.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

RecordId String False

Unique identifier of the record.

StateCode String True

Status of the import data.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the import data.


This is a table representing the ImportEntityMapping entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the import entity mapping.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the import entity mapping.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import entity mapping was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the importentitymapping.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DeDupe String False

Information about whether the entity needs to be processed to find and delete duplicate records.

ImportEntityMappingId String False

Unique identifier of the import entity mapping.

ImportMapId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated data map.

ImportMapId_LogicalName String False

ImportMapId_Name String False

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the import entity mapping.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import entity mapping was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the importentitymapping.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ProcessCode String False

Information about whether the import entity mapping needs to be processed.

SourceEntityName String False

Name of the source entity.

StateCode String True

Status of the import entity mapping.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the import entity mapping.

TargetEntityName String False

Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity.


This is a table representing the ImportFile entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the import file.

AdditionalHeaderRow String True

System generated heading row used for processing transformations.

CompletedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import was completed for this import file.

Content String False

Content of the import file.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the import file record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import file was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the import file.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DataDelimiterCode String False

Single character data delimiter used in the import file.

EnableDuplicateDetection Boolean False

Information about whether duplicate detection is enabled.

FailureCount Integer True

Number of records in this file that could not be imported.

FieldDelimiterCode String False

Single character field delimiter used in the import file.

FileTypeCode String False

File type of the uploaded source file

HeaderRow String True

Header row of the import file.

ImportFileId String False

Unique identifier of the import file.

ImportId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the import job for this import file.

ImportId_LogicalName String False

ImportId_Name String False

ImportMapId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated data map.

ImportMapId_LogicalName String False

ImportMapId_Name String False

IsFirstRowHeader Boolean False

Information about whether the first row contains column headings.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the import file.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import file was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the importfile.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the import file.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the import file.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Business unit that owns the import file.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the import file.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the import file.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParsedTableColumnPrefix String True

Prefix of the column in the parsed table.

ParsedTableColumnsNumber Integer True

Total number of columns present in the parsed table.

ParsedTableName String True

Name of the table that contains the parsed data of the import file.

PartialFailureCount Integer True

Number of records in this file that had failures in updating.

ProcessCode String False

Information about whether the import file needs to be processed.

ProcessingStatus String True

Detailed status showing how much the import file has been processed.

ProgressCounter Integer True

Indicates how much of a particular operation has been completed. Used when resuming a paused import job.

RecordsOwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the owner to whom records imported from this file are assigned.

RecordsOwnerId_LogicalName String False

RecordsOwnerId_Name String False

RelatedEntityColumns String False

Related Entity Columns

Size String False

Size of the import file.

Source String False

Source of the import file.

SourceEntityName String False

Name of the source entity.

StateCode String True

Status of the import file.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the import file.

SuccessCount Integer True

Number of records in this file that were imported successfully.

TargetEntityName String False

Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TotalCount Integer True

Number of records processed in this file.

UseSystemMap Boolean False

Information about whether to use the system map.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the ImportJob entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the import job.

CompletedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import job was completed.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the importJob.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import job record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the import job record.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Data String False

Unstructured data associated with the import job.

ImportJobId String False

Unique identifier of the import job.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who modified the importJob.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import job was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the import job record.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the import job.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the importjob.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

Progress Double False

Import Progress Percentage.

SolutionName String False

Unique identifier of the solution.

StartedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import job was started.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the ImportLog entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the import log.

AdditionalInfo String False

Additional information related to the error.

ColumnValue String False

Value in the column.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the import log.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import log was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the import log.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ErrorDescription String False

Description of an error.

ErrorNumber Integer False

Error code of an error.

HeaderColumn String False

Name of the column heading.

ImportDataId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the import data for this import log.

ImportDataId_LogicalName String False

ImportDataId_Name String False

ImportFileId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the import file for this import log.

ImportFileId_LogicalName String False

ImportFileId_Name String False

ImportLogId String False

Unique identifier of the import log.

LineNumber Integer False

Original line number of the data used in this log.

LogPhaseCode String False

Phase for which the log is recorded.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the import log.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the import log was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the importlog.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the import log.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Business unit that owns the import log.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the import log.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the import log.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

SequenceNumber Integer True

Sequence number of the error in this log.

StateCode String True

Status of the import log.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the import log.


This is a table representing the ImportMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the data map.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the data map.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the data map was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the data map.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the data map.

EntitiesPerFile String False

Denotes if a data file can have data for one or more entity

ImportMapId String False

Unique identifier of the data map.

ImportMapType String False

Type of data map.

IsValidForImport Boolean True

Information about whether the data map is valid for use with data import.

IsWizardCreated Boolean False

Information about whether this data map was created by the Data Migration Manager.

MapCustomizations String False

Customizations XML

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the data map.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the data map was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the data map.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the data map.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the data map.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Business unit that owns the data map.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the data map.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the data map.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Source String False

Name of the migration source for which this data map is used.

SourceType String False

Type of the migration source for which this data map is used.

SourceUserIdentifierForSourceCRMUserLink String False

Source user value for source Microsoft Dynamics CRM user link.

SourceUserIdentifierForSourceDataSourceUserLink String False

Column in the source file that uniquely identifies a user.

StateCode String True

Status of the data map.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the data map.

TargetEntity String True

Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM record type for which this data map is defined.

TargetUserIdentifierForSourceCRMUserLink String False

Microsoft Dynamics CRM user.


This is a table representing the Incident entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the case.

AccountId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the account with which the case is associated.

AccountId_LogicalName String True

AccountId_Name String True

ActualServiceUnits Integer False

Actual number of service units provided for the case.

BilledServiceUnits Integer False

Number of service units billed for the case.

CaseOriginCode String False

Information that specifies the source of the case information, such as Web, telephone, or email.

CaseTypeCode String False

Information that specifies the type of case.

ContactId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the contact associated with the case.

ContactId_LogicalName String True

ContactId_Name String True

ContractDetailId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the specific contract line item that is referenced in the case.

ContractDetailId_LogicalName String False

ContractDetailId_Name String False

ContractId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the contract referenced in the case.

ContractId_LogicalName String False

ContractId_Name String False

ContractServiceLevelCode String False

Response level for the case. The response level corresponds to the level of service specified in the contract.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the case.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the case was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the incident.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the case.

CustomerId_LogicalName String False

CustomerId_Name String False

CustomerSatisfactionCode String False

Customer's level of satisfaction with the resolution of the case.

Description String False

Description of the case.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the incident with respect to the base currency.

FollowupBy Datetime False

Date by which the customer support representative needs to follow up the case.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IncidentId String False

Unique identifier of the case.

IncidentStageCode String False

Stage of the resolution process for the case.

IsDecrementing Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the case is decrementing.

KbArticleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the knowledge base article associated with the case.

KbArticleId_LogicalName String False

KbArticleId_Name String False

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the case.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the case was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the incident.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the case.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the case.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the case.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the case.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the case.

ProductId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the product associated with the case.

ProductId_LogicalName String False

ProductId_Name String False

ProductSerialNumber String False

Serial number of the product that is referenced in the case.

ResponsibleContactId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the contact responsible for resolving the case.

ResponsibleContactId_LogicalName String False

ResponsibleContactId_Name String False

SeverityCode String False

Severity of the case.

StateCode String True

Status of the case.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the case.

SubjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the subject associated with the case.

SubjectId_LogicalName String False

SubjectId_Name String False

TicketNumber String False

Auto-generated case number.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

Title String False

Title of the case.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the incident.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the IncidentResolution entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the case resolution activity.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the case resolution activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the case resolution activity in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the case resolution activity.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the case resolution activity.

Category String False

Category for the case resolution activity.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the case resolution activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the case resolution activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the incidentresolution.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Special type of activity that includes such information as the description of the resolution, billing status, and the duration of a case.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IncidentId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the case.

IncidentId_LogicalName String False

IncidentId_Name String False

IsBilled Boolean False

Information about whether the case resolution activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Information that specifies if the case resolution activity was created from a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the case resolution activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the case resolution activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the incidentresolution.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the case resolution activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the case resolution activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the case resolution.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the case resolution.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the case resolution activity, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the case resolution activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the case resolution activity.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the service with which the case resolution activity is associated.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the case resolution activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the case resolution activity.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the case resolution activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the case resolution activity.

TimeSpent Integer False

Time spent on the case resolution activity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the IntegrationStatus entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the integration status.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the integration status.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the integration status was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the integrationstatus.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

IntegrationEntryId String False

For internal use only.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the integration status.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the integration status was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the integrationstatus.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ObjectId String True

For internal use only.

ObjectTypeCode String True

Type of entity with which the integration status is associated.

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the integration status.

StateCode String False

Status of the integration.

StateDescription String False

For internal use only.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the integration.

StatusDescription String False

For internal use only.

SystemName String True

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the InternalAddress entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the internal address.

AddressNumber Integer False

Information about which internal address is applicable.

AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for the internal address.

City String False

City name in the internal address.

Country String False

Country/region name in the internal address.

County String False

County name in the internal address.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the internal address record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the internal address was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the internal address.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Fax String False

Fax number for the internal address.

InternalAddressId String False

Unique identifier of the internal address.

Latitude Double False

Latitude for the internal address.

Line1 String False

First line for entering address information.

Line2 String False

Second line for entering address information.

Line3 String False

Third line for entering address information.

Longitude Double False

Longitude for the internal address.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the internal address.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the internal address record was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the internaladdress.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name used to identify the internal address.

ObjectTypeCode String False

Type of entity with which the internal address is associated.

ParentId String False

Unique identifier of the parent object with which the internal address is associated.

PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the internal address.

PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number in the internal address.

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for the internal address.

StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the internal address.

Telephone1 String False

First telephone number for the internal address.

Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number for an internal address.

Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number for an internal address.

UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the internal address.

UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for the internal address. The difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.


This is a table representing the InterProcessLock entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the interprocess lock record.

InterProcessLockId String False

Unique identifier of the interprocess lock record.

ModifiedOn Datetime False

Date and time when the record was last modified.

Token String False

Lock token.


This is a table representing the InvalidDependency entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the invalid dependency.

ExistingComponentId String True

Unique identifier of the object that has an invalid dependency

ExistingComponentType String True

Component type of the object that has an invalid dependency

ExistingDependencyType String True

The dependency type of the invalid dependency.

InvalidDependencyId String True

Unique identifier of the invalid dependency.

IsExistingNodeRequiredComponent Boolean True

Indicates whether the existing node is the required component in the dependency

MissingComponentId String False

Unique identifier of the missing component.

MissingComponentInfo String True

MissingComponentLookupType Integer True

The lookup type of the missing component.

MissingComponentType String True

The object type code of the missing component.


This is a table representing the Invoice entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the invoice.

AccountId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the account with which the invoice is associated.

AccountId_LogicalName String True

AccountId_Name String True

BillTo_City String False

City name in the billing address.

BillTo_Country String False

Country/region name in the billing address.

BillTo_Fax String False

Fax number for the billing address.

BillTo_Line1 String False

First line for entering billing address information.

BillTo_Line2 String False

Second line for entering billing address information.

BillTo_Line3 String False

Third line for entering billing address information.

BillTo_Name String False

Name to enter for the billing address.

BillTo_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the billing address.

BillTo_StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the billing address.

BillTo_Telephone String False

Telephone number associated with the billing address.

ContactId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the contact associated with the invoice.

ContactId_LogicalName String True

ContactId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the invoice.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the invoice was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the invoice.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the invoice.

CustomerId_LogicalName String False

CustomerId_Name String False

DateDelivered Datetime False

Date all products in the invoice were delivered.

Description String False

Description of the invoice.

DiscountAmount Double False

Discount specified as a monetary amount for the invoice.

DiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the discount specified as a monetary amount for the invoice.

DiscountPercentage Double False

Discount specified as a percentage for the invoice.

DueDate Datetime False

Date by which the invoice needs to be paid.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the invoice with respect to the base currency.

FreightAmount Double False

Cost of freight for the invoice.

FreightAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the cost of freight for the invoice.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

InvoiceId String False

Unique identifier of the invoice.

InvoiceNumber String False

Invoice number.

IsPriceLocked Boolean True

Information about whether invoice pricing is locked.

LastBackofficeSubmit Datetime False

Date and time when the invoice was last submitted to Microsoft Great Plains.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the invoice.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the invoice was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the invoice.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the invoice.

OpportunityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity with which the invoice is associated.

OpportunityId_LogicalName String False

OpportunityId_Name String False

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the invoice.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the invoice.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the invoice.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the invoice.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PaymentTermsCode String False

Payment terms for the invoice.

PriceLevelId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the price list associated with the invoice.

PriceLevelId_LogicalName String False

PriceLevelId_Name String False

PricingErrorCode String False

Type of pricing error for the invoice.

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the invoice.

SalesOrderId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the order that is associated with the invoice.

SalesOrderId_LogicalName String False

SalesOrderId_Name String False

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for the invoice.

ShipTo_City String False

City name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Country String False

Country/region name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Fax String False

Fax number for the shipping address.

ShipTo_FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the shipping address.

ShipTo_Line1 String False

First line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line2 String False

Second line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line3 String False

Third line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Name String False

Name to enter for the shipping address.

ShipTo_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address.

ShipTo_StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Telephone String False

Telephone number associated with the shipping address.

StateCode String True

Status of the invoice.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the invoice.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TotalAmount Double True

Total price for the invoice.

TotalAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total price for the invoice.

TotalAmountLessFreight Double True

Total price minus the freight charges for the invoice.

TotalAmountLessFreight_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total price minus the freight charges for the invoice.

TotalDiscountAmount Double True

Total discount for the invoice.

TotalDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total discount for the invoice.

TotalLineItemAmount Double True

Total line item amount for the invoice.

TotalLineItemAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total line item amount for the invoice

TotalLineItemDiscountAmount Double True

Total line item discount for the invoice.

TotalLineItemDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total line item discount for the invoice.

TotalTax Double True

Total tax for the invoice.

TotalTax_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total tax for the invoice.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the invoice.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

WillCall Boolean False

Information about whether the customer will call for the invoiced products or the products are to be shipped.


This is a table representing the InvoiceDetail entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the invoice product line item.

ActualDeliveryOn Datetime False

Date on which the product on the invoice is delivered.

BaseAmount Double True

Subtotal for the invoice product before discounts are applied and taxes are added.

BaseAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the subtotal for the invoice product before discounts are applied and taxes are added.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the invoice product line item.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the invoice product line item was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the invoice detail.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the invoice product line item.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the invoice detail with respect to the base currency.

ExtendedAmount Double True

Subtotal of the invoice product after discounts are applied and taxes are added.

ExtendedAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the invoice product after discounts are applied and taxes are added.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

InvoiceDetailId String False

Unique identifier of the invoice product line item.

InvoiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the invoice associated with the invoice product line item.

InvoiceId_LogicalName String False

InvoiceId_Name String False

InvoiceIsPriceLocked Boolean True

Information about whether invoice product pricing is locked.

InvoiceStateCode String True

Status of the invoice product.

IsCopied Boolean False

Information about whether the invoice line item is copied.

IsPriceOverridden Boolean False

Information about whether to override product catalog pricing.

IsProductOverridden Boolean False

Information about whether the product is a write-in product or an existing product.

LineItemNumber Integer False

Line item number of the invoice product.

ManualDiscountAmount Double False

Customized discount amount for the invoice product line item.

ManualDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the customized discount amount for the invoice product line item.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the invoice product line item.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the invoice product line item was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the invoicedetail.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the invoice detail.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the invoice product line item.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the invoice product line item.

PricePerUnit Double False

Price per unit for the invoice product line item.

PricePerUnit_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the price per unit for the invoice product line item.

PricingErrorCode String False

Pricing error for the invoice product line item.

ProductDescription String False

Product description for the invoice product line item.

ProductId_Id String False

Product identifier for the invoice product line item.

ProductId_LogicalName String False

ProductId_Name String False

Quantity Double False

Product quantity specified for the invoice product line item.

QuantityBackordered Double False

Product quantity that has been backordered for the invoice product line item.

QuantityCancelled Double False

Product quantity that was canceled for the invoice product line item.

QuantityShipped Double False

Product quantity shipped for the product line item specified on the invoice.

SalesRepId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the sales person associated with the invoice product line item.

SalesRepId_LogicalName String False

SalesRepId_Name String False

ShippingTrackingNumber String False

Tracking number for shipping the invoiced product line item.

ShipTo_City String False

City name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Country String False

Country/region name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Fax String False

Fax number for the shipping address.

ShipTo_FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the shipping address.

ShipTo_Line1 String False

First line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line2 String False

Second line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line3 String False

Third line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Name String False

Name to enter for the shipping address.

ShipTo_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address.

ShipTo_StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Telephone String False

Telephone number associated with the shipping address.

Tax Double False

Tax amount for the invoice product line item.

Tax_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the tax amount for the invoice product line item.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the invoice detail.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True

UoMId_Id String False

Unique identifier for unit that is associated with the invoice product line item.

UoMId_LogicalName String False

UoMId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

VolumeDiscountAmount Double True

Volume discount amount for the invoice product line item.

VolumeDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the volume discount amount for the invoice product line item.

WillCall Boolean False

Information about whether the customer will call for the invoiced products or the products are to be shipped.


This is a table representing the IsvConfig entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the ISV configuration.

ConfigXML String False

Structured XML data representing the customizations.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the ISV configuration.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the ISV configuration was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the isvconfig.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

IsvConfigId String False

Unique identifier of the ISV configuration.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the ISV configuration.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the ISV configuration was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the ISV configuration.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the ISV configuration XML.


This is a table representing the KbArticle entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the knowledge base article.

ArticleXml String False

XML data for the knowledge base article.

Comments String False

Comments regarding the knowledge base article.

Content String True

Description of the content of the knowledge base article.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the knowledge base article.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the knowledge base article was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the article.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the knowledge base article.

ExchangeRate Double True

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

KbArticleId String False

Unique identifier of the knowledge base article.

KbArticleTemplateId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the template associated with the knowledge base article.

KbArticleTemplateId_LogicalName String False

KbArticleTemplateId_Name String False

KeyWords String False

Keywords to be used for searches in knowledge base articles.

LanguageCode Integer False

Language of the Article Template

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the knowledge base article.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the knowledge base article was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the kbarticle.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Number String True

Knowledge base article number.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the article.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

StateCode String True

Status of the knowledge base article.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the knowledge base article.

SubjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the subject associated with the knowledge base article.

SubjectId_LogicalName String False

SubjectId_Name String False

Title String False

Title of the knowledge base article.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False


This is a table representing the KbArticleComment entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the knowledge base article.

CommentText String False

Comment text for the knowledge base article.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the knowledge base article comment.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the knowledge base article comment was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the KB article comment.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

KbArticleCommentId String False

Unique identifier of the knowledge base article comment.

KbArticleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the knowledge base article to which the comment applies.

KbArticleId_LogicalName String False

KbArticleId_Name String False

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the knowledge base article comment.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the knowledge base article comment was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the kbarticlecomment.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the article comment is associated.

Title String False

Title of the knowledge base article comment.


This is a table representing the KbArticleTemplate entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the knowledge base article template.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the knowledge base article template.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the knowledge base article template was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the kbarticletemplate.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the knowledge base article template.

FormatXml String False

XML format of the knowledge base article template.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsActive Boolean False

Information about whether the knowledge base article is active.

IsManaged Boolean True

KbArticleTemplateId String False

Unique identifier of the knowledge base article template.

KbArticleTemplateIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

LanguageCode Integer False

Language of the Article Template

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the knowledge base article template.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the knowledge base article template was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the kbarticletemplate.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the template.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

StructureXml String False

XML structure of the knowledge base article.

Title String False

Title of the knowledge base article template.


This is a table representing the Lead entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the lead.

AccountId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the account with which the lead is associated.

AccountId_LogicalName String True

AccountId_Name String True

Address1_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 1.

Address1_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address1_City String False

City name for address 1.

Address1_Country String False

Country/region name for address 1.

Address1_County String False

County name for address 1.

Address1_Fax String False

Fax number for address 1.

Address1_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 1.

Address1_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 1.

Address1_Name String False

Name to enter for address 1.

Address1_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 1.

Address1_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 1.

Address1_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 1.

Address1_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 1.

Address1_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1.

Address1_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Address2_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 2.

Address2_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address2_City String False

City name for address 2.

Address2_Country String False

Country/region name for address 2.

Address2_County String False

County name for address 2.

Address2_Fax String False

Fax number for address 2.

Address2_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 2.

Address2_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 2.

Address2_Name String False

Name to enter for address 2.

Address2_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 2.

Address2_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 2.

Address2_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 2.

Address2_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 2.

Address2_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2.

Address2_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

CampaignId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the source campaign associated with the lead.

CampaignId_LogicalName String False

CampaignId_Name String False

CompanyName String False

Name of the company with which the lead is associated.

ContactId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the contact with which the lead is associated.

ContactId_LogicalName String True

ContactId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the lead.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the lead was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the lead.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier for the account or contact associated with the lead.

CustomerId_LogicalName String False

CustomerId_Name String False

Description String False

Description of the lead.

DoNotBulkEMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending direct email to the lead.

DoNotEMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending email to the lead.

DoNotFax Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending fax transmittals to the lead.

DoNotPhone Boolean False

Information about whether to allow phone calls to the lead.

DoNotPostalMail Boolean False

Information about whether to allow sending postal mail to the lead.

DoNotSendMM Boolean False

Information regarding whether to allow sending marketing mail to the lead.

EMailAddress1 String False

First email address for the lead.

EMailAddress2 String False

Second email address for the lead.

EMailAddress3 String False

Third email address for the lead.

EstimatedAmount Double False

Estimated value of the opportunity that was generated from the lead.

EstimatedAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the estimated value of the opportunity that was generated from the lead.

EstimatedCloseDate Datetime False

Estimated date on which the opportunity that was generated from the lead is expected to close.

EstimatedValue Double False

Estimated value of the opportunity that was generated from the lead.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the lead with respect to the base currency.

Fax String False

Fax number for the lead.

FirstName String False

First name for the lead.

FullName String True

Full name for the lead.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IndustryCode String False

Type of industry with which the company or organization of the lead is associated.

JobTitle String False

Job title of the lead.

LastName String False

Last name for the lead.

LastUsedInCampaign Datetime False

Date and time when the lead was last contacted as a part of a marketing campaign.

LeadId String False

Unique identifier of the lead.

LeadQualityCode String False

Quality of the lead, such as hot, warm, or cold.

LeadSourceCode String False

Source of the lead.

MasterId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the master lead for merge.

MasterId_LogicalName String True

MasterId_Name String True

Merged Boolean True

Information regarding whether the account has been merged with a master lead.

MiddleName String False

Middle name for the lead.

MobilePhone String False

Mobile phone number for the lead.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the lead.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the lead was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the lead.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

NumberOfEmployees Integer False

Number of employees at the lead's company.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the lead record.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the lead.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the lead.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the lead.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Pager String False

Pager number for the lead.

ParticipatesInWorkflow Boolean False

Information about whether the lead participates in workflow rules.

PreferredContactMethodCode String False

Preferred contact method for the lead.

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the lead.

Revenue Double False

Revenue amount for the lead.

Revenue_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the revenue amount for the lead.

SalesStageCode String False

Current stage of the sales process for the lead.

Salutation String False

Salutation for correspondence with the lead.

SIC String False

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for the lead.

StateCode String True

Status of the lead.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the lead.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the lead.

Telephone1 String False

First telephone number for the lead.

Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number for the lead.

Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number for the lead.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the lead.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

WebSiteUrl String False

Web site URL for the lead.

YomiCompanyName String False

Name of the company with which the lead is associated.

YomiFirstName String False

Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the lead first name, used for Yomi sorting.

YomiFullName String True

Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the lead full name, used for Yomi sorting.

YomiLastName String False

Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the lead last name, used for Yomi sorting.

YomiMiddleName String False

Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the lead middle name, used for Yomi sorting.


This is a table representing the LeadAddress entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the lead address.

AddressNumber Integer False

Information about the address for the lead.

AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for the lead address.

City String False

City name in the address for the lead.

Country String False

Country/region name in the address for the lead.

County String False

County name in the address for the lead.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the lead address.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the lead address was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the leadaddress.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the leadaddress with respect to the base currency.

Fax String False

Fax number for the address for the lead.

Latitude Double False

Latitude for the address for the lead.

LeadAddressId String False

Unique identifier of the lead address.

Line1 String False

First line for entering address information.

Line2 String False

Second line for entering address information.

Line3 String False

Third line for entering address information.

Longitude Double False

Longitude for the address for the lead.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the lead address.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the lead address was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the leadaddress.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name used to identify the lead address.

ParentId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent object with which the lead address is associated.

ParentId_LogicalName String False

ParentId_Name String False

PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the address for the lead.

PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number in the address for the lead.

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for the lead.

StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the address for the lead.

Telephone1 String False

First telephone number for the lead address.

Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number for the lead address.

Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number for the lead address.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the leadaddress.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the address of the lead.

UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for the lead address. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.


This is a table representing the LeadCompetitors entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the lead competitor.

CompetitorId String True

LeadCompetitorId String False

Unique identifier of the lead competitor.

LeadId String True


This is a table representing the LeadProduct entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the lead product.

LeadId String True

LeadProductId String False

Unique identifier of the lead product.

ProductId String True


This is a table representing the Letter entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the letter activity.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the letter activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the letter activity in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the letter activity.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the letter activity.

Address String False

Address for the letter.

bcc_Ids String False

Blind carbon copy (BCC) recipient of the letter.

bcc_LogicalNames String False

bcc_Names String False

Category String False

Category of the letter.

cc_Ids String False

Carbon copy (CC) recipient of the letter.

cc_LogicalNames String False

cc_Names String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the letter activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the letter activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the letter.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the letter activity.

DirectionCode Boolean False

Direction code for the letter: incoming or outgoing.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the letter with respect to the base currency.

from_Ids String False

Who the letter is from.

from_LogicalNames String False

from_Names String False

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information regarding whether the letter activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Indication of whether the letter activity was created by a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the letter activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the letter activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the letter.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the letter activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the letter activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team that owns the letter activity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user that owns the letter activity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PriorityCode String False

Priority code of the letter.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the letter activity is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the letter activity, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the letter activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the letter activity.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier for an associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the letter activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the letter activity.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the letter activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the letter activity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

to_Ids String False

Who the letter is sent to.

to_LogicalNames String False

to_Names String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the letter.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the License entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the license.

InstalledOn Datetime False

Date and time when the license was installed.

LicenseId String False

Unique identifier of the license.

LicenseKey String False

Key for the license.

LicenseType String False

Type of license, such as Professional, Standard, or Suite.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the license.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the List entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the marketing list.

Cost Double False

Cost of the marketing list.

Cost_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the cost of the marketing list.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique Identifier of the user who created the marketing list.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedFromCode String False

Information about how the marketing list was created. Restricts the type of objects that can be added to the list.

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the marketing list was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the list.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the marketing list.

DoNotSendOnOptOut Boolean False

Information about whether to send marketing material to list members that prohibit sending of marketing material.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the list with respect to the base currency.

IgnoreInactiveListMembers Boolean False

Information about whether to ignore inactive marketing list members during propagation/execution.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

LastUsedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the list was last used in a campaign, to create activities, or to create opportunities.

ListId String False

Unique identifier of the marketing list.

ListName String False

User-defined name of the marketing list.

LockStatus Boolean False

Indicates whether the marketing list is locked.

MemberCount Integer True

Total number of members in the marketing list.

MemberType Integer False

Type of the members that can be stored in the marketing list.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the marketing list.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the marketing list was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the list.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the marketing list.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the marketing list.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the marketing list.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the marketing list.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Purpose String False

Reason why the marketing list was created.

Query String False

Query used for retrieving members of marketing list.

Source String False

Source of the marketing list.

StateCode String True

Status of the marketing list.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the marketing list.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the list.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

Type Boolean False

Type of marketing list (Static or Dynamic).

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the ListMember entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the list member.

CreatedBy_Id String True

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EntityId_Id String False

EntityId_LogicalName String False

EntityId_Name String False

EntityType Integer False

ListId_Id String False

ListId_LogicalName String False

ListId_Name String False

ListMemberId String False

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the list member.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the list member was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the listmember.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the list member.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

OwningUser String True


This is a table representing the LookUpMapping entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the lookup mapping.

ColumnMappingId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the column mapping with which this lookup mapping is associated.

ColumnMappingId_LogicalName String False

ColumnMappingId_Name String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the lookup mapping.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the lookup mapping was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the lookupmapping.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

LookUpAttributeName String False

Name of the field with which the lookup is associated.

LookUpEntityName String False

Name of the entity with which the lookup is associated.

LookUpMappingId String False

Unique identifier of the lookup mapping.

LookUpSourceCode String False

Lookup source code for lookup mapping.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the lookup mapping.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the lookup mapping was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the lookupmapping.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ProcessCode String False

Information about whether the lookup mapping has to be processed.

StateCode String True

Status of the lookup mapping.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the lookup mapping.

TransformationParameterMappingId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the transformation parameter mapping with which this lookup mapping is associated.

TransformationParameterMappingId_LogicalName String False

TransformationParameterMappingId_Name String False


This is a table representing the MailMergeTemplate entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the mail merge template.

Body String False

Body text of the mail merge template.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the mail merge template.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the mail merge template was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the mailmergetemplate.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DefaultFilter String False

Default data fields associated with the mail merge template.

Description String False

Description of the mail merge template.

DocumentFormat String False

Version of the Microsoft Office Word XML format used by the template.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the mailmergetemplate with respect to the base currency.

FileName String False

File name of the mail merge template.

FileSize Integer True

File size of the mail merge template.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

IsPersonal Boolean False

Information about whether the mail merge template is personal or is available to all users.

LanguageCode Integer False

Language of the mail merge template.

MailMergeTemplateId String False

Unique identifier of the mail merge template.

MailMergeTemplateIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

MailMergeType String False

Drop-down list for selecting the type of the mail merge.

MimeType String False

MIME type of the mail merge template.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the mail merge template.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the mail merge template was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the mailmergetemplate.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the mail merge template.

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the mail merge template.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the mail merge template.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the mail merge template.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the mail merge template.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParameterXml String True

Parameter Xml.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

StateCode String True

Status of the mail merge template.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the mail merge template.

TemplateTypeCode String False

Type of mail merge template.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the mailmergetemplate.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the Metric entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the goal metric.

AmountDataType String False

Data type of the amount.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the goal metric.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Sequence number of the import that created this record.

IsAmount Boolean False

Information that indicates whether the metric type is Count or Amount.

IsStretchTracked Boolean False

Indicates whether the goal metric tracks stretch targets.

MetricId String False

Unique identifier of the goal metric.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who modified the record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the record was modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the goal metric.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

StateCode String True

Status of the goal metric.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the goal metric.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the MonthlyFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the monthly fiscal calendar.

BusinessUnitId_Id String True

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String True

BusinessUnitId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the fiscal calendar.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quota for the monthly fiscal calendar was modified.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the MonthlyFiscalCalendar.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EffectiveOn Datetime False

Date and time when the monthly fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the monthly fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency.

FiscalPeriodType Integer True

Type of fiscal period used in the sales quota.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quota for the monthly fiscal calendar.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quota for the monthly fiscal calendar was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the MonthlyFiscalCalendar.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

month1 Double False

Sales quota for the first month in the fiscal year.

month1_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first month in the fiscal year.

month10 Double False

Sales quota for the tenth month in the fiscal year.

month10_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the tenth month in the fiscal year.

month11 Double False

Sales quota for the eleventh month in the fiscal year.

month11_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eleventh month in the fiscal year.

month12 Double False

Sales quota for the twelfth month in the fiscal year.

month12_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the twelfth month in the fiscal year.

month6 Double False

Sales quota for the second month in the fiscal year.

month6_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second month in the fiscal year.

month5 Double False

Sales quota for the third month in the fiscal year.

month5_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the third month in the fiscal year.

month4 Double False

Sales quota for the fourth month in the fiscal year.

month4_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fourth month in the fiscal year.

month5 Double False

Sales quota for the fifth month in the fiscal year.

month5_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fifth month in the fiscal year.

month6 Double False

Sales quota for the sixth month in the fiscal year.

month6_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the sixth month in the fiscal year.

month7 Double False

Sales quota for the seventh month in the fiscal year.

month7_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the seventh month in the fiscal year.

month8 Double False

Sales quota for the eighth month in the fiscal year.

month8_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eighth month in the fiscal year.

month9 Double False

Sales quota for the ninth month in the fiscal year.

month9_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the ninth month in the fiscal year.

SalesPersonId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated salesperson.

SalesPersonId_LogicalName String False

SalesPersonId_Name String False

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the monthly fiscal calendar.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UserFiscalCalendarId String False

Unique identifier of the monthly fiscal calendar.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the Notification entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the notification.

CreatedOn Datetime True

For internal use only.

CreatedOnString String True

For internal use only.

EventData String False

For internal use only.

EventId Integer False

For internal use only.

NotificationId String False

For internal use only.

NotificationNumber Integer True

For internal use only.

OrganizationId String False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the Opportunity entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity.

AccountId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the account with which the opportunity is associated.

AccountId_LogicalName String True

AccountId_Name String True

ActualCloseDate Datetime False

Date when the opportunity was closed.

ActualValue Double False

Actual revenue for the opportunity.

ActualValue_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the actual revenue for the opportunity.

CampaignId_Id String False

Unique identifier for the source campaign associated with the opportunity.

CampaignId_LogicalName String False

CampaignId_Name String False

CloseProbability Integer False

Likelihood of closing the opportunity.

ContactId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the contact associated with the opportunity.

ContactId_LogicalName String True

ContactId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the opportunity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the opportunity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the opportunity.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the opportunity.

CustomerId_LogicalName String False

CustomerId_Name String False

Description String False

Description of the opportunity.

DiscountAmount Double False

Discount specified as a monetary amount for the opportunity.

DiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the discount specified as a monetary amount for the opportunity.

DiscountPercentage Double False

Discount specified as a percentage for the opportunity.

EstimatedCloseDate Datetime False

Estimated date on which the opportunity is expected to close.

EstimatedValue Double False

Estimated value of the opportunity.

EstimatedValue_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the estimated value of the opportunity.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the opportunity with respect to the base currency.

FreightAmount Double False

Cost of freight for the opportunity.

FreightAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the cost of freight for the opportunity

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsRevenueSystemCalculated Boolean False

Specifies whether estimated revenue is to be calculated by the system or provided by the user.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the opportunity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the opportunity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the opportunity.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the opportunity.

OpportunityId String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity.

OpportunityRatingCode String False

Quality of the opportunity, such as hot.

OriginatingLeadId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the lead that originated the opportunity.

OriginatingLeadId_LogicalName String False

OriginatingLeadId_Name String False

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the opportunity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the opportunity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the opportunity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the opportunity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParticipatesInWorkflow Boolean False

Information about whether the opportunity participates in workflow rules.

PriceLevelId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the price list associated with the opportunity.

PriceLevelId_LogicalName String False

PriceLevelId_Name String False

PricingErrorCode String False

Pricing error for the opportunity.

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the opportunity.

SalesStageCode String False

Customizable code that represents the current stage of an opportunity in a manual sales process. Designed to support manual sales processes upgraded from earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

StateCode String True

Status of the opportunity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the opportunity.

StepId String False

Unique identifier of the step in the sales process.

StepName String False

Current phase in the sales pipeline for the opportunity. Designed to be updated by using workflows.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TotalAmount Double True

Total amount for the opportunity.

TotalAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total amount for the opportunity.

TotalAmountLessFreight Double True

Total amount minus the freight charges for the opportunity.

TotalAmountLessFreight_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total amount minus the freight charges for the opportunity.

TotalDiscountAmount Double True

Total discount for the opportunity.

TotalDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total discount for the opportunity.

TotalLineItemAmount Double True

Total line item amount for the opportunity.

TotalLineItemAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total line item amount for the opportunity.

TotalLineItemDiscountAmount Double True

Total line item discount for the opportunity.

TotalLineItemDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total line item discount for the opportunity.

TotalTax Double True

Total tax for the opportunity.

TotalTax_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total tax for the opportunity.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the opportunity.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the OpportunityClose entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity closed.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity close activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the opportunity close activity in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the opportunity close activity.

ActualRevenue Double False

Actual revenue generated for the opportunity.

ActualRevenue_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the actual revenue generated for the opportunity.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the opportunity close activity.

Category String False

Category of the opportunity close activity.

CompetitorId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the competitor with which the opportunity close activity is associated.

CompetitorId_LogicalName String False

CompetitorId_Name String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the opportunity close activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the opportunity close activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the opportunityclose.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Activity that is created automatically when an opportunity is closed, containing information such as the description of the closing and actual revenue.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the opportunity close activity with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information about whether the opportunity close activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Information that specifies if the opportunity close activity was created from a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the opportunity close activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the opportunity close activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the opportunityclose.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OpportunityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity closed.

OpportunityId_LogicalName String False

OpportunityId_Name String False

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the opportunity close activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the opportunity close activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the opportunity close activity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the opportunity close activity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the opportunity close activity, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the opportunity close activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the opportunity close activity.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the service with which the opportunity close activity is associated.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the opportunity close activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the opportunity close activity.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the opportunity close activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the opportunity close activity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the opportunity close.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the OpportunityCompetitors entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity competitor.

CompetitorId String True

OpportunityCompetitorId String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity competitor.

OpportunityId String True


This is a table representing the OpportunityProduct entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity product.

BaseAmount Double True

Subtotal for the opportunity product before discounts are applied and taxes are added.

BaseAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the subtotal for the opportunity product before discounts are applied and taxes are added.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the opportunity product.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the opportunity product was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the opportunity product.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the opportunity product.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the opportunity product with respect to the base currency.

ExtendedAmount Double True

Subtotal of the opportunity product after discounts are applied and taxes are added.

ExtendedAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the opportunity product after discounts are applied and taxes are added.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsPriceOverridden Boolean False

Specifies whether to override product catalog pricing.

IsProductOverridden Boolean False

Specifies whether the product is a write-in product or an existing product.

LineItemNumber Integer False

Line item number for the opportunity product.

ManualDiscountAmount Double False

Customized discount amount for the opportunity product.

ManualDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the customized discount amount for the opportunity product.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the opportunity product.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the opportunity product was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the opportunity product.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OpportunityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity with which the opportunity product is associated.

OpportunityId_LogicalName String False

OpportunityId_Name String False

OpportunityProductId String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity product.

OpportunityStateCode String True

Status of the opportunity product.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the opportunity product.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the opportunity product.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the opportunity product.

PricePerUnit Double False

Price per unit for the opportunity product.

PricePerUnit_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the price per unit for the opportunity product.

PricingErrorCode String False

Pricing error for the opportunity product.

ProductDescription String False

Product description for the opportunity product.

ProductId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the product listed for the opportunity product.

ProductId_LogicalName String False

ProductId_Name String False

Quantity Double False

Product quantity specified for the opportunity product.

Tax Double False

Tax amount for the opportunity product.

Tax_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the tax amount for the opportunity product.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the opportunity product.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True

UoMId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the unit that is associated with the opportunity product.

UoMId_LogicalName String False

UoMId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

VolumeDiscountAmount Double True

Volume discount amount for the opportunity product.

VolumeDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the volume discount amount for the opportunity product.


Gets basic information about the OptionSet values available for a given table and displays the mapping of OptionSet string values to OptionSet int values.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
TableName [KEY] String False

The table to retrieve information about. This must be specified as an input.

ColumnName [KEY] String False

The internal name of the column.

DisplayName String False

The column name.

OptionSetString String False

A string value for the OptionSet column.

OptionSetInt [KEY] Integer False

A int value for the OptionSet column.

DataType String True

The system data type for the column.

DataSourceDataType String True

The Dynamics CRM data type for the column before conversion to the system data type.

Description String True

A description for the column if available.

IsReadOnly Boolean True

Boolean determining if the column is read-only or not.


This is a table representing the OrderClose entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the order close activity.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the order close activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the order close activity in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the order close activity.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the order close activity.

Category String False

Category of the order close activity.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the order close activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the order close activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the orderclose.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Activity generated automatically when an order is closed.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information about whether the order close activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Information that specifies if the order close activity was created from a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the order close activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the order close activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the orderclose.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrderNumber String False

Order number.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the order close activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the order close activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the order close activity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the order close activity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Revision Integer False

Order revision number.

SalesOrderId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the order with which the order close activity is associated.

SalesOrderId_LogicalName String False

SalesOrderId_Name String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the order close activity, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the order close activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the order close activity.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the service with which the order close activity is associated.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the order close activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the order close activity.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the order close activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the order close activity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the Organization entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the organization.

AcknowledgementTemplateId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the template to be used for acknowledgement when a user unsubscribes.

AcknowledgementTemplateId_LogicalName String False

AcknowledgementTemplateId_Name String False

AllowAddressBookSyncs Boolean False

Indicates whether background address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook is allowed.

AllowAutoResponseCreation Boolean False

Indicates whether automatic response creation is allowed.

AllowAutoUnsubscribe Boolean False

Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe is allowed.

AllowAutoUnsubscribeAcknowledgement Boolean False

Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe acknowledgement email is allowed to send.

AllowClientMessageBarAd Boolean False

Indicates whether Outlook Client message bar advertisement is allowed.

AllowEntityOnlyAudit Boolean False

Indicates whether auditing of changes to entity is allowed when no attributes have changed.

AllowMarketingEmailExecution Boolean False

Indicates whether marketing emails execution is allowed.

AllowOfflineScheduledSyncs Boolean False

Indicates whether background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook is allowed.

AllowOutlookScheduledSyncs Boolean False

Indicates whether scheduled synchronizations to Outlook are allowed.

AllowUnresolvedPartiesOnEmailSend Boolean False

Indicates whether users are allowed to send email to unresolved parties (parties must still have an email address).

AllowWebExcelExport Boolean False

Indicates whether Web-based export of grids to Microsoft Office Excel is allowed.

AMDesignator String False

AM designator to use throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

BaseCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the base currency of the organization.

BaseCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

BaseCurrencyId_Name String False

BaseCurrencyPrecision Integer True

Number of decimal places that can be used for the base currency.

BaseCurrencySymbol String True

Symbol used for the base currency.

BlockedAttachments String False

Prevent upload or download of certain attachment types that are considered dangerous.

BulkOperationPrefix String False

Prefix used for bulk operation numbering.

BusinessClosureCalendarId String False

Unique identifier of the business closure calendar of organization.

CalendarType Integer False

Calendar type for the system. Set to Gregorian US by default.

CampaignPrefix String False

Prefix used for campaign numbering.

CasePrefix String False

Prefix to use for all cases throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

ContractPrefix String False

Prefix to use for all contracts throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the organization.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the organization was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the organization.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CurrencyDecimalPrecision Integer False

Number of decimal places that can be used for currency.

CurrencyDisplayOption String False

Indicates whether to display money fields with currency code or currency symbol.

CurrencyFormatCode String False

Information about how currency symbols are placed throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

CurrencySymbol String False

Symbol used for currency throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

CurrentBulkOperationNumber Integer False

Current bulk operation number.

CurrentCampaignNumber Integer False

Current campaign number.

CurrentCaseNumber Integer False

First case number to use.

CurrentContractNumber Integer False

First contract number to use.

CurrentImportSequenceNumber Integer True

Import sequence to use.

CurrentInvoiceNumber Integer False

First invoice number to use.

CurrentKbNumber Integer False

First article number to use.

CurrentOrderNumber Integer False

First order number to use.

CurrentParsedTableNumber Integer True

First parsed table number to use.

CurrentQuoteNumber Integer False

First quote number to use.

DateFormatCode String False

Information about how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM.

DateFormatString String False

String showing how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM.

DateSeparator String False

Character used to separate the month, the day, and the year in dates throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

DecimalSymbol String False

Symbol used for decimal in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

DefaultRecurrenceEndRangeType String False

Type of default recurrence end range date.

DisabledReason String True

Reason for disabling the organization.

EmailSendPollingPeriod Integer False

Normal polling frequency used for sending email in Microsoft Office Outlook.

EnablePricingOnCreate Boolean False

Enable pricing calculations on a Create call.

EnableSmartMatching Boolean False

Use Smart Matching.

ExpireSubscriptionsInDays Integer False

Maximum number of days before deleting inactive subscriptions.

FeatureSet String False

Features to be enabled as an XML BLOB.

FiscalCalendarStart Datetime False

Start date for the fiscal period that is to be used throughout Microsoft CRM.

FiscalPeriodFormat String False

Information that specifies how the name of the fiscal period is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM.

FiscalPeriodFormatPeriod String False

Format in which the fiscal period will be displayed.

FiscalPeriodType Integer False

Type of fiscal period used throughout Microsoft CRM.

FiscalSettingsUpdated Boolean True

Information that specifies whether the fiscal settings have been updated.

FiscalYearDisplayCode Integer False

Information that specifies whether the fiscal year should be displayed based on the start date or the end date of the fiscal year.

FiscalYearFormat String False

Information that specifies how the name of the fiscal year is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM.

FiscalYearFormatPrefix String False

Prefix for the display of the fiscal year.

FiscalYearFormatSuffix String False

Suffix for the display of the fiscal year.

FiscalYearFormatYear String False

Format for the year.

FiscalYearPeriodConnect String False

Information that specifies how the names of the fiscal year and the fiscal period should be connected when displayed together.

FullNameConventionCode String False

Order in which names are to be displayed throughout Microsoft CRM.

FutureExpansionWindow Integer False

Specifies the maximum number of months in future for which the recurring activities can be created.

GetStartedPaneContentEnabled Boolean False

Indicates whether Get Started content is enabled for this organization.

GoalRollupExpiryTime Integer False

Number of days after the goal's end date after which the rollup of the goal stops automatically.

GoalRollupFrequency Integer False

Number of hours between automatic rollup jobs .

GrantAccessToNetworkService Boolean False

For internal use only.

HashDeltaSubjectCount Integer False

Maximum difference allowed between subject keywords count of the email messaged to be correlated

HashFilterKeywords String False

Filter Subject Keywords

HashMaxCount Integer False

Maximum number of subject keywords or recipients used for correlation

HashMinAddressCount Integer False

Minimum number of recipients required to match for email messaged to be correlated

IgnoreInternalEmail Boolean False

Indicates whether incoming email sent by internal Microsoft Dynamics CRM users or queues should be tracked.

InitialVersion String False

Initial version of the organization.

IntegrationUserId String False

Unique identifier of the integration user for the organization.

InvoicePrefix String False

Prefix to use for all invoice numbers throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

IsAppMode Boolean False

Indicates whether loading of Microsoft Dynamics CRM in a browser window that does not have address, tool, and menu bars is enabled.

IsAuditEnabled Boolean False

Enable or disable auditing of changes.

IsDisabled Boolean True

Information that specifies whether the organization is disabled.

IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled Boolean False

Indicates whether duplicate detection of records is enabled.

IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForImport Boolean False

Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during import is enabled.

IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOfflineSync Boolean False

Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during offline synchronization is enabled.

IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOnlineCreateUpdate Boolean False

Indicates whether duplicate detection during online create or update is enabled.

IsFiscalPeriodMonthBased Boolean False

Indicates whether the fiscal period is displayed as the month number.

IsPresenceEnabled Boolean False

Information on whether IM presence is enabled.

IsRegistered Boolean True

For internal use only.

IsSOPIntegrationEnabled Boolean False

Enable sales order processing integration.

ISVIntegrationCode String False

Indicates whether loading of Microsoft Dynamics CRM in a browser window that does not have address, tool, and menu bars is enabled.

KbPrefix String False

Prefix to use for all articles in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

LanguageCode Integer False

Preferred language for the organization.

LocaleId Integer False

Unique identifier of the locale of the organization.

LongDateFormatCode Integer False

Information that specifies how the Long Date format is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

MaxAppointmentDurationDays Integer False

Maximum number of days an appointment can last.

MaximumTrackingNumber Integer False

Maximum tracking number before recycling takes place.

MaxRecordsForExportToExcel Integer False

Maximum number of records that will be exported to a static Microsoft Office Excel worksheet when exporting from the grid.

MaxRecordsForLookupFilters Integer False

Maximum number of lookup and picklist records that can be selected by user for filtering.

MaxUploadFileSize Integer False

Maximum allowed size of an attachment.

MinAddressBookSyncInterval Integer False

Normal polling frequency used for address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook.

MinOfflineSyncInterval Integer False

Normal polling frequency used for background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook.

MinOutlookSyncInterval Integer False

Minimum allowed time between scheduled Outlook synchronizations.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the organization.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the organization was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the organization.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the organization. The name is set when Microsoft CRM is installed and should not be changed.

NegativeCurrencyFormatCode Integer False

Information that specifies how negative currency numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

NegativeFormatCode String False

Information that specifies how negative numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft CRM.

NextTrackingNumber Integer False

Next token to be placed on the subject line of an email message.

NumberFormat String False

Specification of how numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft CRM.

NumberGroupFormat String False

Specifies how numbers are grouped in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

NumberSeparator String False

Symbol used for number separation in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

OrderPrefix String False

Prefix to use for all orders throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrgDbOrgSettings String False

Organization settings stored in Organization Database.

ParsedTableColumnPrefix String True

Prefix used for parsed table columns.

ParsedTablePrefix String True

Prefix used for parsed tables.

PastExpansionWindow Integer False

Specifies the maximum number of months in past for which the recurring activities can be created.

Picture String False

For internal use only.

PinpointLanguageCode Integer False

PMDesignator String False

PM designator to use throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

PricingDecimalPrecision Integer False

Number of decimal places that can be used for prices.

PrivilegeUserGroupId String False

Unique identifier of the default privilege for users in the organization.

PrivReportingGroupId String False

For internal use only.

PrivReportingGroupName String False

For internal use only.

QuotePrefix String False

Prefix to use for all quotes throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

RecurrenceDefaultNumberOfOccurrences Integer False

Specifies the default value for number of occurrences field in the recurrence dialog.

RecurrenceExpansionJobBatchInterval Integer False

Specifies the interval (in seconds) for pausing expansion job.

RecurrenceExpansionJobBatchSize Integer False

Specifies the value for number of instances created in on demand job in one shot.

RecurrenceExpansionSynchCreateMax Integer False

Specifies the maximum number of instances to be created synchronously after creating a recurring appointment.

ReferenceSiteMapXml String False

XML string that defines the navigation structure for the application. This is the site map from the previously upgraded build and is used in a 3-way merge during upgrade.

RenderSecureIFrameForEmail Boolean False

Flag to render the body of email in the Web form in an IFRAME with the security='restricted' attribute set. This is additional security but can cause a credentials prompt.

ReportingGroupId String False

For internal use only.

ReportingGroupName String False

For internal use only.

ReportScriptErrors String False

Picklist for selecting the organization preference for reporting scripting errors.

RequireApprovalForQueueEmail Boolean False

Indicates whether Send As Other User privilege is enabled.

RequireApprovalForUserEmail Boolean False

Indicates whether Send As Other User privilege is enabled.

SampleDataImportId String False

Unique identifier of the sample data import job.

SchemaNamePrefix String False

Prefix used for custom entities and attributes.

ShareToPreviousOwnerOnAssign Boolean False

Information that specifies whether to share to previous owner on assign.

ShowWeekNumber Boolean False

Information that specifies whether to display the week number in calendar displays throughout Microsoft CRM.

SiteMapXml String False

XML string that defines the navigation structure for the application.

SortId Integer False

For internal use only.

SqlAccessGroupId String False

For internal use only.

SqlAccessGroupName String False

For internal use only.

SQMEnabled Boolean False

Setting for SQM data collection, 0 no, 1 yes enabled

SupportUserId String False

Unique identifier of the support user for the organization.

SystemUserId String False

Unique identifier of the system user for the organization.

TagMaxAggressiveCycles Integer False

Maximum number of aggressive polling cycles executed for email auto-tagging when a new email is received.

TagPollingPeriod Integer False

Normal polling frequency used for email receive auto-tagging in outlook.

TimeFormatCode String False

Information that specifies how the time is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM.

TimeFormatString String False

Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

TimeSeparator String False

Text for how the time separator is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TokenExpiry Integer False

Duration used for token expiration.

TrackingPrefix String False

History list of tracking token prefixes.

TrackingTokenIdBase Integer False

Base number used to provide separate tracking token identifiers to users belonging to different deployments.

TrackingTokenIdDigits Integer False

Number of digits used to represent a tracking token identifier.

UniqueSpecifierLength Integer False

Number of characters appended to invoice, quote, and order numbers.

UserGroupId String False

Unique identifier of the default group of users in the organization.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

V3CalloutConfigHash String True

Hash of the V3 callout configuration file.

WeekStartDayCode String False

Designated first day of the week throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

YearStartWeekCode Integer False

Information that specifies how the first week of the year is specified in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


This is a table representing the OrganizationStatistic entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the statistic measurement.

Hour Integer True

Hour that the statistic measurement was taken.

OrganizationStatisticId String True

Unique identifier of the record.

ServerName String True

Server that owns this record.

StatisticType Integer True

Statistic type that is being measured.

StatisticValue Integer True

Value of the statistic.


This is a table representing the OrganizationUI entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the organization UI entity.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

FieldXml String False

For internal use only.

FormId String False

Unique identifier of the record type form.

FormIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook.

FormXml String False

XML representation of the form layout.

GridIcon String False

Binary representation of the icon used in record type grid views.

IsManaged Boolean True

LargeEntityIcon String False

Binary representation of the large icon used in the record type form.

ObjectTypeCode String False

Code that represents the record type.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OutlookShortcutIcon String False

Binary representation of the large icon used in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook for this record type.

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

PreviewColumnsetXml String False

For internal use only.

PreviewXml String False

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

Version Integer False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the Owner entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the owner.

Name String True

Name of the Owner.

OwnerId String False

Unique identifier for the owner: systemuserid or teamid.

OwnerIdType Integer True

YomiName String True

Pronunciation of the name of the owner, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.


This is a table representing the OwnerMapping entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the owner mapping.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the owner mapping.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the owner mapping was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the ownermapping.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ImportMapId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the data map with which the owner mapping is associated.

ImportMapId_LogicalName String False

ImportMapId_Name String False

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the lookup mapping.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the owner mapping was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the ownermapping.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OwnerMappingId String False

Unique identifier of the owner mapping.

ProcessCode String False

Code that indicates whether the owner mapping has to be processed

SourceSystemUserName String False

Source user name that has to be replaced

SourceUserValueForSourceCRMUserLink String False

Source user value for source Microsoft Dynamics CRM user link.

StateCode String True

Status of the owner mapping.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the owner mapping.

TargetSystemUserDomainName String False

Microsoft Dynamics CRM logon name with which the source user name should be replaced.

TargetSystemUserId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user.

TargetSystemUserId_LogicalName String False

TargetSystemUserId_Name String False

TargetUserValueForSourceCRMUserLink String False

Microsoft Dynamics CRM user.


This is a table representing the PhoneCall entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the phone call activity.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the phone call activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the phone call activity in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the phone call activity.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the phone call activity.

Category String False

Category of the phone call activity.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the phone call activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the phone call activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the phonecall.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the phone call activity.

DirectionCode Boolean False

Direction code for the phone call; incoming or outgoing.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the phonecall with respect to the base currency.

from_Ids String False

Who the phone call is from.

from_LogicalNames String False

from_Names String False

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information which specifies whether the phone call activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Indication which specifies if the phone call activity was created by a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the phone call activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the email phone call activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the phonecall.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the phone call activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the phone call activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team that owns the phone call activity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user that owns the phone call activity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PhoneNumber String False

Telephone number associated with the phone call activity.

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the phone call activity.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the phone call activity is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the phone call activity, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the phone call activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the phone call activity.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier for an associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the phone call activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the phone call activity.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the phone call activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the phone call activity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

to_Ids String False

Person that is being called.

to_LogicalNames String False

to_Names String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the phonecall.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the PickListMapping entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the list value mapping.

ColumnMappingId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the column mapping with which this list value mapping is associated.

ColumnMappingId_LogicalName String False

ColumnMappingId_Name String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the list value mapping.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the list value mapping was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the picklistmapping.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the list value mapping.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the list value mapping was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the picklistmapping.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

PickListMappingId String False

Unique identifier of the picklist mapping.

ProcessCode String False

Information about whether the list value mapping needs to be processed.

SourceValue String False

Source value to be replaced.

StateCode String True

Status of the picklist mapping.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the picklist mapping.

TargetValue Integer False

Microsoft Dynamics CRM list value with which to replace the source value.


This is a table representing the PluginAssembly entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the plug-in assembly.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

Content String False

Bytes of the assembly, in Base64 format.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the plug-in assembly.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the plug-in assembly was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the plug-in assembly.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Culture String False

Culture code for the plug-in assembly.

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization Level.

Description String False

Description of the plug-in assembly.

IsManaged Boolean True

Information that specifies whether this component is managed.

IsolationMode String False

Information about how the plug-in assembly is to be isolated at execution time; None / Sandboxed.

Major Integer True

Major of the assembly version.

Minor Integer True

Minor of the assembly version.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the plug-in assembly.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the plug-in assembly was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the plug-in assembly.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the plug-in assembly.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the plug-in assembly is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

Path String False

File name of the plug-in assembly. Used when the source type is set to 1.

PluginAssemblyId String False

Unique identifier of the plug-in assembly.

PluginAssemblyIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the plug-in assembly.

PublicKeyToken String False

Public key token of the assembly. This value can be obtained from the assembly by using reflection.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

SourceHash String False

Hash of the source of the assembly.

SourceType String False

Location of the assembly, for example 0=database, 1=on-disk.

Version String False

Version number of the assembly. The value can be obtained from the assembly through reflection.


This is a table representing the plug-in type entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the plugin-type.

AssemblyName String True

Full path name of the plug-in assembly.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the plug-in type.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the plug-in type was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the plug-in type.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Culture String True

Culture code for the plug-in assembly.

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the plug-in type.

Description String False

Description of the plug-in type.

FriendlyName String False

User friendly name for the plug-in.

IsManaged Boolean True

IsWorkflowActivity Boolean True

Indicates if the plug-in is a custom activity for workflows.

Major Integer True

Major of the version number of the assembly for the plug-in type.

Minor Integer True

Minor of the version number of the assembly for the plug-in type.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the plug-in type.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the plug-in type was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the plug-in type.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the plug-in type.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the plug-in type is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

PluginAssemblyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the plug-in assembly that contains this plug-in type.

PluginAssemblyId_LogicalName String False

PluginAssemblyId_Name String False

plug-in typeId String False

Unique identifier of the plug-in type.

plug-in typeIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the plug-in type.

PublicKeyToken String True

Public key token of the assembly for the plug-in type.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

TypeName String False

Fully qualified type name of the plug-in type.

Version String True

Version number of the assembly for the plug-in type.

WorkflowActivityGroupName String False

Group name of workflow custom activity.


This is a table representing the PluginTypeStatistic entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the plugin-type statistic.

AverageExecuteTimeInMilliseconds Integer True

The average execution time (in milliseconds) for the plug-in type statistic.

CrashContributionPercent Integer True

The plug-in type percentage contribution to crashes.

CrashCount Integer True

Number of times the plug-in type has crashed.

CrashPercent Integer True

Percentage of crashes for the plug-in type.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the plug-in type statistic.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the plug-in type statistic was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the plug-in type statistic.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ExecuteCount Integer True

Number of times the plug-in type has been executed.

FailureCount Integer True

Number of times the plug-in type has failed.

FailurePercent Integer True

Percentage of failures for the plug-in type.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the plug-in type statistic.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the plug-in type statistic was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the plug-in type statistic.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the plug-in type statistic is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

PluginTypeId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the plug-in type associated with this plug-in type statistic.

PluginTypeId_LogicalName String True

PluginTypeId_Name String True

PluginTypeStatisticId String True

Unique identifier of the plug-in type statistic.

TerminateCpuContributionPercent Integer True

The plug-in type percentage contribution to Worker process termination due to excessive CPU usage.

TerminateHandlesContributionPercent Integer True

The plug-in type percentage contribution to Worker process termination due to excessive handle usage.

TerminateMemoryContributionPercent Integer True

The plug-in type percentage contribution to Worker process termination due to excessive memory usage.

TerminateOtherContributionPercent Integer True

The plug-in type percentage contribution to Worker process termination due to unknown reasons.


This is a table representing the PriceLevel entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the price list.

BeginDate Datetime False

Date on which the price list becomes effective.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the price list.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the price list was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the pricelevel.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the price list.

EndDate Datetime False

Date that is the last day the price list is valid.

ExchangeRate Double True

FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the price list.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the price list.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the price list was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the pricelevel.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the price list.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the price list.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

PaymentMethodCode String False

Payment terms to use with the price list.

PriceLevelId String False

Unique identifier of the price list.

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for products in the price list.

StateCode String True

Status of the price list.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the price list.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the price level.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the PrincipalAttributeAccessMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the principal attribute access map.

AttributeId String False

CreateAccess String False

PrincipalAttributeAccessMapId String False

Unique identifier of the principal attribute access map.

PrincipalId String False

ReadAccess String False

UpdateAccess String False


This is a table representing the PrincipalEntityMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the principal entity map.

ObjectTypeCode String True

PrincipalEntityMapId String False

For internal use only.

PrincipalId String True


This is a table representing the PrincipalObjectAccess entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the principal object access.

AccessRightsMask Integer False

ChangedOn Datetime False

InheritedAccessRightsMask Integer False

ObjectId String True

ObjectTypeCode String False

PrincipalId String True

PrincipalObjectAccessId String False

Unique identifier of the principal object access.

PrincipalTypeCode String False

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the shared secured field.

AttributeId String False

Unique identifier of the shared secured field.

ObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the entity instance with shared secured field.

ObjectId_LogicalName String False

ObjectId_Name String False

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the associated organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

PrincipalId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the principal to which secured field is shared

PrincipalId_LogicalName String False

PrincipalId_Name String False

PrincipalObjectAttributeAccessId String False

Unique identifier of the shared secured field instance.

ReadAccess Boolean False

Read permission for secured field instance.

UpdateAccess Boolean False

Update permission for secured field instance.


This is a table representing the Privilege entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the privelege.

AccessRight Integer False

Rights a user has to an instance of an entity.

CanBeBasic Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the privilege applies to the user, the user's team, or objects shared by the user.

CanBeDeep Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the privilege applies to child business units of the business unit associated with the user.

CanBeGlobal Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the privilege applies to the entire organization.

CanBeLocal Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the privilege applies to the user's business unit.

Name String False

Name of the privilege.

PrivilegeId String False

Unique identifier of the privilege.


This is a table representing the PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the privilege object type code.

ObjectTypeCode Integer False

For internal use only.

PrivilegeId_Id String False

For internal use only.

PrivilegeId_LogicalName String False

PrivilegeId_Name String False

PrivilegeObjectTypeCodeId String False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the ProcessSession entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the dialog session.

ActivityName String False

Name of the activity that is being executed.

CanceledBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who canceled the dialog session.

CanceledBy_LogicalName String True

CanceledBy_Name String True

CanceledOn Datetime False

Date and time when the dialog session was canceled.

Comments String False

User comments.

CompletedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who completed the dialog session.

CompletedBy_LogicalName String True

CompletedBy_Name String True

CompletedOn Datetime False

Date and time when the dialog session was completed.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who started the dialog session.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the dialog session was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the dialog session.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ErrorCode Integer False

Error code related to the dialog session.

ExecutedBy_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user who ran the dialog process.

ExecutedBy_LogicalName String False

ExecutedBy_Name String False

ExecutedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the dialog process was run.

InputArguments String False

Input arguments for the child dialog process.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the dialog session.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the dialog session was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the dialog session.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the dialog session.

NextLinkedSessionId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the succeeding linked dialog session.

NextLinkedSessionId_LogicalName String False

NextLinkedSessionId_Name String False

OriginatingSessionId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the originating dialog session.

OriginatingSessionId_LogicalName String False

OriginatingSessionId_Name String False

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the dialog session.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the dialog session.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the dialog session.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the dialog session.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PreviousLinkedSessionId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the preceding linked dialog session.

PreviousLinkedSessionId_LogicalName String False

PreviousLinkedSessionId_Name String False

ProcessId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the process activation record that is related to the dialog session.

ProcessId_LogicalName String False

ProcessId_Name String False

ProcessSessionId String False

Unique identifier of the dialog session.

ProcessStageName String False

Name of the dialog stage.

ProcessState String False

State of the dialog process.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the dialog session is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

StartedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who started the dialog session.

StartedBy_LogicalName String True

StartedBy_Name String True

StartedOn Datetime False

Date and time when the dialog session was started.

StateCode String True

Status of the dialog session.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the dialog session.

StepName String False

Name of the dialog step.


This is a table representing the Product entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the product.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the product.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the product was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the product.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CurrentCost Double False

Current cost for the product item. Used in price calculations.

CurrentCost_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the current cost for the product item.

DefaultUoMId_Id String False

Default unit for the product.

DefaultUoMId_LogicalName String False

DefaultUoMId_Name String False

DefaultUoMScheduleId_Id String False

Default unit group for the product.

DefaultUoMScheduleId_LogicalName String False

DefaultUoMScheduleId_Name String False

Description String False

Description of the product.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the product with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsKit Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the product is a kit.

IsStockItem Boolean False

Information about whether the product is a stock item.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the product.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the product was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the product.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the product.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the product.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

Price Double False

List price of the product.

Price_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the list price of the product

PriceLevelId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the price list associated with the product.

PriceLevelId_LogicalName String False

PriceLevelId_Name String False

ProductId String False

Unique identifier of the product.

ProductNumber String False

User-defined product number.

ProductTypeCode String False

Type of product.

ProductUrl String False

URL for the Web site associated with the product.

QuantityDecimal Integer False

Number of decimal places that can be used in monetary amounts for the product.

QuantityOnHand Double False

Quantity of the product in stock.

Size String False

Product size.

StandardCost Double False

Standard cost of the product.

StandardCost_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the standard cost of the product.

StateCode String True

Status of the product.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the product.

StockVolume Double False

Stock volume of the product.

StockWeight Double False

Stock weight of the product.

SubjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the subject associated with the product.

SubjectId_LogicalName String False

SubjectId_Name String False

SupplierName String False

Name of the product's supplier.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the product.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

VendorName String False

Name of the product vendor.

VendorPartNumber String False

Part number for the vendor's product.


This is a table representing the ProductAssociation entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the product association.

AssociatedProduct String False

ProductAssociationId String False

Unique identifier of the product association.

ProductId String False


This is a table representing the ProductPriceLevel entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the price list.

Amount Double False

Monetary amount for the price list.

Amount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the monetary amount for the price list.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the price list.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the price list was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the lead.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DiscountTypeId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the discount list associated with the price list.

DiscountTypeId_LogicalName String False

DiscountTypeId_Name String False

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the product price level with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the price list.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the price list was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the lead.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the price list.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

Percentage Double False

Percentage for the price list.

PriceLevelId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the price level associated with this price list.

PriceLevelId_LogicalName String False

PriceLevelId_Name String False

PricingMethodCode String False

Pricing method applied to the price list.

ProductId_Id String False

Product associated with the price list.

ProductId_LogicalName String False

ProductId_Name String False

ProductPriceLevelId String False

Unique identifier of the price list.

QuantitySellingCode String False

Quantity of the product that must be sold for a given price level.

RoundingOptionAmount Double False

Rounding option amount for the price list.

RoundingOptionAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the rounding option amount for the price list.

RoundingOptionCode String False

Option for rounding the price list.

RoundingPolicyCode String False

Policy for rounding the price list.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the product price level.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True

UoMId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the unit for the price list.

UoMId_LogicalName String False

UoMId_Name String False

UoMScheduleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the unit schedule for the price list.

UoMScheduleId_LogicalName String False

UoMScheduleId_Name String False


This is a table representing the ProductSalesLiterature entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the product sales literature associated with this price list.

ProductId String True

ProductSalesLiteratureId String False

Unique identifier of the product sales literature associated with this price list.

SalesLiteratureId String True


This is a table representing the ProductSubstitute entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the product substitute.

ProductId String False

ProductSubstituteId String False

Unique identifier of the product substitute.

SubstitutedProductId String False


This is a table representing the Publisher entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the publisher.

Address1_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 1.

Address1_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address1_City String False

City name for address 1.

Address1_Country String False

Country/region name for address 1.

Address1_County String False

County name for address 1.

Address1_Fax String False

Fax number for address 1.

Address1_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 1.

Address1_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 1.

Address1_Name String False

Name to enter for address 1.

Address1_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 1.

Address1_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 1.

Address1_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 1.

Address1_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 1.

Address1_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1.

Address1_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Address2_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 2.

Address2_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 2. such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address2_City String False

City name for address 2.

Address2_Country String False

Country/region name for address 2.

Address2_County String False

County name for address 2.

Address2_Fax String False

Fax number for address 2.

Address2_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 2.

Address2_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 2.

Address2_Name String False

Name to enter for address 2.

Address2_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 2.

Address2_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 2.

Address2_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 2.

Address2_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 2.

Address2_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2.

Address2_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the publisher.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the publisher was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the publisher.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationOptionValuePrefix Integer False

Default option value prefix used for newly created options for solutions associated with this publisher.

CustomizationPrefix String False

Prefix used for new entities, attributes, and entity relationships for solutions associated with this publisher.

Description String False

Description of the solution.

EMailAddress String False

email address for the publisher.

FriendlyName String False

User display name for this publisher.

IsReadonly Boolean True

Indicates whether the publisher was created as part of a managed solution installation.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the publisher.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the publisher was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the publisher.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the publisher.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

PinpointPublisherDefaultLocale String True

Default locale of the publisher in Microsoft Pinpoint.

PublisherId String False

Unique identifier of the publisher.

SupportingWebsiteUrl String False

URL for the supporting web site of this publisher.

UniqueName String False

The unique name of this publisher.


This is a table representing the PublisherAddress entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the publisher address.

AddressNumber Integer False

Specifies which publisher address is applicable.

AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for the publisher, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

City String False

City name in the publisher address.

Country String False

Country/region name in the publisher address.

County String False

County name in the publisher address.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the publisher address.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the publisher address was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the publisher address.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Fax String False

Fax number for the publisher address.

FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the publisher address.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

Latitude Double False

Latitude for the publisher address.

Line1 String False

First line for entering address information.

Line2 String False

Second line for entering address information.

Line3 String False

Third line for entering address information.

Longitude Double False

Longitude for the publisher address.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the publisher address.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the publisher address was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the publisher address.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name used to identify the publisher address.

ParentId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent object with which the publisher address is associated.

ParentId_LogicalName String False

ParentId_Name String False

PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the publisher address.

PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number in the publisher address.

PrimaryContactName String False

Name of the primary contact at the publisher address.

PublisherAddressId String False

Unique identifier of the publisher address.

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for the publisher address.

StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the publisher address.

Telephone1 String False

First telephone number for the publisher address.

Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number for the publisher address.

Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number for the publisher address.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the address of the publisher.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for the address. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.


This is a table representing the QuarterlyFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the quarterly fiscal calendar.

BusinessUnitId_Id String True

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String True

BusinessUnitId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the quarterly fiscal calendar.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quota for the quarterly fiscal calendar was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the QuarterlyFiscalCalendar.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EffectiveOn Datetime False

Date and time when the quarterly fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the quarterly fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency.

FiscalPeriodType Integer True

Type of fiscal period used in the sales quota.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quarterly fiscal calendar.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quarterly fiscal calendar was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the QuarterlyFiscalCalendar.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

quarter1 Double False

Sales quota for the first quarter in the fiscal year.

quarter1_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first quarter in the fiscal year.

quarter2 Double False

Sales quota for the second quarter in the fiscal year.

quarter2_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second quarter in the fiscal year

quarter3 Double False

Sales quota for the third quarter in the fiscal year.

quarter3_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the third quarter in the fiscal year.

quarter4 Double False

Sales quota for the fourth quarter in the fiscal year.

quarter4_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fourth quarter in the fiscal year.

SalesPersonId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated salesperson.

SalesPersonId_LogicalName String False

SalesPersonId_Name String False

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the quarterly fiscal calendar.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UserFiscalCalendarId String False

Unique identifier of the quarterly fiscal calendar.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the Queue entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the queue.

AllowEmailCredentials Boolean False

Information about whether a user wants to specify email credentials for the email router.

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the queue is associated.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the queue record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the queue was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the queue.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the queue.

EMailAddress String False

email address that is associated with the queue.

EmailPassword String False

Password for email.

EmailRouterAccessApproval String False

Shows the status of the primary email address.

EmailUsername String False

User name for email.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the queue with respect to the base currency.

IgnoreUnsolicitedEmail Boolean False

Information that specifies whether a queue is to ignore unsolicited email (deprecated).

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod String False

Incoming email delivery method for the queue.

IncomingEmailFilteringMethod String False

Incoming email filtering method.

IsFaxQueue Boolean True

Indication of whether a queue is the fax delivery queue.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the queue.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the queue was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the queue.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the queue.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the queue.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod String False

Outgoing email delivery method for the queue.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the queue.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the queue.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the queue.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the queue.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PrimaryUserId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the owner of the queue.

PrimaryUserId_LogicalName String False

PrimaryUserId_Name String False

QueueId String False

Unique identifier of the queue.

QueueSemantics Integer False

For internal use only.

QueueTypeCode String True

Type of queue that is automatically assigned when a user or queue is created. The type can be public, private, or work in process.

StateCode String True

Status of the queue.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the queue.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the queue.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False


This is a table representing the QueueItem entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the queue item.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the queue item.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the queue item was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the queueitem.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EnteredOn Datetime True

Date and time when the queue item was entered.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the queueitem with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the queue item.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the queue item was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the queueitem.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ObjectId_Id String False

The unique identifier of the entity that is in the queue.

ObjectId_LogicalName String False

ObjectId_Name String False

ObjectTypeCode String True

Identifies the type of queue item, such as the specific activity type, case, or article.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the queue item is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the queue item.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the queue item.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the queue item.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Priority Integer False

Priority of the queue item.

QueueId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the queue in which the queue item resides.

QueueId_LogicalName String False

QueueId_Name String False

QueueItemId String False

Unique identifier of the queue item.

Sender String False

Sender who created the queue item.

State Integer False

Status of the queue item.

StateCode String True

Status of the queue item.

Status Integer False

Reason for the status of the queue item.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the queue item.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

Title String True

Title of the queue item.

ToRecipients String False

Recipients listed on the To line of the message for email queue items.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the queueitem.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

WorkerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team that is working on the queue item.

WorkerId_LogicalName String False

WorkerId_Name String False

WorkerIdModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the queue item was assigned a worker.


This is a table representing the Quote entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the quote.

AccountId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the account with which the quote is associated.

AccountId_LogicalName String True

AccountId_Name String True

BillTo_AddressId String False

Unique identifier of the billing address.

BillTo_City String False

City name in the billing address.

BillTo_ContactName String False

Contact name for the billing address.

BillTo_Country String False

Country/region name in the billing address.

BillTo_Fax String False

Fax number for the billing address.

BillTo_Line1 String False

First line for entering billing address information.

BillTo_Line2 String False

Second line for entering billing address information.

BillTo_Line3 String False

Third line for entering billing address information.

BillTo_Name String False

Name to enter for the billing address.

BillTo_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the billing address.

BillTo_StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the billing address.

BillTo_Telephone String False

Telephone number associated with the billing address.

CampaignId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the source campaign associated with the quote.

CampaignId_LogicalName String False

CampaignId_Name String False

ClosedOn Datetime False

Date and time when the quote is to be closed.

ContactId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the contact associated with the quote.

ContactId_LogicalName String True

ContactId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the quote record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quote was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the quote.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the quote.

CustomerId_LogicalName String False

CustomerId_Name String False

Description String False

Description of the quote.

DiscountAmount Double False

Discount specified as a monetary amount for the quote.

DiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the discount specified as a monetary amount for the quote.

DiscountPercentage Double False

Discount specified as a percentage for the quote.

EffectiveFrom Datetime False

Date and time when the quote becomes effective.

EffectiveTo Datetime False

Date that is the last day the quote is in effect.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the quote with respect to the base currency.

ExpiresOn Datetime False

Date when the quote expires.

FreightAmount Double False

Cost of freight for the quote.

FreightAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the cost of freight for the quote

FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the quote.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quote record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quote was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the quote.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the quote.

OpportunityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity with which the quote is associated.

OpportunityId_LogicalName String False

OpportunityId_Name String False

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the quote.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the quote.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the quote.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the quote.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PaymentTermsCode String False

Payment terms for the quote.

PriceLevelId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the price list associated with the quote.

PriceLevelId_LogicalName String False

PriceLevelId_Name String False

PricingErrorCode String False

Pricing error for the quote.

QuoteId String False

Unique identifier of the quote.

QuoteNumber String False

Quote number.

RequestDeliveryBy Datetime False

Requested delivery date for the quote.

RevisionNumber Integer True

Revision number for the quote.

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for the quote.

ShipTo_AddressId String False

Unique identifier of the shipping address.

ShipTo_City String False

City name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_ContactName String False

Contact name for the shipping address.

ShipTo_Country String False

Country/region name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Fax String False

Fax number for the shipping address.

ShipTo_FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the shipping address.

ShipTo_Line1 String False

First line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line2 String False

Second line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line3 String False

Third line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Name String False

Name to enter for the shipping address.

ShipTo_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address.

ShipTo_StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Telephone String False

Telephone number associated with the shipping address.

StateCode String True

Status of the quote.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the quote.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TotalAmount Double True

Total amount for the quote.

TotalAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total amount for the quote.

TotalAmountLessFreight Double True

Total amount minus the freight charges for the quote.

TotalAmountLessFreight_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total amount minus the freight charges for the quote.

TotalDiscountAmount Double True

Total discount for the quote.

TotalDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total discount for the quote.

TotalLineItemAmount Double True

Total line item amount for the quote.

TotalLineItemAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total line item amount for the quote.

TotalLineItemDiscountAmount Double True

Total line item discount for the quote.

TotalLineItemDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total line item discount for the quote.

TotalTax Double True

Total tax for the quote.

TotalTax_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total tax for the quote.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the quote.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

WillCall Boolean False

Information about whether the customer will call for the quoted products or the products are to be shipped.


This is a table representing the QuoteClose entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the quote close activity.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the quote close activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the quote close activity in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the quote close activity.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the quote close activity.

Category String False

Category of the quote close activity.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the quote close activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quote close activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the quoteclose.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Activity generated when a quote is closed.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information about whether the quote close activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Information that specifies if the quote close activity was created from a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quote close activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quote close activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the quoteclose.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the quote close activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the quote close activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the quote close activity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the quote close activity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

QuoteId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the quote with which the quote close activity is associated.

QuoteId_LogicalName String False

QuoteId_Name String False

QuoteNumber String False

Quote number.

Revision Integer False

Quote revision number.

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the quote close activity, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the quote close activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the quote close activity.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the service with which the quote close activity is associated.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the quote close activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the quote close activity.

Subcategory String False

Subcategory of the quote close activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the quote close activity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the QuoteDetail entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the quote detail.

BaseAmount Double True

Subtotal of the quote product before discounts are applied and taxes are added.

BaseAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the quote product before discounts are applied and taxes are added.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the quote product.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quote product was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the quotedetail.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the quote product.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the quote detail with respect to the base currency.

ExtendedAmount Double True

Subtotal of the quote product after discounts are applied and taxes are added.

ExtendedAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the quote product after discounts are applied and taxes are added.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsPriceOverridden Boolean False

Information about whether to override product catalog pricing.

IsProductOverridden Boolean False

Information about whether the product is a write-in product or an existing product.

LineItemNumber Integer False

Line item number for the quote product.

ManualDiscountAmount Double False

Customized discount amount for the quote product.

ManualDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the customized discount amount for the quote product.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quote product.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quote product was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the quotedetail.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the quote detail.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the quote detail.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the quote detail.

PricePerUnit Double False

Price per unit for the quote product.

PricePerUnit_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the price per unit for the quote product.

PricingErrorCode String False

Pricing error for the quote product.

ProductDescription String False

Product description for the quote product.

ProductId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the product associated with the quote product.

ProductId_LogicalName String False

ProductId_Name String False

Quantity Double False

Product quantity specified for the quote product.

QuoteDetailId String False

Unique identifier of the product line item in the quote.

QuoteId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the quote for the quote product.

QuoteId_LogicalName String False

QuoteId_Name String False

QuoteStateCode String True

Status of the quote product.

RequestDeliveryBy Datetime False

Requested delivery date for the quote product.

SalesRepId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the salesperson associated with the quote product.

SalesRepId_LogicalName String False

SalesRepId_Name String False

ShipTo_AddressId String False

Unique identifier of the shipping address.

ShipTo_City String False

City name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_ContactName String False

Contact name for the shipping address.

ShipTo_Country String False

Country/region name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Fax String False

Fax number for the shipping address.

ShipTo_FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the shipping address.

ShipTo_Line1 String False

First line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line2 String False

Second line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line3 String False

Third line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Name String False

Name to enter for the shipping address.

ShipTo_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address.

ShipTo_StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Telephone String False

Telephone number associated with the shipping address.

Tax Double False

Tax amount for the quote product.

Tax_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the tax amount for the quote product.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the quote detail.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True

UoMId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the unit that is associated with the quote product.

UoMId_LogicalName String False

UoMId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

VolumeDiscountAmount Double True

Volume discount amount for the quote product.

VolumeDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the volume discount amount for the quote product.

WillCall Boolean False

Information about whether the customer will call for the quoted products or the products are to be shipped.


This is a table representing the RecurrenceRule entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the recurrence rule.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the recurrence rule.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the recurrence rule was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the recurrence rule.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DayOfMonth Integer False

The day of the month on which the recurring appointment or task occurs.

DaysOfWeekMask Integer False

Bitmask representing the days of the week on which the recurring appointment or task occurs.

Duration Integer False

Duration of the recurrence pattern in minutes.

EffectiveEndDate Datetime False

The actual end date for expansion of the recurrence pattern.

EffectiveStartDate Datetime False

The actual start date for expansion of the recurrence pattern.

EndTime Datetime False

End time of the associated activity.

FirstDayOfWeek Integer False

First day Of week for the recurrence pattern.

Instance String False

Specifies the count for which the recurrence pattern is valid for a given interval.

Interval Integer False

Number of units of a given recurrence type between occurrences.

IsNthMonthly Boolean False

Specifies whether the monthly recurrence pattern is Nth monthly, valid only for monthly recurrence.

IsNthYearly Boolean False

Specifies whether the yearly recurrence pattern is Nth yearly, valid only for yearly recurrence.

IsRegenerate Boolean False

Valid only for task type recurrence,indicates whether task should be regenerated.

IsWeekDayPattern Boolean False

Specifies whether the weekly recurrence pattern is actually a daily every weekday pattern, valid only for weekly recurrence.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the recurrence rule.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the recurrence rule was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the recurrence rule.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

MonthOfYear String False

Specifies the month of the year valid for the recurrence pattern.

ObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the recurrence rule is associated.

ObjectId_LogicalName String False

ObjectId_Name String False

Occurrences Integer False

Number of occurrences of the recurrence pattern.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the recurrence rule.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the recurrence rule.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PatternEndDate Datetime False

End date of the Recurrence Range.

PatternEndType String False

Pattern End Type of a recurring series.

PatternStartDate Datetime False

Start date of the Recurrence Range.

RecurrencePatternType String False

Type of Recurrence.

RuleId String False

Unique identifier of the entity associated with recurrence rule.

StartTime Datetime False

Start time of the recurring activity.


This is a table representing the RecurringAppointmentMaster entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the recurring appoint.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the recurring appointment series.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

Category String False

Category of the recurring appointment series.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the recurring appointment series.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the recurring appointment series was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the recurring appointment series.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DayOfMonth Integer False

The day of the month on which the recurring appointment occurs.

DaysOfWeekMask Integer False

Bitmask that represents the days of the week on which the recurring appointment occurs.

DeletedExceptionsList String True

List of deleted instances of the recurring appointment series.

Description String False

Description of the recurring appointment series.

Duration Integer False

Duration of the recurring appointment series in minutes.

EffectiveEndDate Datetime False

Actual end date of the recurring appointment series based on the specified end date and recurrence pattern.

EffectiveStartDate Datetime False

Actual start date of the recurring appointment series based on the specified start date and recurrence pattern.

EndTime Datetime False

End time of the associated activity.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate between the currency associated with the recurring appointment series and the base currency.

ExpansionStateCode String True

State code to indicate whether the recurring appointment series is expanded fully or partially.

FirstDayOfWeek Integer False

First day of week for the recurrence pattern.

GlobalObjectId String False

Unique Outlook identifier to correlate recurring appointment series across Exchange mailboxes.

GroupId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the recurring appointment series for which the recurrence information was updated.

GroupId_LogicalName String True

GroupId_Name String True

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

Instance String False

Specifies the recurring appointment series to occur on every Nth day of a month. Valid for monthly and yearly recurrence patterns only.

InstanceTypeCode String True

Type of instance of a recurring appointment series.

Interval Integer False

Number of units of a given recurrence type between occurrences.

IsAllDayEvent Boolean False

Indicates whether the recurring appointment series is an all day event.

IsBilled Boolean False

Indicates whether the recurring appointment series was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsNthMonthly Boolean False

Indicates whether the recurring appointment series should occur after every N months. Valid for monthly recurrence pattern only.

IsNthYearly Boolean False

Indicates whether the recurring appointment series should occur after every N years. Valid for yearly recurrence pattern only.

IsRegenerate Boolean False

For internal use only.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Indicates whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWeekDayPattern Boolean False

Indicates whether the weekly recurrence pattern is a daily weekday pattern. Valid for weekly recurrence pattern only.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Indicates whether the recurring appointment series was created from a workflow rule.

LastExpandedInstanceDate Datetime True

Date of last expanded instance of a recurring appointment series.

Location String False

Location where the recurring appointment series will occur.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the recurring appointment series.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the recurring appointment series was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the recurring appointment series.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

MonthOfYear String False

Indicates the month of the year for the recurrence pattern.

NextExpansionInstanceDate Datetime True

Date of the next expanded instance of a recurring appointment series.

Occurrences Integer False

Number of appointment occurrences in a recurring appointment series.

OptionalAttendees_Ids String False

List of optional attendees for the recurring appointment series.

OptionalAttendees_LogicalNames String False

OptionalAttendees_Names String False

Organizer_Ids String False

Person who organized the recurring appointment series.

Organizer_LogicalNames String False

Organizer_Names String False

OutlookOwnerApptId Integer False

Unique identifier of the Microsoft Office Outlook recurring appointment series owner that correlates to the PR_OWNER_APPT_ID MAPI property.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the recurring appointment series.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the recurring appointment series.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the recurring appointment series.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the recurring appointment series.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PatternEndDate Datetime False

End date of the recurrence range.

PatternEndType String False

End type of the recurrence range.

PatternStartDate Datetime False

Start date of the recurrence range.

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the recurring appointment series.

RecurrencePatternType String False

Type of recurrence pattern.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the recurring appointment series is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

RequiredAttendees_Ids String False

List of required attendees for the recurring appointment series.

RequiredAttendees_LogicalNames String False

RequiredAttendees_Names String False

RuleId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the recurrence rule that is associated with the recurring appointment series.

RuleId_LogicalName String True

RuleId_Name String True

ScheduledEnd Datetime True

Scheduled end time of the recurring appointment series.

ScheduledStart Datetime True

Scheduled start time of the recurring appointment series.

SeriesStatus Boolean False

Indicates whether the recurring appointment series is active or inactive.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier for an associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StartTime Datetime False

Start time of the recurring appointment series.

StateCode String False

Status of the recurring appointment series.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the recurring appointment series.

Subcategory String False

Sub-category of the recurring appointment series.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the recurring appointment series.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the recurring appointment series.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the RelationshipRole entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the relationship role.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique Identifier of the user who created the relationship role.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the relationship role was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the relationshiprole.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the relationship role.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the relationship role.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the relationship role was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the relationshiprole.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the relationship role.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique Identifier of the organization that this relationship role belongs to.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

RelationshipRoleId String False

Unique identifier of the relationship role.

StateCode String True

Status of the relationship role.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the relationship role.


This is a table representing the RelationshipRoleMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the relationship role mapping.

AssociateObjectTypeCode String False

Type of the associated entity in the relationship role mapping.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the relationship role map.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the relationship role mapping was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the relationship role mapping.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the relationship role mapping.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the relationship role mapping record was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the relationship role mapping.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the relationship role mapping is associated.

PrimaryObjectTypeCode String False

Type of the primary entity in the relationship role mapping.

RelationshipRoleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the relationship role. This relationship role is only valid in a relationship between an entity of type specified in the PrimaryObjectTypeCode property and an entity of type specified in the AssociatedObjectTypeCode property.

RelationshipRoleId_LogicalName String False

RelationshipRoleId_Name String False

RelationshipRoleMapId String False

Unique identifier of the relationship role mapping.


This is a table representing the Report entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the report.

BodyBinary String False

Binary report contents (base-64 encoded).

BodyText String False

Text contents of the RDL file for a Reporting Services report.

BodyUrl String False

URL for a linked report.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the report.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the report was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the report.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomReportXml String True

XML used to define a custom report.

DefaultFilter String False

Default filter for the report.

Description String False

Description of the report.

FileName String False

File name of the report.

FileSize Integer True

File size of the report.

IsCustomReport Boolean True

Information about whether the report is a custom report.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

IsPersonal Boolean False

Information about whether the report is personal or is available to all users.

IsScheduledReport Boolean True

Information about whether the report is a scheduled report.

LanguageCode Integer False

Language in which the report will be displayed.

MimeType String False

MIME type of the report.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the report.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the report was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the report.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the report.

OriginalBodyText String True

Original Text contents of the RDL file for a Reporting Services report.

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the report.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the report.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the report.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the report.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParentReportId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent report.

ParentReportId_LogicalName String False

ParentReportId_Name String False

QueryInfo String True

For internal use only.

ReportId String False

Unique identifier of the report.

ReportIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

ReportNameOnSRS String True

Name of the report on SRS.

ReportTypeCode String False

Type of the report.

ScheduleXml String True

XML used for defining the report schedule.

SignatureDate Datetime False

Report signature date, used to identify a report for upgrades and hotfixes.

SignatureId String False

Unique identifier of the report signature used to identify a report for upgrades and hotfixes.

SignatureLcid Integer False

Report signature language code used to identify a report for upgrades and hotfixes.

SignatureMajorVersion Integer False

Report signature major version, used to identify a report for upgrades and hotfixes.

SignatureMinorVersion Integer False

Report signature minor version, used to identify a report for upgrades and hotfixes.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the ReportCategory entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the report category.

CategoryCode String False

Category of the report.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the report category.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the report category record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the report category.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the report category with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the report category.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the report category was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the report category.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the report category.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the report category.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the report category.

ReportCategoryId String False

Unique identifier of the report category.

ReportCategoryIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

ReportId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the report.

ReportId_LogicalName String False

ReportId_Name String False

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the Report category.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the ReportEntity entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the report record.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the report record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the report record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the reportentity.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsFilterable Boolean False

Information about whether the report is filterable.

IsManaged Boolean True

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the report record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the report record was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the reportentity.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ObjectTypeCode String False

Type of record with which the report is associated.

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the report entity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the report record.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the report record.

ReportEntityId String False

Unique identifier of the report record.

ReportEntityIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

ReportId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the report.

ReportId_LogicalName String False

ReportId_Name String False

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the ReportLink entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the report link.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the report link.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the report link record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the reportlink.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

LinkedReportId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the linked report.

LinkedReportId_LogicalName String False

LinkedReportId_Name String False

LinkedReportName String False

Name of the linked report.

LinkTypeCode String False

Link type of the report.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the report link.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the report link was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the reportlink.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the report link.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the report link.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the report link.

ReportId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the main report.

ReportId_LogicalName String False

ReportId_Name String False

ReportLinkId String False

Unique identifier of the report link.

ReportLinkIdUnique String True

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the ReportVisibility entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the report visibility record.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the report visibility record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the report visibility record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the reportvisibility.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsManaged Boolean True

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the report visibility record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the report visibility record was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the reportvisibility.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the report visibility.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the report visibility record.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the report visibility record.

ReportId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the report.

ReportId_LogicalName String False

ReportId_Name String False

ReportVisibilityId String False

Unique identifier of the report visibility record.

ReportVisibilityIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

VisibilityCode String False

Type of visibility of the report.


This is a table representing the Resource entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the resource.

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the resource is associated.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

CalendarId String False

Unique identifier of the calendar for the resource.

DisplayInServiceViews Boolean False

For internal use only.

IsDisabled Boolean False

Information about whether the resource is enabled.

Name String False

Name of the resource.

ObjectTypeCode String False

Type of entity with which the resource is associated.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the resource is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

ResourceId String False

Unique identifier of the resource.

SiteId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the site at which the resource is located.

SiteId_LogicalName String False

SiteId_Name String False


This is a table representing the ResourceGroup entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the scheduling group.

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the scheduling group is associated.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

GroupTypeCode String True

Scheduling group type code.

Name String False

Name of the scheduling group.

ObjectTypeCode String False

Type of entity with which the scheduling group is associated.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the scheduling group.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

ResourceGroupId String False

Unique identifier of the scheduling group.


This is a table representing the ResourceGroupExpansion entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the resource expansion record.

ItemId String False

Item that is part of expansion of resource identified by object Id. One object Id can have many item Ids.

MethodCode String False

Code for retrieval method.

ModifiedOn Datetime False

Date and time when the record was last modified.

ObjectId String False

Object being expanded.

ResourceGroupExpansionId String False

Unique identifier of the resource expansion record.


This is a table representing the ResourceSpec entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the resource specification.

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the resource specification is associated.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

Constraints String False

Additional constraints, specified as expressions, which are used to filter a set of valid resources.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the resource specification.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the resource specification was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the resourcespec.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Selection rule that allows the scheduling engine to select a number of resources from a pool of resources. The rules can be associated with a service.

EffortRequired Double False

Number that specifies the minimal effort required from resources.

GroupObjectId String False

Unique identifier of the scheduling group with which the resource specification is associated.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the resource specification.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the resource specification was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the resourcespec.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the resource specification.

ObjectiveExpression String False

Search strategy to use for the resource specification.

ObjectTypeCode String False

Type of entity with which the resource specification is associated.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the resource specification is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

RequiredCount Integer False

Required number of resources that must be available. Use -1 to indicate all resources.

ResourceSpecId String False

Unique identifier of the resource specification.

SameSite Boolean False

Value that specifies that all valid and available resources must be in the same site.


This is a table representing the RibbonCommand entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the ribbon command.

Command String False

The command's Id.

CommandDefinition String False

The JScript library and function to run when this command is executed.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

Entity String False

The entity this rule applies to, also the entity this rule was imported from, will be exported to.

IsManaged Boolean True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

RibbonCommandId String False

Unique identifier.

RibbonCommandUniqueId String True

Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook.

RibbonCustomizationId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the ribbon customization with which the ribbon command is associated.

RibbonCustomizationId_LogicalName String False

RibbonCustomizationId_Name String False

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the RibbonContextGroup entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the group of contextual tabs.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

ContextGroupId String False

The id of a group of contextual tabs.

ContextGroupXml String False

Layout XML for a contextual group header

Entity String False

The entity this rule applies to, also the entity this rule was imported from, will be exported to.

IsManaged Boolean True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

RibbonContextGroupId String False

Unique identifier.

RibbonContextGroupUniqueId String True

Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook.

RibbonCustomizationId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the ribbon customization with which the ribbon command is associated.

RibbonCustomizationId_LogicalName String False

RibbonCustomizationId_Name String False

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the RibbonCustomization entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the ribbon customization.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

Entity String False

Specifies which entity's ribbons this customization applies to. If null, then the customizations apply to the global ribbons.

IsManaged Boolean True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

PublishedOn Datetime True

RibbonCustomizationId String False

Unique identifier.

RibbonCustomizationUniqueId String True

Unique identifier for this row.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the RibbonDiff entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the ribbon definition.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

ContextGroupId String False

Unique identifier of the context group for this tab. If this ribbon definition adds a new tab, then it is a contextual tab.

DiffId String False

The string ID of this ribbon definition.

DiffType String True

Indicates the type of ribbon definition.

Entity String False

The entity this rule applies to, also the entity this rule was imported from, will be exported to.

IsManaged Boolean True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

RDX String False

Ribbon definition XML string that contains one change action.

RibbonCustomizationId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the ribbon customization with which the ribbon command is associated.

RibbonCustomizationId_LogicalName String False

RibbonCustomizationId_Name String False

RibbonDiffId String False

Unique identifier.

RibbonDiffUniqueId String True

Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook.

Sequence Integer False

Sequence in which the definition is to be applied.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

TabId String False

The ID of the tab this definition applies to.


This is a table representing the RibbonRule entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the ribbon rule.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

Entity String False

The entity this rule applies to, also the entity this rule was imported from, will be exported to.

IsManaged Boolean True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

RibbonCustomizationId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the ribbon customization with which the ribbon command is associated.

RibbonCustomizationId_LogicalName String False

RibbonCustomizationId_Name String False

RibbonRuleId String False

Unique identifier.

RibbonRuleUniqueId String True

Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook.

RuleDefinition String False

The definition of the rule - what entities, permissions, data values, etc. can change when this rule is true or false.

RuleId String False

The Id of a rule

RuleType String False

The type of a rule

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the RibbonTabToCommandMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the ribbon tab.

Command String False

A command Id of a control within that tab.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

ControlId String False

A control id within that tab.

Entity String False

The entity this rule applies to, also the entity this rule was imported from, will be exported to.

IsManaged Boolean True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

RibbonDiffId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the ribbon customization with which the ribbon command is associated.

RibbonDiffId_LogicalName String False

RibbonDiffId_Name String False

RibbonTabToCommandMapId String False

Unique identifier.

RibbonTabToCommandMapUniqueId String True

Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

TabId String False

The Id of a tab


This is a table representing the Role entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the role.

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the role is associated.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the role.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the role was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the role.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the role.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the role was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the role.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the role.

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the role.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

ParentRoleId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the parent role.

ParentRoleId_LogicalName String True

ParentRoleId_Name String True

ParentRootRoleId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the parent root role.

ParentRootRoleId_LogicalName String True

ParentRootRoleId_Name String True

RoleId String False

Unique identifier of the role.

RoleIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

RoleTemplateId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the role template that is associated with the role.

RoleTemplateId_LogicalName String True

RoleTemplateId_Name String True

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the RolePrivileges entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the role privilege.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

IsManaged Boolean True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

PrivilegeDepthMask Integer False

System-generated attribute that stores the privileges associated with the role.

PrivilegeId String True

Unique identifier of the privilege associated with the role.

RoleId String True

Unique identifier of the role that is associated with the role privilege.

RolePrivilegeId String False

Unique identifier of the role privilege.

RolePrivilegeIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the RoleTemplate entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the role template.

Name String False

Name of the role template.

RoleTemplateId String False

Unique identifier of the role template.


This is a table representing the RoleTemplatePrivileges entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the role template.

IsBasic Boolean False

Information about whether the role template applies to the user, the user's team, or objects shared by the user.

IsDeep Boolean False

Information about whether the role template applies to child business units of the business unit associated with the user.

IsGlobal Boolean False

Information about whether the role template applies to the entire organization.

IsLocal Boolean False

Information about whether the role template applies to the user's business unit.

PrivilegeId String True

Unique identifier of the privilege assigned to the role template.

RoleTemplateId String True

Unique identifier of the role template that is associated with the role privilege.

RoleTemplatePrivilegeId String False

Unique identifier of the role template privileges.


This is a table representing the RollupField entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the rollup field.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DateAttribute String False

Date field that is validated against the goal time period.

EntityForDateAttribute String False

Entity of the date field.

GoalAttribute String False

Goal rollup field.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Sequence number of the import that created this record.

IsStateParentEntityAttribute Boolean False

Indicates whether state or status belong to the parent entity.

MetricId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the goal metric associated with the rollup field.

MetricId_LogicalName String False

MetricId_Name String False

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who modified the record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the record was modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

RollupFieldId String False

Unique identifier of the rollup field.

SourceAttribute String False

Field from where data is being rolled up.

SourceEntity String False

Entity from where data is being rolled up.

SourceState Integer False

Status of the source entity that is considered for a rollup.

SourceStatus Integer False

Reason for the source entity that is considered for a rollup.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the SalesLiterature entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the sales literature.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the sales literature.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the sales literature was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the salesliterature.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the sales literature.

EmployeeContactId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user who is responsible for the sales literature.

EmployeeContactId_LogicalName String False

EmployeeContactId_Name String False

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the salesliterature with respect to the base currency.

ExpirationDate Datetime False

Date when the sales literature item expires.

HasAttachments Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the sales literature has attachments.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsCustomerViewable Boolean False

Information that specifies whether sales literature is to be visible to customers.

KeyWords String False

Keywords to use for searches in the sales literature.

LiteratureTypeCode String False

Type of sales literature.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the sales literature.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the sales literature was modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the salesliterature.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the sales literature.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the sales literature.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

SalesLiteratureId String False

Unique identifier of the sales literature.

SubjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the subject of the sales literature.

SubjectId_LogicalName String False

SubjectId_Name String False

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the salesliterature.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the SalesLiteratureItem entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the sales literature item.

Abstract String False

Abstract of the document.

AttachedDocumentUrl String False

URL of the Web site on which the document is located.

AuthorName String False

Author name for the document.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the document.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the document was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sales literature item.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DocumentBody String False

Text of the attachment associated with the sales literature.

FileName String False

File name of the document.

FileSize Integer True

File size of the document.

FileTypeCode String False

File type of the document.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsCustomerViewable Boolean False

Information about whether documents are to be visible to customers.

KeyWords String False

Keywords to use for searches in documents.

MimeType String False

MIME type of the document.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the document.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the document was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sales literature item.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the document.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

SalesLiteratureId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the sales literature that is associated with the individual item.

SalesLiteratureId_LogicalName String False

SalesLiteratureId_Name String False

SalesLiteratureItemId String False

Unique identifier for the document.

Title String False

Title of the document.


This is a table representing the SalesOrder entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the sales order.

AccountId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the account associated with the order.

AccountId_LogicalName String True

AccountId_Name String True

BillTo_AddressId String False

Unique identifier of the billing address.

BillTo_City String False

City name in the billing address.

BillTo_ContactName String False

Contact name for the billing address.

BillTo_Country String False

Country/region name in the billing address.

BillTo_Fax String False

Fax number for the billing address.

BillTo_Line1 String False

First line for entering billing address information.

BillTo_Line2 String False

Second line for entering billing address information.

BillTo_Line3 String False

Third line for entering billing address information.

BillTo_Name String False

Name to enter for the billing address.

BillTo_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the billing address.

BillTo_StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the billing address.

BillTo_Telephone String False

Telephone number associated with the billing address.

CampaignId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the source campaign associated with the order.

CampaignId_LogicalName String False

CampaignId_Name String False

ContactId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the contact associated with the order.

ContactId_LogicalName String True

ContactId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the order.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the order was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the salesorder.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomerId_Id String False

Unique identifier for the account or contact associated with the order.

CustomerId_LogicalName String False

CustomerId_Name String False

DateFulfilled Datetime False

Date on which the order was fulfilled.

Description String False

Description of the order.

DiscountAmount Double False

Discount specified as a monetary amount for the order.

DiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the discount specified as a monetary amount for the order.

DiscountPercentage Double False

Discount specified as a percentage for the order.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the sales order with respect to the base currency.

FreightAmount Double False

Cost of freight for the order.

FreightAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the cost of freight for the order.

FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the order.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsPriceLocked Boolean True

Information that specifies whether the order pricing is locked.

LastBackofficeSubmit Datetime False

Date and time when the order was last submitted to Microsoft Great Plains.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the order.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the order was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the salesorder.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the order.

OpportunityId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the opportunity with which the order is associated.

OpportunityId_LogicalName String False

OpportunityId_Name String False

OrderNumber String False

Order number.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the order.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the order.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the order.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the order.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PaymentTermsCode String False

Payment terms for the order.

PriceLevelId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the price list associated with the order.

PriceLevelId_LogicalName String False

PriceLevelId_Name String False

PricingErrorCode String False

Pricing error for the order.

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the order.

QuoteId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the quote from which the order was created.

QuoteId_LogicalName String False

QuoteId_Name String False

RequestDeliveryBy Datetime False

Requested delivery date for the order.

SalesOrderId String False

Unique identifier of the order.

ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for the order.

ShipTo_AddressId String False

Unique identifier of the shipping address.

ShipTo_City String False

City name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_ContactName String False

Contact name for the shipping address.

ShipTo_Country String False

Country/region name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Fax String False

Fax number for the shipping address.

ShipTo_FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the shipping address.

ShipTo_Line1 String False

First line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line2 String False

Second line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line3 String False

Third line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Name String False

Name to enter for the shipping address.

ShipTo_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address.

ShipTo_StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Telephone String False

Telephone number associated with the shipping address.

StateCode String True

Status of the order.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the order.

SubmitDate Datetime False

Date on which the order was submitted.

SubmitStatus Integer False

Submittal status for the order.

SubmitStatusDescription String False

Description of the submittal status for the order.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TotalAmount Double True

Total amount for the order.

TotalAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total amount for the order.

TotalAmountLessFreight Double True

Total amount minus the freight charges for the order.

TotalAmountLessFreight_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total amount minus the freight charges for the order.

TotalDiscountAmount Double True

Total discount for the order.

TotalDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total discount for the order.

TotalLineItemAmount Double True

Total line item amount for the order.

TotalLineItemAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total line item amount for the order.

TotalLineItemDiscountAmount Double True

Total line item discount for the order.

TotalLineItemDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total line item discount for the order.

TotalTax Double True

Total tax for the order.

TotalTax_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the total tax for the order.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the sales order.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

WillCall Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the customer will call for the ordered products or the products are to be shipped.


This is a table representing the SalesOrderDetail entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the sales order detail.

BaseAmount Double True

Price of the order product before discounts are applied and taxes are added.

BaseAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the price of the order product before discounts are applied and taxes are added.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the order product.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the order product was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the salesorderdetail.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the order product.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the sales order detail with respect to the base currency.

ExtendedAmount Double True

Subtotal of the order product after discounts are applied and taxes are added.

ExtendedAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the order product after discounts are applied and taxes are added.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsCopied Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the line was copied from a quote.

IsPriceOverridden Boolean False

Information that specifies whether to override product catalog pricing.

IsProductOverridden Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the product is a write-in product or an existing product.

LineItemNumber Integer False

Line item number for the order product.

ManualDiscountAmount Double False

Customized discount amount for the order product.

ManualDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the customized discount amount for the order product.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the order product.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the order product was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the salesorderdetail.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the sales order detail.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the order product.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the order product.

PricePerUnit Double False

Price per unit for the order product.

PricePerUnit_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the price per unit for the order product.

PricingErrorCode String False

Pricing error for the order product.

ProductDescription String False

Product description for the order product.

ProductId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the product associated with the order product.

ProductId_LogicalName String False

ProductId_Name String False

Quantity Double False

Quantity specified for the order product.

QuantityBackordered Double False

Quantity that has been backordered for the order product.

QuantityCancelled Double False

Quantity that was canceled for the order product.

QuantityShipped Double False

Quantity shipped for the product specified on the order.

RequestDeliveryBy Datetime False

Requested delivery date for the order product.

SalesOrderDetailId String False

Unique identifier of the product specified in the order.

SalesOrderId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the order that is associated with the order product.

SalesOrderId_LogicalName String False

SalesOrderId_Name String False

SalesOrderIsPriceLocked Boolean True

Information that specifies whether the order product pricing is locked.

SalesOrderStateCode String True

Status of the order product.

SalesRepId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the salesperson associated with the order product.

SalesRepId_LogicalName String False

SalesRepId_Name String False

ShipTo_AddressId String False

Unique identifier of the shipping address.

ShipTo_City String False

City name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_ContactName String False

Contact name for the shipping address.

ShipTo_Country String False

Country/region name in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Fax String False

Fax number for the shipping address.

ShipTo_FreightTermsCode String False

Freight terms for the shipping address.

ShipTo_Line1 String False

First line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line2 String False

Second line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Line3 String False

Third line for entering shipping address information.

ShipTo_Name String False

Name to enter for the shipping address.

ShipTo_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address.

ShipTo_StateOrProvince String False

State or province in the shipping address.

ShipTo_Telephone String False

Telephone number associated with the shipping address.

Tax Double False

Tax amount for the order product.

Tax_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the tax amount for the order product.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the sales order detail.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True

UoMId_Id String False

Unique identifier for the unit that is associated with the order product.

UoMId_LogicalName String False

UoMId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

VolumeDiscountAmount Double True

Volume discount amount for the order product.

VolumeDiscountAmount_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the volume discount amount for the order product.

WillCall Boolean False

Specifies whether the customer will call for the ordered products or the products are to be shipped.


This is a table representing the SalesProcessInstance entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the sales process instance.

BusinessUnitId_Id String True

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String True

BusinessUnitId_Name String True

OpportunityId_Id String True

OpportunityId_LogicalName String True

OpportunityId_Name String True

SalesProcessInstanceId String True

SalesProcessName String True

SalesStageName String True


This is a table representing the SavedQuery entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the view.

AdvancedGroupBy String False

Advanced Group By column.

ColumnSetXml String False

Definition of the columns included in the view.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

ConditionalFormatting String False

Conditional formatting of this view

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the view.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the view was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the savedquery.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the view.

FetchXml String False

String specifying the query in Fetch XML language.

IsCustomizable Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the view can be customized.

IsDefault Boolean False

Information that specifies a default view.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

IsPrivate Boolean True

Indicates whether or not this is viewable by the entire organization.

IsQuickFindQuery Boolean False

Information that specifies a quick find view.

IsUserDefined Boolean True

Information that specifies whether the query was created by a user.

LayoutXml String False

For internal use only.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the view.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the view was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the savedquery.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the view.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the view.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OrganizationTabOrder Integer True

Default Organization tab order

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

QueryAPI String True

For internal use only.

QueryAppUsage Integer False

For internal use only.

QueryType Integer False

Type of the view.

ReturnedTypeCode Integer False

Type of entity displayed in the view.

SavedQueryId String False

Unique identifier of the view.

SavedQueryIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

StateCode String True

Status of the view.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the view.


This is a table representing the SavedQueryVisualization entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the system chart.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the system chart.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the system chart was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the system chart.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DataDescription String False

XML string used to define the underlying data for the system chart.

Description String False

Description of the system chart.

IsDefault Boolean False

Indicates whether the system chart is the default chart for the entity.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the system chart.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the system chart was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the system chart.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the system chart.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the system chart.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

PresentationDescription String False

XML string used to define the presentation properties of the system chart.

PrimaryEntityTypeCode Integer False

Type of entity with which the system chart is attached.

SavedQueryVisualizationId String False

Unique identifier of the system chart.

SavedQueryVisualizationIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

WebResourceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the Web resource that will be displayed in the system chart.

WebResourceId_LogicalName String False

WebResourceId_Name String False


This is a table representing the SdkMessage entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message.

AutoTransact Boolean False

Information about whether the SDK message is automatically transacted.

Availability Integer False

Identifies where a method will be exposed. 0 - Server, 1 - Client, 2 - both.

CategoryName String False

If this is a categorized method, this is the name, otherwise None.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessage.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the SDK message.

Expand Boolean False

Indicates whether the SDK message should have its requests expanded per primary entity defined in its filters.

IsPrivate Boolean False

Indicates whether the SDK message is private.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessage.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the SDK message.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

SdkMessageId String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message entity.

SdkMessageIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the SDK message.

Template Boolean False

Indicates whether the SDK message is a template.

ThrottleSettings String True

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the SdkMessageFilter entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message filter.

Availability Integer False

Identifies where a method will be exposed. 0 - Server, 1 - Client, 2 - both.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message filter.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message filter was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessagefilter.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the SDK message filter.

IsCustomProcessingStepAllowed Boolean False

Indicates whether a custom SDK message processing step is allowed.

IsVisible Boolean True

Indicates whether the filter should be visible.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message filter.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message filter was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessagefilter.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message filter is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

PrimaryObjectTypeCode String True

Type of entity with which the SDK message filter is primarily associated.

SdkMessageFilterId String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message filter entity.

SdkMessageFilterIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the SDK message filter.

SdkMessageId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the related SDK message.

SdkMessageId_LogicalName String False

SdkMessageId_Name String False

SecondaryObjectTypeCode String True

Type of entity with which the SDK message filter is secondarily associated.


This is a table representing the SdkMessagePair entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message pair.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message pair.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message pair was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessagepair.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the SDK message filter.

Endpoint String False

Endpoint that the message pair is associated with.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message pair.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message pair was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessagepair.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Namespace String False

Namespace that the message pair is associated with.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message pair is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

SdkMessageId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the message with which the SDK message pair is associated.

SdkMessageId_LogicalName String True

SdkMessageId_Name String True

SdkMessagePairId String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message pair entity.

SdkMessagePairIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the SDK message pair.


This is a table representing the SdkMessageProcessingStep entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step.

AsyncAutoDelete Boolean False

Indicates whether the asynchronous system job is automatically deleted on completion.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

Configuration String False

Step-specific configuration for the plug-in type. Passed to the plug-in constructor at run time.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message processing step.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message processing step was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessageprocessingstep.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the SDK message processing step.

Description String False

Description of the SDK message processing step.

EventHandler_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated event handler.

EventHandler_LogicalName String False

EventHandler_Name String False

FilteringAttributes String False

Comma-separated list of attributes. If at least one of these attributes is modified, the plug-in should execute.

ImpersonatingUserId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user to impersonate context when step is executed.

ImpersonatingUserId_LogicalName String False

ImpersonatingUserId_Name String False

InvocationSource String False

Identifies if a plug-in should be executed from a parent pipeline, a child pipeline, or both.

IsManaged Boolean True

Information that specifies whether this component is managed.

Mode String False

Run-time mode of execution, for example, synchronous or asynchronous.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message processing step.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message processing step was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessageprocessingstep.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of SdkMessage processing step.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message processing step is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

PluginTypeId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the plug-in type associated with the step.

PluginTypeId_LogicalName String False

PluginTypeId_Name String False

Rank Integer False

Processing order within the stage.

SdkMessageFilterId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message filter.

SdkMessageFilterId_LogicalName String False

SdkMessageFilterId_Name String False

SdkMessageId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message.

SdkMessageId_LogicalName String False

SdkMessageId_Name String False

SdkMessageProcessingStepId String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step entity.

SdkMessageProcessingStepIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step.

SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfigId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the Sdk message processing step secure configuration.

SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfigId_LogicalName String False

SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfigId_Name String False

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

Stage String False

Stage in the execution pipeline that the SDK message processing step is in.

StateCode String True

Status of the SDK message processing step.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the SDK message processing step.

SupportedDeployment String False

Deployment that the SDK message processing step should be executed on; server, client, or both.


This is a table representing the SdkMessageProcessingStepImage entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message procesing step image.

Attributes String False

Comma-separated list of attributes that are to be passed into the SDK message processing step image.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message processing step image.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message processing step image was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessageprocessingstepimage.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the SDK message processing step image.

Description String False

Description of the SDK message processing step image.

EntityAlias String False

Key name used to access the pre-image or post-image property bags in a step.

ImageType String False

Type of image requested.

IsManaged Boolean True

MessagePropertyName String False

Name of the property on the Request message.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message processing step.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message processing step was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessageprocessingstepimage.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of SdkMessage processing step image.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message processing step is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

RelatedAttributeName String False

Name of the related entity.

SdkMessageProcessingStepId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step.

SdkMessageProcessingStepId_LogicalName String False

SdkMessageProcessingStepId_Name String False

SdkMessageProcessingStepImageId String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step image entity.

SdkMessageProcessingStepImageIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step image.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.


This is a table representing the SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfig entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message processing step.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message processing step was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessageprocessingstepsecureconfig.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the SDK message processing step secure configuration.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message processing step.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message processing step was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessageprocessingstepsecureconfig.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message processing step is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfigId String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step secure configuration.

SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfigIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step.

SecureConfig String False

Secure step-specific configuration for the plug-in type that is passed to the plug-in's constructor at run time.


This is a table representing the SdkMessageRequest entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message request.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message request.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message request was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessagerequest.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the SDK message request.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message request.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message request was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessagerequest.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the SDK message request.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message request is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

PrimaryObjectTypeCode String True

Type of entity with which the SDK request is associated.

SdkMessagePairId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the message pair with which the SDK message request is associated.

SdkMessagePairId_LogicalName String True

SdkMessagePairId_Name String True

SdkMessageRequestId String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message request entity.

SdkMessageRequestIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the SDK message request.


This is a table representing the SdkMessageRequestField entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message request field.

ClrParser String False

Common language runtime (CLR)-based parser for the SDK message request field.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message request field.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message request field was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessagerequestfield.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the SDK message request field.

FieldMask Integer True

Indicates how field contents are used during message processing. 1 - Primary entity, 2- Secondary entity

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message request field.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message request field was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessagerequestfield.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the SDK message request field.

Optional Boolean False

Information about whether SDK message request field is optional.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message request field is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

Parser String False

Parser for the SDK message request field.

Position Integer True

Position of the Sdk message request field

PublicName String False

Public name of the SDK message request field.

SdkMessageRequestFieldId String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message request field entity.

SdkMessageRequestFieldIdUnique String True

Entity identifier of the SDK message request field.

SdkMessageRequestId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the message request with which the SDK message request field is associated.

SdkMessageRequestId_LogicalName String True

SdkMessageRequestId_Name String True


This is a table representing the SdkMessageResponse entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message response.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message response.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message response was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessageresponse.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the SDK message response.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message response.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message response was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessageresponse.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message response is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

SdkMessageRequestId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the message request with which the SDK message response is associated.

SdkMessageRequestId_LogicalName String True

SdkMessageRequestId_Name String True

SdkMessageResponseId String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message response entity.

SdkMessageResponseIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the SDK message response.


This is a table representing the SdkMessageResponseField entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message response field.

ClrFormatter String False

Common language runtime (CLR)-based formatter of the SDK message response field.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message response field.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message response field was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessageresponsefield.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomizationLevel Integer True

Customization level of the SDK message response field.

Formatter String False

Formatter for the SDK message response field.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message response field.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SDK message response field was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessageresponsefield.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the SDK message response field.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message response field is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

Position Integer True

Position of the Sdk message response field

PublicName String False

Public name of the SDK message response field.

SdkMessageResponseFieldId String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message response field entity.

SdkMessageResponseFieldIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the SDK message response field.

SdkMessageResponseId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the message response with which the SDK message response field is associated.

SdkMessageResponseId_LogicalName String True

SdkMessageResponseId_Name String True

Value String False

Actual value of the SDK message response field.


This is a table representing the SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the semiannual fiscal calendar.

BusinessUnitId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the calendar is associated.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String True

BusinessUnitId_Name String True

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the semiannual fiscal calendar.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the quota for the semiannual fiscal calendar was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EffectiveOn Datetime False

Date and time when the semiannual fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the semiannual fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency.

firsthalf Double False

Sales quota for the first half of the fiscal year.

firsthalf_base Double True

Base currency equivalent for the sales quota for the first half of the fiscal year.

FiscalPeriodType Integer True

Type of fiscal period used in the sales quota.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the semiannual fiscal calendar.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the semiannual fiscal calendar was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

SalesPersonId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated salesperson.

SalesPersonId_LogicalName String False

SalesPersonId_Name String False

secondhalf Double False

Sales quota for the second half of the fiscal year.

secondhalf_base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second half of the fiscal year.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the semiannual fiscal calendar.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UserFiscalCalendarId String False

Unique identifier for the user who created the semiannual fiscal calendar.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the Service entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the service.

AnchorOffset Integer False

Used in conjunction with granularity to describes when services can be performed in relation to midnight on a given day.

CalendarId String False

Unique identifier of the calendar.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the service.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the service was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the service.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of activity that represents work done to satisfy a customer's need.

Duration Integer False

Duration of the service.

Granularity String False

Describes how often the service is performed.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

InitialStatusCode String False

Initial status reason for the service activity.

IsSchedulable Boolean False

Information about whether the service can be scheduled.

IsVisible Boolean False

Information about whether the service is visible to users.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the service.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the service was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the service.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the service.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the service is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

ResourceSpecId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the resource specification with which the service is associated.

ResourceSpecId_LogicalName String False

ResourceSpecId_Name String False

ServiceId String False

Unique identifier of the associated service.

ShowResources Boolean False

For internal use only.

StrategyId_Id String False

Value that is taken from PluginTypeId in the Plugin Type record for the scheduling strategy. This is the ID of the scheduling strategy plug-in associated with the service.

StrategyId_LogicalName String False

StrategyId_Name String False


This is a table representing the ServiceAppointment entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the service activity.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the service activity.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the service activity in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the service activity.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the service activity.

Category String False

Category of the service activity.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the service activity.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the service activity was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the serviceappointment.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Customers_Ids String False

Customers for whom the service activity is performed.

Customers_LogicalNames String False

Customers_Names String False

Description String False

Description of the service activity.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the serviceappointment with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsAllDayEvent Boolean False

Information which specifies if the service activity is an all day event.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information which specifies whether the service activity was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Information which specifies if the service activity was created from a workflow rule.

Location String False

Location where the service activity is to occur.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the service activity.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the service activity was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the serviceappointment.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the service activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the service activity.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team that owns the service activity.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user that owns the service activity.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the service activity.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the service activity is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

Resources_Ids String False

Users or facility/equipment that are required for the service activity.

Resources_LogicalNames String False

Resources_Names String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer False

Scheduled duration of the service activity, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the service activity.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the service activity.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier for an associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

SiteId_Id String False

Site where the service activity is located.

SiteId_LogicalName String False

SiteId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the service activity.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the service activity.

Subcategory String False

Sub-category of the activity.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the service activity.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the serviceappointment.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the ServiceContractContacts entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the contact of the service contract.

ContactId String True

ContractId String True

ServiceContractContactId String False

Unique identifier of the contact of the service contract.

ServiceLevel Integer False


This is a table representing the ServiceEndpoint entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the service endpoint.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

ConnectionMode String False

Connection mode to contact the service endpoint.

Contract String False

Type of the endpoint contract.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the service endpoint.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the service endpoint was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the service endpoint.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the service endpoint.

IsManaged Boolean True

Information that specifies whether this component is managed.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the service endpoint.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the service endpoint was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the service endpoint.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of Service end point.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the service endpoint is associated.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

Path String False

Path to the service endpoint.

ServiceEndpointId String False

Unique identifier of the service endpoint.

ServiceEndpointIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the service endpoint.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

SolutionNamespace String False

Namespace of the App Fabric solution.

UserClaim String False

Additional user claim value type.


This is a table representing the SharePointDocumentLocation entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SharePoint document location.

AbsoluteURL String False

Absolute URL of the SharePoint document location.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SharePoint document location record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SharePoint document location record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the SharePoint document location record.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the SharePoint document location record.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate between the currency associated with the SharePoint document location record and the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Sequence number of the import that created the SharePoint document location record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SharePoint document location record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SharePoint document location record was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the SharePoint document location record.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the SharePoint document location record.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the SharePoint document location record.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the SharePoint document location record.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the SharePoint document location record.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the SharePoint document location record.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParentSiteOrLocation_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent site or location.

ParentSiteOrLocation_LogicalName String False

ParentSiteOrLocation_Name String False

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the SharePoint document location record is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

RelativeUrl String False

Relative URL of the SharePoint document location.

SharePointDocumentLocationId String False

Unique identifier of the SharePoint document location record.

SiteCollectionId String True

For internal use only.

StateCode String True

Status of the SharePoint document location record.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the SharePoint document location record.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the SharePoint document location record.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the SharePointSite entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SharePoint site.

AbsoluteURL String False

Absolute URL of the SharePoint site.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the SharePoint site record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SharePoint site record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the SharePoint site record.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the SharePoint site record.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate between the currency associated with the SharePoint site record and the base currency.

FolderStructureEntity String False

Entity on which the folder structure for Microsoft Dynamics CRM records will be created in SharePoint.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Sequence number of the import that created this record.

IsDefault Boolean False

Indicates whether the SharePoint site is the default site or not.

IsGridPresent Boolean False

Indicates if SharePoint Grid is present or not.

LastValidated Datetime False

Date and time when the SharePoint site URL was last validated.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SharePoint site record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the SharePoint site record was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the SharePoint site record.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the SharePoint site record.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the SharePoint site.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the document location record.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team that owns the SharePoint site record.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the SharePoint site record.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParentSite_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent SharePoint site.

ParentSite_LogicalName String False

ParentSite_Name String False

RelativeUrl String False

Relative URL of the SharePoint site.

SharePointSiteId String False

Unique identifier of the SharePoint site in CRM

SiteCollectionId String True

For internal use only.

StateCode String True

Status of the SharePoint site record.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the SharePoint site record.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the SharePoint site record.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String True

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String True

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

ValidationStatus String False

Validation status of the SharePoint site URL.

ValidationStatusErrorCode String False

Reason for validation status of the URL


This is a table representing the Site entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the site.

Address1_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 1.

Address1_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address1_City String False

City name for address 1.

Address1_Country String False

Country/region name for address 1.

Address1_County String False

County name for address 1.

Address1_Fax String False

Fax number for address 1.

Address1_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 1.

Address1_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 1.

Address1_Name String False

Name to enter for address 1.

Address1_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 1.

Address1_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 1.

Address1_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 1.

Address1_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 1.

Address1_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1.

Address1_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Address2_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 2.

Address2_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address2_City String False

City name for address 2.

Address2_Country String False

Country/region name for address 2.

Address2_County String False

County name for address 2.

Address2_Fax String False

Fax number for address 2.

Address2_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 2.

Address2_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 2.

Address2_Name String False

Name to enter for address 2.

Address2_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 2.

Address2_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 2.

Address2_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 2.

Address2_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 2.

Address2_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2.

Address2_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the site.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the site was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the site.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EMailAddress String False

email address for the site.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the site.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the site was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the site.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the site.

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization with which the site is associated.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

SiteId String False

Unique identifier of the site.

TimeZoneCode Integer False

Local time zone for the site.


This is a table representing the SiteMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the site map.

ComponentState String True

IsManaged Boolean True

OrganizationId_Id String True

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

SiteMapId String True

SiteMapIdUnique String True

SiteMapXml String False

SolutionId String True


This is a table representing the Solution entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the solution.

ConfigurationPageId_Id String False

A link to an optional configuration page for this solution.

ConfigurationPageId_LogicalName String False

ConfigurationPageId_Name String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the solution.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the solution was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the solution.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the solution.

FriendlyName String False

User display name for the solution.

InstalledOn Datetime True

Date and time when the solution was installed/upgraded.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution is managed or unmanaged.

IsVisible Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution is visible outside of the platform.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the solution.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the solution was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the solution.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the solution.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

PinpointAssetId String True

PinpointSolutionDefaultLocale String True

Default locale of the solution in Microsoft Pinpoint.

PublisherId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the publisher.

PublisherId_LogicalName String False

PublisherId_Name String False

SolutionId String False

Unique identifier of the solution.

UniqueName String False

The unique name of this solution

Version String False

Solution version, used to identify a solution for upgrades and hotfixes.


This is a table representing the SolutionComponent entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the solution component.

ComponentType String True

The object type code of the component.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the solution

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the solution was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the solution.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

IsMetadata Boolean True

Indicates whether this component is metadata or data.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the solution.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the solution was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the solution.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ObjectId String True

Unique identifier of the object with which the component is associated.

SolutionComponentId String True

Unique identifier of the solution component.

SolutionId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the solution.

SolutionId_LogicalName String True

SolutionId_Name String True


This is a table representing the StatusMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the status map.

IsDefault Boolean False

ObjectTypeCode String True

OrganizationId String True

State Integer True

Status Integer True

StatusMapId String False

Unique identifier of the status map.


This is a table representing the StringMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the string map.

AttributeName String True

AttributeValue Integer True

DisplayOrder Integer False

LangId Integer True

ObjectTypeCode String True

OrganizationId String True

StringMapId String False

Unique identifier of the string map.

Value String False


This is a table representing the Subject entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the subject.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the subject.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the subject was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the subject.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the subject.

FeatureMask Integer False

Information that specifies when the subject will be displayed in lists of subjects.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the subject.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the subject was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the subject.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier for the organization associated with the subject.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

ParentSubject_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent subject.

ParentSubject_LogicalName String False

ParentSubject_Name String False

SubjectId String False

Unique identifier of the subject.

Title String False

Title of the subject.


This is a table representing the Subscription entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the subscription.

CompletedSyncStartedOn Datetime True

UTC time when the last successfully completed synchronization was started. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

LastSyncStartedOn Datetime True

For internal use only.

MachineName String False

For internal use only.

ReInitialize Boolean False

Database time stamp at the start time of the last successfully completed synchronization.

SubscriptionId String True

For internal use only.

SubscriptionType Integer False

For internal use only.

SyncEntryTableName String True

For internal use only.

SystemUserId String True

For internal use only.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the SubscriptionClients entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the subscription client.

ClientId String True

For internal use only.

IsPrimaryClient Boolean True

For internal use only.

MachineName String False

For internal use only.

SubscriptionClientId String True

For internal use only.

SubscriptionId String False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the SubscriptionManuallyTrackedObject entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject.

ObjectId String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the subscription is associated.

ObjectTypeCode String False

Type code of the object with which the subscription is associated.

SubscriptionId String False

Unique identifier of the subscription.

SubscriptionManuallyTrackedObjectId String False

For internal use only.

Track Boolean False

Information that specifies if the object is tracked.


This is a table representing the SubscriptionSyncInfo entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SubscriptionSyncInfo entity.

ClientVersion String False

Client (subscriber) version number.

DataSize Integer False

For internal use only.

DeleteObjectCount Integer False

For internal use only.

EndTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

InsertObjectCount Integer False

For internal use only.

StartTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

SubscriptionId_Id String False

For internal use only.

SubscriptionId_LogicalName String False

SubscriptionId_Name String False

SubscriptionSyncInfoId Integer True

For internal use only.

SyncResult Boolean False

For internal use only.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject.


This is a table representing the SystemForm entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the form or dashboard.

AncestorFormId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent form.

AncestorFormId_LogicalName String False

AncestorFormId_Name String False

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

Description String False

Description of the form or dashboard.

FormId String False

Unique identifier of the record type form.

FormIdUnique String True

Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook.

FormXml String False

XML representation of the form layout.

IsDefault Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the form or the dashboard is the system default.

IsManaged Boolean True

Name String False

Name of the form.

ObjectTypeCode String False

Code that represents the record type.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

PublishedOn Datetime True

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

Type String False

Type of the form, for example, Dashboard or Preview.

Version Integer False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the SystemUser entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the user.

AccessMode String False

Type of user.

Address1_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 1.

Address1_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address1_City String False

City name for address 1.

Address1_Country String False

Country/region name in address 1.

Address1_County String False

County name for address 1.

Address1_Fax String False

Fax number for address 1.

Address1_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 1.

Address1_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 1 information.

Address1_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 1.

Address1_Name String False

Name to enter for address 1.

Address1_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 1.

Address1_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 1.

Address1_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 1.

Address1_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 1.

Address1_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 1.

Address1_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1.

Address1_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

Address2_AddressId String False

Unique identifier for address 2.

Address2_AddressTypeCode String False

Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address.

Address2_City String False

City name for address 2.

Address2_Country String False

Country/region name in address 2.

Address2_County String False

County name for address 2.

Address2_Fax String False

Fax number for address 2.

Address2_Latitude Double False

Latitude for address 2.

Address2_Line1 String False

First line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line2 String False

Second line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Line3 String False

Third line for entering address 2 information.

Address2_Longitude Double False

Longitude for address 2.

Address2_Name String False

Name to enter for address 2.

Address2_PostalCode String False

ZIP Code or postal code for address 2.

Address2_PostOfficeBox String False

Post office box number for address 2.

Address2_ShippingMethodCode String False

Method of shipment for address 2.

Address2_StateOrProvince String False

State or province for address 2.

Address2_Telephone1 String False

First telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone2 String False

Second telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_Telephone3 String False

Third telephone number associated with address 2.

Address2_UPSZone String False

United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2.

Address2_UTCOffset Integer False

UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time.

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the user is associated.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

CalendarId_Id String False

Fiscal calendar associated with the user.

CalendarId_LogicalName String False

CalendarId_Name String False

CALType String False

License type of user.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the user.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the user was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the systemuser.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DefaultFiltersPopulated Boolean True

Indicates if default outlook filters have been populated.

DisabledReason String True

Reason for disabling the user.

DisplayInServiceViews Boolean False

Whether to display the user in service views.

DomainName String False

Active Directory domain of which the user is a member.

EmailRouterAccessApproval String False

Shows the status of the primary email address.

EmployeeId String False

Employee identifier for the user.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the systemuser with respect to the base currency.

FirstName String False

First name of the user.

FullName String True

Full name of the user.

GovernmentId String False

Government identifier for the user.

HomePhone String False

Home phone number for the user.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod String False

Incoming email delivery method for the user.

InternalEMailAddress String False

Internal email address for the user.

InviteStatusCode String False

User invitation status.

IsDisabled Boolean True

Information about whether the user is enabled.

IsIntegrationUser Boolean False

Check if user is an integration user.

JobTitle String False

Job title of the user.

LastName String False

Last name of the user.

MiddleName String False

Middle name of the user.

MobileAlertEMail String False

Mobile alert email address for the user.

MobilePhone String False

Mobile phone number for the user.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the user.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the user was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the systemuser.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

NickName String False

Nickname of the user.

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the user.

OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod String False

Outgoing email delivery method for the user.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

ParentSystemUserId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the manager of the user.

ParentSystemUserId_LogicalName String False

ParentSystemUserId_Name String False

PassportHi Integer False

For internal use only.

PassportLo Integer False

For internal use only.

PersonalEMailAddress String False

Personal email address of the user.

PhotoUrl String False

URL for the Web site on which a photo of the user is located.

PreferredAddressCode String False

Preferred address for the user.

PreferredEmailCode String False

Preferred email address for the user.

PreferredPhoneCode String False

Preferred phone number for the user.

QueueId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the default queue for the user.

QueueId_LogicalName String False

QueueId_Name String False

Salutation String False

Salutation for correspondence with the user.

SetupUser Boolean False

Check if user is a setup user.

SiteId_Id String False

Site at which the user is located.

SiteId_LogicalName String False

SiteId_Name String False

Skills String False

Skill set of the user.

SystemUserId String False

Unique identifier for the user.

TerritoryId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the territory to which the user is assigned.

TerritoryId_LogicalName String False

TerritoryId_Name String False

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

Title String False

Title of the user.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the systemuser.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

WindowsLiveID String False

Windows Live ID

YomiFirstName String False

Pronunciation of the first name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.

YomiFullName String True

Pronunciation of the full name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.

YomiLastName String False

Pronunciation of the last name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.

YomiMiddleName String False

Pronunciation of the middle name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.


This is a table representing the SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMap entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMap.

BusinessUnitId String True

ObjectTypeCode String True

ReadPrivilegeDepth Integer True

SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMapId String False

Unique identifier of the SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMap.

SystemUserId String True


This is a table representing the SystemUserLicenses entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the user licenses.

LicenseId String True

SystemUserId String True

SystemUserLicenseId String False

Unique identifier of the user licenses.


This is a table representing the SystemUserPrincipals entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SystemUserPrincipal.

PrincipalId String False

For internal use only.

SystemUserId String False

For internal use only.

SystemUserPrincipalId String False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the SystemUserProfiles entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SystemUserProfile.

FieldSecurityProfileId String True

SystemUserId String True

SystemUserProfileId String False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the SystemUserRoles entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the SystemUserRole.

RoleId String True

SystemUserId String True

SystemUserRoleId String False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the Task entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the task.

ActivityId String False

Unique identifier of the task.

ActivityTypeCode String True

Type of activity.

ActualDurationMinutes Integer False

Actual duration of the task in minutes.

ActualEnd Datetime False

Actual end time of the task.

ActualStart Datetime False

Actual start time of the task.

Category String False

Category of the task.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the task.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the task was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the task.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the task.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the task with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsBilled Boolean False

Information which specifies whether the task was billed as part of resolving a case.

IsRegularActivity Boolean True

Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type.

IsWorkflowCreated Boolean False

Information which specifies if the task was created from a workflow rule.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the task.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the task was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the task.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the task.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the task.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team that owns the task.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user that owns the task.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PercentComplete Integer False

How much of the task has been completed, given in a percentage.

PriorityCode String False

Priority of the task.

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the object with which the task is associated.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

ScheduledDurationMinutes Integer True

Scheduled duration of the task, specified in minutes.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

Scheduled end time of the task.

ScheduledStart Datetime False

Scheduled start time of the task.

ServiceId_Id String False

Unique identifier for an associated service.

ServiceId_LogicalName String False

ServiceId_Name String False

StateCode String True

Status of the task.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the task.

Subcategory String False

Sub category of the task.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the task.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the task.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the Team entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the team.

AdministratorId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user primary responsible for the team.

AdministratorId_LogicalName String False

AdministratorId_Name String False

BusinessUnitId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the team is associated.

BusinessUnitId_LogicalName String False

BusinessUnitId_Name String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the team.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the team was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the team.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the team.

EMailAddress String False

email address for the team.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the team with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsDefault Boolean True

Information about whether the team is a default business unit team.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the team.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the team was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the team.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the team.

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the team.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

QueueId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the default queue for the team.

QueueId_LogicalName String False

QueueId_Name String False

TeamId String False

Unique identifier for the team.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the team.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

YomiName String False

Pronunciation of the full name of the team, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters.


This is a table representing the TeamMembership entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the team membership.

SystemUserId String True

TeamId String True

TeamMembershipId String False

Unique identifier of the team membership.


This is a table representing the TeamProfiles entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the team profile.

FieldSecurityProfileId String True

TeamId String True

TeamProfileId String False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the TeamRoles entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the team role.

RoleId String True

TeamId String True

TeamRoleId String False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the Template entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the template.

Body String False

Body text of the email template.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the email template.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the email template was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the template.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the email template.

GenerationTypeCode Integer False

For internal use only.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

IsPersonal Boolean False

Information about whether the template is personal or is available to all users.

LanguageCode Integer False

Language of the email template.

MimeType String False

MIME type of the email template.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the template.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the email template was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the template.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the template for the email activity.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the template.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the template.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the template.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PresentationXml String False

XML data for the body of the email template.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

Subject String False

Subject associated with the email template.

SubjectPresentationXml String False

XML data for the subject of the email template.

TemplateId String False

Unique identifier of the template.

TemplateIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

TemplateTypeCode String False

Type of email template.

Title String False

Title of the template.


This is a table representing the Territory entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the territory.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the territory.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the territory was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the territory.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the territory.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the territory with respect to the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ManagerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the manager of the territory.

ManagerId_LogicalName String False

ManagerId_Name String False

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the territory.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the territory was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the territory.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the territory.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the territory.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

TerritoryId String False

Unique identifier of the territory.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the territory.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False


This is a table representing the TimeZoneDefinition entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the time zone definition.

Bias Integer False

Base time bias of the time zone.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the time zone record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the time zone record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the time zone definition.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DaylightName String False

Time zone name for the daylight time.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the time zone record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the time zone record was modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the time zone definition.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the time zone definition.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

RetiredOrder Integer False

Order an entry for a time zone definition is retired. 0 for the latest entry.

StandardName String False

Time zone name for the standard time.

TimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone identification code.

TimeZoneDefinitionId String False

Unique identifier of the time zone record.

UserInterfaceName String False

Display name for the time zone in the Microsoft Windows registry.


This is a table representing the TimeZoneLocalizedName entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the time zone localized name.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the time zone localized name.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CultureId Integer False

Unique identifier of the culture that the UI names are encoded in.

DaylightName String False

Name of the time zone for the daylight time.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the time zone localized name.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the record was modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the time zone localized name.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the time zone localized name.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

StandardName String False

Name of the time zone for the standard time.

TimeZoneDefinitionId_Id String False

Unique identifier of time zone definition entity instances.

TimeZoneDefinitionId_LogicalName String False

TimeZoneDefinitionId_Name String False

TimeZoneLocalizedNameId String False

Unique identifier of entity instances.

UserInterfaceName String False

Unique display name for the time zone in the Microsoft Windows registry.


This is a table representing the TimeZoneRule entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the time zone rule.

Bias Integer False

Base time bias of the time zone rule.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the time zone rule.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the time zone rule was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the time zone rule.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DaylightBias Integer False

Time bias in addition to the base bias for daylight savings time.

DaylightDay Integer False

Day of the month when daylight savings time starts.

DaylightDayOfWeek Integer False

Day of the week when daylight savings time starts.

DaylightHour Integer False

Hour of the day when daylight savings time starts

DaylightMinute Integer False

Minute of the hour when daylight savings time starts.

DaylightMonth Integer False

Month when daylight savings time starts.

DaylightSecond Integer False

Second of the minute when daylight savings time starts

DaylightYear Integer False

Year when daylight savings times starts.

EffectiveDateTime Datetime False

Time that this rule takes effect, in local time.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the time zone rule.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the time zone rule was modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the time zone rule.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the time zone rule.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

StandardBias Integer False

Time bias in addition to the base bias for standard time.

StandardDay Integer False

Day of the month when standard time starts.

StandardDayOfWeek Integer False

Day of the week when standard time starts.

StandardHour Integer False

Hour of the day when standard time starts.

StandardMinute Integer False

Minute of the hour when standard time starts.

StandardMonth Integer False

Month when standard time starts.

StandardSecond Integer False

Second of the Minute when standard time starts.

StandardYear Integer False

Year when standard time starts.

TimeZoneDefinitionId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the time zone definition.

TimeZoneDefinitionId_LogicalName String False

TimeZoneDefinitionId_Name String False

TimeZoneRuleId String False

Unique identifier of the time zone rule.

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only


This is a table representing the TransactionCurrency entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the transaction currency.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the transaction currency.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the transaction currency was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the transaction currency.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CurrencyName String False

Name of the transaction currency.

CurrencyPrecision Integer False

Number of decimal places that can be used for currency.

CurrencySymbol String False

Symbol for the transaction currency.

ExchangeRate Double False

Exchange rate between the transaction currency and the base currency.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ISOCurrencyCode String False

ISO currency code for the transaction currency.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the transaction currency.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the transaction currency was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the transaction currency.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the transaction currency.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

StateCode String True

Status of the transaction currency.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the transaction currency.

TransactionCurrencyId String False

Unique identifier of the transaction currency.


This is a table representing the TransformationMapping entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the transformation mapping.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the transformation mapping.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the transformation mapping was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the transformation mapping.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ImportMapId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated data map.

ImportMapId_LogicalName String False

ImportMapId_Name String False

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the mapping.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the transformation mapping was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the transformation mapping.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ProcessCode String False

Information about whether the transformation mapping needs to be processed.

SourceEntityName String False

Name of the source entity.

StateCode String True

Status of the transformation mapping.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the transformation mapping.

TargetEntityName String False

Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity.

TransformationMappingId String False

Unique identifier of the transformation mapping.

TransformationTypeName String False

Type of transformation.


This is a table representing the TransformationParameterMapping entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the transformation parameter mapping.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the parameter mapping.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the transformation parameter mapping was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the transformation parameter mapping.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Data String False

Transformation data for transformation parameter

DataTypeCode String False

Data type of the transformation parameter.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the transformation parameter mapping.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the transformation parameter mapping was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the transformation parameter mapping.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ParameterArrayIndex Integer False

Index of the array if the input parameter is an array.

ParameterSequence Integer False

Parameter sequence number.

ParameterTypeCode String False

Type of transformation parameter.

TransformationMappingId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the transformation with which the parameter is associated.

TransformationMappingId_LogicalName String False

TransformationMappingId_Name String False

TransformationParameterMappingId String False

Unique identifier of the transformation parameter mapping.


This is a table representing the UnresolvedAddress entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the unresolved address.

EMailAddress String False

For internal use only.

FullName String True

For internal use only.

Telephone String False

For internal use only.

UnresolvedAddressId String False

For internal use only.


This is a table representing the UoM entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the unit of measure.

BaseUoM_Id String False

Unique identifier of the base unit for the product.

BaseUoM_LogicalName String False

BaseUoM_Name String False

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the unit.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the unit was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the uom.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

IsScheduleBaseUoM Boolean True

Information that specifies whether the unit is the base unit for the unit group.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the unit.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the unit was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the uom.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the unit.

OrganizationId String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the unit of measure.

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

Quantity Double False

Unit quantity for the product.

UoMId String False

Unique identifier of the unit.

UoMScheduleId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the unit group with which the unit is associated.

UoMScheduleId_LogicalName String False

UoMScheduleId_Name String False


This is a table representing the UoMSchedule entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the unit group.

BaseUoMName String False

Name of the base unit.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the unit group.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the unit group was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the uomschedule.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the unit group.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the unit group.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the unit group was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the uomschedule.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the unit group.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the unit group.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverriddenCreatedOn Datetime False

Date and time that the record was migrated.

StateCode String True

Status of the Unit Group.

StatusCode String False

Reason for the status of the Unit Group.

UoMScheduleId String False

Unique identifier for the unit group.


This is a table representing the UserEntityInstanceData entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the user entity instance data.

CommonEnd Datetime False

Common end date

CommonStart Datetime False

Common start date

DueDate Datetime False

Due Date

FlagDueBy Datetime False

Flag due by

FlagRequest String False

Flag request

FlagStatus Integer False

Flag status.

ObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the source record.

ObjectId_LogicalName String False

ObjectId_Name String False

ObjectTypeCode Integer False

Object Type Code

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the user entity instance data.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns this.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns this object.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns this object.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PersonalCategories String False

Personal categories

ReminderSet Boolean False

Indicates whether a reminder is set on this object.

ReminderTime Datetime False

Reminder time

StartTime Datetime False

Start Time

ToDoItemFlags Integer False

To Do item flags.

ToDoOrdinalDate Datetime False

For internal use only.

ToDoSubOrdinal String False

For internal use only.

ToDoTitle String False

For internal use only.

UserEntityInstanceDataId String False

Unique identifier user entity


This is a table representing the UserEntityUISettings entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the user entity UI setting.

InsertIntoEmailMRUXml String False

Describes which entities are most recently inserted into email for this entity

LastViewedFormXml String False

Describes which forms are most recently viewed for this entity.

LookupMRUXml String False

List of most recently used lookup references for this entity

MRUXml String False

Describes which tabs are most recently used for this entity

ObjectTypeCode Integer False

Object Type Code

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the settings.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the user entity UI setting.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns this saved view.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns this saved view.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ReadingPaneXml String False

Describes the reading pane formatting of this entity.

RecentlyViewedXml String False

Describes which objects are most recently viewed for this entity.

ShowInAddressBook Boolean False

Determines whether a record type is exposed in the Outlook Address Book.

TabOrderXml String False

Describes the tab ordering for this entity.

UserEntityUISettingsId String False

Unique identifier of the user entity UI setting.


This is a table representing the UserFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the fiscal calendar.

BusinessUnitId String True

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the user fiscal calendar is associated.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the fiscal calendar.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the fiscal calendar was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the userfiscalcalendar.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EffectiveOn Datetime False

Date and time when the fiscal calendar takes effect.

ExchangeRate Double True

Exchange rate for the currency associated with the user fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency.

FiscalPeriodType Integer True

Type of fiscal period used in the fiscal calendar.

ImportSequenceNumber Integer False

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the fiscal calendar.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the fiscal calendar was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the userfiscalcalendar.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Period1 Double False

Sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year.

Period1_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year.

Period10 Double False

Sales quota for the tenth period in the fiscal year.

Period10_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the tenth period in the fiscal year.

Period11 Double False

Sales quota for the eleventh period in the fiscal year.

Period11_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eleventh period in the fiscal year.

Period12 Double False

Sales quota for the twelfth period in the fiscal year.

Period12_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the twelfth period in the fiscal year.

Period13 Double False

Sales quota for the thirteenth period in the fiscal year.

Period13_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the thirteenth period in the fiscal year.

Period2 Double False

Sales quota for the second period in the fiscal year.

Period2_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second period in the fiscal year.

Period3 Double False

Sales quota for the third period in the fiscal year.

Period3_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the third period in the fiscal year.

Period4 Double False

Sales quota for the fourth period in the fiscal year.

Period4_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fourth period in the fiscal year.

Period5 Double False

Sales quota for the fifth period in the fiscal year.

Period5_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fifth period in the fiscal year.

Period6 Double False

Sales quota for the sixth period in the fiscal year.

Period6_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the sixth period in the fiscal year.

Period7 Double False

Sales quota for the seventh period in the fiscal year.

Period7_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the seventh period in the fiscal year.

Period8 Double False

Sales quota for the eighth period in the fiscal year.

Period8_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eighth period in the fiscal year.

Period9 Double False

Sales quota for the ninth period in the fiscal year.

Period9_Base Double True

Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the ninth period in the fiscal year.

SalesPersonId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the salesperson to whom the fiscal calendar is assigned.

SalesPersonId_LogicalName String False

SalesPersonId_Name String False

TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber Integer False

For internal use only.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the currency associated with the user fiscal calendar.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UserFiscalCalendarId String False

Unique identifier for the fiscal calendar.

UTCConversionTimeZoneCode Integer False

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.


This is a table representing the UserForm entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the user dashboard.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the dashboard.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the dashboard was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the dashboard.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the dashboard.

FormXml String False

XML representation of the dashboard layout.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the dashboard.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the dashboard was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the dashboard.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the dashboard.

ObjectTypeCode String False

Code that represents the record type.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the dashboard.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the dashboard.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the dashboard.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the dashboard.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

Type String False

Type of the form, for example, Dashboard or Preview.

UserFormId String False

Unique identifier of the user dashboard.


This is a table representing the UserQuery entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the saved view.

AdvancedGroupBy String False

Advanced Group By

ColumnSetXml String False

Collection of attributes displayed in the saved view.

ConditionalFormatting String False

User Group By

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique Identifier of the user who created the saved view.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the saved view was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the userquery.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the saved view.

FetchXml String False

String that specifies the query in Fetch XML language.

LayoutXml String False

For internal use only.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the saved view.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the saved view was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the userquery.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name given to the saved view.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the saved view.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns this saved view.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns this saved view.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns this saved view.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParentQueryId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the Saved Query this was instantiated from.

ParentQueryId_LogicalName String False

ParentQueryId_Name String False

QueryType Integer False

Type of saved view.

ReturnedTypeCode Integer False

Type of entity that the saved view displays.

StateCode String True

Status of the view.

StatusCode String True

Reason for the status of the view.

UserQueryId String False

Unique identifier of the saved view.


This is a table representing the UserQueryVisualization entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the user query visualization entity.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique Identifier of the user who created the user chart.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the user chart was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the user chart.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

DataDescription String False

XML string used to define the underlying data for the user chart.

Description String False

Description of the user chart.

IsDefault Boolean False

Indicates whether the user chart is the default chart for the entity.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the user chart.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the user chart was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the user chart.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the user chart.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the user chart.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the user chart.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the user chart.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the user chart.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

PresentationDescription String False

XML string used to define the presentation properties of the user chart.

PrimaryEntityTypeCode Integer False

Type of entity which the user chart is attached.

UserQueryVisualizationId String False

Unique identifier of the user chart.

WebResourceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the Web resource that will be displayed in the user chart.

WebResourceId_LogicalName String False

WebResourceId_Name String False


This is a table representing the UserSettings entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the user settings object.

AddressBookSyncInterval Integer False

Normal polling frequency used for address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook.

AdvancedFindStartupMode Integer False

Default mode, such as simple or detailed, for advanced find.

AllowEmailCredentials Boolean False

Indicates whether a user wants to specify email credentials.

AMDesignator String False

AM designator to use in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

AutoCreateContactOnPromote Integer False

Auto-create contact on client promote

BusinessUnitId String False

Unique identifier of the business unit with which the user is associated.

CalendarType Integer False

Calendar type for the system. Set to Gregorian US by default.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the user settings.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the user settings object was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the usersettings.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CurrencyDecimalPrecision Integer False

Number of decimal places that can be used for currency.

CurrencyFormatCode Integer False

Information about how currency symbols are placed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

CurrencySymbol String False

Symbol used for currency in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

DataValidationModeForExportToExcel String False

Information that specifies the level of data validation in excel worksheets exported in a format suitable for import.

DateFormatCode Integer False

Information about how the date is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

DateFormatString String False

String showing how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM.

DateSeparator String False

Character used to separate the month, the day, and the year in dates in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

DecimalSymbol String False

Symbol used for decimal in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

DefaultCalendarView Integer False

Default calendar view for the user.

DefaultDashboardId String False

Unique identifier of the default dashboard.

EmailPassword String False

email password.

EmailUsername String False

email user name.

FullNameConventionCode Integer False

Order in which names are to be displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

GetStartedPaneContentEnabled Boolean False

Information that specifies whether the Get Started pane in lists is enabled.

HelpLanguageId Integer False

Unique identifier of the Help language.

HomepageArea String False

Web site home page for the user.

HomepageLayout String False

Configuration of the home page layout.

HomepageSubarea String False

Web site page for the user.

IgnoreUnsolicitedEmail Boolean False

Information that specifies whether a user account is to ignore unsolicited email (deprecated).

IncomingEmailFilteringMethod String False

Incoming email filtering method.

IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledWhenGoingOnline Boolean False

Indicates if duplicate detection is enabled when going online.

IsSendAsAllowed Boolean False

Indicates if send as other user privilege is enabled or not.

LocaleId Integer False

Unique identifier of the user locale.

LongDateFormatCode Integer False

Information that specifies how Long Date is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the user settings.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the user settings object was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the usersettings.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

NegativeCurrencyFormatCode Integer False

Information that specifies how negative currency numbers are displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

NegativeFormatCode Integer False

Information that specifies how negative numbers are displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

NextTrackingNumber Integer False

Next tracking number.

NumberGroupFormat String False

Information that specifies how numbers are grouped in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

NumberSeparator String False

Symbol used for number separation in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

OfflineSyncInterval Integer False

Normal polling frequency used for background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook.

OutlookSyncInterval Integer False

Normal polling frequency used for record synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook.

PagingLimit Integer False

Information that specifies how many items to list on a page in list views.

PersonalizationSettings String False

For internal use only.

PMDesignator String False

PM designator to use in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

PricingDecimalPrecision Integer False

Number of decimal places that can be used for prices.

ReportScriptErrors String False

Picklist for selecting the user preference for reporting scripting errors.

ShowWeekNumber Boolean False

Information that specifies whether to display the week number in calendar displays in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

SyncContactCompany Boolean False

Indicates if the company field in Microsoft Office Outlook items are set during Outlook synchronization.

SystemUserId String False

Unique identifier of the user.

TimeFormatCode Integer False

Information that specifies how the time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

TimeFormatString String False

Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

TimeSeparator String False

Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

TimeZoneBias Integer False

Local time zone adjustment for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneCode Integer False

Local time zone for the user.

TimeZoneDaylightBias Integer False

Local time zone daylight adjustment for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneDaylightDay Integer False

Local time zone daylight day for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneDaylightDayOfWeek Integer False

Local time zone daylight day of week for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected in Options.

TimeZoneDaylightHour Integer False

Local time zone daylight hour for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneDaylightMinute Integer False

Local time zone daylight minute for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneDaylightMonth Integer False

Local time zone daylight month for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneDaylightSecond Integer False

Local time zone daylight second for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneDaylightYear Integer False

Local time zone daylight year for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneStandardBias Integer False

Local time zone standard time bias for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneStandardDay Integer False

Local time zone standard day for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneStandardDayOfWeek Integer False

Local time zone standard day of week for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneStandardHour Integer False

Local time zone standard hour for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneStandardMinute Integer False

Local time zone standard minute for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneStandardMonth Integer False

Local time zone standard month for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneStandardSecond Integer False

Local time zone standard second for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TimeZoneStandardYear Integer False

Local time zone standard year for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected.

TrackingTokenId Integer False

Tracking token ID.

TransactionCurrencyId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the default currency of the user.

TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName String False

TransactionCurrencyId_Name String False

UILanguageId Integer False

Unique identifier of the language in which to view the user interface (UI).

UseCrmFormForAppointment Boolean False

Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM appointment form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new appointments.

UseCrmFormForContact Boolean False

Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM contact form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new contacts.

UseCrmFormForEmail Boolean False

Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM email form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new emails.

UseCrmFormForTask Boolean False

Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM task form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new tasks.

UseImageStrips Boolean False

Indicates whether image strips are used to render images.

UserProfile String False

Specifies user profile ids in comma separated list.

VisualizationPaneLayout String False

The layout of the visualization pane.

WorkdayStartTime String False

Workday start time for the user.

WorkdayStopTime String False

Workday stop time for the user.


This is a table representing the WebResource entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the Web resource.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

Content String False

Bytes of the Web resource, in Base 64 format.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the Web resource.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the Web resource was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the Web resource.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the Web resource.

DisplayName String False

Display name of the Web resource.

IsManaged Boolean True

LanguageCode Integer False

Language of the Web resource.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the Web resource.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the Web resource was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the Web resource.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the Web resource.

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the Web resource.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

SilverlightVersion String False

Silverlight runtime version number required by a silverlight Web resource.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

WebResourceId String False

Unique identifier of the Web resource.

WebResourceIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

WebResourceType String False

Drop-down list for selecting the type of the Web resource.


This is a table representing the WebWizard entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the wizard.

AccessPrivileges String False

Privileges required to use this wizard, separated with commas (,).

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the wizard definition.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the wizard definition was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the webwizard.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

IsStaticPageSequence Boolean False

Information about whether all pages for this wizard are statically defined.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the wizard definition.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the wizard definition was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the webwizard.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the wizard

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

StartPageSequenceNumber Integer False

Sequence number of the first page of this wizard.

TitleResourceString String False

Title of the wizard.

WebWizardId String False

Unique identifier of the wizard.

WizardPageHeight Integer False

Window height for the wizard.

WizardPageWidth Integer False

Window width for the wizard.


This is a table representing the WizardAccessPrivilege entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the wizard access privilege record.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the wizard access privilege record.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the wizard access privilege record was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the wizardaccessprivilege.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

EntityName String False

Logical name of the entity for which access privileges are required.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the wizard access privilege record.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the wizard access privilege record was modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the wizardaccessprivilege.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization associated with the wizard access privilege.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

PrivilegeName String False

Name of the privilege required to access the wizard.

WebWizardId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the wizard associated with this wizard access privilege record.

WebWizardId_LogicalName String False

WebWizardId_Name String False

WizardAccessPrivilegeId String False

Unique identifier of the access privilege.


This is a table representing the WizardPage entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the wizard page.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the wizard page.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the wizard page was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the wizardpage.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the wizard page.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the wizard page was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the wizardpage.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OrganizationId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the organization.

OrganizationId_LogicalName String True

OrganizationId_Name String True

PageDataToPost String False

Data to post to the wizard page when requesting the page.

PageSequenceNumber Integer False

Sequence number of the wizard page.

PageUrl String False

URL for the wizard page.

WebWizardId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the wizard associated with this wizard page.

WebWizardId_LogicalName String False

WebWizardId_Name String False

WizardPageId String False

Unique identifier of the wizard page.


This is a table representing the Workflow entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the process.

ActiveWorkflowId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the latest activation record for the process.

ActiveWorkflowId_LogicalName String True

ActiveWorkflowId_Name String True

Activities String False

Activities that are part of the business logic of the process.

AsyncAutoDelete Boolean False

Indicates whether the asynchronous system job is automatically deleted on completion.

Category String False

Category of the process.

ComponentState String True

For internal use only.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the process.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the process was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the process.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the process.

InputParameters String False

Input parameters to the process.

IsCrmUIWorkflow Boolean True

Indicates whether the process was created using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web application.

IsManaged Boolean True

Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution.

LanguageCode Integer False

Language of the process.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the process.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the process was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the process.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Name String False

Name of the process.

OnDemand Boolean False

Indicates whether the process is able to run as an on-demand process.

OverwriteTime Datetime True

For internal use only.

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the process.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the process.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the process.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the process.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

ParentWorkflowId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the definition for process activation.

ParentWorkflowId_LogicalName String True

ParentWorkflowId_Name String True

PluginTypeId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the plug-in type.

PluginTypeId_LogicalName String True

PluginTypeId_Name String True

PrimaryEntity String False

Primary entity for the process. The process can be associated for one or more SDK operations defined on the primary entity.

Rules String False

Rules that define business logic in the process.

Scope String False

Scope of the process.

SolutionId String True

Unique identifier of the associated solution.

StateCode String True

Status of the process.

StatusCode String False

Additional information about status of the process.

Subprocess Boolean False

Indicates whether the process can be included in other processes as a child process.

TriggerOnCreate Boolean False

Indicates whether the process will be triggered when the primary entity is created.

TriggerOnDelete Boolean False

Indicates whether the process will be triggered on deletion of the primary entity.

TriggerOnUpdateAttributeList String False

Attributes that trigger the process when updated.

Type String False

Type of the process.

UIData String True

For internal use only.

WorkflowId String False

Unique identifier of the process.

WorkflowIdUnique String True

For internal use only.

Xaml String False

XAML that defines the process.


This is a table representing the WorkflowDependency entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the process dependency.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the process dependency.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the process dependency was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the process dependency.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

CustomEntityName String False

Name of the entity used in the process.

DependentAttributeName String False

Name of the attribute used in the process.

DependentEntityName String False

Name of the entity used in the process.

EntityAttributes String False

Comma-separated list of attributes that will be passed to process instance.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the process dependency.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the process dependency was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the process dependency.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the parent workflow instance.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the process dependency.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the process dependency.

ParameterName String False

Name of the process parameter.

ParameterType String False

Fully qualified name of the CLR type of the local parameter.

RelatedAttributeName String False

Attribute of the primary entity that specifies related entity.

RelatedEntityName String False

Name of the related entity.

SdkMessageId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the SDK message.

SdkMessageId_LogicalName String False

SdkMessageId_Name String False

Type String False

Type of the process dependency.

WorkflowDependencyId String False

Unique identifier of the process dependency.

WorkflowId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the process with which the dependency is associated.

WorkflowId_LogicalName String False

WorkflowId_Name String False


This is a table representing the WorkflowLog entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the process log.

ActivityName String False

Name of the activity which the process step is currently processing.

AsyncOperationId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the parent record.

AsyncOperationId_LogicalName String False

AsyncOperationId_Name String False

ChildWorkflowInstanceId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the system job.

ChildWorkflowInstanceId_LogicalName String False

ChildWorkflowInstanceId_Name String False

CompletedOn Datetime False

Date and time when the operation was completed.

CreatedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who created the process log entry.

CreatedBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedBy_Name String True

CreatedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the process log entry was created.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the process log.

CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

Description String False

Description of the process step.

ErrorCode Integer False

Error code related to process.

InteractionActivityResult String False

String specifying the result of an interaction activity.

Message String False

Message related to process.

ModifiedBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who last modified the process log entry.

ModifiedBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedBy_Name String True

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the process log entry was last modified.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id String True

Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the process log.

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName String True

ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name String True

OwnerId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the process log.

OwnerId_LogicalName String False

OwnerId_Name String False

OwningBusinessUnit_Id String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the process.

OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName String True

OwningBusinessUnit_Name String True

OwningTeam_Id String True

Unique identifier of the team who owns the process log.

OwningTeam_LogicalName String True

OwningTeam_Name String True

OwningUser_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the process.

OwningUser_LogicalName String True

OwningUser_Name String True

RegardingObjectId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the associated record.

RegardingObjectId_LogicalName String False

RegardingObjectId_Name String False

StageName String False

Name of the process stage.

Status String False

Status of the process step for which process log record has been created: In Progress, Successfully Completed, or Failed.

StepName String False

Name of the process step.

WorkflowLogId String False

Unique identifier of the process log entry.


This is a table representing the WorkflowWaitSubscription entities in Dynamics CRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier of the subscription.

AsyncOperationId_Id String False

Unique identifier of the asynchronous operation with which the subscription is associated.

AsyncOperationId_LogicalName String False

AsyncOperationId_Name String False

Data String False

Unstructured data associated with the subscription.

EntityId String False

Id of entity to which workflow instance subscribes.

EntityName String False

Name of entity to which workflow instance subscribes.

ModifiedOn Datetime True

Date and time when the entity was modified.

OwnerId_Id String True

Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the parent workflow instance.

OwnerId_LogicalName String True

OwnerId_Name String True

OwningBusinessUnit String True

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the parent workflow instance.

OwningUser String True

Unique identifier of the user who owns the parent workflow instance.

WorkflowWaitSubscriptionId String False

Unique identifier of the subscription.