Matillion ETL Data Model for Microsoft Exchange Query (MSGraph)
Version - 22.0.8257

Note: Data models are true for the latest version of Matillion ETL. If you are on an older version or using a component from an old job, your experience may differ.

Connection String OptionsBack To Top

  1. AuthScheme
  2. Schema
  3. Platform
  4. Server
  5. User
  6. Password
  7. AzureTenant
  8. InitiateOAuth
  9. OAuthClientId
  10. OAuthClientSecret
  11. OAuthAccessToken
  12. OAuthSettingsLocation
  13. CallbackURL
  14. OAuthGrantType
  15. UserId
  16. OAuthVerifier
  17. OAuthRefreshToken
  18. OAuthExpiresIn
  19. OAuthTokenTimestamp
  20. OAuthJWTCert
  21. OAuthJWTCertType
  22. OAuthJWTCertPassword
  23. OAuthJWTCertSubject
  24. OAuthJWTIssuer
  25. OAuthJWTSubject
  26. KerberosKDC
  27. KerberosRealm
  28. KerberosSPN
  29. KerberosKeytabFile
  30. KerberosServiceRealm
  31. KerberosServiceKDC
  32. KerberosTicketCache
  33. SSLServerCert
  34. FirewallType
  35. FirewallServer
  36. FirewallPort
  37. FirewallUser
  38. FirewallPassword
  39. ProxyAutoDetect
  40. ProxyServer
  41. ProxyPort
  42. ProxyAuthScheme
  43. ProxyUser
  44. ProxyPassword
  45. ProxySSLType
  46. ProxyExceptions
  47. Logfile
  48. Verbosity
  49. LogModules
  50. MaxLogFileSize
  51. MaxLogFileCount
  52. Location
  53. BrowsableSchemas
  54. Tables
  56. AutoCache
  57. CacheDriver
  58. CacheConnection
  59. CacheLocation
  60. CacheTolerance
  61. Offline
  62. CacheMetadata
  63. AlwaysRequestTableDependencies
  64. BatchSize
  65. BodyType
  66. ConnectionLifeTime
  67. ConnectOnOpen
  68. CustomHeaders
  69. DirectoryRetrievalDepth
  70. DisableServerSideFiltering
  71. GroupId
  72. ImpersonationType
  73. ImpersonationUser
  74. IncludeContent
  75. MaxRows
  76. Other
  77. Pagesize
  78. PoolIdleTimeout
  79. PoolMaxSize
  80. PoolMinSize
  81. PoolWaitTime
  82. PseudoColumns
  83. Readonly
  84. RTK
  85. Timeout
  86. UseConnectionPooling


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Default Value



Together with Password and User, this field is used to authenticate against the server. Basic is the default option. Use the following options to select your authentication scheme:


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The schemas available are EWS and MSGraph.


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Default Value



The Platform associated with the Exchange server.

Exchange2007*Target the initial release version of Exchange 2007.
Exchange2007_SP1*Target Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1), Exchange 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3).
Exchange2010Target Exchange 2010.
Exchange2010_SP1Target Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1).
Exchange2010_SP2Target Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Exchange 2010 Service Pack 3 (SP3).
Exchange2013Target Exchange 2013.
Exchange2013_SP1Target Exchange 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1).
Exchange_OnlineTarget Exchange Online.

* - These APIs do not support filtering using the WHERE clause. Instead, the driver parses the WHERE clause in memory.


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This should be set to the Exchange Web Services URL. For Exchange Online, you should set it to


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The username used to authenticate to the Exchange site. NOTE: According to Exchange, Basic authentication (using User and Password) will be deprecated soon.


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The password used to authenticate to the Exchange site. NOTE: According to Exchange, Basic authentication (using User and Password) will be deprecated soon.


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Default Value



The Microsoft Online tenant being used to access data. For instance, Alternatively, specify the tenant Id. This value is the directory Id in the Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > Properties.

Typically it is not necessary to specify the Tenant. This can be automatically determined by Microsoft when using the OAuthGrantType set to CODE (default). However, it may fail in the case that the user belongs to multiple tenants. For instance, if an Admin of domain A invites a user of domain B to be a guest user. The user will now belong to both tenants. It is a good practice to specify the Tenant, although in general things should normally work without having to specify it.

The AzureTenant is required when setting OAuthGrantType to CLIENT. When using client credentials, there is no user context. The credentials are taken from the context of the app itself. While Microsoft still allows client credentials to be obtained without specifying which Tenant, it has a much lower probability of picking the specific tenant you want to work with. For this reason, we require AzureTenant to be explicitly stated for all client credentials connections to ensure you get credentials that are applicable for the domain you intend to connect to.


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The following options are available:

  1. OFF: Indicates that the OAuth flow will be handled entirely by the user. An OAuthAccessToken will be required to authenticate.
  2. GETANDREFRESH: Indicates that the entire OAuth Flow will be handled by the driver. If no token currently exists, it will be obtained by prompting the user via the browser. If a token exists, it will be refreshed when applicable.
  3. REFRESH: Indicates that the driver will only handle refreshing the OAuthAccessToken. The user will never be prompted by the driver to authenticate via the browser. The user must handle obtaining the OAuthAccessToken and OAuthRefreshToken initially.


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As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId value, sometimes also called a consumer key, and a client secret, the OAuthClientSecret.


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As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId, also called a consumer key. You will also receive a client secret, also called a consumer secret. Set the client secret in the OAuthClientSecret property.


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Default Value



The OAuthAccessToken property is used to connect using OAuth. The OAuthAccessToken is retrieved from the OAuth server as part of the authentication process. It has a server-dependent timeout and can be reused between requests.

The access token is used in place of your user name and password. The access token protects your credentials by keeping them on the server.


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Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Exchange Data Provider\\OAuthSettings.txt"


When InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH, the driver saves OAuth values to avoid requiring the user to manually enter OAuth connection properties and allowing the credentials to be shared across connections or processes.

Alternatively to specifying a file path, memory storage can be used instead. Memory locations are specified by using a value starting with 'memory://' followed by a unique identifier for that set of credentials (ex: memory://user1). The identifier can be anything you choose but should be unique to the user. Unlike with the file based storage, you must manually store the credentials when closing the connection with memory storage to be able to set them in the connection when the process is started again. The OAuth property values can be retrieved with a query to the sys_connection_props system table. If there are multiple connections using the same credentials, the properties should be read from the last connection to be closed.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\Exchange Data Provider\\OAuthSettings.txt" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


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Default Value



During the authentication process, the OAuth authorization server redirects the user to this URL. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.


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The grant type for the OAuth flow. The following options are available: CODE,CLIENT,PASSWORD


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Default Value



Specify this UserId in order to access Outlook resources for a specific user. Required when OAuthGrantType is set to 'CLIENT'.


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Default Value



The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL. This can be used on systems where a browser cannot be launched such as headless systems.

Authentication on Headless Machines

See Establishing a Connection to obtain the OAuthVerifier value.

Set OAuthSettingsLocation along with OAuthVerifier. When you connect, the driver exchanges the OAuthVerifier for the OAuth authentication tokens and saves them, encrypted, to the specified file. Set InitiateOAuth to GETANDREFRESH automate the exchange.

Once the OAuth settings file has been generated, you can remove OAuthVerifier from the connection properties and connect with OAuthSettingsLocation set.

To automatically refresh the OAuth token values, set OAuthSettingsLocation and additionally set InitiateOAuth to REFRESH.


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The OAuthRefreshToken property is used to refresh the OAuthAccessToken when using OAuth authentication.


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Pair with OAuthTokenTimestamp to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


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Pair with OAuthExpiresIn to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


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The name of the certificate store for the client certificate.

The OAuthJWTCertType field specifies the type of the certificate store specified by OAuthJWTCert. If the store is password protected, specify the password in OAuthJWTCertPassword.

OAuthJWTCert is used in conjunction with the OAuthJWTCertSubject field in order to specify client certificates. If OAuthJWTCert has a value, and OAuthJWTCertSubject is set, a search for a certificate is initiated. Please refer to the OAuthJWTCertSubject field for details.

Designations of certificate stores are platform-dependent.

The following are designations of the most common User and Machine certificate stores in Windows:

MYA certificate store holding personal certificates with their associated private keys.
CACertifying authority certificates.
ROOTRoot certificates.
SPCSoftware publisher certificates.

In Java, the certificate store normally is a file containing certificates and optional private keys.

When the certificate store type is PFXFile, this property must be set to the name of the file. When the type is PFXBlob, the property must be set to the binary contents of a PFX file (i.e. PKCS12 certificate store).


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This property can take one of the following values:

USERFor Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a certificate store owned by the current user. Note: This store type is not available in Java.
MACHINEFor Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a machine store. Note: this store type is not available in Java.
PFXFILEThe certificate store is the name of a PFX (PKCS12) file containing certificates.
PFXBLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) representing a certificate store in PFX (PKCS12) format.
JKSFILEThe certificate store is the name of a Java key store (JKS) file containing certificates. Note: this store type is only available in Java.
JKSBLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) representing a certificate store in Java key store (JKS) format. Note: this store type is only available in Java.
PEMKEY_FILEThe certificate store is the name of a PEM-encoded file that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
PEMKEY_BLOBThe certificate store is a string (base64-encoded) that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
PUBLIC_KEY_FILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
PUBLIC_KEY_BLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
SSHPUBLIC_KEY_FILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains an SSH-style public key.
SSHPUBLIC_KEY_BLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) that contains an SSH-style public key.
P7BFILEThe certificate store is the name of a PKCS7 file containing certificates.
PPKFILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key).
XMLFILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains a certificate in XML format.
XMLBLOBThe certificate store is a string that contains a certificate in XML format.


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If the certificate store is of a type that requires a password, this property is used to specify that password in order to open the certificate store.


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When loading a certificate the subject is used to locate the certificate in the store.

If an exact match is not found, the store is searched for subjects containing the value of the property.

If a match is still not found, the property is set to an empty string, and no certificate is selected.

The special value "*" picks the first certificate in the certificate store.

The certificate subject is a comma separated list of distinguished name fields and values. For instance ", OU=test, C=US,". Common fields and their meanings are displayed below.

CNCommon Name. This is commonly a host name like
OUOrganizational Unit
EEmail Address

If a field value contains a comma it must be quoted.


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The issuer of the Java Web Token. This is typically either the Client Id or Email Address of the OAuth Application.


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Default Value



The user subject for which the application is requesting delegated access. Typically, the user account name or email address.


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The Kerberos properties are used when using SPNEGO or Windows Authentication. The driver will request session tickets and temporary session keys from the Kerberos KDC service. The Kerberos KDC service is conventionally colocated with the domain controller.

If Kerberos KDC is not specified, the driver will attempt to detect these properties automatically from the following locations:

Note: Windows authentication is supported in JRE 1.6 and above only.


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The Kerberos properties are used when using SPNEGO or Windows Authentication. The Kerberos Realm is used to authenticate the user with the Kerberos Key Distribution Service (KDC). The Kerberos Realm can be configured by an administrator to be any string, but conventionally it is based on the domain name.

If Kerberos Realm is not specified the driver will attempt to detect these properties automatically from the following locations:

Note: Kerberos-based authentication is supported in JRE 1.6 and above only.


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If the SPN on the Kerberos Domain Controller is not the same as the URL that you are authenticating to, use this property to set the SPN.


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Default Value



The Keytab file containing your pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys.


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The KerberosServiceRealm is the specify the service Kerberos realm when using cross-realm Kerberos authentication.

In most cases, a single realm and KDC machine are used to perform the Kerberos authentication and this property is not required.

This property is available for complex setups where a different realm and KDC machine are used to obtain an authentication ticket (AS request) and a service ticket (TGS request).


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Default Value



The KerberosServiceKDC is used to specify the service Kerberos KDC when using cross-realm Kerberos authentication.

In most cases, a single realm and KDC machine are used to perform the Kerberos authentication and this property is not required.

This property is available for complex setups where a different realm and KDC machine are used to obtain an authentication ticket (AS request) and a service ticket (TGS request).


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This property can be set if you wish to use a credential cache file that was created using the MIT Kerberos Ticket Manager or kinit command.


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If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.

This property can take the following forms:

Description Example
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
A path to a local file containing the certificate C:\cert.cer
The public key (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d

If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.

Certificates are validated as trusted by the machine based on the System's trust store. The trust store used is the '' value specified for the system. If no value is specified for this property, Java's default trust store is used (for example, JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts).

Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.


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Default Value



This property specifies the protocol that the driver will use to tunnel traffic through the FirewallServer proxy. Note that by default, the driver connects to the system proxy; to disable this behavior and connect to one of the following proxy types, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.

Type Default Port Description
TUNNEL 80 When this is set, the driver opens a connection to Microsoft Exchange and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy.
SOCKS4 1080 When this is set, the driver sends data through the SOCKS 4 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort and passes the FirewallUser value to the proxy, which determines if the connection request should be granted.
SOCKS5 1080 When this is set, the driver sends data through the SOCKS 5 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort. If your proxy requires authentication, set FirewallUser and FirewallPassword to credentials the proxy recognizes.

To connect to HTTP proxies, use ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate to HTTP proxies, use ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword.


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Default Value



This property specifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. The protocol is specified by FirewallType: Use FirewallServer with this property to connect through SOCKS or do tunneling. Use ProxyServer to connect to an HTTP proxy.

Note that the driver uses the system proxy by default. To use a different proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


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This specifies the TCP port for a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. Use FirewallServer to specify the name or IP address. Specify the protocol with FirewallType.


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Default Value



The FirewallUser and FirewallPassword properties are used to authenticate against the proxy specified in FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified in FirewallType.


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This property is passed to the proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified by FirewallType.


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This takes precedence over other proxy settings, so you'll need to set ProxyAutoDetect to FALSE in order use custom proxy settings.

NOTE: When this property is set to True, the proxy used is determined as follows:

To connect to an HTTP proxy, see ProxyServer. For other proxies, such as SOCKS or tunneling, see FirewallType.


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Default Value



The hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through. The driver can use the HTTP, Windows (NTLM), or Kerberos authentication types to authenticate to an HTTP proxy.

If you need to connect through a SOCKS proxy or tunnel the connection, see FirewallType.

By default, the driver uses the system proxy. If you need to use another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


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Default Value



The port the HTTP proxy is running on that you want to redirect HTTP traffic through. Specify the HTTP proxy in ProxyServer. For other proxy types, see FirewallType.


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Default Value



This value specifies the authentication type to use to authenticate to the HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer and ProxyPort.

Note that the driver will use the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to connect to another proxy, you will need to set ProxyAutoDetect to false, in addition to ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.

The authentication type can be one of the following:

If you need to use another authentication type, such as SOCKS 5 authentication, see FirewallType.


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Default Value



The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword options are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.

You can select one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme. If you are using HTTP authentication, set this to the user name of a user recognized by the HTTP proxy. If you are using Windows or Kerberos authentication, set this property to a user name in one of the following formats:




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Default Value



This property is used to authenticate to an HTTP proxy server that supports NTLM (Windows), Kerberos, or HTTP authentication. To specify the HTTP proxy, you can set ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To specify the authentication type, set ProxyAuthScheme.

If you are using HTTP authentication, additionally set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to HTTP proxy.

If you are using NTLM authentication, set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to your Windows password. You may also need these to complete Kerberos authentication.

For SOCKS 5 authentication or tunneling, see FirewallType.

By default, the driver uses the system proxy. If you want to connect to another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


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Default Value



This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to an HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer. This value can be AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER, or TUNNEL. The applicable values are the following:

AUTODefault setting. If the URL is an HTTPS URL, the driver will use the TUNNEL option. If the URL is an HTTP URL, the component will use the NEVER option.
ALWAYSThe connection is always SSL enabled.
NEVERThe connection is not SSL enabled.
TUNNELThe connection is through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy.


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Default Value



The ProxyServer is used for all addresses, except for addresses defined in this property. Use semicolons to separate entries.

Note that the driver uses the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to explicitly configure proxy exceptions for this connection, you need to set ProxyAutoDetect = false, and configure ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.


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Default Value



Once this property is set, the driver will populate the log file as it carries out various tasks, such as when authentication is performed or queries are executed. If the specified file doesn't already exist, it will be created.

Connection strings and version information are also logged, though connection properties containing sensitive information are masked automatically.

If a relative filepath is supplied, the location of the log file will be resolved based on the path found in the Location connection property.

For more control over what is written to the log file, you can adjust the Verbosity property.

Log contents are categorized into several modules. You can show/hide individual modules using the LogModules property.

To edit the maximum size of a single logfile before a new one is created, see MaxLogFileSize.

If you would like to place a cap on the number of logfiles generated, use MaxLogFileCount.

Java Logging

Java logging is also supported. To enable Java logging, set Logfile to:


As in the above sample, JAVALOG:// is a required prefix to use Java logging, and you will substitute your own Logger.

The supplied Logger's getLogger method is then called, using the supplied value to create the Logger instance. If a logging instance already exists, it will reference the existing instance.

When Java logging is enabled, the Verbosity will now correspond to specific logging levels.


Data Type


Default Value



The verbosity level determines the amount of detail that the driver reports to the Logfile. Verbosity levels from 1 to 5 are supported. These are detailed in the Logging page.


Data Type


Default Value



Only the modules specified (separated by ';') will be included in the log file. By default all modules are included.

See the Logging page for an overview.


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Default Value



When the limit is hit, a new log is created in the same folder with the date and time appended to the end. The default limit is 100 MB. Values lower than 100 kB will use 100 kB as the value instead.

Adjust the maximum number of logfiles generated with MaxLogFileCount.


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Default Value



When the limit is hit, a new log is created in the same folder with the date and time appended to the end and the oldest log file will be deleted.

The minimum supported value is 2. A value of 0 or a negative value indicates no limit on the count.

Adjust the maximum size of the logfiles generated with MaxLogFileSize.


Data Type


Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Exchange Data Provider\\Schema"


The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the driver (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.

Note: Given that this driver supports multiple schemas, the structure for Microsoft Exchange custom schema files is as follows:


If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\Exchange Data Provider\\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


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Default Value



Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.


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Default Value



Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the driver.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Data Type


Default Value



Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the driver.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Data Type


Default Value



When AutoCache = true, the driver automatically maintains a cache of your table's data in the database of your choice.

Setting the Caching Database

When AutoCache = true, the driver caches to a simple, file-based cache. You can configure its location or cache to a different database with the following properties:

See Also


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Default Value



You can cache to any database for which you have a JDBC driver, including CData JDBC drivers.

The cache database is determined by the CacheDriver and CacheConnection properties. The CacheDriver is the name of the JDBC driver class that you want to use to cache data.

Note: you must add the CacheDriver JAR file to the classpath.

The following examples show how to cache to several major databases. Refer to CacheConnection for more information on the JDBC URL syntax and typical connection properties.
Derby and Java DB

The driver simplifies Derby configuration. Java DB is the Oracle distribution of Derby. The JAR file is shipped in the JDK. You can find the JAR file, derby.jar, in the db subfolder of the JDK installation. In most caching scenarios, you need to specify only the following, after adding derby.jar to the classpath:

To customize the Derby JDBC URL, use CacheDriver and CacheConnection. For example, to cache to an in-memory database, use a JDBC URL like the following:

The following is a JDBC URL for the SQLite JDBC driver:


The following is a JDBC URL for the included CData JDBC Driver for MySQL:

  jdbc:exchange:Cache Driver=cdata.jdbc.mysql.MySQLDriver;Cache Connection='jdbc:mysql:Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=cache;User=root;Password=123456';User='';Password='myPassword';Server='';Platform='Exchange_Online';Schema='EWS';

SQL Server

The following JDBC URL uses the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server:

jdbc:exchange:Cache;Cache Connection='jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\sqlexpress:7437;user=sa;password=123456;databaseName=Cache';User='';Password='myPassword';Server='';Platform='Exchange_Online';Schema='EWS';

The following is a JDBC URL for the Oracle Thin Client:

jdbc:exchange:Cache Driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver;CacheConnection='jdbc:oracle:thin:scott/tiger@localhost:1521:orcldb';User='';Password='myPassword';Server='';Platform='Exchange_Online';Schema='EWS';
NOTE: If using a version of Oracle older than 9i, the cache driver will instead be oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver .

The following JDBC URL uses the official PostgreSQL JDBC driver:



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Default Value



The cache database is determined based on the CacheDriver and CacheConnection properties. Both properties are required to use the cache database. Examples of common cache database settings can be found below. For more information on setting the caching database's driver, refer to CacheDriver.

The connection string specified in the CacheConnection property is passed directly to the underlying CacheDriver. Consult the documentation for the specific JDBC driver for more information on the available properties. Make sure to include the JDBC driver in your application's classpath.

Derby and Java DB

The driver simplifies caching to Derby, only requiring you to set the CacheLocation property to make a basic connection.

Alternatively, you can configure the connection to Derby manually using CacheDriver and CacheConnection. The following is the Derby JDBC URL syntax:

jdbc:derby:[subsubprotocol:][databaseName][;attribute=value[;attribute=value] ... ]
For example, to cache to an in-memory database, use the following:


To cache to SQLite, you can use the SQLite JDBC driver. The following is the syntax of the JDBC URL:



The installation includes the CData JDBC Driver for MySQL. The following is an example JDBC URL:

The following are typical connection properties:

SQL Server

The JDBC URL for the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server has the following syntax:

jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instance][:port]][;database=databaseName][;property=value[;property=value] ... ]
For example:
The following are typical SQL Server connection properties:

The following is the conventional JDBC URL syntax for the Oracle JDBC Thin driver:

For example:
The following are typical connection properties:

The following is the JDBC URL syntax for the official PostgreSQL JDBC driver:

jdbc:postgresql:[//[host[:port]]/]database[[?option=value][[&option=value][&option=value] ... ]]
For example, the following connection string connects to a database on the default host (localhost) and port (5432):
The following are typical connection properties:


Data Type


Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Exchange Data Provider"


The CacheLocation is a simple, file-based cache. The driver uses Java DB, Oracle's distribution of the Derby database. To cache to Java DB, you will need to add the Java DB JAR file to the classpath. The JAR file, derby.jar, is shipped in the JDK and located in the db subfolder of the JDK installation.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\Exchange Data Provider" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config

See Also


Data Type


Default Value



The tolerance for stale data in the cache specified in seconds. This only applies when AutoCache is used. The driver checks with the data source for newer records after the tolerance interval has expired. Otherwise, it returns the data directly from the cache.


Data Type


Default Value



When Offline = true, all queries execute against the cache as opposed to the live data source. In this mode, certain queries like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and CACHE are not allowed.


Data Type


Default Value



As you execute queries with this property set, table metadata in the Microsoft Exchange catalog are cached to the file store specified by CacheLocation if set or the user's home directory otherwise. A table's metadata will be retrieved only once, when the table is queried for the first time.

When to Use CacheMetadata

The driver automatically persists metadata in memory for up to two hours when you first discover the metadata for a table or view and therefore, CacheMetadata is generally not required. CacheMetadata becomes useful when metadata operations are expensive such as when you are working with large amounts of metadata or when you have many short-lived connections.

When Not to Use CacheMetadata


Data Type


Default Value



Control whether you want to always retrieve Table Dependencies (Foreign Keys). Setting this to TRUE might slow down queries and increase amount of calls made.


Data Type


Default Value



When BatchSize is set to a value greater than 0, the batch operation will split the entire batch into separate batches of size BatchSize. The split batches will then be submitted to the server individually. This is useful when the server has limitations on the size of the request that can be submitted.

Setting BatchSize to 0 will submit the entire batch as specified.


Data Type


Default Value



The BodyType element identifies how the body text is formatted in the response. The possible options are: Best - The response will return the richest available content of body text, HTML - The response will return an item body as HTML, Text - The response will return an item body as plain text. The default is set to Best.


Data Type


Default Value



The maximum lifetime of a connection in seconds. Once the time has elapsed, the connection object is disposed. The default is 0 which indicates there is no limit to the connection lifetime.


Data Type


Default Value



When set to true, a connection will be made to Microsoft Exchange when the connection is opened. This property enables the Test Connection feature available in various database tools.

This feature acts as a NOOP command as it is used to verify a connection can be made to Microsoft Exchange and nothing from this initial connection is maintained.

Setting this property to false may provide performance improvements (depending upon the number of times a connection is opened).


Data Type


Default Value



This property can be set to a string of headers to be appended to the HTTP request headers created from other properties, like ContentType, From, and so on.

The headers must be of the format "header: value" as described in the HTTP specifications. Header lines should be separated by the carriage return and line feed (CRLF) characters.

Use this property with caution. If this property contains invalid headers, HTTP requests may fail.

This property is useful for fine-tuning the functionality of the driver to integrate with specialized or nonstandard APIs.


Data Type


Default Value



This property must be set in the connection string or the driver will use a default of Depth=1.


Data Type


Default Value



To be used in cases when complex queries are attempted and server-side filters are incapable or insufficient for producing the desired output.


Data Type


Default Value



Specify this GroupId in order to access the OneNote documents for this group.


Data Type


Default Value



The type of identifier to use with impersonation while sending requests to the Exchange site. The pseudo-column of the same name can be used in the SQL query in order to more dynamically impersonate users.

Possible values for ImpersonationType are:

PrincipalNameRepresents the user principal name (UPN) of the account to use for impersonation. This should be the UPN for the domain where the user account exists.
SIDRepresents the security descriptor definition language (SDDL) form of the security identifier (SID) for the account to use for impersonation.
PrimarySmtpAddressRepresents the primary Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address of the account to use for Exchange impersonation. If the primary SMTP address is supplied, it will cost an extra Active Directory directory service lookup in order to obtain the SID of the user. We recommend that you use the SID or UPN if they are available.
SmtpAddressRepresents the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address of the account to use for Exchange Impersonation. If the SMTP address is supplied, it will cost an extra Active Directory lookup in order to obtain the SID of the user. We recommend that you use the SID or UPN if they are available.


Data Type


Default Value



The user to impersonate while sending requests to the Exchange site. The pseudo column of the same name can be used in the SQL query in order to more dynamically impersonate users.


Data Type


Default Value



A boolean indicating if additional content should be retrieved, such as the Body field of an Inbox email. Retrieving all content for a large number of items can be expensive. This property cannot be used with the Folders table, or the Calendar child views.


Data Type


Default Value



Limits the number of rows returned rows when no aggregation or group by is used in the query. This helps avoid performance issues at design time.


Data Type


Default Value



The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.

Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.

Caching Configuration

CachePartial=TrueCaches only a subset of columns, which you can specify in your query.
QueryPassthrough=TruePasses the specified query to the cache database instead of using the SQL parser of the driver.

Integration and Formatting

DefaultColumnSizeSets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMTDetermines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine.
RecordToFile=filenameRecords the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file.


Data Type


Default Value



The Pagesize property affects the maximum number of results to return per page from Microsoft Exchange. Setting a higher value may result in better performance at the cost of additional memory allocated per page consumed.


Data Type


Default Value



The allowed idle time a connection can remain in the pool until the connection is closed. The default is 60 seconds.


Data Type


Default Value



The maximum connections in the pool. The default is 100. To disable this property, set the property value to 0 or less.


Data Type


Default Value



The minimum number of connections in the pool. The default is 1.


Data Type


Default Value



The max seconds to wait for a connection to become available. If a new connection request is waiting for an available connection and exceeds this time, an error is thrown. By default, new requests wait forever for an available connection.


Data Type


Default Value



This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".


Data Type


Default Value



If this property is set to true, the driver will allow only SELECT queries. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and stored procedure queries will cause an error to be thrown.


Data Type


Default Value



The RTK property may be used to license a build. See the included licensing file to see how to set this property. The runtime key is only available if you purchased an OEM license.


Data Type


Default Value



If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.

If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the driver throws an exception.


Data Type


Default Value



This property enables connection pooling. The default is false. See Connection Pooling for information on using connection pools.

TablesBack To Top

  1. CalendarGroups
  2. Calendars
  3. Contacts
  4. Events
  5. ExtendedProperties
  6. Groups
  7. MailFolders
  8. Messages
  9. Users


CalendarGroups table for Exchange data provider.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

changeKey String False

classId String False

name String False


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
userId String


Calendars table for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information

You can query Calendars by specifying an Id or selecting all:

SELECT * FROM Calendars WHERE Id = 'your Calendar Id goes here'

Select a certain column from the entity and filter by that column:

SELECT Name FROM Calendars WHERE Name LIKE 'John Calendar%'

Note: Unless specifying the AlwaysRequstTableDependencies connection property, or selecting/filtering by the reference CalendarGroupId, the value for CalendarGroupId will remain null.


Specify a Name as a minimum in order to create a new Calendar:

INSERT INTO Calendars (Name) VALUES ('John')

Name Type ReadOnly Description
calendarGroupId String False

id [KEY] String False

canEdit Bool False

canShare Bool False

canViewPrivateItems Bool False

changeKey String False

color String False

name String False

owner_name String False

owner_address String False


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
userId String


Contacts table for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information

You can query Contacts by specifying an Id or selecting all:

SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Id = 'your Contact Id goes here'

Select a certain column from the entity and filter by that column:

SELECT GivenName FROM Contacts WHERE GivenName LIKE 'John%'

Specify a GivenName and a Surname as a minimum in order to create a new Contact:

INSERT INTO Contacts (GivenName, Surname) VALUES ('John', 'Smith')

Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

categories String False

changeKey String False

createdDateTime Datetime False

lastModifiedDateTime Datetime False

assistantName String False

birthday Datetime False

businessAddress_street String False

businessAddress_city String False

businessAddress_state String False

businessAddress_countryOrRegion String False

businessAddress_postalCode String False

businessHomePage String False

businessPhones String False

children String False

companyName String False

department String False

displayName String False

emailAddresses String False

fileAs String False

generation String False

givenName String False

homeAddress_street String False

homeAddress_city String False

homeAddress_state String False

homeAddress_countryOrRegion String False

homeAddress_postalCode String False

homePhones String False

imAddresses String False

initials String False

jobTitle String False

manager String False

middleName String False

mobilePhone String False

nickName String False

officeLocation String False

otherAddress_street String False

otherAddress_city String False

otherAddress_state String False

otherAddress_countryOrRegion String False

otherAddress_postalCode String False

parentFolderId String False

personalNotes String False

profession String False

spouseName String False

surname String False

title String False

yomiCompanyName String False

yomiGivenName String False

yomiSurname String False


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
userId String


Events table for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information

You can retrieve all from Events, specify an Event (Id), CalendarId, or you can filter results by a certain column.

Note: Unless specifying the AlwaysRequstTableDependencies connection property, or selecting/filtering by the reference columns CalendarId, the value for CalendarId will remain null.

Note: To retrieve all Events for Other user (Works only in case of OAuthGrantType=CLIENT), you can specify the query like -

SELECT * FROM Events WHERE UserId = '0409f710-2aa9-4f05-8944-ef382160f1d1' AND CalendarId IN (SELECT Id from Calendars WHERE UserId = '0409f710-2aa9-4f05-8944-ef382160f1d1')

To create a new event, start and end are required, including the timezone.

INSERT INTO Events (Subject, Body_Content, Start_DateTime, Start_TimeZone, End_DateTime, End_TimeZone) VALUES ('New Test Event', 'Event created using Office365Provider', '2016-01-01T10:00:00', 'UTC', '2016-01-01T11:00:00', 'UTC')

Note: By default this statement will create your event under the default calendar.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

categories String False

changeKey String False

createdDateTime Datetime False

lastModifiedDateTime Datetime False

attendees String False

body_contentType String False

body_content String False

bodyPreview String False

end_dateTime String False

end_timeZone String False

hasAttachments Bool False

iCalUId String False

importance String False

isAllDay Bool False

isCancelled Bool False

isOrganizer Bool False

isReminderOn Bool False

location_displayName String False

location_locationEmailAddress String False

location_address_street String False

location_address_city String False

location_address_state String False

location_address_countryOrRegion String False

location_address_postalCode String False

location_coordinates_altitude Double False

location_coordinates_latitude Double False

location_coordinates_longitude Double False

location_coordinates_accuracy Double False

location_coordinates_altitudeAccuracy Double False

location_locationUri String False

location_locationType String False

location_uniqueId String False

location_uniqueIdType String False

locations String False

onlineMeetingUrl String False

organizer_emailAddress_name String False

organizer_emailAddress_address String False

originalEndTimeZone String False

originalStart Datetime False

originalStartTimeZone String False

recurrence_pattern_type String False

recurrence_pattern_interval Int False

recurrence_pattern_month Int False

recurrence_pattern_dayOfMonth Int False

recurrence_pattern_daysOfWeek String False

recurrence_pattern_firstDayOfWeek String False

recurrence_pattern_index String False

recurrence_range_type String False

recurrence_range_startDate Date False

recurrence_range_endDate Date False

recurrence_range_recurrenceTimeZone String False

recurrence_range_numberOfOccurrences Int False

reminderMinutesBeforeStart Int False

responseRequested Bool False

responseStatus_response String False

responseStatus_time Datetime False

sensitivity String False

seriesMasterId String False

showAs String False

start_dateTime String False

start_timeZone String False

subject String False

transactionId String False

type String False

webLink String False

calendarId String False


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
groupId String

userId String


Create, update, delete, and query Contacts items.

Table Specific Information

You can query ExtendedProperties for a specific resource from the following resources: Events, Calendars and Messages. In order to get the value for an extended property you need to specify: - Entity field, wether it is Message, Event or Calendar - EntityId, the Id of the resource - Id, the id of the extended property.

SELECT * FROM ExtendedProperties WHERE Entity = 'Event' AND EntityId = 'AQMkAGRlMWQ5MDg0LWI5ZTQtNDk2Yi1hOTQ1LTU4YzFmMzEwZjlhMgBGAAAD-FjxR3cIwE6TEGSCVtIHcwcAQyR2Iw3coEOaUD1BLt0tnAAAAw8AAABDJHYjDdygQ5pQPUEu3S2cAAZq-GA0AAAA' AND Id = 'String {66f5a359-4659-4830-9070-00047ec6ac6e} Name Color'

You can create an extended property in a resource, by specifying Entity, EntityId, Id of the extended property and its Value.

INSERT INTO ExtendedProperties (Entity, EntityId, Id, Value) VALUES ('Calendar', 'AQMkAGRlMWQ5MDg0LWI5ZTQtNDk2Yi1hOTQ1LTU4YzFmMzEwZjlhMgBGAAAD-FjxR3cIwE6TEGSCVtIHcwcAQyR2Iw3coEOaUD1BLt0tnAAAAwcAAABDJHYjDdygQ5pQPUEu3S2cAASHbEoeAAAA', 'String {66f5a359-4659-4830-9070-00047ec6ac6e} Name Color', 'Yellow')

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id String False

The Identifier of the extended property

Value String False

The value of the extended property

Entity String False

The entity type.

EntityId String False

The entity id that the extended properties belong to.


Groups table for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information

Groups require Administrator permissions. To work with them, you must create your own custom OAuth App and set the appropriate OAuthClientId and OAuthClientSecret. In this app, you must configure it to request the Group.Read.All and the Group.ReadWrite.All permissions. This can be done at, or in the App Registrations panel at

To authorize Groups permissions, an administrator must grant the Groups permissions for your organization at large. This can be done via the administrator authorization endpoint. Simply have the administrator navigate to the following web page and grant permissions. Then run the OAuth authorization as normal afterwards.[YourClientId]&redirect_uri=http://localhost:33333

Note that if your organization has multiple tenants, you may replace the /common/ in the url with the tenant id to indicate which tenant to grant permissions for.


Retrieve all groups, specify a GroupId (Id), or simply filter by a certain column:


SELECT * FROM Groups WHERE Id = 'Group Id here'

SELECT Id, Description, DisplayName FROM Groups WHERE Name = 'test'

The following are required to create a new Security Group:

INSERT INTO Groups (DisplayName, MailEnabled, MailNickname, SecurityEnabled) VALUES ('Test group', false, 'test', true)

Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

deletedDateTime Datetime False

allowExternalSenders Bool False

assignedLicenses String False

autoSubscribeNewMembers Bool False

classification String False

createdDateTime Datetime False

description String False

displayName String False

groupTypes String False

hasMembersWithLicenseErrors Bool False

isArchived Bool False

isSubscribedByMail Bool False

licenseProcessingState_state String False

mail String False

mailEnabled Bool False

mailNickname String False

onPremisesLastSyncDateTime Datetime False

onPremisesProvisioningErrors String False

onPremisesSecurityIdentifier String False

onPremisesSyncEnabled Bool False

preferredDataLocation String False

proxyAddresses String False

renewedDateTime Datetime False

securityEnabled Bool False

unseenCount Int False

visibility String False


MailFolders table for Exchange data provider.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

childFolderCount Int False

displayName String False

parentFolderId String False

totalItemCount Int False

unreadItemCount Int False


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
userId String


Messages table for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information


You can retrieve all from Messages, specify a Message (Id), ParentFolderId, or you can filter results by a certain column:

SELECT * FROM Messages

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE Id = 'MyMessageId'

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE ParentFolderId = 'MyParentfolderId' 

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE ParentFolderId = 'Drafts'

Note: Unless specifying the AlwaysRequstTableDependencies connection property, or selecting/filtering by the reference columns ParentFolderId, the value for ParentFolderId will remain null.


After the insert a new Message will be created in the User's Drafts folder.

INSERT INTO Messages (Subject, Body_Content) VALUES ('New test Email', 'Test Email created.')

Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

categories String False

changeKey String False

createdDateTime Datetime False

lastModifiedDateTime Datetime False

bccRecipients String False

body_contentType String False

body_content String False

bodyPreview String False

ccRecipients String False

conversationId String False

flag_completedDateTime_dateTime String False

flag_completedDateTime_timeZone String False

flag_flagStatus String False

from_emailAddress_name String False

from_emailAddress_address String False

hasAttachments Bool False

importance String False

inferenceClassification String False

internetMessageHeaders String False

internetMessageId String False

isDeliveryReceiptRequested Bool False

isDraft Bool False

isRead Bool False

isReadReceiptRequested Bool False

parentFolderId String False

receivedDateTime Datetime False

replyTo String False

sender_emailAddress_name String False

sender_emailAddress_address String False

sentDateTime Datetime False

subject String False

toRecipients String False

uniqueBody_contentType String False

uniqueBody_content String False

webLink String False


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
userId String


Users table for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information

Query the Users table by retrieving everything from Users, specifying a Id, or filtering by a column:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = '616391f0-32d8-4127-8f25-aa55771d6617'

SELECT DisplayName, Id FROM Users WHERE DisplayName LIKE 'John%'

The following are required to create a new organizational User:

INSERT INTO Users (AccountEnabled, DisplayName, MailNickname, UserPrincipalName, PasswordProfile_ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn, PasswordProfile_Password) VALUES (false, 'John Smith', 'JohnS', '', true, '123password')

Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

deletedDateTime Datetime False

aboutMe String False

accountEnabled Bool False

ageGroup String False

assignedLicenses String False

assignedPlans String False

birthday Datetime False

businessPhones String False

city String False

companyName String False

consentProvidedForMinor String False

country String False

department String False

deviceEnrollmentLimit Int False

displayName String False

employeeId String False

faxNumber String False

givenName String False

hireDate Datetime False

imAddresses String False

interests String False

isResourceAccount Bool False

jobTitle String False

legalAgeGroupClassification String False

licenseAssignmentStates String False

mail String False

mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_status String False

mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_externalAudience String False

mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_scheduledStartDateTime_dateTime String False

mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_scheduledStartDateTime_timeZone String False

mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_internalReplyMessage String False

mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_externalReplyMessage String False

mailboxSettings_archiveFolder String False

mailboxSettings_timeZone String False

mailboxSettings_language_locale String False

mailboxSettings_language_displayName String False

mailboxSettings_workingHours_daysOfWeek String False

mailboxSettings_workingHours_startTime Time False

mailboxSettings_workingHours_endTime Time False

mailboxSettings_workingHours_timeZone_name String False

mailNickname String False

mobilePhone String False

mySite String False

officeLocation String False

onPremisesDistinguishedName String False

onPremisesDomainName String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute1 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute2 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute3 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute4 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute5 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute6 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute7 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute8 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute9 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute10 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute11 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute12 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute13 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute14 String False

onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute15 String False

onPremisesImmutableId String False

onPremisesLastSyncDateTime Datetime False

onPremisesProvisioningErrors String False

onPremisesSamAccountName String False

onPremisesSecurityIdentifier String False

onPremisesSyncEnabled Bool False

onPremisesUserPrincipalName String False

otherMails String False

passwordPolicies String False

passwordProfile_password String False

passwordProfile_forceChangePasswordNextSignIn Bool False

passwordProfile_forceChangePasswordNextSignInWithMfa Bool False

pastProjects String False

postalCode String False

preferredLanguage String False

preferredName String False

provisionedPlans String False

proxyAddresses String False

responsibilities String False

schools String False

showInAddressList Bool False

signInSessionsValidFromDateTime Datetime False

skills String False

state String False

streetAddress String False

surname String False

usageLocation String False

userPrincipalName String False

userType String False

ViewsBack To Top

  1. CalendarView
  2. EventAttachments
  3. EventInstances
  4. MessageAttachments


Retrieve the ccurrences, exceptions, and single instances of events in a calendar view defined by a time range, from the user's default calendar, or from some other calendar of the user's.

Table Specific Information

Get the occurrences, exceptions, and single instances of events in a calendar view defined by a time range, from the user's default calendar, or from some other calendar of the user's. By default only the event occurrences from the user's default calendar in the range of the last 30 days will be returned. You can filter results by CalendarId, Start_DateTime, End_DateTime.

For example the following queries will be processed server side:

SELECT * FROM CalendarView WHERE Start_DateTime >= '2019-12-10 15:00' AND End_DateTime <= '2020-01-10 14:30'


Note: Unless specifying the AlwaysRequestTableDependencies connection property, or selecting/filtering by the reference column CalendarId, the value for CalendarId will remain null.


Name Type Description
id [KEY] String
categories String
changeKey String
createdDateTime Datetime
lastModifiedDateTime Datetime
attendees String
body_contentType String
body_content String
bodyPreview String
end_dateTime String
end_timeZone String
hasAttachments Bool
iCalUId String
importance String
isAllDay Bool
isCancelled Bool
isOrganizer Bool
isReminderOn Bool
location_displayName String
location_locationEmailAddress String
location_address_street String
location_address_city String
location_address_state String
location_address_countryOrRegion String
location_address_postalCode String
location_coordinates_altitude Double
location_coordinates_latitude Double
location_coordinates_longitude Double
location_coordinates_accuracy Double
location_coordinates_altitudeAccuracy Double
location_locationUri String
location_locationType String
location_uniqueId String
location_uniqueIdType String
locations String
onlineMeetingUrl String
organizer_emailAddress_name String
organizer_emailAddress_address String
originalEndTimeZone String
originalStart Datetime
originalStartTimeZone String
recurrence_pattern_type String
recurrence_pattern_interval Int
recurrence_pattern_month Int
recurrence_pattern_dayOfMonth Int
recurrence_pattern_daysOfWeek String
recurrence_pattern_firstDayOfWeek String
recurrence_pattern_index String
recurrence_range_type String
recurrence_range_startDate Date
recurrence_range_endDate Date
recurrence_range_recurrenceTimeZone String
recurrence_range_numberOfOccurrences Int
reminderMinutesBeforeStart Int
responseRequested Bool
responseStatus_response String
responseStatus_time Datetime
sensitivity String
seriesMasterId String
showAs String
start_dateTime String
start_timeZone String
subject String
type String
webLink String
calendarId String


EventAttachments View for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information

You can query EventAttachments by specifying the Event Id (Requried):

SELECT * FROM [EventAttachments] WHERE EventId='event id'

This query will get the Attachments of the specified Event as a list without including their content.


Name Type Description
eventId String
id [KEY] String
contentType String
isInline Bool
lastModifiedDateTime Datetime
name String
size Int
userId String


EventInstances View for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information

You can query EventInstances by specifying the Event Id, StartDatetime and EndDateTime. EventId is a required field, instead StartDatetime and EndDateTime have a default range of the last 30 days. If you query filtering only by EventId and the specific event does not exist within this time range, you will get empty results.

SELECT * FROM [EventInstances] WHERE id='event id' AND StartDateTime='2018/01/01' AND EndDateTime='2018/12/31'

SELECT * FROM [EventInstances] WHERE id='event id'

By default, if StartDateTime and EndDateTime filters are not specified, only the event instances from the user's default calendar in the range of the last 30 days will be returned. Otherwise, the query will get the instances of the Event during the period specified by StartDateTime and EndDateTime.


Name Type Description
eventId String
id [KEY] String
categories String
changeKey String
createdDateTime Datetime
lastModifiedDateTime Datetime
attendees String
body_contentType String
body_content String
bodyPreview String
end_dateTime String
end_timeZone String
hasAttachments Bool
iCalUId String
importance String
isAllDay Bool
isCancelled Bool
isOrganizer Bool
isReminderOn Bool
location_displayName String
location_locationEmailAddress String
location_address_street String
location_address_city String
location_address_state String
location_address_countryOrRegion String
location_address_postalCode String
location_coordinates_altitude Double
location_coordinates_latitude Double
location_coordinates_longitude Double
location_coordinates_accuracy Double
location_coordinates_altitudeAccuracy Double
location_locationUri String
location_locationType String
location_uniqueId String
location_uniqueIdType String
locations String
onlineMeetingUrl String
organizer_emailAddress_name String
organizer_emailAddress_address String
originalEndTimeZone String
originalStart Datetime
originalStartTimeZone String
recurrence_pattern_type String
recurrence_pattern_interval Int
recurrence_pattern_month Int
recurrence_pattern_dayOfMonth Int
recurrence_pattern_daysOfWeek String
recurrence_pattern_firstDayOfWeek String
recurrence_pattern_index String
recurrence_range_type String
recurrence_range_startDate Date
recurrence_range_endDate Date
recurrence_range_recurrenceTimeZone String
recurrence_range_numberOfOccurrences Int
reminderMinutesBeforeStart Int
responseRequested Bool
responseStatus_response String
responseStatus_time Datetime
sensitivity String
seriesMasterId String
showAs String
start_dateTime String
start_timeZone String
subject String
type String
webLink String


MessageAttachments View for Exchange data provider.

Table Specific Information

You can query MessageAttachments by specifying the Message Id (Required):

SELECT * FROM [MessageAttachments] WHERE MessageId = 'message id'

SELECT * FROM [MessageAttachments] WHERE UserId='92dfdfc6-f1d4-4965-9f71-30e4da4fa7fe' AND Id = 'AQMkAGRlMWQ5MDg0LWI5ZTQtNDk2Yi1hOTQ1LTU4YzFmMzEwZjlhMgBGAAAD-FjxR3cIwE6TEGSCVtIHcwcAQyR2Iw3coEOaUD1BLt0tnAAAAw4AAABDJHYjDdygQ5pQPUEu3S2cAAhJYnE3AAAAARIAEADUFdfqaYanT5_pTPvzgMYh' AND MessageId = 'AQMkAGRlMWQ5MDg0LWI5ZTQtNDk2Yi1hOTQ1LTU4YzFmMzEwZjlhMgBGAAAD-FjxR3cIwE6TEGSCVtIHcwcAQyR2Iw3coEOaUD1BLt0tnAAAAw4AAABDJHYjDdygQ5pQPUEu3S2cAAhJYnE3AAAA'

This query will get the Attachments of the specified Message as a list without including their content.


Name Type Description
messageId String
id [KEY] String
contentType String
isInline Bool
lastModifiedDateTime Datetime
name String
size Int
userId String