Matillion ETL Data Model for Magento
Version - 21.0.8137.0

Note: Data models are true for the latest version of Matillion ETL. If you are on an older version or using a component from an old job, your experience may differ.

Connection String OptionsBack To Top

  1. AuthScheme
  2. URL
  3. User
  4. Password
  5. AccessToken
  6. StoreCode
  7. SSLServerCert
  8. FirewallType
  9. FirewallServer
  10. FirewallPort
  11. FirewallUser
  12. FirewallPassword
  13. ProxyAutoDetect
  14. ProxyServer
  15. ProxyPort
  16. ProxyAuthScheme
  17. ProxyUser
  18. ProxyPassword
  19. ProxySSLType
  20. ProxyExceptions
  21. Logfile
  22. Verbosity
  23. LogModules
  24. MaxLogFileSize
  25. MaxLogFileCount
  26. Location
  27. BrowsableSchemas
  28. Tables
  30. AutoCache
  31. CacheDriver
  32. CacheConnection
  33. CacheLocation
  34. CacheTolerance
  35. Offline
  36. CacheMetadata
  37. BatchSize
  38. ConnectionLifeTime
  39. ConnectOnOpen
  40. GenerateSchemaFiles
  41. IncludeCustomAttributes
  42. MaxRows
  43. Other
  44. Pagesize
  45. PoolIdleTimeout
  46. PoolMaxSize
  47. PoolMinSize
  48. PoolWaitTime
  49. PseudoColumns
  50. Readonly
  51. RowScanDepth
  52. RTK
  53. SupportEnhancedSQL
  54. Timeout
  55. TypeDetectionScheme
  56. UseConnectionPooling
  57. UseSimpleNames


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Default Value



Set the URL to the HTTP or HTTPS endpoint of your Magento system. For example, https://magentohost/. See the Getting Started section of the help documentation for connection guides to Magento 2.

See Also


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Default Value



Username of the currently authenticated user. Used to connect to Magento 2.x servers only. See the Establishing a Connection section under Getting Started for more information on authenticating to different versions of Magento.

If you are accessing Magento as a customer, these credentials correspond to your customer account. To create an account, select Account > Register from the Magento home page.

To allow administrator users to connect:


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Default Value



Password of the currently authenticated User. Used only to connect to Magento 2.x servers.


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Default Value



The Magento Access Token used to authenticate the requests. The Access Token can be either Integration, Admin or Customer type.


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Default Value



The store code identifies a store in the Magento system. Set the value "all" to execute the API requests on every store in the system. This value only applies to the CMS and Product related tables.


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Default Value



If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.

This property can take the following forms:

Description Example
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
A path to a local file containing the certificate C:\cert.cer
The public key (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d

If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.

Certificates are validated as trusted by the machine based on the System's trust store. The trust store used is the '' value specified for the system. If no value is specified for this property, Java's default trust store is used (for example, JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts).

Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.


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Default Value



This property specifies the protocol that the driver will use to tunnel traffic through the FirewallServer proxy. Note that by default, the driver connects to the system proxy; to disable this behavior and connect to one of the following proxy types, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.

Type Default Port Description
TUNNEL 80 When this is set, the driver opens a connection to Magento and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy.
SOCKS4 1080 When this is set, the driver sends data through the SOCKS 4 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort and passes the FirewallUser value to the proxy, which determines if the connection request should be granted.
SOCKS5 1080 When this is set, the driver sends data through the SOCKS 5 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort. If your proxy requires authentication, set FirewallUser and FirewallPassword to credentials the proxy recognizes.

To connect to HTTP proxies, use ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate to HTTP proxies, use ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword.


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Default Value



This property specifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. The protocol is specified by FirewallType: Use FirewallServer with this property to connect through SOCKS or do tunneling. Use ProxyServer to connect to an HTTP proxy.

Note that the driver uses the system proxy by default. To use a different proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


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This specifies the TCP port for a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. Use FirewallServer to specify the name or IP address. Specify the protocol with FirewallType.


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The FirewallUser and FirewallPassword properties are used to authenticate against the proxy specified in FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified in FirewallType.


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This property is passed to the proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified by FirewallType.


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This takes precedence over other proxy settings, so you'll need to set ProxyAutoDetect to FALSE in order use custom proxy settings.

NOTE: When this property is set to True, the proxy used is determined as follows:

To connect to an HTTP proxy, see ProxyServer. For other proxies, such as SOCKS or tunneling, see FirewallType.


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Default Value



The hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through. The driver can use the HTTP, Windows (NTLM), or Kerberos authentication types to authenticate to an HTTP proxy.

If you need to connect through a SOCKS proxy or tunnel the connection, see FirewallType.

By default, the driver uses the system proxy. If you need to use another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


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The port the HTTP proxy is running on that you want to redirect HTTP traffic through. Specify the HTTP proxy in ProxyServer. For other proxy types, see FirewallType.


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This value specifies the authentication type to use to authenticate to the HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer and ProxyPort.

Note that the driver will use the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to connect to another proxy, you will need to set ProxyAutoDetect to false, in addition to ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.

The authentication type can be one of the following:

If you need to use another authentication type, such as SOCKS 5 authentication, see FirewallType.


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Default Value



The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword options are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.

You can select one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme. If you are using HTTP authentication, set this to the user name of a user recognized by the HTTP proxy. If you are using Windows or Kerberos authentication, set this property to a user name in one of the following formats:




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This property is used to authenticate to an HTTP proxy server that supports NTLM (Windows), Kerberos, or HTTP authentication. To specify the HTTP proxy, you can set ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To specify the authentication type, set ProxyAuthScheme.

If you are using HTTP authentication, additionally set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to HTTP proxy.

If you are using NTLM authentication, set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to your Windows password. You may also need these to complete Kerberos authentication.

For SOCKS 5 authentication or tunneling, see FirewallType.

By default, the driver uses the system proxy. If you want to connect to another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


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Default Value



This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to an HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer. This value can be AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER, or TUNNEL. The applicable values are the following:

AUTODefault setting. If the URL is an HTTPS URL, the driver will use the TUNNEL option. If the URL is an HTTP URL, the component will use the NEVER option.
ALWAYSThe connection is always SSL enabled.
NEVERThe connection is not SSL enabled.
TUNNELThe connection is through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy.


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The ProxyServer is used for all addresses, except for addresses defined in this property. Use semicolons to separate entries.

Note that the driver uses the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to explicitly configure proxy exceptions for this connection, you need to set ProxyAutoDetect = false, and configure ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.


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Once this property is set, the driver will populate the log file as it carries out various tasks, such as when authentication is performed or queries are executed. If the specified file doesn't already exist, it will be created.

Connection strings and version information are also logged, though connection properties containing sensitive information are masked automatically.

If a relative filepath is supplied, the location of the log file will be resolved based on the path found in the Location connection property.

For more control over what is written to the log file, you can adjust the Verbosity property.

Log contents are categorized into several modules. You can show/hide individual modules using the LogModules property.

To edit the maximum size of a single logfile before a new one is created, see MaxLogFileSize.

If you would like to place a cap on the number of logfiles generated, use MaxLogFileCount.

Java Logging

Java logging is also supported. To enable Java logging, set Logfile to:


As in the above sample, JAVALOG:// is a required prefix to use Java logging, and you will substitute your own Logger.

The supplied Logger's getLogger method is then called, using the supplied value to create the Logger instance. If a logging instance already exists, it will reference the existing instance.

When Java logging is enabled, the Verbosity will now correspond to specific logging levels.


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The verbosity level determines the amount of detail that the driver reports to the Logfile. Verbosity levels from 1 to 5 are supported. These are detailed in the Logging page.


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Default Value



Only the modules specified (separated by ';') will be included in the log file. By default all modules are included.

See the Logging page for an overview.


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Default Value



When the limit is hit, a new log is created in the same folder with the date and time appended to the end. The default limit is 100 MB. Values lower than 100 kB will use 100 kB as the value instead.

Adjust the maximum number of logfiles generated with MaxLogFileCount.


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When the limit is hit, a new log is created in the same folder with the date and time appended to the end and the oldest log file will be deleted.

The minimum supported value is 2. A value of 0 or a negative value indicates no limit on the count.

Adjust the maximum size of the logfiles generated with MaxLogFileSize.


Data Type


Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Magento Data Provider\\Schema"


The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the driver (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\Magento Data Provider\\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


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Default Value



Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.


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Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the driver.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


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Default Value



Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the driver.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


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Default Value



When AutoCache = true, the driver automatically maintains a cache of your table's data in the database of your choice.

Setting the Caching Database

When AutoCache = true, the driver caches to a simple, file-based cache. You can configure its location or cache to a different database with the following properties:

See Also


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You can cache to any database for which you have a JDBC driver, including CData JDBC drivers.

The cache database is determined based on the CacheDriver and CacheConnection properties. The CacheDriver is the name of the JDBC driver class that you want to use to cache data.

Note that you must also add the CacheDriver JAR file to the classpath.

The following examples show how to cache to several major databases. Refer to CacheConnection for more information on the JDBC URL syntax and typical connection properties.

Derby and Java DB

The driver simplifies Derby configuration. Java DB is the Oracle distribution of Derby. The JAR file is shipped in the JDK. You can find the JAR file, derby.jar, in the db subfolder of the JDK installation. In most caching scenarios, you need to specify only the following, after adding derby.jar to the classpath:

To customize the Derby JDBC URL, use CacheDriver and CacheConnection. For example, to cache to an in-memory database, use a JDBC URL like the following:

The following is a JDBC URL for the SQLite JDBC driver:


The following is a JDBC URL for the included CData JDBC Driver for MySQL:

  jdbc:magento:Cache Driver=cdata.jdbc.mysql.MySQLDriver;Cache Connection='jdbc:mysql:Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=cache;User=root;Password=123456';User=admin;Password=admin;Url=https://mymagentohost/magento2

SQL Server

The following JDBC URL uses the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server:

jdbc:magento:Cache;Cache Connection='jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\sqlexpress:7437;user=sa;password=123456;databaseName=Cache';User=admin;Password=admin;Url=https://mymagentohost/magento2

The following is a JDBC URL for the Oracle Thin Client:

jdbc:magento:Cache Driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver;CacheConnection='jdbc:oracle:thin:scott/tiger@localhost:1521:orcldb';User=admin;Password=admin;Url=https://mymagentohost/magento2
NOTE: If using a version of Oracle older than 9i, the cache driver will instead be oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver .

The following JDBC URL uses the official PostgreSQL JDBC driver:



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Default Value



The cache database is determined based on the CacheDriver and CacheConnection properties. Both properties are required to use the cache database. Examples of common cache database settings can be found below. For more information on setting the caching database's driver, refer to CacheDriver.

The connection string specified in the CacheConnection property is passed directly to the underlying CacheDriver. Consult the documentation for the specific JDBC driver for more information on the available properties. Make sure to include the JDBC driver in your application's classpath.

Derby and Java DB

The driver simplifies caching to Derby, only requiring you to set the CacheLocation property to make a basic connection.

Alternatively, you can configure the connection to Derby manually using CacheDriver and CacheConnection. The following is the Derby JDBC URL syntax:

jdbc:derby:[subsubprotocol:][databaseName][;attribute=value[;attribute=value] ... ]
For example, to cache to an in-memory database, use the following:


To cache to SQLite, you can use the SQLite JDBC driver. The following is the syntax of the JDBC URL:



The installation includes the CData JDBC Driver for MySQL. The following is an example JDBC URL:

The following are typical connection properties:

SQL Server

The JDBC URL for the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server has the following syntax:

jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instance][:port]][;database=databaseName][;property=value[;property=value] ... ]
For example:
The following are typical SQL Server connection properties:

The following is the conventional JDBC URL syntax for the Oracle JDBC Thin driver:

For example:
The following are typical connection properties:

The following is the JDBC URL syntax for the official PostgreSQL JDBC driver:

jdbc:postgresql:[//[host[:port]]/]database[[?option=value][[&option=value][&option=value] ... ]]
For example, the following connection string connects to a database on the default host (localhost) and port (5432):
The following are typical connection properties:


Data Type


Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Magento Data Provider"


The CacheLocation is a simple, file-based cache. The driver uses Java DB, Oracle's distribution of the Derby database. To cache to Java DB, you will need to add the Java DB JAR file to the classpath. The JAR file, derby.jar, is shipped in the JDK and located in the db subfolder of the JDK installation.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\Magento Data Provider" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config

See Also


Data Type


Default Value



The tolerance for stale data in the cache specified in seconds. This only applies when AutoCache is used. The driver checks with the data source for newer records after the tolerance interval has expired. Otherwise, it returns the data directly from the cache.


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Default Value



When Offline = true, all queries execute against the cache as opposed to the live data source. In this mode, certain queries like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and CACHE are not allowed.


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Default Value



As you execute queries with this property set, table metadata in the Magento catalog are cached to the file store specified by CacheLocation if set or the user's home directory otherwise. A table's metadata will be retrieved only once, when the table is queried for the first time.

When to Use CacheMetadata

The driver automatically persists metadata in memory for up to two hours when you first discover the metadata for a table or view and therefore, CacheMetadata is generally not required. CacheMetadata becomes useful when metadata operations are expensive such as when you are working with large amounts of metadata or when you have many short-lived connections.

When Not to Use CacheMetadata


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Default Value



When BatchSize is set to a value greater than 0, the batch operation will split the entire batch into separate batches of size BatchSize. The split batches will then be submitted to the server individually. This is useful when the server has limitations on the size of the request that can be submitted.

Setting BatchSize to 0 will submit the entire batch as specified.


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Default Value



The maximum lifetime of a connection in seconds. Once the time has elapsed, the connection object is disposed. The default is 0 which indicates there is no limit to the connection lifetime.


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Default Value



When set to true, a connection will be made to Magento when the connection is opened. This property enables the Test Connection feature available in various database tools.

This feature acts as a NOOP command as it is used to verify a connection can be made to Magento and nothing from this initial connection is maintained.

Setting this property to false may provide performance improvements (depending upon the number of times a connection is opened).


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Default Value



This property outputs schemas to .rsd files in the path specified by Location.

Available settings are the following:

Note that if you want to regenerate a file, you will first need to delete it.
Generate Schemas with SQL

When you set GenerateSchemaFiles to OnUse, the driver generates schemas as you execute SELECT queries. Schemas are generated for each table referenced in the query.

When you set GenerateSchemaFiles to OnCreate, schemas are only generated when a CREATE TABLE query is executed.

Generate Schemas on Connection

Another way to use this property is to obtain schemas for every table in your database when you connect. To do so, set GenerateSchemaFiles to OnStart and connect.


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Default Value



Setting this to true will cause custom attributes to be included in the column listing.


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Default Value



Limits the number of rows returned rows when no aggregation or group by is used in the query. This helps avoid performance issues at design time.


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Default Value



The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.

Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.

Caching Configuration

CachePartial=TrueCaches only a subset of columns, which you can specify in your query.
QueryPassthrough=TruePasses the specified query to the cache database instead of using the SQL parser of the driver.

Integration and Formatting

DefaultColumnSizeSets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMTDetermines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine.
RecordToFile=filenameRecords the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file.


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Default Value



The Pagesize property affects the maximum number of results to return per page from Magento2 schema.


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Default Value



The allowed idle time a connection can remain in the pool until the connection is closed. The default is 60 seconds.


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Default Value



The maximum connections in the pool. The default is 100. To disable this property, set the property value to 0 or less.


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Default Value



The minimum number of connections in the pool. The default is 1.


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Default Value



The max seconds to wait for a connection to become available. If a new connection request is waiting for an available connection and exceeds this time, an error is thrown. By default, new requests wait forever for an available connection.


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Default Value



This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".


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Default Value



If this property is set to true, the driver will allow only SELECT queries. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and stored procedure queries will cause an error to be thrown.


Data Type


Default Value



In the Magento APIs, Product entities can have different sets of associated attributes. For example, clothing Products will also have Gender, Size, and Sleeve_Length attributes in addition to the standard columns.

When TypeDetectionScheme is set to "RowScan", the RowScanDepth property determines the number of objects to scan to determine the unique columns.

Setting a high value may decrease performance. Setting a low value may prevent the driver from retrieving the relevant columns for the table.


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Default Value



The RTK property may be used to license a build. See the included licensing file to see how to set this property. The runtime key is only available if you purchased an OEM license.


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Default Value



When SupportEnhancedSQL = true, the driver offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to Magento and then processes the rest of the query in memory. In this way, the driver can execute unsupported predicates, joins, and aggregation.

When SupportEnhancedSQL = false, the driver limits SQL execution to what is supported by the Magento API.

Execution of Predicates

The driver determines which of the clauses are supported by the data source and then pushes them to the source to get the smallest superset of rows that would satisfy the query. It then filters the rest of the rows locally. The filter operation is streamed, which enables the driver to filter effectively for even very large datasets.

Execution of Joins

The driver uses various techniques to join in memory. The driver trades off memory utilization against the requirement of reading the same table more than once.

Execution of Aggregates

The driver retrieves all rows necessary to process the aggregation in memory.


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Default Value



If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.

If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the driver throws an exception.


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Default Value



In the Magento APIs, Product entities can have different sets of associated attributes. For example, clothing Products will also have Gender, Size, and Sleeve_Length attributes in addition to the standard columns.

To access these unique columns, set the following connection properties:

RowScanSetting TypeDetectionScheme to RowScan will scan objects (rows) to heuristically determine additional columns when you connect. The RowScanDepth determines the number of objects to be scanned.
NoneSetting TypeDetectionScheme to None will return only the standard columns.


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Default Value



This property enables connection pooling. The default is false. See Connection Pooling for information on using connection pools.


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Default Value



Magento tables and columns can use special characters in names that are normally not allowed in standard databases. UseSimpleNames makes the driver easier to use with traditional database tools.

Setting UseSimpleNames to true will simplify the names of tables and columns returned. It will enforce a naming scheme such that only alphanumeric characters and the underscore are valid for the displayed table and column names. Any nonalphanumeric characters will be converted to an underscore.

TablesBack To Top

  1. BundleProductLinkChildren
  2. BundleProductOption
  3. CatalogAttributeSet
  4. CatalogCategoryAttribute
  5. CatalogCategoryAttributeOptionOptions
  6. CatalogCategoryLinkProducts
  7. CatalogProductAttribute
  8. CatalogProductAttributeTypesList
  9. CatalogProductLinkTypeList
  10. CatalogProductTierPriceTiers
  11. CatalogProductTypeList
  12. CheckoutAgreementsCheckoutAgreements
  13. CmsBlock
  14. CmsPage
  15. ConfigurableProductLinkChildren
  16. ConfigurableProductOption
  17. CustomerAccountBillingAddress
  18. CustomerAccountShippingAddress
  19. CustomerAddress
  20. CustomerGroup
  21. CustomerGroupDefault
  22. Customers
  23. DirectoryCountryInformationAcquirer
  24. DirectoryCurrencyInformationAcquirer
  25. DownloadableLink
  26. DownloadableSample
  27. EavAttributeSet
  28. GiftMessageCart
  29. GiftMessageGuestCart
  30. GiftMessageGuestItem
  31. GiftMessageItem
  32. GuestBillingAddresses
  33. GuestPaymentInformation
  34. GuestPaymentMethods
  35. GuestPaymentSelectedMethods
  36. GuestShippingMethods
  37. Inventory
  38. OrderComments
  39. OrderItems
  40. Orders
  41. PaymentMethods
  42. PaymentSelectedMethods
  43. ProductAttributeGroup
  44. ProductAttributeOptions
  45. ProductAttributes
  46. ProductCategories
  47. ProductCustomOption
  48. ProductMedia
  49. Products
  50. QuoteCart
  51. QuoteCartItem
  52. QuoteCartTotal
  53. QuoteGuestCart
  54. QuoteGuestCartItem
  55. QuoteGuestCartTotal
  56. SalesCreditmemo
  57. SalesCreditmemoComments
  58. SalesInvoice
  59. SalesInvoiceComments
  60. SalesRule
  61. SalesRuleCoupon
  62. SalesShipment
  63. SalesShipmentComments
  64. SalesTransaction
  65. ShippingMethods
  66. StoreGroup
  67. Stores
  68. StoreWebsite
  69. TaxClass
  70. TaxRate
  71. TaxRule


BundleProductLinkChildren is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

The identifier

CanChangeQuantity Int False

Whether quantity could be changed

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsDefault Bool False

Is default

OptionId Int False

Option id

Position Int False


Price String False


PriceType Int False

Price type

Qty String False


Sku String False

Linked product sku


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ProductSku_p String

This is an auto-generated column


BundleProductOption is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

OptionId [KEY] Int False

Option id

Position Int False

Option position

ProductLinks String False

Product links

Required Bool False

Is required option

Sku [KEY] String False

Product sku

Title String False

Option title

Type String False

Input type


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Sku_p String

This is an auto-generated column

OptionId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


CatalogAttributeSet is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AttributeSetId [KEY] Int False

Attribute set ID

AttributeSetName String False

Attribute set name

EntityTypeId Int False

Attribute set entity type id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

SortOrder Int False

Attribute set sort order index


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AttributeSetId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


CatalogCategoryAttribute is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ApplyTo String False

Apply to value for the element

AttributeCode String False

Code of the attribute.

AttributeId [KEY] Int False

Id of the attribute.

BackendModel String False

Backend model

BackendType String False

Backend type.

DefaultFrontendLabel String False

Frontend label for default store

DefaultValue String False

Default value for the element.

EntityTypeId String False

Entity type id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

FrontendClass String False

Frontend class of attribute

FrontendInput String False

HTML for input element.

FrontendLabels String False

Frontend label for each store

IsComparable String False

The attribute can be compared on the frontend

IsFilterable Bool False

It used in layered navigation

IsFilterableInGrid Bool False

It is filterable in catalog product grid

IsFilterableInSearch Bool False

It is used in search results layered navigation

IsHtmlAllowedOnFront Bool False

The HTML tags are allowed on the frontend

IsRequired Bool False

Attribute is required.

IsSearchable String False

The attribute can be used in Quick Search

IsUnique String False

This is a unique attribute

IsUsedForPromoRules String False

The attribute can be used for promo rules

IsUsedInGrid Bool False

It is used in catalog product grid

IsUserDefined Bool False

Current attribute has been defined by a user.

IsVisible Bool False

Attribute is visible on frontend.

IsVisibleInAdvancedSearch String False

The attribute can be used in Advanced Search

IsVisibleInGrid Bool False

It is visible in catalog product grid

IsVisibleOnFront String False

The attribute is visible on the frontend

IsWysiwygEnabled Bool False


Note String False

The note attribute for the element.

Options String False

Options of the attribute (key => value pairs for select)

Position Int False


Scope String False

Attribute scope

SourceModel String False

Source model

UsedForSortBy Bool False

It is used for sorting in product listing

UsedInProductListing String False

The attribute can be used in product listing

ValidationRules String False

Validation rules.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AttributeCode_p String

This is an auto-generated column


CatalogCategoryAttributeOptionOptions is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
IsDefault Bool False


Label [KEY] String False

Option label

SortOrder Int False

Option order

StoreLabels String False

Option label for store scopes

Value String False

Option value


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AttributeCode_p String

This is an auto-generated column


CatalogCategoryLinkProducts is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
CategoryId String False

Category id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Position Int False

This is an auto-generated column

Sku [KEY] String False

This is an auto-generated column


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CategoryId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


CatalogProductAttribute is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ApplyTo String False

Apply to value for the element

AttributeCode String False

Code of the attribute.

AttributeId [KEY] Int False

Id of the attribute.

BackendModel String False

Backend model

BackendType String False

Backend type.

DefaultFrontendLabel String False

Frontend label for default store

DefaultValue String False

Default value for the element.

EntityTypeId String False

Entity type id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

FrontendClass String False

Frontend class of attribute

FrontendInput String False

HTML for input element.

FrontendLabels String False

Frontend label for each store

IsComparable String False

The attribute can be compared on the frontend

IsFilterable Bool False

It used in layered navigation

IsFilterableInGrid Bool False

It is filterable in catalog product grid

IsFilterableInSearch Bool False

It is used in search results layered navigation

IsHtmlAllowedOnFront Bool False

The HTML tags are allowed on the frontend

IsRequired Bool False

Attribute is required.

IsSearchable String False

The attribute can be used in Quick Search

IsUnique String False

This is a unique attribute

IsUsedForPromoRules String False

The attribute can be used for promo rules

IsUsedInGrid Bool False

It is used in catalog product grid

IsUserDefined Bool False

Current attribute has been defined by a user.

IsVisible Bool False

Attribute is visible on frontend.

IsVisibleInAdvancedSearch String False

The attribute can be used in Advanced Search

IsVisibleInGrid Bool False

It is visible in catalog product grid

IsVisibleOnFront String False

The attribute is visible on the frontend

IsWysiwygEnabled Bool False


Note String False

The note attribute for the element.

Options String False

Options of the attribute (key => value pairs for select)

Position Int False


Scope String False

Attribute scope

SourceModel String False

Source model

UsedForSortBy Bool False

It is used for sorting in product listing

UsedInProductListing String False

The attribute can be used in product listing

ValidationRules String False

Validation rules.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AttributeCode_p String

This is an auto-generated column


CatalogProductAttributeTypesList is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Label [KEY] String False

Type label

Value String False



CatalogProductLinkTypeList is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Code [KEY] Int False

Link type code

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Name String False

Link type name

Type String False

Attribute type


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Type_p String

This is an auto-generated column


CatalogProductTierPriceTiers is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
CustomerGroupId [KEY] Int False

Customer group id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Qty String False

Tier qty

Value String False

Price value


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CustomerGroupId_p String

'all' can be used to specify 'ALL GROUPS'

Sku_p String

This is an auto-generated column


CatalogProductTypeList is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Label [KEY] String False

Product type label

Name String False

Product type code


CheckoutAgreementsCheckoutAgreements is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AgreementId [KEY] Int False

Agreement ID.

CheckboxText String False

Agreement checkbox text.

Content String False

Agreement content.

ContentHeight String False

Agreement content height. Otherwise, null.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsActive Bool False

Agreement status.

IsHtml Bool False

* true - HTML. * false - plain text.

Mode Int False

The agreement applied mode.

Name String False

Agreement name.


CmsBlock is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


Active Bool False


Content String False


CreationTime Datetime False

Creation time

Identifier String False


Title String False


UpdateTime Datetime False

Update time


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
BlockId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column

Id_p String

This is an auto-generated column


CmsPage is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


Active Bool False


Content String False


ContentHeading String False

Content heading

CreationTime Datetime False

Creation time

CustomLayoutUpdateXml String False

Custom layout update xml

CustomRootTemplate String False

Custom root template

CustomTheme String False

Custom theme

CustomThemeFrom String False

Custom theme from

CustomThemeTo String False

Custom theme to

Identifier String False


LayoutUpdateXml String False

Layout update xml

MetaDescription String False

Meta description

MetaKeywords String False

Meta keywords

MetaTitle String False

Meta title

PageLayout String False

Page layout

SortOrder String False

Sort order

Title String False


UpdateTime Datetime False

Update time


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p String

This is an auto-generated column

PageId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


ConfigurableProductLinkChildren is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


AttributeSetId Int False

Attribute set id

CreatedAt Datetime False

Created date

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

MediaGalleryEntries String False

Media gallery entries

Name String False


Options String False

List of product options

Price String False


ProductLinks String False

Product links info

Sku String False


Status Int False


TierPrices String False

List of product tier prices

TypeId String False

Type id

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Updated date

Visibility Int False


Weight String False



Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Sku_p String

This is an auto-generated column


ConfigurableProductOption is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

This is an auto-generated column

AttributeId String False

This is an auto-generated column

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsUseDefault Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

Label String False

This is an auto-generated column

Position Int False

This is an auto-generated column

ProductId Int False

This is an auto-generated column

Values String False

This is an auto-generated column


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Sku_p String

This is an auto-generated column

Id_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


CustomerAccountBillingAddress is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


City String False

City name

Company String False


CountryId String False

Country code in ISO_3166-2 format

CustomerId Int False

Customer ID

DefaultBilling Bool False

If this address is default billing address

DefaultShipping Bool False

If this address is default shipping address.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Fax String False

Fax number

Firstname String False

First name

Lastname String False

Last name

Middlename String False

Middle name

Postcode String False


Prefix String False


Region String False

This is an auto-generated column

RegionId Int False

Region ID

Street String False


Suffix String False


Telephone String False

Telephone number

VatId String False

Vat id


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CustomerId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


CustomerAccountShippingAddress is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


City String False

City name

Company String False


CountryId String False

Country code in ISO_3166-2 format

CustomerId Int False

Customer ID

DefaultBilling Bool False

If this address is default billing address

DefaultShipping Bool False

If this address is default shipping address.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Fax String False

Fax number

Firstname String False

First name

Lastname String False

Last name

Middlename String False

Middle name

Postcode String False


Prefix String False


Region String False

This is an auto-generated column

RegionId Int False

Region ID

Street String False


Suffix String False


Telephone String False

Telephone number

VatId String False

Vat id


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CustomerId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


CustomerAddress is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


City String False

City name

Company String False


CountryId String False

Country code in ISO_3166-2 format

CustomerId Int False

Customer ID

DefaultBilling Bool False

If this address is default billing address

DefaultShipping Bool False

If this address is default shipping address.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Fax String False

Fax number

Firstname String False

First name

Lastname String False

Last name

Middlename String False

Middle name

Postcode String False


Prefix String False


Region String False

This is an auto-generated column

RegionId Int False

Region ID

Street String False


Suffix String False


Telephone String False

Telephone number

VatId String False

Vat id


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AddressId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


CustomerGroup is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


Code String False


ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

TaxClassId Int False

Tax class id

TaxClassName String False

Tax class name


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


CustomerGroupDefault is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


Code String False


ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

TaxClassId Int False

Tax class id

TaxClassName String False

Tax class name


Customers is an auto generated table


The Customers table supports server-side processing for all columns in the WHERE clause. Most of these columns support server-side processing for the >, >=, <, <=, =, IN, NOT IN and LIKE operators.

The following examples show the types of queries processed server side.

You can turn off client-side execution by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false, in which case any search criteria that refers to any other columns will cause an error.

To add a Customer, the FirstName, LastName, and Email fields are required.

INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName,LastName,Email,WebsiteId,GroupId) VALUES ('John','Doe','',1,1)

Magento allows updates for the FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, Suffix, Email, GroupId, Prefix, DisableAutoGroupChange, and Taxvat columns. WebsiteId is a required value.

UPDATE Customers SET FirstName='Jane', Email='', GroupId=2, DisableAutoGroupChange='0', Prefix='x', Middlename='J', LastName='Doe', Suffix='y',Taxvat=1, WebsiteId=1 WHERE Id = 4

Customers can be deleted by providing the Id of the Customer and issuing a DELETE statement.

DELETE FROM Customers WHERE Id = 4

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

Customer id

Addresses String False

Customer addresses.

Confirmation String False


CreatedAt Datetime False

Created at time

CreatedIn String False

Created in area

DefaultBilling String False

Default billing address id

DefaultShipping String False

Default shipping address id

DisableAutoGroupChange Int False

Disable auto group change flag.

Dob String False

Date of birth

Email String False

Email address

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Firstname String False

First name

Gender Int False


GroupId Int False

Group id

Lastname String False

Last name

Middlename String False

Middle name

Prefix String False


StoreId Int False

Store id

Suffix String False


Taxvat String False

Tax Vat

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Updated at time

WebsiteId Int False

Website id


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p String

This is an auto-generated column


DirectoryCountryInformationAcquirer is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

The country id for the store.

AvailableRegions String False

The available regions for the store.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

FullNameEnglish String False

The country full name (in English) for the store.

FullNameLocale String False

The country full name (in store locale) for the store.

ThreeLetterAbbreviation String False

The country 3 letter abbreviation for the store.

TwoLetterAbbreviation String False

The country 2 letter abbreviation for the store.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CountryId_p String

This is an auto-generated column


DirectoryCurrencyInformationAcquirer is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AvailableCurrencyCodes String False

The list of allowed currency codes for the store.

BaseCurrencyCode [KEY] String False

The base currency code for the store.

BaseCurrencySymbol String False

The currency symbol of the base currency for the store.

DefaultDisplayCurrencyCode String False

The default display currency code for the store.

DefaultDisplayCurrencySymbol String False

The currency symbol of the default display currency for the store.

ExchangeRates String False

The list of exchange rate information for the store.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column


DownloadableLink is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

Sample(or link) id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsShareable Int False

Shareable status

LinkFile String False

relative file path

LinkFileContent String False

This is an auto-generated column

LinkType String False

This is an auto-generated column

LinkUrl String False

Link url or null when type is 'file'

NumberOfDownloads Int False

Of downloads per user

Price String False


SampleFile String False

relative file path

SampleFileContent String False

This is an auto-generated column

SampleType String False

This is an auto-generated column

SampleUrl String False

file URL

SortOrder Int False

This is an auto-generated column

Title String False

This is an auto-generated column


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

This is an auto-generated column

Sku_p String

This is an auto-generated column


DownloadableSample is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

Sample(or link) id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

SampleFile String False

relative file path

SampleFileContent String False

This is an auto-generated column

SampleType String False

This is an auto-generated column

SampleUrl String False

file URL

SortOrder Int False

Order index for sample

Title String False



Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

This is an auto-generated column

Sku_p String

This is an auto-generated column


EavAttributeSet is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AttributeSetId [KEY] Int False

Attribute set ID

AttributeSetName String False

Attribute set name

EntityTypeId Int False

Attribute set entity type id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

SortOrder Int False

Attribute set sort order index


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AttributeSetId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


GiftMessageCart is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
CustomerId Int False

Customer ID. Otherwise, null.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

GiftMessageId [KEY] Int False

Gift message ID. Otherwise, null.

Message String False

Message text.

Recipient String False

Recipient name.

Sender String False

Sender name.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p Int

The cart ID.


GiftMessageGuestCart is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
CustomerId Int False

Customer ID. Otherwise, null.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

GiftMessageId [KEY] Int False

Gift message ID. Otherwise, null.

Message String False

Message text.

Recipient String False

Recipient name.

Sender String False

Sender name.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

The cart ID.


GiftMessageGuestItem is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
CustomerId Int False

Customer ID. Otherwise, null.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

GiftMessageId [KEY] Int False

Gift message ID. Otherwise, null.

Message String False

Message text.

Recipient String False

Recipient name.

Sender String False

Sender name.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

The cart ID.

ItemId_p Int

The item ID.


GiftMessageItem is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
CustomerId Int False

Customer ID. Otherwise, null.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

GiftMessageId [KEY] Int False

Gift message ID. Otherwise, null.

Message String False

Message text.

Recipient String False

Recipient name.

Sender String False

Sender name.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ItemId_p Int

The item ID.

CartId_p Int

The cart ID.


GuestBillingAddresses is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


City String False

City name

Company String False


CountryId String False

Country id

CustomerAddressId Int False

Customer address id

CustomerId Int False

Customer id

Email String False

Billing/shipping email

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Fax String False

Fax number

Firstname String False

First name

Lastname String False

Last name

Middlename String False

Middle name

Postcode String False


Prefix String False


Region String False

Region name

RegionCode String False

Region code

RegionId Int False

Region id

SameAsBilling Int False

Same as billing flag

SaveInAddressBook Int False

Save in address book flag

Street String False


Suffix String False


Telephone String False

Telephone number

VatId String False

Vat id


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

The cart ID.


GuestPaymentInformation is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

PaymentMethods String False

This is an auto-generated column

Totals String False

This is an auto-generated column


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

This is an auto-generated column


GuestPaymentMethods is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Code [KEY] String False

Payment method code

Title String False

Payment method title


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

The cart ID.


GuestPaymentSelectedMethods is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AdditionalData String False

Payment additional details

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Method [KEY] String False

Payment method code

PoNumber String False

Purchase order number


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

The cart ID.


GuestShippingMethods is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Amount String False

Shipping amount in store currency.

Available Bool False

The value of the availability flag for the current shipping method.

BaseAmount String False

Shipping amount in base currency.

CarrierCode String False

Shipping carrier code.

CarrierTitle String False

Shipping carrier title. Otherwise, null.

ErrorMessage String False

Shipping Error message.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

MethodCode [KEY] String False

Shipping method code.

MethodTitle String False

Shipping method title. Otherwise, null.

PriceExclTax String False

Shipping price excl tax.

PriceInclTax String False

Shipping price incl tax.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

The shopping cart ID.


Inventory is an auto generated table


You must specify the product SKU to query this table. The driver will use the Magento API to filter the results by ProductSku_p while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver.

For example, the following query is the only one supported server side:

SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE ProductSKU = 'sjl-8082'
You can turn off client-side execution by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false, in which case any search criteria that refers to any other columns will cause an error.

To update a product inventory, you must set the ItemId of an existing item along with the ProductSKU.

UPDATE [Inventory] SET Qty = '87' WHERE ProductSKU = 'sjl-8082' AND ItemId = '1'

Name Type ReadOnly Description
SearchCriteria String False

This is an auto-generated column

TotalCount Int False

Total count.

Backorders Int False

Backorders status

EnableQtyIncrements Bool False

Whether Quantity Increments is enabled

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsDecimalDivided Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

IsInStock Bool False

Stock Availability

IsQtyDecimal Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

ItemId Int False

This is an auto-generated column

LowStockDate String False

This is an auto-generated column

ManageStock Bool False

Can Manage Stock

MaxSaleQty String False

Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart data wrapper

MinQty String False

Minimal quantity available for item status in stock

MinSaleQty String False

Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart or NULL when there is no limitation

NotifyStockQty String False

Notify for Quantity Below data wrapper

ProductId Int False

This is an auto-generated column

Qty String False

This is an auto-generated column

QtyIncrements String False

Quantity Increments data wrapper

ShowDefaultNotificationMessage Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

StockId Int False

Stock identifier

StockStatusChangedAuto Int False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigBackorders Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigEnableQtyInc Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigManageStock Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigMaxSaleQty Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigMinQty Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigMinSaleQty Int False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigNotifyStockQty Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigQtyIncrements Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

StockItem String False

This is an auto-generated column

StockStatus Int False

This is an auto-generated column


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ItemId_p String

This is an auto-generated column

ProductSku_p String

This is an auto-generated column


OrderComments is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Comment String False


CreatedAt Datetime False

Created-at timestamp.

EntityId [KEY] Int False

Order status history ID.

EntityName String False

Entity name.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsCustomerNotified Int False

Is-customer-notified flag value.

IsVisibleOnFront Int False

Is-visible-on-storefront flag value.

ParentId Int False

Parent ID.

Status String False



Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

The order ID.


OrderItems is an auto generated table


The driver will use the Magento API to filter the results by ItemId while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver.

The following examples demonstrate the types of queries processed on the server.

You can turn off client-side execution by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false, in which case any search criteria that refers to any other columns will cause an error.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
AdditionalData String False

Additional data.

AmountRefunded String False

Amount refunded.

AppliedRuleIds String False

Applied rule IDs.

BaseAmountRefunded String False

Base amount refunded.

BaseCost String False

Base cost.

BaseDiscountAmount String False

Base discount amount.

BaseDiscountInvoiced String False

Base discount invoiced.

BaseDiscountRefunded String False

Base discount refunded.

BaseDiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Base discount tax compensation amount.

BaseDiscountTaxCompensationInvoiced String False

Base discount tax compensation invoiced.

BaseDiscountTaxCompensationRefunded String False

Base discount tax compensation refunded.

BaseOriginalPrice String False

Base original price.

BasePrice String False

Base price.

BasePriceInclTax String False

Base price including tax.

BaseRowInvoiced String False

Base row invoiced.

BaseRowTotal String False

Base row total.

BaseRowTotalInclTax String False

Base row total including tax.

BaseTaxAmount String False

Base tax amount.

BaseTaxBeforeDiscount String False

Base tax before discount.

BaseTaxInvoiced String False

Base tax invoiced.

BaseTaxRefunded String False

Base tax refunded.

BaseWeeeTaxAppliedAmount String False

Base WEEE tax applied amount.

BaseWeeeTaxAppliedRowAmnt String False

Base WEEE tax applied row amount.

BaseWeeeTaxDisposition String False

Base WEEE tax disposition.

BaseWeeeTaxRowDisposition String False

Base WEEE tax row disposition.

CreatedAt Datetime False

Created-at timestamp.

Description String False


DiscountAmount String False

Discount amount.

DiscountInvoiced String False

Discount invoiced.

DiscountPercent String False

Discount percent.

DiscountRefunded String False

Discount refunded.

DiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Discount tax compensation amount.

DiscountTaxCompensationCanceled String False

Discount tax compensation canceled.

DiscountTaxCompensationInvoiced String False

Discount tax compensation invoiced.

DiscountTaxCompensationRefunded String False

Discount tax compensation refunded.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

ExtOrderItemId String False

External order item ID.

FreeShipping Int False

Free-shipping flag value.

IsQtyDecimal Int False

Is-quantity-decimal flag value.

IsVirtual Int False

Is-virtual flag value.

ItemId [KEY] Int False

Item ID.

LockedDoInvoice Int False

Locked DO invoice flag value.

LockedDoShip Int False

Locked DO ship flag value.

Name String False


NoDiscount Int False

No-discount flag value.

OrderId Int False

Order ID.

OriginalPrice String False

Original price.

ParentItem String False

This is an auto-generated column

ParentItemId Int False

Parent item ID.

Price String False


PriceInclTax String False

Price including tax.

ProductId Int False

Product ID.

ProductOption String False

This is an auto-generated column

ProductType String False

Product type.

QtyBackordered String False

Quantity backordered.

QtyCanceled String False

Quantity canceled.

QtyInvoiced String False

Quantity invoiced.

QtyOrdered String False

Quantity ordered.

QtyRefunded String False

Quantity refunded.

QtyShipped String False

Quantity shipped.

QuoteItemId Int False

Quote item ID.

RowInvoiced String False

Row invoiced.

RowTotal String False

Row total.

RowTotalInclTax String False

Row total including tax.

RowWeight String False

Row weight.

Sku String False


StoreId Int False

Store ID.

TaxAmount String False

Tax amount.

TaxBeforeDiscount String False

Tax before discount.

TaxCanceled String False

Tax canceled.

TaxInvoiced String False

Tax invoiced.

TaxPercent String False

Tax percent.

TaxRefunded String False

Tax refunded.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Updated-at timestamp.

WeeeTaxApplied String False

WEEE tax applied.

WeeeTaxAppliedAmount String False

WEEE tax applied amount.

WeeeTaxAppliedRowAmount String False

WEEE tax applied row amount.

WeeeTaxDisposition String False

WEEE tax disposition.

WeeeTaxRowDisposition String False

WEEE tax row disposition.

Weight String False



Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

The order item ID.


Orders is an auto generated table


The Orders table supports server-side processing for all columns in the WHERE clause. Most of these columns support server-side processing for the >, >=, <, <=, =, IN, NOT IN and LIKE operators.

The following examples show the types of queries processed server side.


You can insert items into an order using an Insert statement. The 'Items' column can be specified using either the temporary table called 'OrderItems#Temp' or as a simple string aggregate. 'Payment' aggregate column is required for Insert and Update operations on this table.

You can turn off client-side execution by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false, in which case any search criteria that refers to any other columns or operators will cause an error.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
AdjustmentNegative String False

Negative adjustment value.

AdjustmentPositive String False

Positive adjustment value.

AppliedRuleIds String False

Applied rule IDs.

BaseAdjustmentNegative String False

Base negative adjustment value.

BaseAdjustmentPositive String False

Base positive adjustment value.

BaseCurrencyCode String False

Base currency code.

BaseDiscountAmount String False

Base discount amount.

BaseDiscountCanceled String False

Base discount canceled.

BaseDiscountInvoiced String False

Base discount invoiced.

BaseDiscountRefunded String False

Base discount refunded.

BaseDiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Base discount tax compensation amount.

BaseDiscountTaxCompensationInvoiced String False

Base discount tax compensation invoiced.

BaseDiscountTaxCompensationRefunded String False

Base discount tax compensation refunded.

BaseGrandTotal String False

Base grand total.

BaseShippingAmount String False

Base shipping amount.

BaseShippingCanceled String False

Base shipping canceled.

BaseShippingDiscountAmount String False

Base shipping discount amount.

BaseShippingDiscountTaxCompensationAmnt String False

Base shipping discount tax compensation amount.

BaseShippingInclTax String False

Base shipping including tax.

BaseShippingInvoiced String False

Base shipping invoiced.

BaseShippingRefunded String False

Base shipping refunded.

BaseShippingTaxAmount String False

Base shipping tax amount.

BaseShippingTaxRefunded String False

Base shipping tax refunded.

BaseSubtotal String False

Base subtotal.

BaseSubtotalCanceled String False

Base subtotal canceled.

BaseSubtotalInclTax String False

Base subtotal including tax.

BaseSubtotalInvoiced String False

Base subtotal invoiced.

BaseSubtotalRefunded String False

Base subtotal refunded.

BaseTaxAmount String False

Base tax amount.

BaseTaxCanceled String False

Base tax canceled.

BaseTaxInvoiced String False

Base tax invoiced.

BaseTaxRefunded String False

Base tax refunded.

BaseToGlobalRate String False

Base-to-global rate.

BaseToOrderRate String False

Base-to-order rate.

BaseTotalCanceled String False

Base total canceled.

BaseTotalDue String False

Base total due.

BaseTotalInvoiced String False

Base total invoiced.

BaseTotalInvoicedCost String False

Base total invoiced cost.

BaseTotalOfflineRefunded String False

Base total offline refunded.

BaseTotalOnlineRefunded String False

Base total online refunded.

BaseTotalPaid String False

Base total paid.

BaseTotalQtyOrdered String False

Base total quantity ordered.

BaseTotalRefunded String False

Base total refunded.

BillingAddress String False

This is an auto-generated column

BillingAddressId Int False

Billing address ID.

CanShipPartially Int False

Can-ship-partially flag value.

CanShipPartiallyItem Int False

Can-ship-partially-item flag value.

CouponCode String False

Coupon code.

CreatedAt Datetime False

Created-at timestamp.

CustomerDob String False

Customer date-of-birth (DOB).

CustomerEmail String False

Customer email address.

CustomerFirstname String False

Customer first name.

CustomerGender Int False

Customer gender.

CustomerGroupId Int False

Customer group ID.

CustomerId Int False

Customer ID.

CustomerIsGuest Int False

Customer-is-guest flag value.

CustomerLastname String False

Customer last name.

CustomerMiddlename String False

Customer middle name.

CustomerNote String False

Customer note.

CustomerNoteNotify Int False

Customer-note-notify flag value.

CustomerPrefix String False

Customer prefix.

CustomerSuffix String False

Customer suffix.

CustomerTaxvat String False

Customer value-added tax (VAT).

DiscountAmount String False

Discount amount.

DiscountCanceled String False

Discount canceled.

DiscountDescription String False

Discount description.

DiscountInvoiced String False

Discount invoiced.

DiscountRefunded String False

Discount refunded amount.

DiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Discount tax compensation amount.

DiscountTaxCompensationInvoiced String False

Discount tax compensation invoiced amount.

DiscountTaxCompensationRefunded String False

Discount tax compensation refunded amount.

EditIncrement Int False

Edit increment value.

EmailSent Int False

Email-sent flag value.

EntityId Int False

Order ID.

ExtCustomerId String False

External customer ID.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

ExtOrderId String False

External order ID.

ForcedShipmentWithInvoice Int False

Forced-shipment-with-invoice flag value.

GlobalCurrencyCode String False

Global currency code.

GrandTotal String False

Grand total.

HoldBeforeState String False

Hold before state.

HoldBeforeStatus String False

Hold before status.

IncrementId String False

Increment ID.

IsVirtual Int False

Is-virtual flag value.

OrderCurrencyCode String False

Order currency code.

OriginalIncrementId String False

Original increment ID.

Payment String False

This is an auto-generated column

PaymentAuthExpiration Int False

Payment authorization expiration date.

PaymentAuthorizationAmount String False

Payment authorization amount.

ProtectCode String False

Protect code.

QuoteAddressId Int False

Quote address ID.

QuoteId Int False

Quote ID.

RelationChildId String False

Relation child ID.

RelationChildRealId String False

Relation child real ID.

RelationParentId String False

Relation parent ID.

RelationParentRealId String False

Relation parent real ID.

RemoteIp String False

Remote IP address.

ShippingAmount String False

Shipping amount.

ShippingCanceled String False

Shipping canceled amount.

ShippingDescription String False

Shipping description.

ShippingDiscountAmount String False

Shipping discount amount.

ShippingDiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Shipping discount tax compensation amount.

ShippingInclTax String False

Shipping including tax amount.

ShippingInvoiced String False

Shipping invoiced amount.

ShippingRefunded String False

Shipping refunded amount.

ShippingTaxAmount String False

Shipping tax amount.

ShippingTaxRefunded String False

Shipping tax refunded amount.

State String False


Status String False


StatusHistories String False

Array of status histories.

StoreCurrencyCode String False

Store currency code.

StoreId Int False

Store ID.

StoreName String False

Store name.

StoreToBaseRate String False

Store-to-base rate.

StoreToOrderRate String False

Store-to-order rate.

Subtotal String False


SubtotalCanceled String False

Subtotal canceled amount.

SubtotalInclTax String False

Subtotal including tax amount.

SubtotalInvoiced String False

Subtotal invoiced amount.

SubtotalRefunded String False

Subtotal refunded amount.

TaxAmount String False

Tax amount.

TaxCanceled String False

Tax canceled amount.

TaxInvoiced String False

Tax invoiced amount.

TaxRefunded String False

Tax refunded amount.

TotalCanceled String False

Total canceled.

TotalDue String False

Total due.

TotalInvoiced String False

Total invoiced amount.

TotalItemCount Int False

Total item count.

TotalOfflineRefunded String False

Total offline refunded amount.

TotalOnlineRefunded String False

Total online refunded amount.

TotalPaid String False

Total paid.

TotalQtyOrdered String False

Total quantity ordered.

TotalRefunded String False

Total amount refunded.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Updated-at timestamp.

Weight String False


XForwardedFor String False

X-Forwarded-For field value.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

The order ID.


PaymentMethods is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Code [KEY] String False

Payment method code

Title String False

Payment method title


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p Int

The cart ID.


PaymentSelectedMethods is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AdditionalData String False

Payment additional details

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Method [KEY] String False

Payment method code

PoNumber String False

Purchase order number


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p Int

The cart ID.


ProductAttributeGroup is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AttributeGroupId [KEY] String False


AttributeGroupName String False


AttributeSetId Int False

Attribute set id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
GroupId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column

AttributeSetId_p String

This is an auto-generated column


ProductAttributeOptions is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
IsDefault Bool False


Label [KEY] String False

Option label

SortOrder Int False

Option order

StoreLabels String False

Option label for store scopes

Value String False

Option value


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AttributeCode_p String

This is an auto-generated column


ProductAttributes is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ApplyTo String False

Apply to value for the element

AttributeCode String False

Code of the attribute.

AttributeId [KEY] Int False

Id of the attribute.

BackendModel String False

Backend model

BackendType String False

Backend type.

DefaultFrontendLabel String False

Frontend label for default store

DefaultValue String False

Default value for the element.

EntityTypeId String False

Entity type id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

FrontendClass String False

Frontend class of attribute

FrontendInput String False

HTML for input element.

FrontendLabels String False

Frontend label for each store

IsComparable String False

The attribute can be compared on the frontend

IsFilterable Bool False

It used in layered navigation

IsFilterableInGrid Bool False

It is filterable in catalog product grid

IsFilterableInSearch Bool False

It is used in search results layered navigation

IsHtmlAllowedOnFront Bool False

The HTML tags are allowed on the frontend

IsRequired Bool False

Attribute is required.

IsSearchable String False

The attribute can be used in Quick Search

IsUnique String False

This is a unique attribute

IsUsedForPromoRules String False

The attribute can be used for promo rules

IsUsedInGrid Bool False

It is used in catalog product grid

IsUserDefined Bool False

Current attribute has been defined by a user.

IsVisible Bool False

Attribute is visible on frontend.

IsVisibleInAdvancedSearch String False

The attribute can be used in Advanced Search

IsVisibleInGrid Bool False

It is visible in catalog product grid

IsVisibleOnFront String False

The attribute is visible on the frontend

IsWysiwygEnabled Bool False


Note String False

The note attribute for the element.

Options String False

Options of the attribute (key => value pairs for select)

Position Int False


Scope String False

Attribute scope

SourceModel String False

Source model

UsedForSortBy Bool False

It is used for sorting in product listing

UsedInProductListing String False

The attribute can be used in product listing

ValidationRules String False

Validation rules.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AttributeSetId_p String

This is an auto-generated column


ProductCategories is an auto generated table


The CategoryId_p column can be used to filter data within this table. The CategoryId_p can be used only with the equals (=) operator.

The driver will use the Magento API to filter the results by CategoryId_p while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver.

The following examples show the types of queries processed server side.

You can turn off client-side execution by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false, in which case any search criteria that refers to any other columns will cause an error.

The Name and IsActive columns are required to create a new category.

INSERT INTO ProductCategories(Name, IsActive, Position) VALUES ('New category', '1', '0')

To update a category, you must set the Id column.

UPDATE ProductCategories SET Name = 'New category', IsActive = 1 WHERE Id = 1

Product categories can be deleted by providing the Id column.

DELETE FROM ProductCategories WHERE Id = 1

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

This is an auto-generated column

AvailableSortBy String False

This is an auto-generated column

Children String False

This is an auto-generated column

CreatedAt Datetime False

This is an auto-generated column

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IncludeInMenu Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

IsActive Bool False

Whether category is active

Level Int False

Category level

Name String False

Category name

ParentId Int False

Parent category ID

Path String False

This is an auto-generated column

Position Int False

Category position

UpdatedAt Datetime False

This is an auto-generated column

ChildrenData String False

This is an auto-generated column

ProductCount Int False

Product count


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CategoryId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column

Id_p String

This is an auto-generated column


ProductCustomOption is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

FileExtension String False

This is an auto-generated column

ImageSizeX Int False

This is an auto-generated column

ImageSizeY Int False

This is an auto-generated column

IsRequire Bool False

Is require

MaxCharacters Int False

This is an auto-generated column

OptionId [KEY] Int False

Option id

Price String False


PriceType String False

Price type

ProductSku String False

Product SKU

Sku String False


SortOrder Int False

Sort order

Title String False

Option title

Type String False

Option type

Values String False

This is an auto-generated column


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
OptionId_p String

This is an auto-generated column

Sku_p String

This is an auto-generated column


ProductMedia is an auto generated table


You must specify the Sku_p column in the WHERE clause to retrieve results from ProductMedia. Sku_p can be used only with the equals (=) operator.

The driver will use the Magento API to filter the results by Sku_p while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver. For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM [ProductMedia] WHERE Sku = 'sjl-8082'
You can turn off client-side execution by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false, in which case any search criteria that refers to any other columns will cause an error.

To update a ProductMedia record, you must set Sku and EntryId (refers to the Id column).

UPDATE ProductMedia SET Label = 'lbl new' WHERE EntryId = '1' AND Sku = 'sjl-8082'

Product media can be deleted by providing Sku_p and EntryId_p (refers to the Id column).

DELETE FROM ProductMedia WHERE EntryId = 1 AND Sky = 'sjl-8082'

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

Gallery entry ID

Content String False

This is an auto-generated column

Disabled Bool False

If gallery entry is hidden from product page

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

File String False

File path

Label String False

Gallery entry alternative text

MediaType String False

Media type

Position Int False

Gallery entry position (sort order)

Types String False

Gallery entry image types (thumbnail, image, small_image etc)


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Sku_p String

This is an auto-generated column

EntryId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


Products is an auto generated table


Custom Attributes will be dynamically retrieved as columns when querying this table. The Products table supports server-side processing for all columns in the WHERE clause. Most of these columns support server-side processing for the >, >=, <, <=, =, IN, NOT IN and LIKE operators.

The driver will use the Magento API to filter the results with these operators while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the provider. You can turn off client-side execution by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any search criteria that invokes other operators will cause an error.

The following examples show the types of queries processed server side.

You can turn off client-side execution by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false, in which case any search criteria that refers to any other columns will cause an error.

To create a new product, Name, AttributeSetId, and Sku are required.

INSERT INTO Products(Sku, AttributeSetId, Name) VALUES ('sjl-1999', '4', 'insert prod')

To update a product, you must set the Sku and Price columns.

UPDATE Products SET Price = '88', CustomAttribute1='ValidValue' WHERE Sku = 'sjl-1999'

Products can be deleted by providing the Sku column.

DELETE FROM Products WHERE Sku = 'sjl-1999'

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id Int False


AttributeSetId Int False

Attribute set id

CreatedAt Datetime False

Created date

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

MediaGalleryEntries String False

Media gallery entries

Name String False


Options String False

List of product options

Price String False


ProductLinks String False

Product links info

Sku [KEY] String False


Status Int False


TierPrices String False

List of product tier prices

TypeId String False

Type id

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Updated date

Visibility Int False


Weight String False


CustomAttribute1 String False

A custom attribute created for the Products. The custom fields will be listed dynamically.

CustomAttribute2 String False

A custom attribute created for the Products. The custom fields will be listed dynamically.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Sku_p String

This is an auto-generated column


QuoteCart is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

Cart/quote ID.

BillingAddress String False

This is an auto-generated column

ConvertedAt String False

Cart conversion date and time. Otherwise, null.

CreatedAt Datetime False

Cart creation date and time. Otherwise, null.

Currency String False

This is an auto-generated column

Customer String False

This is an auto-generated column

CustomerIsGuest Bool False

For guest customers, false for logged in customers

CustomerNote String False

Notice text

CustomerNoteNotify Bool False

Customer notification flag

CustomerTaxClassId Int False

Customer tax class ID.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsActive Bool False

Active status flag value. Otherwise, null.

IsVirtual Bool False

Virtual flag value. Otherwise, null.

ItemsCount Int False

Number of different items or products in the cart. Otherwise, null.

ItemsQty String False

Total quantity of all cart items. Otherwise, null.

OrigOrderId Int False

Original order ID. Otherwise, null.

ReservedOrderId Int False

Reserved order ID. Otherwise, null.

StoreId Int False

Store identifier

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Cart last update date and time. Otherwise, null.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


QuoteCartItem is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

ItemId Int False

Item ID. Otherwise, null.

Name String False

Product name. Otherwise, null.

Price String False

Product price. Otherwise, null.

ProductOption String False

This is an auto-generated column

ProductType String False

Product type. Otherwise, null.

Qty String False

Product quantity.

QuoteId [KEY] String False

Quote id.

Sku String False

Product SKU. Otherwise, null.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ItemId_p String

This is an auto-generated column

CartId_p Int

The cart ID.

QuoteId_p String

This is an auto-generated column


QuoteCartTotal is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
BaseCurrencyCode String False

Base currency code

BaseDiscountAmount String False

Discount amount in base currency

BaseGrandTotal String False

Grand total in base currency

BaseShippingAmount String False

Shipping amount in base currency

BaseShippingDiscountAmount String False

Shipping discount amount in base currency

BaseShippingInclTax String False

Shipping including tax in base currency

BaseShippingTaxAmount String False

Shipping tax amount in base currency

BaseSubtotal String False

Subtotal in base currency

BaseSubtotalInclTax String False

Subtotal including tax in base currency

BaseSubtotalWithDiscount String False

Subtotal in base currency with applied discount

BaseTaxAmount String False

Tax amount in base currency

CouponCode String False

Applied coupon code

DiscountAmount String False

Discount amount in quote currency

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

GrandTotal String False

Grand total in quote currency

ItemsQty Int False

Items qty

QuoteCurrencyCode String False

Quote currency code

ShippingAmount String False

Shipping amount in quote currency

ShippingDiscountAmount String False

Shipping discount amount in quote currency

ShippingInclTax String False

Shipping including tax in quote currency

ShippingTaxAmount String False

Shipping tax amount in quote currency

Subtotal String False

Subtotal in quote currency

SubtotalInclTax String False

Subtotal including tax in quote currency

SubtotalWithDiscount String False

Subtotal in quote currency with applied discount

TaxAmount String False

Tax amount in quote currency

TotalSegments String False

Dynamically calculated totals

WeeeTaxAppliedAmount String False

Item weee tax applied amount in quote currency.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p Int

The cart ID.


QuoteGuestCart is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

Cart/quote ID.

BillingAddress String False

This is an auto-generated column

ConvertedAt String False

Cart conversion date and time. Otherwise, null.

CreatedAt Datetime False

Cart creation date and time. Otherwise, null.

Currency String False

This is an auto-generated column

Customer String False

This is an auto-generated column

CustomerIsGuest Bool False

For guest customers, false for logged in customers

CustomerNote String False

Notice text

CustomerNoteNotify Bool False

Customer notification flag

CustomerTaxClassId Int False

Customer tax class ID.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsActive Bool False

Active status flag value. Otherwise, null.

IsVirtual Bool False

Virtual flag value. Otherwise, null.

ItemsCount Int False

Number of different items or products in the cart. Otherwise, null.

ItemsQty String False

Total quantity of all cart items. Otherwise, null.

OrigOrderId Int False

Original order ID. Otherwise, null.

ReservedOrderId Int False

Reserved order ID. Otherwise, null.

StoreId Int False

Store identifier

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Cart last update date and time. Otherwise, null.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

This is an auto-generated column


QuoteGuestCartItem is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

ItemId Int False

Item ID. Otherwise, null.

Name String False

Product name. Otherwise, null.

Price String False

Product price. Otherwise, null.

ProductOption String False

This is an auto-generated column

ProductType String False

Product type. Otherwise, null.

Qty String False

Product quantity.

QuoteId [KEY] String False

Quote id.

Sku String False

Product SKU. Otherwise, null.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

This is an auto-generated column

ItemId_p String

This is an auto-generated column


QuoteGuestCartTotal is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
BaseCurrencyCode String False

Base currency code

BaseDiscountAmount String False

Discount amount in base currency

BaseGrandTotal String False

Grand total in base currency

BaseShippingAmount String False

Shipping amount in base currency

BaseShippingDiscountAmount String False

Shipping discount amount in base currency

BaseShippingInclTax String False

Shipping including tax in base currency

BaseShippingTaxAmount String False

Shipping tax amount in base currency

BaseSubtotal String False

Subtotal in base currency

BaseSubtotalInclTax String False

Subtotal including tax in base currency

BaseSubtotalWithDiscount String False

Subtotal in base currency with applied discount

BaseTaxAmount String False

Tax amount in base currency

CouponCode String False

Applied coupon code

DiscountAmount String False

Discount amount in quote currency

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

GrandTotal String False

Grand total in quote currency

ItemsQty Int False

Items qty

QuoteCurrencyCode String False

Quote currency code

ShippingAmount String False

Shipping amount in quote currency

ShippingDiscountAmount String False

Shipping discount amount in quote currency

ShippingInclTax String False

Shipping including tax in quote currency

ShippingTaxAmount String False

Shipping tax amount in quote currency

Subtotal String False

Subtotal in quote currency

SubtotalInclTax String False

Subtotal including tax in quote currency

SubtotalWithDiscount String False

Subtotal in quote currency with applied discount

TaxAmount String False

Tax amount in quote currency

TotalSegments String False

Dynamically calculated totals

WeeeTaxAppliedAmount String False

Item weee tax applied amount in quote currency.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p String

The cart ID.


SalesCreditmemo is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Adjustment String False

Credit memo adjustment.

AdjustmentNegative String False

Credit memo negative adjustment.

AdjustmentPositive String False

Credit memo positive adjustment.

BaseAdjustment String False

Credit memo base adjustment.

BaseAdjustmentNegative String False

Credit memo negative base adjustment.

BaseAdjustmentPositive String False

Credit memo positive base adjustment.

BaseCurrencyCode String False

Credit memo base currency code.

BaseDiscountAmount String False

Credit memo base discount amount.

BaseDiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Credit memo base discount tax compensation amount.

BaseGrandTotal String False

Credit memo base grand total.

BaseShippingAmount String False

Credit memo base shipping amount.

BaseShippingDiscountTaxCompensationAmnt String False

Credit memo base shipping discount tax compensation amount.

BaseShippingInclTax String False

Credit memo base shipping including tax.

BaseShippingTaxAmount String False

Credit memo base shipping tax amount.

BaseSubtotal String False

Credit memo base subtotal.

BaseSubtotalInclTax String False

Credit memo base subtotal including tax.

BaseTaxAmount String False

Credit memo base tax amount.

BaseToGlobalRate String False

Credit memo base-to-global rate.

BaseToOrderRate String False

Credit memo base-to-order rate.

BillingAddressId Int False

Credit memo billing address ID.

Comments String False

Array of any credit memo comments. Otherwise, null.

CreatedAt Datetime False

Credit memo created-at timestamp.

CreditmemoStatus Int False

Credit memo status.

DiscountAmount String False

Credit memo discount amount.

DiscountDescription String False

Credit memo discount description.

DiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Credit memo discount tax compensation amount.

EmailSent Int False

Credit memo email sent flag value.

EntityId [KEY] Int False

Credit memo ID.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

GlobalCurrencyCode String False

Credit memo global currency code.

GrandTotal String False

Credit memo grand total.

IncrementId String False

Credit memo increment ID.

InvoiceId Int False

Credit memo invoice ID.

OrderCurrencyCode String False

Credit memo order currency code.

OrderId Int False

Credit memo order ID.

ShippingAddressId Int False

Credit memo shipping address ID.

ShippingAmount String False

Credit memo shipping amount.

ShippingDiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Credit memo shipping discount tax compensation amount.

ShippingInclTax String False

Credit memo shipping including tax.

ShippingTaxAmount String False

Credit memo shipping tax amount.

State Int False

Credit memo state.

StoreCurrencyCode String False

Credit memo store currency code.

StoreId Int False

Credit memo store ID.

StoreToBaseRate String False

Credit memo store-to-base rate.

StoreToOrderRate String False

Credit memo store-to-order rate.

Subtotal String False

Credit memo subtotal.

SubtotalInclTax String False

Credit memo subtotal including tax.

TaxAmount String False

Credit memo tax amount.

TransactionId String False

Credit memo transaction ID.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Credit memo updated-at timestamp.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

The credit memo ID.


SalesCreditmemoComments is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Comment String False


CreatedAt Datetime False

Created-at timestamp.

EntityId [KEY] Int False

Credit memo ID.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsCustomerNotified Int False

Is-customer-notified flag value.

IsVisibleOnFront Int False

Is-visible-on-storefront flag value.

ParentId Int False

Parent ID.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

The credit memo ID.


SalesInvoice is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
BaseCurrencyCode String False

Base currency code.

BaseDiscountAmount String False

Base discount amount.

BaseDiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Base discount tax compensation amount.

BaseGrandTotal String False

Base grand total.

BaseShippingAmount String False

Base shipping amount.

BaseShippingDiscountTaxCompensationAmnt String False

Base shipping discount tax compensation amount.

BaseShippingInclTax String False

Base shipping including tax.

BaseShippingTaxAmount String False

Base shipping tax amount.

BaseSubtotal String False

Base subtotal.

BaseSubtotalInclTax String False

Base subtotal including tax.

BaseTaxAmount String False

Base tax amount.

BaseToGlobalRate String False

Base-to-global rate.

BaseToOrderRate String False

Base-to-order rate.

BaseTotalRefunded String False

Base total refunded.

BillingAddressId Int False

Billing address ID.

CanVoidFlag Int False

Can void flag value.

Comments String False

Array of any invoice comments. Otherwise, null.

CreatedAt Datetime False

Created-at timestamp.

DiscountAmount String False

Discount amount.

DiscountDescription String False

Discount description.

DiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Discount tax compensation amount.

EmailSent Int False

Email-sent flag value.

EntityId [KEY] Int False

Invoice ID.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

GlobalCurrencyCode String False

Global currency code.

GrandTotal String False

Grand total.

IncrementId String False

Increment ID.

IsUsedForRefund Int False

Is-used-for-refund flag value.

OrderCurrencyCode String False

Order currency code.

OrderId Int False

Order ID.

ShippingAddressId Int False

Shipping address ID.

ShippingAmount String False

Shipping amount.

ShippingDiscountTaxCompensationAmount String False

Shipping discount tax compensation amount.

ShippingInclTax String False

Shipping including tax.

ShippingTaxAmount String False

Shipping tax amount.

State Int False


StoreCurrencyCode String False

Store currency code.

StoreId Int False

Store ID.

StoreToBaseRate String False

Store-to-base rate.

StoreToOrderRate String False

Store-to-order rate.

Subtotal String False


SubtotalInclTax String False

Subtotal including tax.

TaxAmount String False

Tax amount.

TotalQty String False

Total quantity.

TransactionId String False

Transaction ID.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Updated-at timestamp.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

The invoice ID.


SalesInvoiceComments is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Comment String False


CreatedAt Datetime False

Created-at timestamp.

EntityId [KEY] Int False

Invoice ID.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsCustomerNotified Int False

Is-customer-notified flag value.

IsVisibleOnFront Int False

Is-visible-on-storefront flag value.

ParentId Int False

Parent ID.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

The invoice ID.


SalesRule is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ActionCondition String False

This is an auto-generated column

ApplyToShipping Bool False

The rule applies to shipping

Condition String False

This is an auto-generated column

CouponType String False

Coupon type

CustomerGroupIds String False

Ids of customer groups that the rule applies to

Description String False


DiscountAmount String False

Discount amount

DiscountQty String False

Maximum qty discount is applied

DiscountStep Int False

Discount step

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

FromDate String False

The start date when the coupon is active

IsActive Bool False

The coupon is active

IsAdvanced Bool False

Is this field needed

IsRss Bool False

Whether the rule is in RSS

Name String False

Rule name

ProductIds String False

Product ids

RuleId [KEY] Int False

Rule id

SimpleAction String False

Simple action of the rule

SimpleFreeShipping String False

To grant free shipping

SortOrder Int False

Sort order

StopRulesProcessing Bool False

To stop rule processing

StoreLabels String False

Display label

TimesUsed Int False

How many times the rule has been used

ToDate String False

The end date when the coupon is active

UseAutoGeneration Bool False

To auto generate coupon

UsesPerCoupon Int False

Limit of uses per coupon

UsesPerCustomer Int False

Number of uses per customer

WebsiteIds String False

A list of websites the rule applies to


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
RuleId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


SalesRuleCoupon is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Code String False

Coupon code

CouponId [KEY] Int False

Coupon id

CreatedAt Datetime False

When the coupon is created

ExpirationDate String False

Expiration date

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsPrimary Bool False

The coupon is primary coupon for the rule that it's associated with

RuleId Int False

The id of the rule associated with the coupon

TimesUsed Int False

The number of times the coupon has been used

Type Int False

Of coupon

UsageLimit Int False

Usage limit

UsagePerCustomer Int False

Usage limit per customer


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CouponId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


SalesShipment is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
BillingAddressId Int False

Billing address ID.

Comments String False

Array of comments.

CreatedAt Datetime False

Created-at timestamp.

CustomerId Int False

Customer ID.

EmailSent Int False

Email-sent flag value.

EntityId [KEY] Int False

Shipment ID.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IncrementId String False

Increment ID.

OrderId Int False

Order ID.

Packages String False

Array of packages, if any. Otherwise, null.

ShipmentStatus Int False

Shipment status.

ShippingAddressId Int False

Shipping address ID.

ShippingLabel String False

Shipping label.

StoreId Int False

Store ID.

TotalQty String False

Total quantity.

TotalWeight String False

Total weight.

Tracks String False

Array of tracks.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Updated-at timestamp.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

The shipment ID.


SalesShipmentComments is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Comment String False


CreatedAt Datetime False

Created-at timestamp.

EntityId [KEY] Int False

Shipment comment ID.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsCustomerNotified Int False

Is-customer-notified flag value.

IsVisibleOnFront Int False

Is-visible-on-storefront flag value.

ParentId Int False

Parent ID.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

The shipment ID.


SalesTransaction is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AdditionalInformation String False

Array of additional information. Otherwise, null.

ChildTransactions String False

Array of child transactions.

CreatedAt Datetime False

Created-at timestamp.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsClosed Int False

Is-closed flag value.

OrderId Int False

Order ID.

ParentId Int False

The parent ID for the transaction. Otherwise, null.

ParentTxnId String False

Parent transaction business ID.

PaymentId Int False

Payment ID.

TransactionId [KEY] Int False

Transaction ID.

TxnId String False

Transaction business ID.

TxnType String False

Transaction type.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Id_p Int

The transaction ID.


ShippingMethods is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Amount String False

Shipping amount in store currency.

Available Bool False

The value of the availability flag for the current shipping method.

BaseAmount String False

Shipping amount in base currency.

CarrierCode String False

Shipping carrier code.

CarrierTitle String False

Shipping carrier title. Otherwise, null.

ErrorMessage String False

Shipping Error message.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

MethodCode [KEY] String False

Shipping method code.

MethodTitle String False

Shipping method title. Otherwise, null.

PriceExclTax String False

Shipping price excl tax.

PriceInclTax String False

Shipping price incl tax.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CartId_p Int

The shopping cart ID.


StoreGroup is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

This is an auto-generated column

DefaultStoreId Int False

This is an auto-generated column

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Name String False

This is an auto-generated column

RootCategoryId Int False

This is an auto-generated column

WebsiteId Int False

This is an auto-generated column


Stores is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

This is an auto-generated column

Code String False

This is an auto-generated column

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Name String False

Store name

StoreGroupId Int False

This is an auto-generated column

WebsiteId Int False

This is an auto-generated column


StoreWebsite is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

This is an auto-generated column

Code String False

This is an auto-generated column

DefaultGroupId Int False

This is an auto-generated column

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Name String False

Website name


TaxClass is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ClassId [KEY] Int False

Tax class ID.

ClassName String False

Tax class name.

ClassType String False

Tax class type.

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ClassId_p String

This is an auto-generated column

TaxClassId_p Int

This is an auto-generated column


TaxRate is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


Code String False

Tax rate code

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Rate String False

Tax rate in percentage

RegionName String False

Region name

TaxCountryId String False

Country id

TaxPostcode String False


TaxRegionId Int False

Region id

Titles String False

Tax rate titles

ZipFrom Int False

Zip range from

ZipIsRange Int False

Zip is range

ZipTo Int False

Zip range to


TaxRule is an auto generated table


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False


CalculateSubtotal Bool False

Calculate subtotal.

Code String False

Tax rule code

CustomerTaxClassIds String False

Customer tax class id

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

Position Int False

Sort order.

Priority Int False


ProductTaxClassIds String False

Product tax class id

TaxRateIds String False

Tax rate ids