Matillion ETL Data Model for Salesforce
Version - 22.0.8356.0

Note: Data models are true for the latest version of Matillion ETL. If you are on an older version or using a component from an old job, your experience may differ.

Connection String OptionsBack To Top

  1. AuthScheme
  2. User
  3. Password
  4. SecurityToken
  5. UseSandbox
  6. CredentialsLocation
  7. APIVersion
  8. LoginURL
  9. SSOLoginURL
  10. SSOProperties
  11. SSOExchangeUrl
  12. UseBulkAPI
  13. BulkAPIConcurrencyMode
  14. BulkPageSize
  15. BulkPollingInterval
  16. BulkQueryTimeout
  17. WaitForBulkResults
  18. UseToolingAPI
  19. InitiateOAuth
  20. OAuthClientId
  21. OAuthClientSecret
  22. OAuthAccessToken
  23. OAuthSettingsLocation
  24. CallbackURL
  25. OAuthServerURL
  26. OAuthGrantType
  27. OAuthAuthorizationURL
  28. OAuthAccessTokenURL
  29. OAuthVerifier
  30. OAuthRefreshToken
  31. OAuthExpiresIn
  32. OAuthTokenTimestamp
  33. OAuthJWTCert
  34. OAuthJWTCertType
  35. OAuthJWTCertPassword
  36. OAuthJWTCertSubject
  37. OAuthJWTIssuer
  38. OAuthJWTSubject
  39. SSLServerCert
  40. FirewallType
  41. FirewallServer
  42. FirewallPort
  43. FirewallUser
  44. FirewallPassword
  45. ProxyAutoDetect
  46. ProxyServer
  47. ProxyPort
  48. ProxyAuthScheme
  49. ProxyUser
  50. ProxyPassword
  51. ProxySSLType
  52. ProxyExceptions
  53. Logfile
  54. Verbosity
  55. LogModules
  56. MaxLogFileSize
  57. MaxLogFileCount
  58. Location
  59. BrowsableSchemas
  60. Tables
  62. AutoCache
  63. CacheDriver
  64. CacheConnection
  65. CacheLocation
  66. CacheTolerance
  67. Offline
  68. CacheMetadata
  69. AllOrNone
  70. ArchiveMode
  71. ConnectionLifeTime
  72. ConnectOnOpen
  73. ContinueOnAlterException
  74. ExposeConceptualEntities
  75. FilterScope
  76. IncludeMetadataDescription
  77. MaxRows
  78. Other
  79. PoolIdleTimeout
  80. PoolMaxSize
  81. PoolMinSize
  82. PoolWaitTime
  83. PseudoColumns
  84. QueryPassthrough
  85. Readonly
  86. RemoveBOMCharacter
  87. ReplaceInvalidUTF8Chars
  88. RTK
  89. ServerSideAggregation
  90. SessionTimeout
  91. SkipFormulaFields
  92. SortColumns
  93. Timeout
  94. UseConnectionPooling
  95. UseDisplayNames
  96. UserDefinedViews


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Together with Password, this field is used to authenticate against the Salesforce server.


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The User and Password are together used to authenticate with the server.


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Together with User and Password, this field can be used to authenticate against the Salesforce server. This is only required if your organization is setup to require it. A security token can be obtained by going to your profile information and resetting your security token. If your password is reset, you will also need to reset the security token.


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Default Value



To connect to a Salesforce sandbox account, set UseSandbox = true and append the sandbox name to the end of the user name. For example, if your user name is "user", and sandbox name in Salesforce is "sandbox", the specified User should appear as "user.sandbox".


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Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Salesforce Data Provider\\CredentialsFile.txt"


Tokens retireved with OKTA MFA are short lived and typically expire after two hours. At that point, the driver will issue request for a new MFAPasscode which should be reissued in a new connection.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\Salesforce Data Provider\\CredentialsFile.txt" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


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The Salesforce API version used by default is 56.0.


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URL to the Salesforce server used for logging in. Defaults to This should only be changed if your organization uses a custom login endpoint.


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The identity provider's login URL.


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Additional properties required to connect to the identity provider in a semicolon-separated list. is used in conjunction with the SSOLoginURL.

SSO configuration is discussed further in Establishing a Connection.


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The CData JDBC Driver for Salesforce will use the url specified here to consume a SAML response and retrieve Salesforce specific credentials. The retrieved credentials are the final piece during the SSO connection that are used to communicate with Salesforce.


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This property determines whether or not the asynchronous Bulk API is used for reads and writes to Salesforce. For reads, the driver will automatically create bulk query jobs and start returning results as they are available. Note that queries using a JOIN or aggregation are not supported in the Bulk API and therefore the driver will fall back to using the SOAP API for these queries. Jobs are closed automatically once they are complete or if there is a failure.

For writes back to Salesforce, up to 10000 records can be sent per batch. These requests will be processed asynchronously meaning the driver will not wait for Salesforce to process the results fully. You can query the following table to get information about the jobs and batches that were created:


The ID values returned from this can be used with GetJob, GetBatch, and GetBatchResults to check the status of the job and batches.

Note that when this property is set to false, the default, you can still modify multiple records simultaneously: The driver will perform batch processing through the Web Services API, which will synchronously return the status of your operations. When you invoke the JDBC Batch API, the driver will batch multiple requests together in a single request to Salesforce.


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The concurrency mode for processing bulk rows with BULK API v1.


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The BulkPageSize indicates the number of records that will be returned at a time when reading the data. In the background, the CData JDBC Driver for Salesforce will continue to read additional results from the data source. This connection property only has an impact when UseBulkAPI is set to true.


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The time interval between requests that check the availability of the bulk query response. When UseBulkAPI is set, the driver starts an asynchronous job in Salesforce when running a SELECT query. It then waits for the response to be ready by periodically polling the server to check status. This property controls the frequency of polling.


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The timeout in minutes for which the driver will wait for a bulk query response. The default value is 25 minutes. When UseBulkAPI is set, the driver starts an asynchronous job in Salesforce when running a SELECT query. It then waits for the response to be ready by periodically polling the server to check status. This property controls the total time the driver will wait for a response.

Note that this property is very different from Timeout. The Timeout is an inactivity timeout that controls the time to wait for any response. This property controls the total length of time to wait for a bulk query to execute. ;


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This property determines whether the driver will wait for bulk requests to report their status. By default this property is false and any INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries will complete as soon as they are submitted to Salesforce. When this property is true, the driver will wait for INSERT, UPDATE and DETETE queries to finish.

When this property is false, data modification queries will be faster but less detailed status information will be available. The LastResultInfo#TEMP table will list the creates batches and not the status of individual rows. Information about individual rows will only be availble if you execute the GetBatchResults stored procedure for each batch.

When this property is true, data modification queries will be slower but more status information will be available. The LastResultInfo#TEMP table will list the ID of each updated row, its status and any associated error messages.


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This property determines whether or not the Tooling API is used for reads and writes.


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The following options are available:

  1. OFF: Indicates that the OAuth flow will be handled entirely by the user. An OAuthAccessToken will be required to authenticate.
  2. GETANDREFRESH: Indicates that the entire OAuth Flow will be handled by the driver. If no token currently exists, it will be obtained by prompting the user via the browser. If a token exists, it will be refreshed when applicable.
  3. REFRESH: Indicates that the driver will only handle refreshing the OAuthAccessToken. The user will never be prompted by the driver to authenticate via the browser. The user must handle obtaining the OAuthAccessToken and OAuthRefreshToken initially.


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As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId value, sometimes also called a consumer key, and a client secret, the OAuthClientSecret.


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As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId, also called a consumer key. You will also receive a client secret, also called a consumer secret. Set the client secret in the OAuthClientSecret property.


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The OAuthAccessToken property is used to connect using OAuth. The OAuthAccessToken is retrieved from the OAuth server as part of the authentication process. It has a server-dependent timeout and can be reused between requests.

The access token is used in place of your user name and password. The access token protects your credentials by keeping them on the server.


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Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Salesforce Data Provider\\OAuthSettings.txt"


When InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH, the driver saves OAuth values to avoid requiring the user to manually enter OAuth connection properties and allowing the credentials to be shared across connections or processes.

Alternatively to specifying a file path, memory storage can be used instead. Memory locations are specified by using a value starting with 'memory://' followed by a unique identifier for that set of credentials (ex: memory://user1). The identifier can be anything you choose but should be unique to the user. Unlike with the file based storage, you must manually store the credentials when closing the connection with memory storage to be able to set them in the connection when the process is started again. The OAuth property values can be retrieved with a query to the sys_connection_props system table. If there are multiple connections using the same credentials, the properties should be read from the last connection to be closed.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\Salesforce Data Provider\\OAuthSettings.txt" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


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During the authentication process, the OAuth authorization server redirects the user to this URL. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.


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If authenticating with OAuth, do not enter the User, Password, and SecurityToken.


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The following options are available: CODE,PASSWORD


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The authorization URL for the OAuth service. At this URL, the user logs into the server and grants permissions to the application. In OAuth 1.0, if permissions are granted, the request token is authorized.


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The URL to retrieve the OAuth access token from. In OAuth 1.0, the authorized request token is exchanged for the access token at this URL.


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The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL. This can be used on systems where a browser cannot be launched such as headless systems.

Authentication on Headless Machines

See Establishing a Connection to obtain the OAuthVerifier value.

Set OAuthSettingsLocation along with OAuthVerifier. When you connect, the driver exchanges the OAuthVerifier for the OAuth authentication tokens and saves them, encrypted, to the specified file. Set InitiateOAuth to GETANDREFRESH automate the exchange.

Once the OAuth settings file has been generated, you can remove OAuthVerifier from the connection properties and connect with OAuthSettingsLocation set.

To automatically refresh the OAuth token values, set OAuthSettingsLocation and additionally set InitiateOAuth to REFRESH.


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The OAuthRefreshToken property is used to refresh the OAuthAccessToken when using OAuth authentication.


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Pair with OAuthTokenTimestamp to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


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Pair with OAuthExpiresIn to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


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The name of the certificate store for the client certificate.

The OAuthJWTCertType field specifies the type of the certificate store specified by OAuthJWTCert. If the store is password protected, specify the password in OAuthJWTCertPassword.

OAuthJWTCert is used in conjunction with the OAuthJWTCertSubject field in order to specify client certificates. If OAuthJWTCert has a value, and OAuthJWTCertSubject is set, a search for a certificate is initiated. Please refer to the OAuthJWTCertSubject field for details.

Designations of certificate stores are platform-dependent.

The following are designations of the most common User and Machine certificate stores in Windows:

MYA certificate store holding personal certificates with their associated private keys.
CACertifying authority certificates.
ROOTRoot certificates.
SPCSoftware publisher certificates.

In Java, the certificate store normally is a file containing certificates and optional private keys.

When the certificate store type is PFXFile, this property must be set to the name of the file. When the type is PFXBlob, the property must be set to the binary contents of a PFX file (i.e. PKCS12 certificate store).

The name of the certificate store for the client certificate.

The OAuthJWTCertType field specifies the type of the certificate store specified by OAuthJWTCert. If the store is password protected, specify the password in OAuthJWTCertPassword.

OAuthJWTCert is used in conjunction with the OAuthJWTCertSubject field in order to specify client certificates. If OAuthJWTCert has a value, and OAuthJWTCertSubject is set, a search for a certificate is initiated. Please refer to the OAuthJWTCertSubject field for details.

Designations of certificate stores are platform-dependent.

The following are designations of the most common User and Machine certificate stores in Windows:

MYA certificate store holding personal certificates with their associated private keys.
CACertifying authority certificates.
ROOTRoot certificates.
SPCSoftware publisher certificates.

In Java, the certificate store normally is a file containing certificates and optional private keys.

When the certificate store type is PFXFile, this property must be set to the name of the file. When the type is PFXBlob, the property must be set to the binary contents of a PFX file (i.e. PKCS12 certificate store).


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This property can take one of the following values:

USERFor Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a certificate store owned by the current user. Note: This store type is not available in Java.
MACHINEFor Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a machine store. Note: this store type is not available in Java.
PFXFILEThe certificate store is the name of a PFX (PKCS12) file containing certificates.
PFXBLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) representing a certificate store in PFX (PKCS12) format.
JKSFILEThe certificate store is the name of a Java key store (JKS) file containing certificates. Note: this store type is only available in Java.
JKSBLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) representing a certificate store in Java key store (JKS) format. Note: this store type is only available in Java.
PEMKEY_FILEThe certificate store is the name of a PEM-encoded file that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
PEMKEY_BLOBThe certificate store is a string (base64-encoded) that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
PUBLIC_KEY_FILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
PUBLIC_KEY_BLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
SSHPUBLIC_KEY_FILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains an SSH-style public key.
SSHPUBLIC_KEY_BLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) that contains an SSH-style public key.
P7BFILEThe certificate store is the name of a PKCS7 file containing certificates.
PPKFILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key).
XMLFILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains a certificate in XML format.
XMLBLOBThe certificate store is a string that contains a certificate in XML format.

This property can take one of the following values:

USERFor Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a certificate store owned by the current user. Note: This store type is not available in Java.
MACHINEFor Windows, this specifies that the certificate store is a machine store. Note: this store type is not available in Java.
PFXFILEThe certificate store is the name of a PFX (PKCS12) file containing certificates.
PFXBLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) representing a certificate store in PFX (PKCS12) format.
JKSFILEThe certificate store is the name of a Java key store (JKS) file containing certificates. Note: this store type is only available in Java.
JKSBLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) representing a certificate store in Java key store (JKS) format. Note: this store type is only available in Java.
PEMKEY_FILEThe certificate store is the name of a PEM-encoded file that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
PEMKEY_BLOBThe certificate store is a string (base64-encoded) that contains a private key and an optional certificate.
PUBLIC_KEY_FILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
PUBLIC_KEY_BLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) that contains a PEM- or DER-encoded public key certificate.
SSHPUBLIC_KEY_FILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains an SSH-style public key.
SSHPUBLIC_KEY_BLOBThe certificate store is a string (base-64-encoded) that contains an SSH-style public key.
P7BFILEThe certificate store is the name of a PKCS7 file containing certificates.
PPKFILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains a PPK (PuTTY Private Key).
XMLFILEThe certificate store is the name of a file that contains a certificate in XML format.
XMLBLOBThe certificate store is a string that contains a certificate in XML format.


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Default Value



If the certificate store is of a type that requires a password, this property is used to specify that password in order to open the certificate store.

If the certificate store is of a type that requires a password, this property is used to specify that password in order to open the certificate store.


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When loading a certificate the subject is used to locate the certificate in the store.

If an exact match is not found, the store is searched for subjects containing the value of the property.

If a match is still not found, the property is set to an empty string, and no certificate is selected.

The special value "*" picks the first certificate in the certificate store.

The certificate subject is a comma separated list of distinguished name fields and values. For instance ", OU=test, C=US,". Common fields and their meanings are displayed below.

CNCommon Name. This is commonly a host name like
OUOrganizational Unit
EEmail Address

If a field value contains a comma it must be quoted.


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Default Value



The issuer of the Java Web Token. This is typically either the Client Id or Email Address of the OAuth Application.

The issuer of the Java Web Token. This is typically either the Client Id or Email Address of the OAuth Application.


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Default Value



The user subject for which the application is requesting delegated access. Typically, the user account name or email address.

The user subject for which the application is requesting delegated access. Typically, the user account name or email address.


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Default Value



If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.

This property can take the following forms:

Description Example
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
A path to a local file containing the certificate C:\cert.cer
The public key (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d

If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.

Certificates are validated as trusted by the machine based on the System's trust store. The trust store used is the '' value specified for the system. If no value is specified for this property, Java's default trust store is used (for example, JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts).

Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.


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Default Value



This property specifies the protocol that the driver will use to tunnel traffic through the FirewallServer proxy. Note that by default, the driver connects to the system proxy; to disable this behavior and connect to one of the following proxy types, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.

Type Default Port Description
TUNNEL 80 When this is set, the driver opens a connection to Salesforce and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy.
SOCKS4 1080 When this is set, the driver sends data through the SOCKS 4 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort and passes the FirewallUser value to the proxy, which determines if the connection request should be granted.
SOCKS5 1080 When this is set, the driver sends data through the SOCKS 5 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort. If your proxy requires authentication, set FirewallUser and FirewallPassword to credentials the proxy recognizes.

To connect to HTTP proxies, use ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate to HTTP proxies, use ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword.


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Default Value



This property specifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. The protocol is specified by FirewallType: Use FirewallServer with this property to connect through SOCKS or do tunneling. Use ProxyServer to connect to an HTTP proxy.

Note that the driver uses the system proxy by default. To use a different proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


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This specifies the TCP port for a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. Use FirewallServer to specify the name or IP address. Specify the protocol with FirewallType.


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The FirewallUser and FirewallPassword properties are used to authenticate against the proxy specified in FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified in FirewallType.


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This property is passed to the proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified by FirewallType.


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This takes precedence over other proxy settings, so you'll need to set ProxyAutoDetect to FALSE in order use custom proxy settings.

NOTE: When this property is set to True, the proxy used is determined as follows:

To connect to an HTTP proxy, see ProxyServer. For other proxies, such as SOCKS or tunneling, see FirewallType.


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Default Value



The hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through. The driver can use the HTTP, Windows (NTLM), or Kerberos authentication types to authenticate to an HTTP proxy.

If you need to connect through a SOCKS proxy or tunnel the connection, see FirewallType.

By default, the driver uses the system proxy. If you need to use another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


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Default Value



The port the HTTP proxy is running on that you want to redirect HTTP traffic through. Specify the HTTP proxy in ProxyServer. For other proxy types, see FirewallType.


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Default Value



This value specifies the authentication type to use to authenticate to the HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer and ProxyPort.

Note that the driver will use the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to connect to another proxy, you will need to set ProxyAutoDetect to false, in addition to ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.

The authentication type can be one of the following:

If you need to use another authentication type, such as SOCKS 5 authentication, see FirewallType.


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Default Value



The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword options are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.

You can select one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme. If you are using HTTP authentication, set this to the user name of a user recognized by the HTTP proxy. If you are using Windows or Kerberos authentication, set this property to a user name in one of the following formats:




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Default Value



This property is used to authenticate to an HTTP proxy server that supports NTLM (Windows), Kerberos, or HTTP authentication. To specify the HTTP proxy, you can set ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To specify the authentication type, set ProxyAuthScheme.

If you are using HTTP authentication, additionally set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to HTTP proxy.

If you are using NTLM authentication, set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to your Windows password. You may also need these to complete Kerberos authentication.

For SOCKS 5 authentication or tunneling, see FirewallType.

By default, the driver uses the system proxy. If you want to connect to another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.


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Default Value



This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to an HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer. This value can be AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER, or TUNNEL. The applicable values are the following:

AUTODefault setting. If the URL is an HTTPS URL, the driver will use the TUNNEL option. If the URL is an HTTP URL, the component will use the NEVER option.
ALWAYSThe connection is always SSL enabled.
NEVERThe connection is not SSL enabled.
TUNNELThe connection is through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy.


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Default Value



The ProxyServer is used for all addresses, except for addresses defined in this property. Use semicolons to separate entries.

Note that the driver uses the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to explicitly configure proxy exceptions for this connection, you need to set ProxyAutoDetect = false, and configure ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.


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Default Value



Once this property is set, the driver will populate the log file as it carries out various tasks, such as when authentication is performed or queries are executed. If the specified file doesn't already exist, it will be created.

Connection strings and version information are also logged, though connection properties containing sensitive information are masked automatically.

If a relative filepath is supplied, the location of the log file will be resolved based on the path found in the Location connection property.

For more control over what is written to the log file, you can adjust the Verbosity property.

Log contents are categorized into several modules. You can show/hide individual modules using the LogModules property.

To edit the maximum size of a single logfile before a new one is created, see MaxLogFileSize.

If you would like to place a cap on the number of logfiles generated, use MaxLogFileCount.

Java Logging

Java logging is also supported. To enable Java logging, set Logfile to:


As in the above sample, JAVALOG:// is a required prefix to use Java logging, and you will substitute your own Logger.

The supplied Logger's getLogger method is then called, using the supplied value to create the Logger instance. If a logging instance already exists, it will reference the existing instance.

When Java logging is enabled, the Verbosity will now correspond to specific logging levels.


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Default Value



The verbosity level determines the amount of detail that the driver reports to the Logfile. Verbosity levels from 1 to 5 are supported. These are detailed in the Logging page.


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Default Value



Only the modules specified (separated by ';') will be included in the log file. By default all modules are included.

See the Logging page for an overview.


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Default Value



When the limit is hit, a new log is created in the same folder with the date and time appended to the end. The default limit is 100 MB. Values lower than 100 kB will use 100 kB as the value instead.

Adjust the maximum number of logfiles generated with MaxLogFileCount.


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Default Value



When the limit is hit, a new log is created in the same folder with the date and time appended to the end and the oldest log file will be deleted.

The minimum supported value is 2. A value of 0 or a negative value indicates no limit on the count.

Adjust the maximum size of the logfiles generated with MaxLogFileSize.


Data Type


Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Salesforce Data Provider\\Schema"


The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the driver (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\Salesforce Data Provider\\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


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Default Value



Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.


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Default Value



Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the driver.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Data Type


Default Value



Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the driver.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Data Type


Default Value



When AutoCache = true, the driver automatically maintains a cache of your table's data in the database of your choice. By default, the driver incrementally updates the cache, retrieving only changes since the last SELECT query was run if the length of time since the last run has exceeded the CacheTolerance. After the cache is updated, the query is executed against the cached data.

Setting the Caching Database

When AutoCache = true, the driver caches to a simple, file-based cache. You can configure its location or cache to a different database with the following properties:

See Also


Data Type


Default Value



You can cache to any database for which you have a JDBC driver, including CData JDBC drivers.

The cache database is determined by the CacheDriver and CacheConnection properties. The CacheDriver is the name of the JDBC driver class that you want to use to cache data.

Note: you must add the CacheDriver JAR file to the classpath.

The following examples show how to cache to several major databases. Refer to CacheConnection for more information on the JDBC URL syntax and typical connection properties.
Derby and Java DB

The driver simplifies Derby configuration. Java DB is the Oracle distribution of Derby. The JAR file is shipped in the JDK. You can find the JAR file, derby.jar, in the db subfolder of the JDK installation. In most caching scenarios, you need to specify only the following, after adding derby.jar to the classpath:

jdbc:salesforce:CacheLocation='c:/Temp/cachedir';User=myUser;Password=myPassword;Security Token=myToken;
To customize the Derby JDBC URL, use CacheDriver and CacheConnection. For example, to cache to an in-memory database, use a JDBC URL like the following:
jdbc:salesforce:CacheDriver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver;CacheConnection='jdbc:derby:memory';User=myUser;Password=myPassword;Security Token=myToken;

The following is a JDBC URL for the SQLite JDBC driver:

jdbc:salesforce:CacheDriver=org.sqlite.JDBC;CacheConnection='jdbc:sqlite:C:/Temp/sqlite.db';User=myUser;Password=myPassword;Security Token=myToken;

The following is a JDBC URL for the included CData JDBC Driver for MySQL:

  jdbc:salesforce:Cache Driver=cdata.jdbc.mysql.MySQLDriver;Cache Connection='jdbc:mysql:Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=cache;User=root;Password=123456';User=myUser;Password=myPassword;Security Token=myToken;

SQL Server

The following JDBC URL uses the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server:

jdbc:salesforce:Cache;Cache Connection='jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\sqlexpress:7437;user=sa;password=123456;databaseName=Cache';User=myUser;Password=myPassword;Security Token=myToken;

The following is a JDBC URL for the Oracle Thin Client:

jdbc:salesforce:Cache Driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver;CacheConnection='jdbc:oracle:thin:scott/tiger@localhost:1521:orcldb';User=myUser;Password=myPassword;Security Token=myToken;
NOTE: If using a version of Oracle older than 9i, the cache driver will instead be oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver .

The following JDBC URL uses the official PostgreSQL JDBC driver:

jdbc:salesforce:CacheDriver=cdata.jdbc.postgresql.PostgreSQLDriver;CacheConnection='jdbc:postgresql:User=postgres;Password=admin;Database=postgres;Server=localhost;Port=5432;';User=myUser;Password=myPassword;Security Token=myToken;


Data Type


Default Value



The cache database is determined based on the CacheDriver and CacheConnection properties. Both properties are required to use the cache database. Examples of common cache database settings can be found below. For more information on setting the caching database's driver, refer to CacheDriver.

The connection string specified in the CacheConnection property is passed directly to the underlying CacheDriver. Consult the documentation for the specific JDBC driver for more information on the available properties. Make sure to include the JDBC driver in your application's classpath.

Derby and Java DB

The driver simplifies caching to Derby, only requiring you to set the CacheLocation property to make a basic connection.

Alternatively, you can configure the connection to Derby manually using CacheDriver and CacheConnection. The following is the Derby JDBC URL syntax:

jdbc:derby:[subsubprotocol:][databaseName][;attribute=value[;attribute=value] ... ]
For example, to cache to an in-memory database, use the following:


To cache to SQLite, you can use the SQLite JDBC driver. The following is the syntax of the JDBC URL:



The installation includes the CData JDBC Driver for MySQL. The following is an example JDBC URL:

The following are typical connection properties:

SQL Server

The JDBC URL for the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server has the following syntax:

jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instance][:port]][;database=databaseName][;property=value[;property=value] ... ]
For example:
The following are typical SQL Server connection properties:

The following is the conventional JDBC URL syntax for the Oracle JDBC Thin driver:

For example:
The following are typical connection properties:

The following is the JDBC URL syntax for the official PostgreSQL JDBC driver:

jdbc:postgresql:[//[host[:port]]/]database[[?option=value][[&option=value][&option=value] ... ]]
For example, the following connection string connects to a database on the default host (localhost) and port (5432):
The following are typical connection properties:


Data Type


Default Value

"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Salesforce Data Provider"


The CacheLocation is a simple, file-based cache. The driver uses Java DB, Oracle's distribution of the Derby database. To cache to Java DB, you will need to add the Java DB JAR file to the classpath. The JAR file, derby.jar, is shipped in the JDK and located in the db subfolder of the JDK installation.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\Salesforce Data Provider" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config

See Also


Data Type


Default Value



The tolerance for stale data in the cache specified in seconds. This only applies when AutoCache is used. The driver checks with the data source for newer records after the tolerance interval has expired. Otherwise, it returns the data directly from the cache.


Data Type


Default Value



When Offline = true, all queries execute against the cache as opposed to the live data source. In this mode, certain queries like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and CACHE are not allowed.


Data Type


Default Value



As you execute queries with this property set, table metadata in the Salesforce catalog are cached to the file store specified by CacheLocation if set or the user's home directory otherwise. A table's metadata will be retrieved only once, when the table is queried for the first time.

When to Use CacheMetadata

The driver automatically persists metadata in memory for up to two hours when you first discover the metadata for a table or view and therefore, CacheMetadata is generally not required. CacheMetadata becomes useful when metadata operations are expensive such as when you are working with large amounts of metadata or when you have many short-lived connections.

When Not to Use CacheMetadata


Data Type


Default Value



The AllOrNone property is not available when using Bulk API requests.


Data Type


Default Value



By default, Salesforce will only return non-deleted and unarchived records from a SELECT query. With this property set to True, the driver will use the queryAll endpoint which will return records that are marked as deleted or archived as well as the normal records.


Data Type


Default Value



The maximum lifetime of a connection in seconds. Once the time has elapsed, the connection object is disposed. The default is 0 which indicates there is no limit to the connection lifetime.


Data Type


Default Value



When set to true, a connection will be made to Salesforce when the connection is opened. This property enables the Test Connection feature available in various database tools.

This feature acts as a NOOP command as it is used to verify a connection can be made to Salesforce and nothing from this initial connection is maintained.

Setting this property to false may provide performance improvements (depending upon the number of times a connection is opened).


Data Type


Default Value



The ALTER statement is split into multiple alter statements when more than 10 columns are present in the statement to facilitate an API limit where ALTER statements can include a maximum of 10 columns being modified/added. If true, when an individual statement fails, the driver continues to evaulate the others. If false, the failure of any statement will result in an error instead of a skip.


Data Type


Default Value



Boolean determining if the Salesforce record types / conceptual entities should be exposed as tables.

Each Salesforce object can have its record types. e.g: The Account object can have records of type: Partner, Customer.

If this property is set to true, the driver will expose one additional table for each record type: Account_Partner, Account_Customer.


Data Type


Default Value



This property can take one of these values: Delegated, Everything, Mine, MineAndMyGroups, My_Territory, My_Team_Territory, or Team.

This property appends the "USING SCOPE" keyword in the SOQL query.


Data Type


Default Value



Note: Extra API calls will be executed if this property is set to a value other than NONE. Set the value of this property to Columns if you want to retrieve the descriptions for every column from the Metadata API.
Set the value of this property to Tables if you want to retrieve the descriptions for every table from the Metadata API.
Set the value of this property to TablesAndColumns if you want to retrieve the descriptions for every table and their respective columns from the Metadata API.


Data Type


Default Value



Limits the number of rows returned rows when no aggregation or group by is used in the query. This helps avoid performance issues at design time.


Data Type


Default Value



The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.

Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.

Caching Configuration

CachePartial=TrueCaches only a subset of columns, which you can specify in your query.
QueryPassthrough=TruePasses the specified query to the cache database instead of using the SQL parser of the driver.

Integration and Formatting

DefaultColumnSizeSets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMTDetermines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine.
RecordToFile=filenameRecords the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file.


Data Type


Default Value



The allowed idle time a connection can remain in the pool until the connection is closed. The default is 60 seconds.


Data Type


Default Value



The maximum connections in the pool. The default is 100. To disable this property, set the property value to 0 or less.


Data Type


Default Value



The minimum number of connections in the pool. The default is 1.


Data Type


Default Value



The max seconds to wait for a connection to become available. If a new connection request is waiting for an available connection and exceeds this time, an error is thrown. By default, new requests wait forever for an available connection.


Data Type


Default Value



This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".


Data Type


Default Value



By default the driver accepts SQL queries and translates them into SOQL. If this option is set, then the driver will instead accept SOQL directly and pass it through to Salesforce.


Data Type


Default Value



If this property is set to true, the driver will allow only SELECT queries. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and stored procedure queries will cause an error to be thrown.


Data Type


Default Value



Specifies whether to remove the BOM character (char)0xfeff from the content.


Data Type


Default Value



Specifies whether to replace invalid UTF8 characters with a '?'


Data Type


Default Value



The RTK property may be used to license a build. See the included licensing file to see how to set this property. The runtime key is only available if you purchased an OEM license.


Data Type


Default Value



By default, this will be set to true to offload as much as possible to the API. There are cases when setting ServerSideAggregation to false can fix some issues. For example, when trying to run an aggregation query on the non-primary key field and there are more than 2000 rows which will be returned (an error EXCEEDED_ID_LIMIT will be thrown). In that case, setting ServerSideAggregation to false will offload the task to the client side, and will fix the issue.


Data Type


Default Value



The driver creates a login session with Salesforce based on the authentication credentials provided. This session is reused for subsequent queries until it times out. The SessionTimeout property allows you to control how long the login session is kept by the driver. You can set the SessionTimeout to 0 to disable login sessions; this will force the driver to authenticate each request.

This property useful when creating and reusing a Salesforce connection. The property only impacts SSO and Basic Authentication connections, and is not used for OAuth.


Data Type


Default Value



Set to true if formula fields should be skipped when listing columns.


Data Type


Default Value



By default the driver reports columns in the order that Salesforce reports them. If pseudo-columns are enabled, the driver will add them to the end of the column list.

When this option is enabled, the driver will report all columns (including pseudo-columns) in order according to their name.


Data Type


Default Value



If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.

If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the driver throws an exception.


Data Type


Default Value



This property enables connection pooling. The default is false. See Connection Pooling for information on using connection pools.


Data Type


Default Value



Boolean determining if the display names for the columns should be used instead of the API names.


Data Type


Default Value



User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The driver automatically detects the views specified in this file.

You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the driver.

This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:

For example:


	"MyView": {

		"query": "SELECT * FROM Account WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"


	"MyView2": {

		"query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"


Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:
"UserDefinedViews", "C:\\Users\\yourusername\\Desktop\\tmp\\UserDefinedViews.json"

TablesBack To Top

  1. AcceptedEventRelation
  2. Account
  3. AccountContactRole
  4. AccountFeed
  5. AccountHistory
  6. AccountPartner
  7. AccountShare
  8. AdditionalNumber
  9. ApexClass
  10. ApexComponent
  11. ApexLog
  12. ApexPage
  13. ApexTestQueueItem
  14. ApexTestResult
  15. ApexTrigger
  16. AppMenuItem
  17. Approval
  18. Asset
  19. AssetFeed
  20. AssignmentRule
  21. AsyncApexJob
  22. Attachment
  23. AuthProvider
  24. AuthSession
  25. BrandTemplate
  26. BusinessHours
  27. BusinessProcess
  28. CallCenter
  29. Campaign
  30. CampaignFeed
  31. CampaignMember
  32. CampaignMemberStatus
  33. CampaignShare
  34. Case
  35. CaseComment
  36. CaseContactRole
  37. CaseFeed
  38. CaseHistory
  39. CaseShare
  40. CaseSolution
  41. CaseStatus
  42. CaseTeamMember
  43. CaseTeamRole
  44. CaseTeamTemplate
  45. CaseTeamTemplateMember
  46. CaseTeamTemplateRecord
  47. CategoryData
  48. CategoryNode
  49. ChatterActivity
  50. ClientBrowser
  51. CollaborationGroup
  52. CollaborationGroupFeed
  53. CollaborationGroupMember
  54. CollaborationGroupMemberRequest
  55. CollaborationInvitation
  56. Community
  57. Contact
  58. ContactFeed
  59. ContactHistory
  60. ContactShare
  61. ContentDocument
  62. ContentDocumentFeed
  63. ContentDocumentHistory
  64. ContentDocumentLink
  65. ContentVersion
  66. ContentVersionHistory
  67. Contract
  68. ContractContactRole
  69. ContractFeed
  70. ContractHistory
  71. ContractStatus
  72. CronJobDetail
  73. CronTrigger
  74. Dashboard
  75. DashboardComponent
  76. DashboardComponentFeed
  77. DashboardFeed
  78. DeclinedEventRelation
  79. Document
  80. DocumentAttachmentMap
  81. Domain
  82. DomainSite
  83. EmailServicesAddress
  84. EmailServicesFunction
  85. EmailTemplate
  86. EntitySubscription
  87. Event
  88. EventFeed
  89. EventRelation
  90. FeedComment
  91. FeedItem
  92. FeedPollChoice
  93. FeedPollVote
  94. FieldPermissions
  95. FiscalYearSettings
  96. Folder
  97. ForecastShare
  98. Group
  99. GroupMember
  100. HashtagDefinition
  101. Holiday
  102. Lead
  103. LeadFeed
  104. LeadHistory
  105. LeadShare
  106. LeadStatus
  107. LoginHistory
  108. LoginIp
  109. MailmergeTemplate
  110. MobileDeviceRegistrar
  111. Note
  112. ObjectPermissions
  113. Opportunity
  114. OpportunityCompetitor
  115. OpportunityContactRole
  116. OpportunityFeed
  117. OpportunityFieldHistory
  118. OpportunityHistory
  119. OpportunityLineItem
  120. OpportunityPartner
  121. OpportunityShare
  122. OpportunityStage
  123. Organization
  124. OrgWideEmailAddress
  125. Partner
  126. PartnerRole
  127. Period
  128. PermissionSet
  129. PermissionSetAssignment
  130. PermissionSetLicense
  131. PermissionSetLicenseAssign
  132. Pricebook2
  133. Pricebook2History
  134. PricebookEntry
  135. ProcessDefinition
  136. ProcessInstance
  137. ProcessInstanceStep
  138. ProcessInstanceWorkitem
  139. ProcessNode
  140. Product2
  141. Product2Feed
  142. Profile
  143. PushTopic
  144. QueueSobject
  145. Quote
  146. QuoteDocument
  147. QuoteFeed
  148. QuoteLineItem
  149. RecentlyViewed
  150. RecordType
  151. Report
  152. ReportFeed
  153. Scontrol
  154. SelfServiceUser
  155. SetupEntityAccess
  156. Site
  157. SiteFeed
  158. SiteHistory
  159. Solution
  160. SolutionFeed
  161. SolutionHistory
  162. SolutionStatus
  163. StaticResource
  164. Task
  165. TaskFeed
  166. TaskPriority
  167. TaskStatus
  168. Topic
  169. TopicAssignment
  170. TopicFeed
  171. UndecidedEventRelation
  172. User
  173. UserFeed
  174. UserLicense
  175. UserLogin
  176. UserPreference
  177. UserProfile
  178. UserRecordAccess
  179. UserRole
  180. Vote
  181. WebLink


This is a table representing the AcceptedEventRelation entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AcceptedEventRelation.

RelationId String True

Label Relation ID corresponds to this field.

EventId String True


Label Event ID corresponds to this field.

RespondedDate Datetime True

Label Response Date corresponds to this field.

Response String True

Label Response corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Type corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Account entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Account.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

MasterRecordId String True


Label Master Record ID corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Account Name corresponds to this field.

Type String False

Label Account Type corresponds to this field.

ParentId String False


Label Parent Account ID corresponds to this field.

BillingStreet String False

Label Billing Street corresponds to this field.

BillingCity String False

Label Billing City corresponds to this field.

BillingState String False

Label Billing State/Province corresponds to this field.

BillingPostalCode String False

Label Billing Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

BillingCountry String False

Label Billing Country corresponds to this field.

BillingLatitude Double False

Label Billing Latitude corresponds to this field.

BillingLongitude Double False

Label Billing Longitude corresponds to this field.

ShippingStreet String False

Label Shipping Street corresponds to this field.

ShippingCity String False

Label Shipping City corresponds to this field.

ShippingState String False

Label Shipping State/Province corresponds to this field.

ShippingPostalCode String False

Label Shipping Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

ShippingCountry String False

Label Shipping Country corresponds to this field.

ShippingLatitude Double False

Label Shipping Latitude corresponds to this field.

ShippingLongitude Double False

Label Shipping Longitude corresponds to this field.

Phone String False

Label Account Phone corresponds to this field.

Fax String False

Label Account Fax corresponds to this field.

AccountNumber String False

Label Account Number corresponds to this field.

Website String False

Label Website corresponds to this field.

Sic String False

Label SIC Code corresponds to this field.

Industry String False

Label Industry corresponds to this field.

AnnualRevenue Double False

Label Annual Revenue corresponds to this field.

NumberOfEmployees Int False

Label Employees corresponds to this field.

Ownership String False

Label Ownership corresponds to this field.

TickerSymbol String False

Label Ticker Symbol corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Account Description corresponds to this field.

Rating String False

Label Account Rating corresponds to this field.

Site String False

Label Account Site corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastActivityDate Datetime True

Label Last Activity corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

Jigsaw String False

Label Key corresponds to this field.

JigsawCompanyId String True

Label Jigsaw Company ID corresponds to this field.

AccountSource String False

Label Account Source corresponds to this field.

SicDesc String False

Label SIC Description corresponds to this field.

NumberofLocations__c Double False

Label Number of Locations corresponds to this field.

SLAExpirationDate__c Datetime False

Label SLA Expiration Date corresponds to this field.

UpsellOpportunity__c String False

Label Upsell Opportunity corresponds to this field.

SLASerialNumber__c String False

Label SLA Serial Number corresponds to this field.

SLA__c String False

Label SLA corresponds to this field.

CustomerPriority__c String False

Label Customer Priority corresponds to this field.

Active__c String False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

MyAutoNumber__c String True

Label MyAutoNumber corresponds to this field.

MyFormula__c String True

Label MyFormula corresponds to this field.

MyRollupSummary__c Double True

Label MyRollupSummary corresponds to this field.

MyCheckBox__c Boolean False

Label MyCheckBox corresponds to this field.

MyEmail__c String False

Label MyEmail corresponds to this field.

MyPercent__c Double False

Label MyPercent corresponds to this field.

Custom_Date_Time__c Datetime False

Label Custom Date Time corresponds to this field.

New_Currency_Field__c Double False

Label New_Currency_Field corresponds to this field.

New_Currency_Field_2__c Double False

Label New_Currency_Field_2 corresponds to this field.

DO_NOT_USE__c Boolean False

Label DO_NOT_USE corresponds to this field.

CustomNumber__c Double False

Label CustomNumber corresponds to this field.

FiveChar_TextField__c String False

Label FiveChar_TextField corresponds to this field.

FiveChar_CurrencyField__c Double False

Label FiveChar_CurrencyField corresponds to this field.

FiveChar_NumberField__c Double False

Label FiveChar_NumberField corresponds to this field.

FiveChar_PercentField__c Double False

Label FiveChar_PercentField corresponds to this field.

FiveChar_TextAreaMasked__c String False

Label FiveChar_TextAreaMasked corresponds to this field.

NewField__c Double False

Label NewField corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AccountContactRole entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AccountContactRole.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

AccountId String False


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

Role String False

Label Role corresponds to this field.

IsPrimary Boolean False

Label Primary corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AccountFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AccountFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AccountHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AccountHistory.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

AccountId String True


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AccountPartner entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AccountPartner.

AccountFromId String True


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

AccountToId String True


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

OpportunityId String True


Label Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

Role String True

Label Role corresponds to this field.

IsPrimary Boolean True

Label Primary corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ReversePartnerId String True


Label Reverse Partner ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AccountShare entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AccountShare.

AccountId String True


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

UserOrGroupId String True

Label User/Group ID corresponds to this field.

AccountAccessLevel String True

Label Account Access corresponds to this field.

OpportunityAccessLevel String True

Label Opportunity Access corresponds to this field.

CaseAccessLevel String True

Label Case Access corresponds to this field.

ContactAccessLevel String True

Label Contact Access corresponds to this field.

RowCause String True

Label Row Cause corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AdditionalNumber entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AdditionalNumber.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CallCenterId String False


Label Call Center ID corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

Phone String False

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ApexClass entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ApexClass.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

ApiVersion Double False

Label Api Version corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

IsValid Boolean False

Label Is Valid corresponds to this field.

BodyCrc Double False

Label Body CRC corresponds to this field.

Body String False

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LengthWithoutComments Int False

Label Size Without Comments corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ApexComponent entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ApexComponent.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

ApiVersion Double False

Label Api Version corresponds to this field.

MasterLabel String False

Label Label corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

ControllerType String False

Label Controller Type corresponds to this field.

ControllerKey String False

Label Controller Key corresponds to this field.

Markup String False

Label Markup corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ApexLog entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ApexLog.

LogUserId String True

Label Log User ID corresponds to this field.

LogLength Int True

Label Log Size (bytes) corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Date corresponds to this field.

Request String True

Label Request Type corresponds to this field.

Operation String True

Label Operation corresponds to this field.

Application String True

Label Application corresponds to this field.

Status String True

Label Status corresponds to this field.

DurationMilliseconds Int True

Label Duration (ms) corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

StartTime Datetime True

Label Start Time corresponds to this field.

Location String True

Label Location corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ApexPage entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ApexPage.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

ApiVersion Double False

Label Api Version corresponds to this field.

MasterLabel String False

Label Label corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

ControllerType String False

Label Controller Type corresponds to this field.

ControllerKey String False

Label Controller Key corresponds to this field.

IsAvailableInTouch Boolean False

Label Available for Salesforce mobile apps corresponds to this field.

IsConfirmationTokenRequired Boolean False

Label Require CSRF protection on GET requests corresponds to this field.

Markup String False

Label Markup corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ApexTestQueueItem entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ApexTestQueueItem.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

ApexClassId String False


Label Class ID corresponds to this field.

Status String True

Label Status corresponds to this field.

ExtendedStatus String True

Label Status Detail corresponds to this field.

ParentJobId String True


Label Apex Job ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ApexTestResult entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ApexTestResult.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

TestTimestamp Datetime True

Label Time Started corresponds to this field.

Outcome String True

Label Pass/Fail corresponds to this field.

ApexClassId String True


Label Class ID corresponds to this field.

MethodName String True

Label Method Name corresponds to this field.

Message String True

Label Error Message corresponds to this field.

StackTrace String True

Label Stack Trace corresponds to this field.

AsyncApexJobId String True


Label Apex Job ID corresponds to this field.

QueueItemId String True


Label Apex Test Queue Item ID corresponds to this field.

ApexLogId String True


Label Log ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ApexTrigger entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ApexTrigger.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

TableEnumOrId String False

Label Custom Object Definition ID corresponds to this field.

UsageBeforeInsert Boolean False

Label BeforeInsert corresponds to this field.

UsageAfterInsert Boolean False

Label AfterInsert corresponds to this field.

UsageBeforeUpdate Boolean False

Label BeforeUpdate corresponds to this field.

UsageAfterUpdate Boolean False

Label AfterUpdate corresponds to this field.

UsageBeforeDelete Boolean False

Label BeforeDelete corresponds to this field.

UsageAfterDelete Boolean False

Label AfterDelete corresponds to this field.

UsageIsBulk Boolean False

Label IsBulk corresponds to this field.

UsageAfterUndelete Boolean False

Label AfterUndelete corresponds to this field.

ApiVersion Double False

Label Api Version corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

IsValid Boolean False

Label Is Valid corresponds to this field.

BodyCrc Double False

Label Body CRC corresponds to this field.

Body String False

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LengthWithoutComments Int False

Label Size Without Comments corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AppMenuItem entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AppMenuItem.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Developer Name corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

Label String True

Label Label corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Description corresponds to this field.

StartUrl String True

Label Start Url corresponds to this field.

MobileStartUrl String True

Label Mobile Start Url corresponds to this field.

LogoUrl String True

Label Logo Image URL corresponds to this field.

IconUrl String True

Label Icon Url corresponds to this field.

InfoUrl String True

Label Info URL corresponds to this field.

IsUsingAdminAuthorization Boolean True

Label IsUsingAdminAuthorization corresponds to this field.

MobilePlatform String True

Label Mobile device OS platform corresponds to this field.

MobileMinOsVer String True

Label Minimum required mobile device OS version corresponds to this field.

MobileDeviceType String True

Label Type of mobile device corresponds to this field.

IsRegisteredDeviceOnly Boolean True

Label App requires a registered mobile device corresponds to this field.

MobileAppVer String True

Label Version of the mobile app corresponds to this field.

MobileAppInstalledDate Datetime True

Label Date the mobile app was most recently installed corresponds to this field.

MobileAppInstalledVersion String True

Label Most recently installed version of the mobile app corresponds to this field.

MobileAppBinaryId String True

Label ID for the related mobile app binary corresponds to this field.

MobileAppInstallUrl String True

Label URL to install the mobile app corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label App Type corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Approval entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Approval.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ParentId String False


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

RequestComment String False

Label Request Comment corresponds to this field.

ApproveComment String False

Label Approve/Reject Comment corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Asset entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Asset.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

AccountId String False


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

Product2Id String False


Label Product ID corresponds to this field.

IsCompetitorProduct Boolean False

Label Competitor Asset corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Asset Name corresponds to this field.

SerialNumber String False

Label Serial Number corresponds to this field.

InstallDate Datetime False

Label Install Date corresponds to this field.

PurchaseDate Datetime False

Label Purchase Date corresponds to this field.

UsageEndDate Datetime False

Label Usage End Date corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

Price Double False

Label Price corresponds to this field.

Quantity Double False

Label Quantity corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AssetFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AssetFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AssignmentRule entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AssignmentRule.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

SobjectType String True

Label SObject Type corresponds to this field.

Active Boolean True

Label Active corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AsyncApexJob entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AsyncApexJob.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

JobType String True

Label Job Type corresponds to this field.

ApexClassId String True


Label Class ID corresponds to this field.

Status String True

Label Status corresponds to this field.

JobItemsProcessed Int True

Label Batches Processed corresponds to this field.

TotalJobItems Int True

Label Total Batches corresponds to this field.

NumberOfErrors Int True

Label Failures corresponds to this field.

CompletedDate Datetime True

Label Completion Date corresponds to this field.

MethodName String True

Label Apex Method corresponds to this field.

ExtendedStatus String True

Label Status Detail corresponds to this field.

ParentJobId String True


Label Apex Job ID corresponds to this field.

LastProcessed String True

Label Last ID processed and committed corresponds to this field.

LastProcessedOffset Int True

Label Offset of last ID processed and committed corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Attachment entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Attachment.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ParentId String False

Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label File Name corresponds to this field.

IsPrivate Boolean False

Label Private corresponds to this field.

ContentType String False

Label Content Type corresponds to this field.

BodyLength Int True

Label Body Length corresponds to this field.

Body String False

Label Body corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True

Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AuthProvider entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AuthProvider.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

ProviderType String False

Label Provider Type corresponds to this field.

FriendlyName String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String False

Label URL Suffix corresponds to this field.

RegistrationHandlerId String False


Label Class ID corresponds to this field.

ExecutionUserId String False


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

ConsumerKey String False

Label Consumer Key corresponds to this field.

ConsumerSecret String False

Label Consumer Secret corresponds to this field.

ErrorUrl String False

Label Custom Error URL corresponds to this field.

AuthorizeUrl String False

Label Authorize Endpoint URL corresponds to this field.

TokenUrl String False

Label Token Endpoint URL corresponds to this field.

UserInfoUrl String False

Label User Info Endpoint URL corresponds to this field.

DefaultScopes String False

Label Default Scopes corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the AuthSession entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the AuthSession.

UsersId String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Updated corresponds to this field.

NumSecondsValid Int True

Label Valid For corresponds to this field.

UserType String True

Label User Type corresponds to this field.

SourceIp String True

Label Source IP corresponds to this field.

LoginType String True

Label Login corresponds to this field.

SessionType String True

Label Session Type corresponds to this field.

SessionSecurityLevel String True

Label Session Security Level corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the BrandTemplate entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the BrandTemplate.

Name String False

Label Brand Template Name corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String False

Label Letterhead Unique Name corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

Value String False

Label Value corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the BusinessHours entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the BusinessHours.

Name String False

Label Business Hours Name corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

IsDefault Boolean False

Label Default Business Hours corresponds to this field.

SundayStartTime String False

Label Sunday Start corresponds to this field.

SundayEndTime String False

Label Sunday End corresponds to this field.

MondayStartTime String False

Label Monday Start corresponds to this field.

MondayEndTime String False

Label Monday End corresponds to this field.

TuesdayStartTime String False

Label Tuesday Start corresponds to this field.

TuesdayEndTime String False

Label Tuesday End corresponds to this field.

WednesdayStartTime String False

Label Wednesday Start corresponds to this field.

WednesdayEndTime String False

Label Wednesday End corresponds to this field.

ThursdayStartTime String False

Label Thursday Start corresponds to this field.

ThursdayEndTime String False

Label Thursday End corresponds to this field.

FridayStartTime String False

Label Friday Start corresponds to this field.

FridayEndTime String False

Label Friday End corresponds to this field.

SaturdayStartTime String False

Label Saturday Start corresponds to this field.

SaturdayEndTime String False

Label Saturday End corresponds to this field.

TimeZoneSidKey String False

Label Time Zone corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the BusinessProcess entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the BusinessProcess.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

TableEnumOrId String False

Label Entity Enumeration Or ID corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean True

Label Active corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CallCenter entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CallCenter.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

InternalName String False

Label Internal Name corresponds to this field.

Version Double False

Label Version corresponds to this field.

AdapterUrl String False

Label CTI Adapter URL corresponds to this field.

CustomSettings String False

Label Custom Settings corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Campaign entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Campaign.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Type String False

Label Type corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

StartDate Datetime False

Label Start Date corresponds to this field.

EndDate Datetime False

Label End Date corresponds to this field.

ExpectedRevenue Double False

Label Expected Revenue corresponds to this field.

BudgetedCost Double False

Label Budgeted Cost corresponds to this field.

ActualCost Double False

Label Actual Cost corresponds to this field.

ExpectedResponse Double False

Label Expected Response (%) corresponds to this field.

NumberSent Double False

Label Num Sent corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

NumberOfLeads Int True

Label Total Leads corresponds to this field.

NumberOfConvertedLeads Int True

Label Converted Leads corresponds to this field.

NumberOfContacts Int True

Label Total Contacts corresponds to this field.

NumberOfResponses Int True

Label Total Responses corresponds to this field.

NumberOfOpportunities Int True

Label Num Total Opportunities corresponds to this field.

NumberOfWonOpportunities Int True

Label Num Won Opportunities corresponds to this field.

AmountAllOpportunities Double True

Label Total Value Opportunities corresponds to this field.

AmountWonOpportunities Double True

Label Total Value Won Opportunities corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastActivityDate Datetime True

Label Last Activity corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

CampaignMemberRecordTypeId String False


Label Record Type ID corresponds to this field.

Myfield__c String False

Label Myfield Nothing to do here corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CampaignFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CampaignFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CampaignMember entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CampaignMember.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CampaignId String False


Label Campaign ID corresponds to this field.

LeadId String False


Label Lead ID corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

HasResponded Boolean True

Label Responded corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

FirstRespondedDate Datetime True

Label First Responded Date corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CampaignMemberStatus entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CampaignMemberStatus.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CampaignId String False


Label Campaign ID corresponds to this field.

Label String False

Label Label corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int False

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

IsDefault Boolean False

Label Is Default corresponds to this field.

HasResponded Boolean False

Label Responded corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CampaignShare entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CampaignShare.

CampaignId String True


Label Campaign ID corresponds to this field.

UserOrGroupId String True

Label User/Group ID corresponds to this field.

CampaignAccessLevel String True

Label Campaign Access corresponds to this field.

RowCause String True

Label Row Cause corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Case entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Case.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CaseNumber String True

Label Case Number corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

AccountId String False


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

AssetId String False


Label Asset ID corresponds to this field.

SuppliedName String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

SuppliedEmail String False

Label Email Address corresponds to this field.

SuppliedPhone String False

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

SuppliedCompany String False

Label Company corresponds to this field.

Type String False

Label Case Type corresponds to this field.

RecordTypeId String False


Label Record Type ID corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

Reason String False

Label Case Reason corresponds to this field.

Origin String False

Label Case Origin corresponds to this field.

Subject String False

Label Subject corresponds to this field.

Priority String False

Label Priority corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

IsClosed Boolean True

Label Closed corresponds to this field.

ClosedDate Datetime True

Label Closed Date corresponds to this field.

IsEscalated Boolean False

Label Escalated corresponds to this field.

HasCommentsUnreadByOwner Boolean True

Label New Self-Service Comment corresponds to this field.

HasSelfServiceComments Boolean True

Label Self-Service Commented corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False

Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

EngineeringReqNumber__c String False

Label Engineering Req Number corresponds to this field.

Product__c String False

Label Product corresponds to this field.

SLAViolation__c String False

Label SLA Violation corresponds to this field.

PotentialLiability__c String False

Label Potential Liability corresponds to this field.

TCO_Presentation__c Datetime False

Label TCO_Presentation corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseComment entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseComment.

ParentId String False


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

IsPublished Boolean False

Label Published corresponds to this field.

CommentBody String False

Label Body corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True

Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseContactRole entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseContactRole.

CasesId String False


Label Case ID corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

Role String False

Label Role corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseHistory.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CaseId String True


Label Case ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseShare entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseShare.

CaseId String True


Label Case ID corresponds to this field.

UserOrGroupId String True

Label User/Group ID corresponds to this field.

CaseAccessLevel String True

Label Case Access corresponds to this field.

RowCause String True

Label Row Cause corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseSolution entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseSolution.

CaseId String False


Label Case ID corresponds to this field.

SolutionId String False


Label Solution ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseStatus entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseStatus.

MasterLabel String True

Label Master Label corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

IsDefault Boolean True

Label Is Default corresponds to this field.

IsClosed Boolean True

Label Is Closed corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseTeamMember entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseTeamMember.

ParentId String False


Label Case ID corresponds to this field.

MemberId String False

Label Member ID corresponds to this field.

TeamTemplateMemberId String True


Label Team Template Member ID corresponds to this field.

TeamRoleId String False


Label Team Role ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseTeamRole entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseTeamRole.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

AccessLevel String False

Label Access Level corresponds to this field.

PreferencesVisibleInCSP Boolean False

Label Visible in Customer Portal corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseTeamTemplate entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseTeamTemplate.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseTeamTemplateMember entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseTeamTemplateMember.

TeamTemplateId String False


Label Team Template ID corresponds to this field.

MemberId String False

Label Member ID corresponds to this field.

TeamRoleId String False


Label Team Role ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CaseTeamTemplateRecord entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CaseTeamTemplateRecord.

ParentId String False


Label Case ID corresponds to this field.

TeamTemplateId String False


Label Team Template ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CategoryData entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CategoryData.

CategoryNodeId String False


Label Category Node ID corresponds to this field.

RelatedSobjectId String False


Label SObject ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CategoryNode entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CategoryNode.

ParentId String False


Label Parent Category Node ID corresponds to this field.

MasterLabel String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int False

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

SortStyle String False

Label Subcategory Sort Style corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ChatterActivity entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ChatterActivity.

ParentId String True

Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

PostCount Int True

Label Post Count corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

CommentReceivedCount Int True

Label Comment Received Count corresponds to this field.

LikeReceivedCount Int True

Label Like Received Count corresponds to this field.

InfluenceRawRank Int True

Label Influence Raw Rank corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ClientBrowser entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ClientBrowser.

UsersId String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

FullUserAgent String True

Label Full User Agent corresponds to this field.

ProxyInfo String True

Label Proxy Info corresponds to this field.

LastUpdate Datetime True

Label Last Update corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CollaborationGroup entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CollaborationGroup.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

MemberCount Int True

Label Member Count corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CollaborationType String False

Label Access Type corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

FullPhotoUrl String True

Label Url for full-sized Photo corresponds to this field.

SmallPhotoUrl String True

Label Url for Thumbnail sized Photo corresponds to this field.

LastFeedModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Feed Modified Date corresponds to this field.

InformationTitle String False

Label Information Title corresponds to this field.

InformationBody String False

Label Information corresponds to this field.

HasPrivateFieldsAccess Boolean True

Label Has Private Fields Access corresponds to this field.

CanHaveGuests Boolean False

Label Allow Customers corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

IsArchived Boolean False

Label Is Archived corresponds to this field.

IsAutoArchiveDisabled Boolean False

Label Is Auto Archive Disabled corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CollaborationGroupFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CollaborationGroupFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CollaborationGroupMember entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CollaborationGroupMember.

CollaborationGroupId String False


Label CollaborationGroup ID corresponds to this field.

MemberId String False


Label Member ID corresponds to this field.

CollaborationRole String False

Label Group Member Role corresponds to this field.

NotificationFrequency String False

Label Notification Frequency corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CollaborationGroupMemberRequest entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CollaborationGroupMemberRequest.

CollaborationGroupId String False


Label CollaborationGroup ID corresponds to this field.

RequesterId String False


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

ResponseMessage String True

Label Response Message corresponds to this field.

Status String True

Label Status corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CollaborationInvitation entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CollaborationInvitation.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

SharedEntityId String False

Label Shared Entity ID corresponds to this field.

InviterId String True


Label Inviter User ID corresponds to this field.

InvitedUserEmail String False

Label Invited Email corresponds to this field.

InvitedUserEmailNormalized String True

Label Invited Email (Normalized) corresponds to this field.

Status String True

Label Invitation Status corresponds to this field.

OptionalMessage String False

Label Optional Message corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Community entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Community.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Description corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean True

Label Active corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Contact entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Contact.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

MasterRecordId String True


Label Master Record ID corresponds to this field.

AccountId String False


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

LastName String False

Label Last Name corresponds to this field.

FirstName String False

Label First Name corresponds to this field.

Salutation String False

Label Salutation corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Full Name corresponds to this field.

OtherStreet String False

Label Other Street corresponds to this field.

OtherCity String False

Label Other City corresponds to this field.

OtherState String False

Label Other State/Province corresponds to this field.

OtherPostalCode String False

Label Other Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

OtherCountry String False

Label Other Country corresponds to this field.

OtherLatitude Double False

Label Other Latitude corresponds to this field.

OtherLongitude Double False

Label Other Longitude corresponds to this field.

MailingStreet String False

Label Mailing Street corresponds to this field.

MailingCity String False

Label Mailing City corresponds to this field.

MailingState String False

Label Mailing State/Province corresponds to this field.

MailingPostalCode String False

Label Mailing Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

MailingCountry String False

Label Mailing Country corresponds to this field.

MailingLatitude Double False

Label Mailing Latitude corresponds to this field.

MailingLongitude Double False

Label Mailing Longitude corresponds to this field.

Phone String False

Label Business Phone corresponds to this field.

Fax String False

Label Business Fax corresponds to this field.

MobilePhone String False

Label Mobile Phone corresponds to this field.

HomePhone String False

Label Home Phone corresponds to this field.

OtherPhone String False

Label Other Phone corresponds to this field.

AssistantPhone String False

Label Asst. Phone corresponds to this field.

ReportsToId String False


Label Reports To ID corresponds to this field.

Email String False

Label Email corresponds to this field.

Title String False

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Department String False

Label Department corresponds to this field.

AssistantName String False

Label Assistant's Name corresponds to this field.

LeadSource String False

Label Lead Source corresponds to this field.

Birthdate Datetime False

Label Birthdate corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Contact Description corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastActivityDate Datetime True

Label Last Activity corresponds to this field.

LastCURequestDate Datetime True

Label Last Stay-in-Touch Request Date corresponds to this field.

LastCUUpdateDate Datetime True

Label Last Stay-in-Touch Save Date corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

EmailBouncedReason String False

Label Email Bounced Reason corresponds to this field.

EmailBouncedDate Datetime False

Label Email Bounced Date corresponds to this field.

IsEmailBounced Boolean True

Label Is Email Bounced corresponds to this field.

Jigsaw String False

Label Key corresponds to this field.

JigsawContactId String True

Label Jigsaw Contact ID corresponds to this field.

Languages__c String False

Label Languages corresponds to this field.

Level__c String False

Label Level corresponds to this field.

MyNote__c String False

Label MyNote corresponds to this field.

MyExternalId__c String False

Label MyExternalId corresponds to this field.

MyExternalId2__c String False

Label MyExternalId2 corresponds to this field.

AcctLookup__c String False


Label Account corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContactFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContactFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContactHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContactHistory.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ContactId String True


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContactShare entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContactShare.

ContactId String True


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

UserOrGroupId String True

Label User/Group ID corresponds to this field.

ContactAccessLevel String True

Label Contact Access corresponds to this field.

RowCause String True

Label Row Cause corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContentDocument entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContentDocument.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

IsArchived Boolean True

Label Is Archived corresponds to this field.

ArchivedById String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

ArchivedDate Datetime True

Label Archived Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Is Deleted corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String True


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

PublishStatus String True

Label Publish Status corresponds to this field.

LatestPublishedVersionId String True


Label Latest Published Version ID corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContentDocumentFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContentDocumentFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContentDocumentHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContentDocumentHistory.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ContentDocumentId String True


Label ContentDocument ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContentDocumentLink entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContentDocumentLink.

LinkedEntityId String False

Label Linked Entity ID corresponds to this field.

ContentDocumentId String False


Label ContentDocument ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Is Deleted corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

ShareType String False

Label Share Type corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContentVersion entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContentVersion.

ContentDocumentId String False


Label ContentDocument ID corresponds to this field.

IsLatest Boolean True

Label Is Latest corresponds to this field.

ContentUrl String False

Label Content URL corresponds to this field.

VersionNumber String True

Label Version Number corresponds to this field.

Title String False

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

ReasonForChange String False

Label Reason For Change corresponds to this field.

PathOnClient String False

Label Path On Client corresponds to this field.

RatingCount Int True

Label Rating Count corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Is Deleted corresponds to this field.

ContentModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Content Modified Date corresponds to this field.

ContentModifiedById String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

PositiveRatingCount Int True

Label Positive Rating Count corresponds to this field.

NegativeRatingCount Int True

Label Negative Rating Count corresponds to this field.

FeaturedContentBoost Int True

Label Featured Content Boost corresponds to this field.

FeaturedContentDate Datetime True

Label Featured Content Date corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

TagCsv String False

Label Tags corresponds to this field.

FileType String True

Label File Type corresponds to this field.

PublishStatus String True

Label Publish Status corresponds to this field.

VersionData String False

Label Version Data corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Size corresponds to this field.

FirstPublishLocationId String False

Label First Publish Location ID corresponds to this field.

Origin String False

Label Content Origin corresponds to this field.

Checksum String True

Label Checksum corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContentVersionHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContentVersionHistory.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ContentVersionId String True


Label ContentVersion ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Contract entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Contract.

AccountId String False


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

OwnerExpirationNotice String False

Label Owner Expiration Notice corresponds to this field.

StartDate Datetime False

Label Contract Start Date corresponds to this field.

EndDate Datetime True

Label Contract End Date corresponds to this field.

BillingStreet String False

Label Billing Street corresponds to this field.

BillingCity String False

Label Billing City corresponds to this field.

BillingState String False

Label Billing State/Province corresponds to this field.

BillingPostalCode String False

Label Billing Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

BillingCountry String False

Label Billing Country corresponds to this field.

BillingLatitude Double False

Label Billing Latitude corresponds to this field.

BillingLongitude Double False

Label Billing Longitude corresponds to this field.

ContractTerm Int False

Label Contract Term corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

CompanySignedId String False


Label Company Signed By ID corresponds to this field.

CompanySignedDate Datetime False

Label Company Signed Date corresponds to this field.

CustomerSignedId String False


Label Customer Signed By ID corresponds to this field.

CustomerSignedTitle String False

Label Customer Signed Title corresponds to this field.

CustomerSignedDate Datetime False

Label Customer Signed Date corresponds to this field.

SpecialTerms String False

Label Special Terms corresponds to this field.

ActivatedById String True


Label Activated By ID corresponds to this field.

ActivatedDate Datetime True

Label Activated Date corresponds to this field.

StatusCode String True

Label Status Category corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ContractNumber String True

Label Contract Number corresponds to this field.

LastApprovedDate Datetime True

Label Last Approved Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastActivityDate Datetime True

Label Last Activity corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContractContactRole entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContractContactRole.

ContractId String False


Label Contract ID corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

Role String False

Label Role corresponds to this field.

IsPrimary Boolean False

Label Primary corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContractFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContractFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContractHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContractHistory.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ContractId String True


Label Contract ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ContractStatus entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ContractStatus.

MasterLabel String True

Label Master Label corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

IsDefault Boolean True

Label Is Default corresponds to this field.

StatusCode String True

Label Status Code corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CronJobDetail entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CronJobDetail.

Name String True

Label Job Name corresponds to this field.

JobType String True

Label Type corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the CronTrigger entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the CronTrigger.

CronJobDetailId String True


Label Job ID corresponds to this field.

NextFireTime Datetime True

Label Next Run Time corresponds to this field.

PreviousFireTime Datetime True

Label Previous Run Time corresponds to this field.

State String True

Label Job State corresponds to this field.

StartTime Datetime True

Label Start Time corresponds to this field.

EndTime Datetime True

Label End Time corresponds to this field.

CronExpression String True

Label Cron Expression corresponds to this field.

TimeZoneSidKey String True

Label Java Time Zone Id corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

TimesTriggered Int True

Label Job Fired Count corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Dashboard entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Dashboard.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

FolderId String True

Label Folder ID corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String True

Label Dashboard Unique Name corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Description corresponds to this field.

LeftSize String True

Label Left Size corresponds to this field.

MiddleSize String True

Label Middle Size corresponds to this field.

RightSize String True

Label Right Size corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

RunningUserId String True


Label Running User ID corresponds to this field.

TitleColor Int True

Label Title Color corresponds to this field.

TitleSize Int True

Label Title Size corresponds to this field.

TextColor Int True

Label Text Color corresponds to this field.

BackgroundStart Int True

Label Starting Color corresponds to this field.

BackgroundEnd Int True

Label Ending Color corresponds to this field.

BackgroundDirection String True

Label Background Fade Direction corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Dashboard Running User corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the DashboardComponent entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the DashboardComponent.

Name String True

Label Dashboard Component Name corresponds to this field.

DashboardId String True


Label Dashboard ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the DashboardComponentFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the DashboardComponentFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the DashboardFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the DashboardFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the DeclinedEventRelation entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the DeclinedEventRelation.

RelationId String True

Label Relation ID corresponds to this field.

EventId String True


Label Event ID corresponds to this field.

RespondedDate Datetime True

Label Response Date corresponds to this field.

Response String True

Label Response corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Type corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Document entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Document.

FolderId String False

Label Folder ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Document Name corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String False

Label Document Unique Name corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

ContentType String False

Label MIME Type corresponds to this field.

Type String False

Label File Extension corresponds to this field.

IsPublic Boolean False

Label Externally Available corresponds to this field.

BodyLength Int True

Label Body Length corresponds to this field.

Body String False

Label Body corresponds to this field.

Url String False

Label Url corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

Keywords String False

Label Keywords corresponds to this field.

IsInternalUseOnly Boolean False

Label Internal Use Only corresponds to this field.

AuthorId String False


Label Author ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsBodySearchable Boolean True

Label Document Content Searchable corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the DocumentAttachmentMap entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the DocumentAttachmentMap.

ParentId String False


Label Entity ID corresponds to this field.

DocumentId String False


Label Document ID corresponds to this field.

DocumentSequence Int False

Label Attachment Sequence corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Domain entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Domain.

DomainType String True

Label Domain Type corresponds to this field.

Domain String True

Label Domain Name corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the DomainSite entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the DomainSite.

DomainId String True


Label Domain ID corresponds to this field.

SiteId String True


Label Site ID corresponds to this field.

PathPrefix String True

Label Path corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the EmailServicesAddress entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the EmailServicesAddress.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

LocalPart String False

Label Email address corresponds to this field.

EmailDomainName String True

Label Email address domain corresponds to this field.

AuthorizedSenders String False

Label Accept Email From corresponds to this field.

RunAsUserId String False


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

FunctionId String False


Label Service ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the EmailServicesFunction entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the EmailServicesFunction.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

FunctionName String False

Label Email Service Name corresponds to this field.

AuthorizedSenders String False

Label Accept Email From corresponds to this field.

IsAuthenticationRequired Boolean False

Label Advanced Email Security Settings corresponds to this field.

IsTlsRequired Boolean False

Label TLS Required corresponds to this field.

AttachmentOption String False

Label Accept Attachments corresponds to this field.

ApexClassId String False


Label Class ID corresponds to this field.

OverLimitAction String False

Label Over Email Rate Limit Action corresponds to this field.

FunctionInactiveAction String False

Label Deactivated Email Service Action corresponds to this field.

AddressInactiveAction String False

Label Deactivated Email Address Action corresponds to this field.

AuthenticationFailureAction String False

Label Unauthenticated Sender Action corresponds to this field.

AuthorizationFailureAction String False

Label Unauthorized Sender Action corresponds to this field.

IsErrorRoutingEnabled Boolean False

Label Enable Error Routing corresponds to this field.

ErrorRoutingAddress String False

Label Route Error Emails to This Email Address corresponds to this field.

IsTextAttachmentsAsBinary Boolean False

Label Convert Text Attachments to Binary Attachments corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the EmailTemplate entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the EmailTemplate.

Name String False

Label Email Template Name corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String False

Label Template Unique Name corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

FolderId String False

Label Folder ID corresponds to this field.

BrandTemplateId String False


Label Letterhead ID corresponds to this field.

TemplateStyle String False

Label Style corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Available For Use corresponds to this field.

TemplateType String False

Label Template Type corresponds to this field.

Encoding String False

Label Encoding corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

Subject String False

Label Subject corresponds to this field.

HtmlValue String False

Label HTML Value corresponds to this field.

Body String False

Label Email Body corresponds to this field.

TimesUsed Int True

Label Times Used corresponds to this field.

LastUsedDate Datetime True

Label Last Used Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

ApiVersion Double False

Label API Version corresponds to this field.

Markup String False

Label Markup corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the EntitySubscription entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the EntitySubscription.

ParentId String False

Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

SubscriberId String False


Label Subscriber ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Event entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Event.

WhoId String False

Label Contact/Lead ID corresponds to this field.

WhatId String False

Label Opportunity/Account ID corresponds to this field.

Subject String False

Label Subject corresponds to this field.

Location String False

Label Location corresponds to this field.

IsAllDayEvent Boolean False

Label All-Day Event corresponds to this field.

ActivityDateTime Datetime False

Label Due Date Time corresponds to this field.

ActivityDate Datetime False

Label Due Date Only corresponds to this field.

DurationInMinutes Int False

Label Duration corresponds to this field.

StartDateTime Datetime False

Label Start Date Time corresponds to this field.

EndDateTime Datetime False

Label End Date Time corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

AccountId String True


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Assigned To ID corresponds to this field.

IsPrivate Boolean False

Label Private corresponds to this field.

ShowAs String False

Label Show Time As corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

IsChild Boolean True

Label Is Child corresponds to this field.

IsGroupEvent Boolean True

Label Is Group Event corresponds to this field.

GroupEventType String True

Label Group Event Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsArchived Boolean True

Label Archived corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceActivityId String True


Label Recurrence Activity ID corresponds to this field.

IsRecurrence Boolean False

Label Create Recurring Series of Events corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceStartDateTime Datetime False

Label Start Date corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceEndDateOnly Datetime False

Label End Date corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey String False

Label Recurrence Time Zone corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceType String False

Label Recurrence Type corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceInterval Int False

Label Recurrence Interval corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask Int False

Label Recurrence Day of Week Mask corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceDayOfMonth Int False

Label Recurrence Day of Month corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceInstance String False

Label Recurrence Instance corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceMonthOfYear String False

Label Recurrence Month of Year corresponds to this field.

ReminderDateTime Datetime False

Label Reminder Date/Time corresponds to this field.

IsReminderSet Boolean False

Label Reminder Set corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the EventFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the EventFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the EventRelation entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the EventRelation.

RelationId String False

Label Relation ID corresponds to this field.

EventId String False


Label Event ID corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

RespondedDate Datetime False

Label Response Date corresponds to this field.

Response String False

Label Response corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the FeedComment entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the FeedComment.

FeedItemId String False

Label Feed Item ID corresponds to this field.

ParentId String True

Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String False

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime False

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CommentBody String False

Label Comment Body corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True


Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.

CommentType String False

Label Comment Type corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String False


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the FeedItem entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the FeedItem.

ParentId String False

Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String False

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String False

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime False

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String False

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String False

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String False

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String False


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String False

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String False

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String False

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the FeedPollChoice entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the FeedPollChoice.

FeedItemId String True

Label Feed Item ID corresponds to this field.

Position Int True

Label Position corresponds to this field.

ChoiceBody String True

Label ChoiceBody corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the FeedPollVote entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the FeedPollVote.

FeedItemId String True

Label Feed Item ID corresponds to this field.

ChoiceId String True


Label Feed Poll Choice ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the FieldPermissions entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the FieldPermissions.

ParentId String False


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

SobjectType String False

Label Sobject Type Name corresponds to this field.

Field String False

Label Field Name corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEdit Boolean False

Label Edit Field corresponds to this field.

PermissionsRead Boolean False

Label Read Field corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the FiscalYearSettings entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the FiscalYearSettings.

PeriodId String True


Label Period ID corresponds to this field.

StartDate Datetime True

Label Start Date corresponds to this field.

EndDate Datetime True

Label End Date corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

IsStandardYear Boolean True

Label Is Standard Year corresponds to this field.

YearType String True

Label Year Type corresponds to this field.

QuarterLabelScheme String True

Label Quarter Name Scheme corresponds to this field.

PeriodLabelScheme String True

Label Period Name Scheme corresponds to this field.

WeekLabelScheme String True

Label Week Name Scheme corresponds to this field.

QuarterPrefix String True

Label Quarter Prefix corresponds to this field.

PeriodPrefix String True

Label Period Prefix corresponds to this field.

WeekStartDay Int True

Label Week Start Day corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Description corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Folder entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Folder.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String False

Label Folder Unique Name corresponds to this field.

AccessType String False

Label Access Type corresponds to this field.

IsReadonly Boolean False

Label Read Only corresponds to this field.

Type String False

Label Type corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ForecastShare entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ForecastShare.

UserRoleId String True


Label User Role ID corresponds to this field.

UserOrGroupId String True

Label User/Group ID corresponds to this field.

AccessLevel String True

Label Forecast Access corresponds to this field.

CanSubmit Boolean True

Label Submit Allowed corresponds to this field.

RowCause String True

Label Row Cause corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Group entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Group.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String False

Label Developer Name corresponds to this field.

RelatedId String True

Label Related ID corresponds to this field.

Type String False

Label Type corresponds to this field.

Email String False

Label Email corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String True

Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

DoesSendEmailToMembers Boolean False

Label Send Email to Members corresponds to this field.

DoesIncludeBosses Boolean False

Label Include Bosses corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the GroupMember entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the GroupMember.

GroupId String False


Label Group ID corresponds to this field.

UserOrGroupId String False

Label User/Group ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the HashtagDefinition entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the HashtagDefinition.

NameNorm String True

Label Normalized Hashtag Text corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Hashtag Text corresponds to this field.

HashtagCount Int True

Label Hashtag Count corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Holiday entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Holiday.

Name String False

Label Holiday Name corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

IsAllDay Boolean False

Label All Day corresponds to this field.

ActivityDate Datetime False

Label Holiday Date corresponds to this field.

StartTimeInMinutes Int False

Label Start Time In Minutes From Midnight corresponds to this field.

EndTimeInMinutes Int False

Label End Time In Minutes From Midnight corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsRecurrence Boolean False

Label Recurring Holiday corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceStartDate Datetime False

Label Start Date corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceEndDateOnly Datetime False

Label End Date corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceType String False

Label Recurrence Type corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceInterval Int False

Label Recurrence Interval corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask Int False

Label Recurrence Day of Week Mask corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceDayOfMonth Int False

Label Recurrence Day of Month corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceInstance String False

Label Recurrence Instance corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceMonthOfYear String False

Label Recurrence Month of Year corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Lead entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Lead.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

MasterRecordId String True


Label Master Record ID corresponds to this field.

LastName String False

Label Last Name corresponds to this field.

FirstName String False

Label First Name corresponds to this field.

Salutation String False

Label Salutation corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Full Name corresponds to this field.

Title String False

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Company String False

Label Company corresponds to this field.

Street String False

Label Street corresponds to this field.

City String False

Label City corresponds to this field.

State String False

Label State/Province corresponds to this field.

PostalCode String False

Label Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

Country String False

Label Country corresponds to this field.

Latitude Double False

Label Latitude corresponds to this field.

Longitude Double False

Label Longitude corresponds to this field.

Phone String False

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

MobilePhone String False

Label Mobile Phone corresponds to this field.

Fax String False

Label Fax corresponds to this field.

Email String False

Label Email corresponds to this field.

Website String False

Label Website corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

LeadSource String False

Label Lead Source corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

Industry String False

Label Industry corresponds to this field.

Rating String False

Label Rating corresponds to this field.

AnnualRevenue Double False

Label Annual Revenue corresponds to this field.

NumberOfEmployees Int False

Label Employees corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False

Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

IsConverted Boolean False

Label Converted corresponds to this field.

ConvertedDate Datetime True

Label Converted Date corresponds to this field.

ConvertedAccountId String True


Label Converted Account ID corresponds to this field.

ConvertedContactId String True


Label Converted Contact ID corresponds to this field.

ConvertedOpportunityId String True


Label Converted Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

IsUnreadByOwner Boolean False

Label Unread By Owner corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastActivityDate Datetime True

Label Last Activity corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

Jigsaw String False

Label Key corresponds to this field.

JigsawContactId String True

Label Jigsaw Contact ID corresponds to this field.

EmailBouncedReason String True

Label Email Bounced Reason corresponds to this field.

EmailBouncedDate Datetime True

Label Email Bounced Date corresponds to this field.

SICCode__c String False

Label SIC Code corresponds to this field.

Primary__c String False

Label Primary corresponds to this field.

NumberofLocations__c Double False

Label Number of Locations corresponds to this field.

ProductInterest__c String False

Label Product Interest corresponds to this field.

CurrentGenerators__c String False

Label Current Generator(s) corresponds to this field.

New_Text_Field__c String False

Label New Text Field corresponds to this field.

External_Id_Field__c String False

Label External Id Field corresponds to this field.

External_Id_2__c String False

Label External_Id_2 corresponds to this field.

AutoNumberTest__c String True

Label AutoNumberTest corresponds to this field.

Formula__c Datetime True

Label Formula corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the LeadFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the LeadFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the LeadHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the LeadHistory.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LeadId String True


Label Lead ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the LeadShare entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the LeadShare.

LeadId String True


Label Lead ID corresponds to this field.

UserOrGroupId String True

Label User/Group ID corresponds to this field.

LeadAccessLevel String True

Label Lead Access corresponds to this field.

RowCause String True

Label Row Cause corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the LeadStatus entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the LeadStatus.

MasterLabel String True

Label Master Label corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

IsDefault Boolean True

Label Is Default corresponds to this field.

IsConverted Boolean True

Label Is Converted corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the LoginHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the LoginHistory.

UserId String True

Label User ID corresponds to this field.

LoginTime Datetime True

Label Login Time corresponds to this field.

LoginType String True

Label Login Type corresponds to this field.

SourceIp String True

Label Source IP corresponds to this field.

LoginUrl String True

Label Login URL corresponds to this field.

Browser String True

Label Browser corresponds to this field.

Platform String True

Label Platform corresponds to this field.

Status String True

Label Status corresponds to this field.

Application String True

Label Application corresponds to this field.

ClientVersion String True

Label Client Version corresponds to this field.

ApiType String True

Label API Type corresponds to this field.

ApiVersion String True

Label API Version corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the LoginIp entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the LoginIp.

UsersId String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

SourceIp String True

Label Source IP corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsAuthenticated Boolean True

Label IsAuthenticated corresponds to this field.

ChallengeSentDate Datetime True

Label Challenge SentDate corresponds to this field.

ChallengeMethod String True

Label Challenge Method corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the MailmergeTemplate entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the MailmergeTemplate.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

Filename String False

Label File corresponds to this field.

BodyLength Int True

Label Body Length corresponds to this field.

Body String False

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LastUsedDate Datetime True

Label Last Used Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the MobileDeviceRegistrar entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the MobileDeviceRegistrar.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Language String False

Label Master Language corresponds to this field.

MasterLabel String False

Label Label corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

Provider String False

Label Provider corresponds to this field.

MdmProviderEnrollEndpoint String False

Label Mdm Provider Enroll Endpoint corresponds to this field.

MdmProviderPushAppEndpoint String False

Label Mdm Provider Push App Endpoint corresponds to this field.

MdmProviderApiAccessToken String False

Label Mdm Provider Api Access Token corresponds to this field.

MdmProviderApiUsername String False

Label Mdm Provider Api Username corresponds to this field.

MdmProviderApiPassword String False

Label Mdm Provider Api Password corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Note entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Note.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ParentId String False

Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Title String False

Label Title corresponds to this field.

IsPrivate Boolean False

Label Private corresponds to this field.

Body String False

Label Body corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ObjectPermissions entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ObjectPermissions.

ParentId String False


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

SobjectType String False

Label Sobject Type Name corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCreate Boolean False

Label Create Records corresponds to this field.

PermissionsRead Boolean False

Label Read Records corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEdit Boolean False

Label Edit Records corresponds to this field.

PermissionsDelete Boolean False

Label Delete Records corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewAllRecords Boolean False

Label Read All Records corresponds to this field.

PermissionsModifyAllRecords Boolean False

Label Edit All Records corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Opportunity entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Opportunity.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

AccountId String False


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

IsPrivate Boolean False

Label Private corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

StageName String False

Label Stage corresponds to this field.

Amount Double False

Label Amount corresponds to this field.

Probability Double False

Label Probability (%) corresponds to this field.

ExpectedRevenue Double True

Label Expected Amount corresponds to this field.

TotalOpportunityQuantity Double False

Label Quantity corresponds to this field.

CloseDate Datetime False

Label Close Date corresponds to this field.

Type String False

Label Opportunity Type corresponds to this field.

NextStep String False

Label Next Step corresponds to this field.

LeadSource String False

Label Lead Source corresponds to this field.

IsClosed Boolean True

Label Closed corresponds to this field.

IsWon Boolean True

Label Won corresponds to this field.

ForecastCategory String True

Label Forecast Category corresponds to this field.

ForecastCategoryName String False

Label Forecast Category corresponds to this field.

CampaignId String False


Label Campaign ID corresponds to this field.

HasOpportunityLineItem Boolean True

Label Has Line Item corresponds to this field.

Pricebook2Id String False


Label Price Book ID corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastActivityDate Datetime True

Label Last Activity corresponds to this field.

FiscalQuarter Int True

Label Fiscal Quarter corresponds to this field.

FiscalYear Int True

Label Fiscal Year corresponds to this field.

Fiscal String True

Label Fiscal Period corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

SyncedQuoteId String False


Label Quote ID corresponds to this field.

DeliveryInstallationStatus__c String False

Label Delivery/Installation Status corresponds to this field.

CurrentGenerators__c String False

Label Current Generator(s) corresponds to this field.

TrackingNumber__c String False

Label Tracking Number corresponds to this field.

MainCompetitors__c String False

Label Main Competitor(s) corresponds to this field.

OrderNumber__c String False

Label Order Number corresponds to this field.

SomeNumber__c Double False

Label SomeNumber corresponds to this field.

ZeroDecimal__c Double False

Label ZeroDecimal corresponds to this field.

AutoNumber__c String True

Label AutoNumber corresponds to this field.

FloatTest__c Double False

Label FloatTest corresponds to this field.

Don_t_Test__c String False

Label Don?t_Test corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the OpportunityCompetitor entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the OpportunityCompetitor.

OpportunityId String False


Label Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

CompetitorName String False

Label Competitor Name corresponds to this field.

Strengths String False

Label Strengths corresponds to this field.

Weaknesses String False

Label Weaknesses corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the OpportunityContactRole entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the OpportunityContactRole.

OpportunityId String False


Label Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

Role String False

Label Role corresponds to this field.

IsPrimary Boolean False

Label Primary corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the OpportunityFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the OpportunityFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the OpportunityFieldHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the OpportunityFieldHistory.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

OpportunityId String True


Label Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the OpportunityHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the OpportunityHistory.

OpportunityId String True


Label Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

StageName String True

Label Stage Name corresponds to this field.

Amount Double True

Label Amount corresponds to this field.

ExpectedRevenue Double True

Label Expected Revenue corresponds to this field.

CloseDate Datetime True

Label Close Date corresponds to this field.

Probability Double True

Label Probability corresponds to this field.

ForecastCategory String True

Label To ForecastCategory corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the OpportunityLineItem entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the OpportunityLineItem.

OpportunityId String False


Label Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

PricebookEntryId String False


Label Price Book Entry ID corresponds to this field.

Quantity Double False

Label Quantity corresponds to this field.

TotalPrice Double False

Label Total Price corresponds to this field.

UnitPrice Double False

Label Sales Price corresponds to this field.

ListPrice Double True

Label List Price corresponds to this field.

ServiceDate Datetime False

Label Date corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Line Description corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the OpportunityPartner entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the OpportunityPartner.

OpportunityId String True


Label Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

AccountToId String True


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

Role String True

Label Role corresponds to this field.

IsPrimary Boolean True

Label Primary corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ReversePartnerId String True


Label Reverse Partner ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the OpportunityShare entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the OpportunityShare.

OpportunityId String True


Label Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

UserOrGroupId String True

Label User/Group ID corresponds to this field.

OpportunityAccessLevel String True

Label Opportunity Access corresponds to this field.

RowCause String True

Label Row Cause corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the OpportunityStage entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the OpportunityStage.

MasterLabel String True

Label Master Label corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean True

Label Is Active corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

IsClosed Boolean True

Label Closed corresponds to this field.

IsWon Boolean True

Label Won corresponds to this field.

ForecastCategory String True

Label Forecast Category corresponds to this field.

ForecastCategoryName String True

Label Forecast Category Name corresponds to this field.

DefaultProbability Double True

Label Probability (%) corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Description corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Organization entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Organization.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Division String True

Label Division corresponds to this field.

Street String True

Label Street corresponds to this field.

City String True

Label City corresponds to this field.

State String True

Label State/Province corresponds to this field.

PostalCode String True

Label Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

Country String True

Label Country corresponds to this field.

Latitude Double True

Label Latitude corresponds to this field.

Longitude Double True

Label Longitude corresponds to this field.

Phone String True

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

Fax String True

Label Fax corresponds to this field.

PrimaryContact String True

Label Primary Contact corresponds to this field.

DefaultLocaleSidKey String True

Label Locale corresponds to this field.

LanguageLocaleKey String True

Label Language corresponds to this field.

ReceivesInfoEmails Boolean True

Label Info Emails corresponds to this field.

ReceivesAdminInfoEmails Boolean True

Label Info Emails Admin corresponds to this field.

PreferencesRequireOpportunityProducts Boolean True

Label RequireOpportunityProducts corresponds to this field.

FiscalYearStartMonth Int True

Label Fiscal Year Starts In corresponds to this field.

UsesStartDateAsFiscalYearName Boolean True

Label Fiscal Year Name by Start corresponds to this field.

DefaultAccountAccess String True

Label Default Account Access corresponds to this field.

DefaultContactAccess String True

Label Default Contact Access corresponds to this field.

DefaultOpportunityAccess String True

Label Default Opportunity Access corresponds to this field.

DefaultLeadAccess String True

Label Default Lead Access corresponds to this field.

DefaultCaseAccess String True

Label Default Case Access corresponds to this field.

DefaultCalendarAccess String True

Label Default Calendar Access corresponds to this field.

DefaultPricebookAccess String True

Label Default Price Book Access corresponds to this field.

DefaultCampaignAccess String True

Label Default Campaign Access corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

ComplianceBccEmail String True

Label Compliance BCC Email corresponds to this field.

UiSkin String True

Label UI Skin corresponds to this field.

TrialExpirationDate Datetime True

Label Trial Expiration Date corresponds to this field.

OrganizationType String True

Label Edition corresponds to this field.

WebToCaseDefaultOrigin String True

Label Web to Cases Default Origin corresponds to this field.

MonthlyPageViewsUsed Int True

Label Monthly Page Views Used corresponds to this field.

MonthlyPageViewsEntitlement Int True

Label Monthly Page Views Allowed corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the OrgWideEmailAddress entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the OrgWideEmailAddress.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

Address String False

Label Email Address corresponds to this field.

DisplayName String False

Label Display Name corresponds to this field.

IsAllowAllProfiles Boolean False

Label Allow All Profiles corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Partner entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Partner.

OpportunityId String False


Label Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

AccountFromId String False


Label Account From ID corresponds to this field.

AccountToId String False


Label Account To ID corresponds to this field.

Role String False

Label Role corresponds to this field.

IsPrimary Boolean False

Label Primary corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ReversePartnerId String True


Label Reverse Partner ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the PartnerRole entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the PartnerRole.

MasterLabel String True

Label Master Label corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

ReverseRole String True

Label Reverse Role corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Period entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Period.

FiscalYearSettingsId String True


Label Fiscal Year Settings ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Type corresponds to this field.

StartDate Datetime True

Label Start Date corresponds to this field.

EndDate Datetime True

Label End Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsForecastPeriod Boolean True

Label Is Forecast Period corresponds to this field.

QuarterLabel String True

Label Quarter Name corresponds to this field.

PeriodLabel String True

Label Period Name corresponds to this field.

Number Int True

Label Number corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the PermissionSet entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the PermissionSet.

Name String False

Label Permission Set Name corresponds to this field.

Label String False

Label Permission Set Label corresponds to this field.

UserLicenseId String False


Label User License ID corresponds to this field.

ProfileId String True


Label Profile ID corresponds to this field.

IsOwnedByProfile Boolean True

Label Is Owned By Profile corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEmailSingle Boolean False

Label Send Email corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEmailMass Boolean False

Label Mass Email corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditTask Boolean False

Label Edit Tasks corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditEvent Boolean False

Label Edit Events corresponds to this field.

PermissionsExportReport Boolean False

Label Export Reports corresponds to this field.

PermissionsImportPersonal Boolean False

Label Import Personal Contacts corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageUsers Boolean False

Label Manage Users corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditPublicTemplates Boolean False

Label Manage Public Templates corresponds to this field.

PermissionsModifyAllData Boolean False

Label Modify All Data corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageCases Boolean False

Label Manage Cases corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditKnowledge Boolean False

Label Manage Articles corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageKnowledge Boolean False

Label Manage Salesforce Knowledge corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageSolutions Boolean False

Label Manage Published Solutions corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCustomizeApplication Boolean False

Label Customize Application corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditReadonlyFields Boolean False

Label Edit Read Only Fields corresponds to this field.

PermissionsRunReports Boolean False

Label Run Reports corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewSetup Boolean False

Label View Setup and Configuration corresponds to this field.

PermissionsTransferAnyEntity Boolean False

Label Transfer Record corresponds to this field.

PermissionsNewReportBuilder Boolean False

Label Report Builder corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageSelfService Boolean False

Label Manage Self-Service Portal corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageCssUsers Boolean False

Label Edit Self-Service Users corresponds to this field.

PermissionsActivateContract Boolean False

Label Activate Contracts corresponds to this field.

PermissionsImportLeads Boolean False

Label Import Leads corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageLeads Boolean False

Label Manage Leads corresponds to this field.

PermissionsTransferAnyLead Boolean False

Label Transfer Leads corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewAllData Boolean False

Label View All Data corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditPublicDocuments Boolean False

Label Manage Public Documents corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditBrandTemplates Boolean False

Label Manage Letterheads corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditHtmlTemplates Boolean False

Label Edit HTML Templates corresponds to this field.

PermissionsChatterInternalUser Boolean False

Label Chatter Internal User corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageDashboards Boolean False

Label Manage Dashboards corresponds to this field.

PermissionsDeleteActivatedContract Boolean False

Label Delete Activated Contracts corresponds to this field.

PermissionsChatterInviteExternalUsers Boolean False

Label Invite Customers To Chatter corresponds to this field.

PermissionsSendSitRequests Boolean False

Label Send Stay-in-Touch Requests corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageRemoteAccess Boolean False

Label Manage Connected Apps corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCanUseNewDashboardBuilder Boolean False

Label Drag-and-Drop Dashboard Builder corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageCategories Boolean False

Label Manage Categories corresponds to this field.

PermissionsConvertLeads Boolean False

Label Convert Leads corresponds to this field.

PermissionsPasswordNeverExpires Boolean False

Label Password Never Expires corresponds to this field.

PermissionsUseTeamReassignWizards Boolean False

Label Use Team Reassignment Wizards corresponds to this field.

PermissionsInstallPackaging Boolean False

Label Download AppExchange Packages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsPublishPackaging Boolean False

Label Upload AppExchange Packages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsChatterOwnGroups Boolean False

Label Create and Own New Chatter Groups corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditOppLineItemUnitPrice Boolean False

Label Edit Opportunity Product Sales Price corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCreatePackaging Boolean False

Label Create AppExchange Packages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsBulkApiHardDelete Boolean False

Label Bulk API Hard Delete corresponds to this field.

PermissionsSolutionImport Boolean False

Label Import Solutions corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageCallCenters Boolean False

Label Manage Call Centers corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditReports Boolean False

Label Create and Customize Reports corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageSynonyms Boolean False

Label Manage Synonyms corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewContent Boolean False

Label View Content in Portals corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageEmailClientConfig Boolean False

Label Manage Email Client Configurations corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEnableNotifications Boolean False

Label Send Outbound Messages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageDataIntegrations Boolean False

Label Manage Data Integrations corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewDataCategories Boolean False

Label View Data Categories corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageDataCategories Boolean False

Label Manage Data Categories corresponds to this field.

PermissionsAuthorApex Boolean False

Label Author Apex corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageMobile Boolean False

Label Manage Mobile Configurations corresponds to this field.

PermissionsApiEnabled Boolean False

Label API Enabled corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageCustomReportTypes Boolean False

Label Manage Custom Report Types corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditCaseComments Boolean False

Label Edit Case Comments corresponds to this field.

PermissionsTransferAnyCase Boolean False

Label Transfer Cases corresponds to this field.

PermissionsContentAdministrator Boolean False

Label Manage Salesforce CRM Content corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCreateWorkspaces Boolean False

Label Create Libraries corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageContentPermissions Boolean False

Label Manage Content Permissions corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageContentProperties Boolean False

Label Manage Content Properties corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageContentTypes Boolean False

Label Manage Content Types corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageAnalyticSnapshots Boolean False

Label Manage Analytic Snapshots corresponds to this field.

PermissionsScheduleReports Boolean False

Label Schedule Reports corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageBusinessHourHolidays Boolean False

Label Manage Business Hours Holidays corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageDynamicDashboards Boolean False

Label Manage Dynamic Dashboards corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCustomSidebarOnAllPages Boolean False

Label Show Custom Sidebar On All Pages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageInteraction Boolean False

Label Manage Flow corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewMyTeamsDashboards Boolean False

Label View My Team's Dashboards corresponds to this field.

PermissionsModerateChatter Boolean False

Label Moderate Chatter corresponds to this field.

PermissionsResetPasswords Boolean False

Label Reset User Passwords and Unlock Users corresponds to this field.

PermissionsFlowUFLRequired Boolean False

Label Require Flow User Feature License corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCanInsertFeedSystemFields Boolean False

Label Insert System Field Values for Chatter Feeds corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageKnowledgeImportExport Boolean False

Label Manage Knowledge Article Import/Export corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEmailTemplateManagement Boolean False

Label Manage Email Templates corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEmailAdministration Boolean False

Label Email Administration corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageChatterMessages Boolean False

Label Manage Chatter Messages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsForceTwoFactor Boolean False

Label Two-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageNetworks Boolean False

Label Create and Set Up Communities corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageAuthProviders Boolean False

Label Manage Auth. Providers corresponds to this field.

PermissionsRunFlow Boolean False

Label Run Flows corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewAllUsers Boolean False

Label View All Users corresponds to this field.

PermissionsAllowUniversalSearch Boolean False

Label Knowledge One corresponds to this field.

PermissionsConnectOrgToEnvironmentHub Boolean False

Label Connect Organization to Environment Hub corresponds to this field.

PermissionsSalesConsole Boolean False

Label Sales Console corresponds to this field.

PermissionsTwoFactorApi Boolean False

Label Two-Factor Authentication for API Logins corresponds to this field.

PermissionsDeleteTopics Boolean False

Label Delete Topics corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditTopics Boolean False

Label Edit Topics corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCreateTopics Boolean False

Label Create Topics corresponds to this field.

PermissionsAssignTopics Boolean False

Label Assign Topics corresponds to this field.

PermissionsIdentityEnabled Boolean False

Label Use Identity Features corresponds to this field.

PermissionsIdentityConnect Boolean False

Label Use Identity Connect corresponds to this field.

PermissionsAllowViewKnowledge Boolean False

Label Allow View Knowledge corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the PermissionSetAssignment entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the PermissionSetAssignment.

PermissionSetId String False


Label PermissionSet ID corresponds to this field.

AssigneeId String False


Label Assignee ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label Date Assigned corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the PermissionSetLicense entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the PermissionSetLicense.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String True

Label Developer Name corresponds to this field.

Language String True

Label Master Language corresponds to this field.

MasterLabel String True

Label Permission Set License Label corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

PermissionSetLicenseKey String True

Label Permission Set License Key corresponds to this field.

TotalLicenses Int True

Label Total Licenses corresponds to this field.

Status String True

Label Status corresponds to this field.

ExpirationDate Datetime True

Label Expiration Date corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEmailSingle Boolean True

Label Send Email corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEmailMass Boolean True

Label Mass Email corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditTask Boolean True

Label Edit Tasks corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditEvent Boolean True

Label Edit Events corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsExportReport Boolean True

Label Export Reports corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsImportPersonal Boolean True

Label Import Personal Contacts corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageUsers Boolean True

Label Manage Users corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditPublicTemplates Boolean True

Label Manage Public Templates corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsModifyAllData Boolean True

Label Modify All Data corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageCases Boolean True

Label Manage Cases corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditKnowledge Boolean True

Label Manage Articles corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageKnowledge Boolean True

Label Manage Salesforce Knowledge corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageSolutions Boolean True

Label Manage Published Solutions corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsCustomizeApplication Boolean True

Label Customize Application corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditReadonlyFields Boolean True

Label Edit Read Only Fields corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsRunReports Boolean True

Label Run Reports corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsViewSetup Boolean True

Label View Setup and Configuration corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsTransferAnyEntity Boolean True

Label Transfer Record corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsNewReportBuilder Boolean True

Label Report Builder corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageSelfService Boolean True

Label Manage Self-Service Portal corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageCssUsers Boolean True

Label Edit Self-Service Users corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsActivateContract Boolean True

Label Activate Contracts corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsImportLeads Boolean True

Label Import Leads corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageLeads Boolean True

Label Manage Leads corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsTransferAnyLead Boolean True

Label Transfer Leads corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsViewAllData Boolean True

Label View All Data corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditPublicDocuments Boolean True

Label Manage Public Documents corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditBrandTemplates Boolean True

Label Manage Letterheads corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditHtmlTemplates Boolean True

Label Edit HTML Templates corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsChatterInternalUser Boolean True

Label Chatter Internal User corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageDashboards Boolean True

Label Manage Dashboards corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsDeleteActivatedContract Boolean True

Label Delete Activated Contracts corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsChatterInviteExternalUsers Boolean True

Label Invite Customers To Chatter corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsSendSitRequests Boolean True

Label Send Stay-in-Touch Requests corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageRemoteAccess Boolean True

Label Manage Connected Apps corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsCanUseNewDashboardBuilder Boolean True

Label Drag-and-Drop Dashboard Builder corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageCategories Boolean True

Label Manage Categories corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsConvertLeads Boolean True

Label Convert Leads corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsPasswordNeverExpires Boolean True

Label Password Never Expires corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsUseTeamReassignWizards Boolean True

Label Use Team Reassignment Wizards corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsInstallPackaging Boolean True

Label Download AppExchange Packages corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsPublishPackaging Boolean True

Label Upload AppExchange Packages corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsChatterOwnGroups Boolean True

Label Create and Own New Chatter Groups corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditOppLineItemUnitPrice Boolean True

Label Edit Opportunity Product Sales Price corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsCreatePackaging Boolean True

Label Create AppExchange Packages corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsBulkApiHardDelete Boolean True

Label Bulk API Hard Delete corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsSolutionImport Boolean True

Label Import Solutions corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageCallCenters Boolean True

Label Manage Call Centers corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditReports Boolean True

Label Create and Customize Reports corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageSynonyms Boolean True

Label Manage Synonyms corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsViewContent Boolean True

Label View Content in Portals corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageEmailClientConfig Boolean True

Label Manage Email Client Configurations corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEnableNotifications Boolean True

Label Send Outbound Messages corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageDataIntegrations Boolean True

Label Manage Data Integrations corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsViewDataCategories Boolean True

Label View Data Categories corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageDataCategories Boolean True

Label Manage Data Categories corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsAuthorApex Boolean True

Label Author Apex corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageMobile Boolean True

Label Manage Mobile Configurations corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsApiEnabled Boolean True

Label API Enabled corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageCustomReportTypes Boolean True

Label Manage Custom Report Types corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditCaseComments Boolean True

Label Edit Case Comments corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsTransferAnyCase Boolean True

Label Transfer Cases corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsContentAdministrator Boolean True

Label Manage Salesforce CRM Content corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsCreateWorkspaces Boolean True

Label Create Libraries corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageContentPermissions Boolean True

Label Manage Content Permissions corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageContentProperties Boolean True

Label Manage Content Properties corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageContentTypes Boolean True

Label Manage Content Types corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageAnalyticSnapshots Boolean True

Label Manage Analytic Snapshots corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsScheduleReports Boolean True

Label Schedule Reports corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageBusinessHourHolidays Boolean True

Label Manage Business Hours Holidays corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageDynamicDashboards Boolean True

Label Manage Dynamic Dashboards corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsCustomSidebarOnAllPages Boolean True

Label Show Custom Sidebar On All Pages corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageInteraction Boolean True

Label Manage Flow corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsViewMyTeamsDashboards Boolean True

Label View My Team's Dashboards corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsModerateChatter Boolean True

Label Moderate Chatter corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsResetPasswords Boolean True

Label Reset User Passwords and Unlock Users corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsFlowUFLRequired Boolean True

Label Require Flow User Feature License corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsCanInsertFeedSystemFields Boolean True

Label Insert System Field Values for Chatter Feeds corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageKnowledgeImportExport Boolean True

Label Manage Knowledge Article Import/Export corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEmailTemplateManagement Boolean True

Label Manage Email Templates corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEmailAdministration Boolean True

Label Email Administration corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageChatterMessages Boolean True

Label Manage Chatter Messages corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsForceTwoFactor Boolean True

Label Two-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageNetworks Boolean True

Label Create and Set Up Communities corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsManageAuthProviders Boolean True

Label Manage Auth. Providers corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsRunFlow Boolean True

Label Run Flows corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsViewAllUsers Boolean True

Label View All Users corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsAllowUniversalSearch Boolean True

Label Knowledge One corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsConnectOrgToEnvironmentHub Boolean True

Label Connect Organization to Environment Hub corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsSalesConsole Boolean True

Label Sales Console corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsTwoFactorApi Boolean True

Label Two-Factor Authentication for API Logins corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsDeleteTopics Boolean True

Label Delete Topics corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsEditTopics Boolean True

Label Edit Topics corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsCreateTopics Boolean True

Label Create Topics corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsAssignTopics Boolean True

Label Assign Topics corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsIdentityEnabled Boolean True

Label Use Identity Features corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsIdentityConnect Boolean True

Label Use Identity Connect corresponds to this field.

MaximumPermissionsAllowViewKnowledge Boolean True

Label Allow View Knowledge corresponds to this field.

UsedLicenses Int True

Label Used Licenses corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the PermissionSetLicenseAssign entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the PermissionSetLicenseAssign.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label Date Assigned corresponds to this field.

PermissionSetLicenseId String False


Label Permission Set License ID corresponds to this field.

AssigneeId String False


Label User ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Pricebook2 entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Pricebook2.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Price Book Name corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

IsStandard Boolean True

Label Is Standard Price Book corresponds to this field.

Factory_Code__c String False

Label Factory_Code corresponds to this field.

Old_Factory_Codes__c String False

Label Old_Factory_Codes corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Pricebook2History entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Pricebook2History.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Pricebook2Id String True


Label Price Book ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the PricebookEntry entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the PricebookEntry.

Name String True

Label Product Name corresponds to this field.

Pricebook2Id String False


Label Price Book ID corresponds to this field.

Product2Id String False


Label Product ID corresponds to this field.

UnitPrice Double False

Label List Price corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

UseStandardPrice Boolean False

Label Use Standard Price corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

ProductCode String True

Label Product Code corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ProcessDefinition entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ProcessDefinition.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String True

Label Unique Name corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Process Definition Type corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Description corresponds to this field.

TableEnumOrId String True

Label Custom Object Definition ID corresponds to this field.

LockType String True

Label Lock Type corresponds to this field.

State String True

Label State corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ProcessInstance entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ProcessInstance.

ProcessDefinitionId String True


Label Approval Process ID corresponds to this field.

TargetObjectId String True

Label Target Object ID corresponds to this field.

Status String True

Label Status corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ProcessInstanceStep entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ProcessInstanceStep.

ProcessInstanceId String True


Label Process Instance ID corresponds to this field.

StepStatus String True

Label Step Status corresponds to this field.

OriginalActorId String True

Label Original Actor ID corresponds to this field.

ActorId String True

Label Actor ID corresponds to this field.

Comments String True

Label Comments corresponds to this field.

StepNodeId String True


Label Process Node ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ProcessInstanceWorkitem entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ProcessInstanceWorkitem.

ProcessInstanceId String True


Label Process Instance ID corresponds to this field.

OriginalActorId String True

Label Original Actor ID corresponds to this field.

ActorId String True

Label Actor ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ProcessNode entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ProcessNode.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String True

Label Unique Name corresponds to this field.

ProcessDefinitionId String True


Label Approval Process ID corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Description corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Product2 entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Product2.

Name String False

Label Product Name corresponds to this field.

ProductCode String False

Label Product Code corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Product Description corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

Family String False

Label Product Family corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Old_Factory_Codes__c String False

Label Old_Factory_Codes corresponds to this field.

TextLong2__c String False

Label TextLong2 corresponds to this field.

Factory_Code__c String False

Label Factory_Code corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Product2Feed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Product2Feed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Profile entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Profile.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEmailSingle Boolean True

Label Send Email corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEmailMass Boolean True

Label Mass Email corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditTask Boolean True

Label Edit Tasks corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditEvent Boolean True

Label Edit Events corresponds to this field.

PermissionsExportReport Boolean True

Label Export Reports corresponds to this field.

PermissionsImportPersonal Boolean True

Label Import Personal Contacts corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageUsers Boolean True

Label Manage Users corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditPublicTemplates Boolean True

Label Manage Public Templates corresponds to this field.

PermissionsModifyAllData Boolean True

Label Modify All Data corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageCases Boolean True

Label Manage Cases corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditKnowledge Boolean True

Label Manage Articles corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageKnowledge Boolean True

Label Manage Salesforce Knowledge corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageSolutions Boolean True

Label Manage Published Solutions corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCustomizeApplication Boolean True

Label Customize Application corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditReadonlyFields Boolean True

Label Edit Read Only Fields corresponds to this field.

PermissionsRunReports Boolean True

Label Run Reports corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewSetup Boolean True

Label View Setup and Configuration corresponds to this field.

PermissionsTransferAnyEntity Boolean True

Label Transfer Record corresponds to this field.

PermissionsNewReportBuilder Boolean True

Label Report Builder corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageSelfService Boolean True

Label Manage Self-Service Portal corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageCssUsers Boolean True

Label Edit Self-Service Users corresponds to this field.

PermissionsActivateContract Boolean True

Label Activate Contracts corresponds to this field.

PermissionsImportLeads Boolean True

Label Import Leads corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageLeads Boolean True

Label Manage Leads corresponds to this field.

PermissionsTransferAnyLead Boolean True

Label Transfer Leads corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewAllData Boolean True

Label View All Data corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditPublicDocuments Boolean True

Label Manage Public Documents corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditBrandTemplates Boolean True

Label Manage Letterheads corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditHtmlTemplates Boolean True

Label Edit HTML Templates corresponds to this field.

PermissionsChatterInternalUser Boolean True

Label Chatter Internal User corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageDashboards Boolean True

Label Manage Dashboards corresponds to this field.

PermissionsDeleteActivatedContract Boolean True

Label Delete Activated Contracts corresponds to this field.

PermissionsChatterInviteExternalUsers Boolean True

Label Invite Customers To Chatter corresponds to this field.

PermissionsSendSitRequests Boolean True

Label Send Stay-in-Touch Requests corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageRemoteAccess Boolean True

Label Manage Connected Apps corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCanUseNewDashboardBuilder Boolean True

Label Drag-and-Drop Dashboard Builder corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageCategories Boolean True

Label Manage Categories corresponds to this field.

PermissionsConvertLeads Boolean True

Label Convert Leads corresponds to this field.

PermissionsPasswordNeverExpires Boolean True

Label Password Never Expires corresponds to this field.

PermissionsUseTeamReassignWizards Boolean True

Label Use Team Reassignment Wizards corresponds to this field.

PermissionsInstallMultiforce Boolean True

Label Download AppExchange Packages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsPublishMultiforce Boolean True

Label Upload AppExchange Packages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsChatterOwnGroups Boolean True

Label Create and Own New Chatter Groups corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditOppLineItemUnitPrice Boolean True

Label Edit Opportunity Product Sales Price corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCreateMultiforce Boolean True

Label Create AppExchange Packages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsBulkApiHardDelete Boolean True

Label Bulk API Hard Delete corresponds to this field.

PermissionsSolutionImport Boolean True

Label Import Solutions corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageCallCenters Boolean True

Label Manage Call Centers corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditReports Boolean True

Label Create and Customize Reports corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageSynonyms Boolean True

Label Manage Synonyms corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewContent Boolean True

Label View Content in Portals corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageEmailClientConfig Boolean True

Label Manage Email Client Configurations corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEnableNotifications Boolean True

Label Send Outbound Messages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageDataIntegrations Boolean True

Label Manage Data Integrations corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewDataCategories Boolean True

Label View Data Categories corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageDataCategories Boolean True

Label Manage Data Categories corresponds to this field.

PermissionsAuthorApex Boolean True

Label Author Apex corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageMobile Boolean True

Label Manage Mobile Configurations corresponds to this field.

PermissionsApiEnabled Boolean True

Label API Enabled corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageCustomReportTypes Boolean True

Label Manage Custom Report Types corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditCaseComments Boolean True

Label Edit Case Comments corresponds to this field.

PermissionsTransferAnyCase Boolean True

Label Transfer Cases corresponds to this field.

PermissionsContentAdministrator Boolean True

Label Manage Salesforce CRM Content corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCreateWorkspaces Boolean True

Label Create Libraries corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageContentPermissions Boolean True

Label Manage Content Permissions corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageContentProperties Boolean True

Label Manage Content Properties corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageContentTypes Boolean True

Label Manage Content Types corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageAnalyticSnapshots Boolean True

Label Manage Analytic Snapshots corresponds to this field.

PermissionsScheduleReports Boolean True

Label Schedule Reports corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageBusinessHourHolidays Boolean True

Label Manage Business Hours Holidays corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageDynamicDashboards Boolean True

Label Manage Dynamic Dashboards corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCustomSidebarOnAllPages Boolean True

Label Show Custom Sidebar On All Pages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageInteraction Boolean True

Label Manage Flow corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewMyTeamsDashboards Boolean True

Label View My Team's Dashboards corresponds to this field.

PermissionsModerateChatter Boolean True

Label Moderate Chatter corresponds to this field.

PermissionsResetPasswords Boolean True

Label Reset User Passwords and Unlock Users corresponds to this field.

PermissionsFlowUFLRequired Boolean True

Label Require Flow User Feature License corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCanInsertFeedSystemFields Boolean True

Label Insert System Field Values for Chatter Feeds corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageKnowledgeImportExport Boolean True

Label Manage Knowledge Article Import/Export corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEmailTemplateManagement Boolean True

Label Manage Email Templates corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEmailAdministration Boolean True

Label Email Administration corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageChatterMessages Boolean True

Label Manage Chatter Messages corresponds to this field.

PermissionsForceTwoFactor Boolean True

Label Two-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageNetworks Boolean True

Label Create and Set Up Communities corresponds to this field.

PermissionsManageAuthProviders Boolean True

Label Manage Auth. Providers corresponds to this field.

PermissionsRunFlow Boolean True

Label Run Flows corresponds to this field.

PermissionsViewAllUsers Boolean True

Label View All Users corresponds to this field.

PermissionsAllowUniversalSearch Boolean True

Label Knowledge One corresponds to this field.

PermissionsConnectOrgToEnvironmentHub Boolean True

Label Connect Organization to Environment Hub corresponds to this field.

PermissionsSalesConsole Boolean True

Label Sales Console corresponds to this field.

PermissionsTwoFactorApi Boolean True

Label Two-Factor Authentication for API Logins corresponds to this field.

PermissionsDeleteTopics Boolean True

Label Delete Topics corresponds to this field.

PermissionsEditTopics Boolean True

Label Edit Topics corresponds to this field.

PermissionsCreateTopics Boolean True

Label Create Topics corresponds to this field.

PermissionsAssignTopics Boolean True

Label Assign Topics corresponds to this field.

PermissionsIdentityEnabled Boolean True

Label Use Identity Features corresponds to this field.

PermissionsIdentityConnect Boolean True

Label Use Identity Connect corresponds to this field.

PermissionsAllowViewKnowledge Boolean True

Label Allow View Knowledge corresponds to this field.

UserLicenseId String True


Label User License ID corresponds to this field.

UserType String True

Label User Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Description corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the PushTopic entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the PushTopic.

Name String False

Label Topic Name corresponds to this field.

Query String False

Label SOQL Query corresponds to this field.

ApiVersion Double False

Label API Version corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Is Active corresponds to this field.

NotifyForFields String False

Label Notify For Fields corresponds to this field.

NotifyForOperations String True

Label Notify For Operations corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

NotifyForOperationCreate Boolean False

Label Create corresponds to this field.

NotifyForOperationUpdate Boolean False

Label Update corresponds to this field.

NotifyForOperationDelete Boolean False

Label Delete corresponds to this field.

NotifyForOperationUndelete Boolean False

Label Undelete corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the QueueSobject entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the QueueSobject.

QueueId String False


Label Group ID corresponds to this field.

SobjectType String False

Label Sobject Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Quote entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Quote.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Quote Name corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

OpportunityId String False


Label Opportunity ID corresponds to this field.

Pricebook2Id String False


Label Price Book ID corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

QuoteNumber String True

Label Quote Number corresponds to this field.

IsSyncing Boolean True

Label Syncing corresponds to this field.

ShippingHandling Double False

Label Shipping and Handling corresponds to this field.

Tax Double False

Label Tax corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

ExpirationDate Datetime False

Label Expiration Date corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

Subtotal Double True

Label Subtotal corresponds to this field.

TotalPrice Double True

Label Total Price corresponds to this field.

LineItemCount Int True

Label Line Items corresponds to this field.

BillingStreet String False

Label Bill To Street corresponds to this field.

BillingCity String False

Label Bill To City corresponds to this field.

BillingState String False

Label Bill To State/Province corresponds to this field.

BillingPostalCode String False

Label Bill To Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

BillingCountry String False

Label Bill To Country corresponds to this field.

BillingLatitude Double False

Label Bill To Latitude corresponds to this field.

BillingLongitude Double False

Label Bill To Longitude corresponds to this field.

ShippingStreet String False

Label Ship To Street corresponds to this field.

ShippingCity String False

Label Ship To City corresponds to this field.

ShippingState String False

Label Ship To State/Province corresponds to this field.

ShippingPostalCode String False

Label Ship To Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

ShippingCountry String False

Label Ship To Country corresponds to this field.

ShippingLatitude Double False

Label Ship To Latitude corresponds to this field.

ShippingLongitude Double False

Label Ship To Longitude corresponds to this field.

QuoteToStreet String False

Label Quote To Street corresponds to this field.

QuoteToCity String False

Label Quote To City corresponds to this field.

QuoteToState String False

Label Quote To State/Province corresponds to this field.

QuoteToPostalCode String False

Label Quote To Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

QuoteToCountry String False

Label Quote To Country corresponds to this field.

QuoteToLatitude Double False

Label Quote To Latitude corresponds to this field.

QuoteToLongitude Double False

Label Quote To Longitude corresponds to this field.

AdditionalStreet String False

Label Additional To Street corresponds to this field.

AdditionalCity String False

Label Additional To City corresponds to this field.

AdditionalState String False

Label Additional To State/Province corresponds to this field.

AdditionalPostalCode String False

Label Additional To Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

AdditionalCountry String False

Label Additional To Country corresponds to this field.

AdditionalLatitude Double False

Label Additional To Latitude corresponds to this field.

AdditionalLongitude Double False

Label Additional To Longitude corresponds to this field.

BillingName String False

Label Bill To Name corresponds to this field.

ShippingName String False

Label Ship To Name corresponds to this field.

QuoteToName String False

Label Quote To Name corresponds to this field.

AdditionalName String False

Label Additional To Name corresponds to this field.

Email String False

Label Email corresponds to this field.

Phone String False

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

Fax String False

Label Fax corresponds to this field.

Discount Double True

Label Discount corresponds to this field.

GrandTotal Double True

Label Grand Total corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the QuoteDocument entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the QuoteDocument.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

QuoteId String False


Label Quote ID corresponds to this field.

Document String False

Label PDF Document corresponds to this field.

GrandTotal Double True

Label Grand Total corresponds to this field.

Discount Double True

Label Discount corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the QuoteFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the QuoteFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the QuoteLineItem entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the QuoteLineItem.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LineNumber String True

Label Line Item Number corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

QuoteId String False


Label Quote ID corresponds to this field.

PricebookEntryId String False


Label Price Book Entry ID corresponds to this field.

Quantity Double False

Label Quantity corresponds to this field.

UnitPrice Double False

Label Sales Price corresponds to this field.

Discount Double False

Label Discount corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Line Item Description corresponds to this field.

ServiceDate Datetime False

Label Date corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

ListPrice Double True

Label List Price corresponds to this field.

Subtotal Double True

Label Subtotal corresponds to this field.

TotalPrice Double True

Label Total Price corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the RecentlyViewed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the RecentlyViewed.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

LastName String True

Label Last Name corresponds to this field.

FirstName String True

Label First Name corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Type corresponds to this field.

Alias String True

Label Alias corresponds to this field.

UserRoleId String True


Label Role ID corresponds to this field.

RecordTypeId String True


Label Record Type ID corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean True

Label Active corresponds to this field.

ProfileId String True


Label Profile ID corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Email String True

Label E-mail corresponds to this field.

Phone String True

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the RecordType entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the RecordType.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String False

Label Record Type Name corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

BusinessProcessId String False


Label Business Process ID corresponds to this field.

SobjectType String False

Label Sobject Type Name corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean True

Label Active corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Report entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Report.

OwnerId String True

Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Report Name corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Description corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String True

Label Report Unique Name corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

LastRunDate Datetime True

Label Last Run corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

Format String True

Label Format corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the ReportFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the ReportFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Scontrol entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Scontrol.

Name String True

Label Label corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String True

Label S-Control Name corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Description corresponds to this field.

EncodingKey String True

Label Encoding corresponds to this field.

HtmlWrapper String True

Label HTML Body corresponds to this field.

Filename String True

Label Filename corresponds to this field.

BodyLength Int True

Label Binary Length corresponds to this field.

Binary String True

Label Binary corresponds to this field.

ContentSource String True

Label Type corresponds to this field.

SupportsCaching Boolean True

Label Prebuild In Page corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the SelfServiceUser entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the SelfServiceUser.

LastName String False

Label Last Name corresponds to this field.

FirstName String False

Label First Name corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Username String False

Label Username corresponds to this field.

Email String False

Label Email corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

TimeZoneSidKey String False

Label TimeZoneSidKey corresponds to this field.

LocaleSidKey String False

Label LocaleSidKey corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

LanguageLocaleKey String False

Label LanguageLocaleKey corresponds to this field.

SuperUser Boolean True

Label Super User corresponds to this field.

LastLoginDate Datetime True

Label Last Login corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the SetupEntityAccess entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the SetupEntityAccess.

ParentId String False


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

SetupEntityId String False

Label Setup Entity ID corresponds to this field.

SetupEntityType String True

Label Setup Entity Type corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Site entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Site.

Name String True

Label Site Name corresponds to this field.

Subdomain String True

Label Site Subdomain Prefix corresponds to this field.

UrlPathPrefix String True

Label Default Web Address corresponds to this field.

Status String True

Label Site Status corresponds to this field.

AdminId String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

OptionsEnableFeeds Boolean True

Label Enable Feeds corresponds to this field.

OptionsAllowHomePage Boolean True

Label Enable Standard Home Page corresponds to this field.

OptionsAllowStandardIdeasPages Boolean True

Label Enable Standard Ideas Pages corresponds to this field.

OptionsAllowStandardSearch Boolean True

Label Enable Standard Lookup Pages corresponds to this field.

OptionsAllowStandardLookups Boolean True

Label Enable Standard Search Pages corresponds to this field.

OptionsAllowStandardAnswersPages Boolean True

Label Enable Standard Answers Pages corresponds to this field.

Description String True

Label Site Description corresponds to this field.

MasterLabel String True

Label Site Label corresponds to this field.

AnalyticsTrackingCode String True

Label Analytics Tracking Code corresponds to this field.

SiteType String True

Label Site Type corresponds to this field.

DailyBandwidthLimit Int True

Label Daily Bandwidth Limit (MB) corresponds to this field.

DailyBandwidthUsed Int True

Label Daily Bandwidth Used corresponds to this field.

DailyRequestTimeLimit Int True

Label Daily Request Time Limit (min) corresponds to this field.

DailyRequestTimeUsed Int True

Label Daily Request Time Used corresponds to this field.

MonthlyPageViewsEntitlement Int True

Label Monthly Page Views Allowed corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the SiteFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the SiteFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the SiteHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the SiteHistory.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

SiteId String True


Label Site ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Solution entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Solution.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

SolutionNumber String True

Label Solution Number corresponds to this field.

SolutionName String False

Label Title corresponds to this field.

IsPublished Boolean False

Label Public corresponds to this field.

IsPublishedInPublicKb Boolean False

Label Visible in Public Knowledge Base corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

IsReviewed Boolean True

Label Reviewed corresponds to this field.

SolutionNote String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Owner ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

TimesUsed Int True

Label Num Related Cases corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

IsHtml Boolean True

Label Is Html corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the SolutionFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the SolutionFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the SolutionHistory entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the SolutionHistory.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

SolutionId String True


Label Solution ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

Field String True

Label Changed Field corresponds to this field.

OldValue String True

Label Old Value corresponds to this field.

NewValue String True

Label New Value corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the SolutionStatus entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the SolutionStatus.

MasterLabel String True

Label Master Label corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

IsDefault Boolean True

Label Is Default corresponds to this field.

IsReviewed Boolean True

Label Is Reviewed corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the StaticResource entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the StaticResource.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

ContentType String False

Label MIME Type corresponds to this field.

BodyLength Int True

Label Size corresponds to this field.

Body String False

Label Body corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CacheControl String False

Label Cache Control corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Task entities in Salesforce. To retrieve archived tasks, you must explicitly query for records with IsArchived set to True.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Task.

WhoId String False

Label Contact/Lead ID corresponds to this field.

WhatId String False

Label Opportunity/Account ID corresponds to this field.

Subject String False

Label Subject corresponds to this field.

ActivityDate Datetime False

Label Due Date Only corresponds to this field.

Status String False

Label Status corresponds to this field.

Priority String False

Label Priority corresponds to this field.

OwnerId String False


Label Assigned To ID corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

AccountId String True


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

IsClosed Boolean True

Label Closed corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsArchived Boolean True

Label Archived corresponds to this field.

CallDurationInSeconds Int False

Label Call Duration corresponds to this field.

CallType String False

Label Call Type corresponds to this field.

CallDisposition String False

Label Call Result corresponds to this field.

CallObject String False

Label Call Object Identifier corresponds to this field.

ReminderDateTime Datetime False

Label Reminder Date/Time corresponds to this field.

IsReminderSet Boolean False

Label Reminder Set corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceActivityId String True


Label Recurrence Activity ID corresponds to this field.

IsRecurrence Boolean False

Label Create Recurring Series of Tasks corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceStartDateOnly Datetime False

Label Start Date corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceEndDateOnly Datetime False

Label End Date corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey String False

Label Recurrence Time Zone corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceType String False

Label Recurrence Type corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceInterval Int False

Label Recurrence Interval corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceDayOfWeekMask Int False

Label Recurrence Day of Week Mask corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceDayOfMonth Int False

Label Recurrence Day of Month corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceInstance String False

Label Recurrence Instance corresponds to this field.

RecurrenceMonthOfYear String False

Label Recurrence Month of Year corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the TaskFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the TaskFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the TaskPriority entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the TaskPriority.

MasterLabel String True

Label Master Label corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

IsDefault Boolean True

Label Is Default corresponds to this field.

IsHighPriority Boolean True

Label Is High Priority corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the TaskStatus entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the TaskStatus.

MasterLabel String True

Label Master Label corresponds to this field.

SortOrder Int True

Label Sort Order corresponds to this field.

IsDefault Boolean True

Label Is Default corresponds to this field.

IsClosed Boolean True

Label Is Closed corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Topic entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Topic.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

TalkingAbout Int True

Label Talking About corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the TopicAssignment entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the TopicAssignment.

TopicId String False


Label Topic ID corresponds to this field.

EntityId String False

Label Entity ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the TopicFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the TopicFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the UndecidedEventRelation entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the UndecidedEventRelation.

RelationId String True

Label Relation ID corresponds to this field.

EventId String True


Label Event ID corresponds to this field.

RespondedDate Datetime True

Label Response Date corresponds to this field.

Response String True

Label Response corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Type corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the User entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the User.

Username String False

Label Username corresponds to this field.

LastName String False

Label Last Name corresponds to this field.

FirstName String False

Label First Name corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Full Name corresponds to this field.

CompanyName String False

Label Company Name corresponds to this field.

Division String False

Label Division corresponds to this field.

Department String False

Label Department corresponds to this field.

Title String False

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Street String False

Label Street corresponds to this field.

City String False

Label City corresponds to this field.

State String False

Label State/Province corresponds to this field.

PostalCode String False

Label Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

Country String False

Label Country corresponds to this field.

Latitude Double False

Label Latitude corresponds to this field.

Longitude Double False

Label Longitude corresponds to this field.

Email String False

Label E-mail corresponds to this field.

EmailPreferencesAutoBcc Boolean False

Label AutoBcc corresponds to this field.

EmailPreferencesAutoBccStayInTouch Boolean False

Label AutoBccStayInTouch corresponds to this field.

EmailPreferencesStayInTouchReminder Boolean False

Label StayInTouchReminder corresponds to this field.

SenderEmail String False

Label Email Sender Address corresponds to this field.

SenderName String False

Label Email Sender Name corresponds to this field.

Signature String False

Label Email Signature corresponds to this field.

StayInTouchSubject String False

Label Stay-in-Touch Email Subject corresponds to this field.

StayInTouchSignature String False

Label Stay-in-Touch Email Signature corresponds to this field.

StayInTouchNote String False

Label Stay-in-Touch Email Note corresponds to this field.

Phone String False

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

Fax String False

Label Fax corresponds to this field.

MobilePhone String False

Label Cell corresponds to this field.

Alias String False

Label Alias corresponds to this field.

CommunityNickname String False

Label Nickname corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean False

Label Active corresponds to this field.

TimeZoneSidKey String False

Label Time Zone corresponds to this field.

UserRoleId String False


Label Role ID corresponds to this field.

LocaleSidKey String False

Label Locale corresponds to this field.

ReceivesInfoEmails Boolean False

Label Info Emails corresponds to this field.

ReceivesAdminInfoEmails Boolean False

Label Admin Info Emails corresponds to this field.

EmailEncodingKey String False

Label Email Encoding corresponds to this field.

ProfileId String False


Label Profile ID corresponds to this field.

UserType String True

Label User Type corresponds to this field.

LanguageLocaleKey String False

Label Language corresponds to this field.

EmployeeNumber String False

Label Employee Number corresponds to this field.

DelegatedApproverId String False

Label Delegated Approver ID corresponds to this field.

ManagerId String False


Label Manager ID corresponds to this field.

LastLoginDate Datetime True

Label Last Login corresponds to this field.

LastPasswordChangeDate Datetime True

Label Last Password Change or Reset corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

OfflineTrialExpirationDate Datetime True

Label Offline Edition Trial Expiration Date corresponds to this field.

OfflinePdaTrialExpirationDate Datetime True

Label Sales Anywhere Trial Expiration Date corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsMarketingUser Boolean False

Label Marketing User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsOfflineUser Boolean False

Label Offline User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsCallCenterAutoLogin Boolean False

Label Auto-login To Call Center corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsMobileUser Boolean False

Label Apex Mobile User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsSFContentUser Boolean False

Label Salesforce CRM Content User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser Boolean False

Label Knowledge User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsInteractionUser Boolean False

Label Flow User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsSupportUser Boolean False

Label Service Cloud User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsSiteforceContributorUser Boolean False

Label Contributor User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsSiteforcePublisherUser Boolean False

Label Publisher User corresponds to this field.

UserPermissionsChatterAnswersUser Boolean False

Label Chatter Answers User corresponds to this field.

ForecastEnabled Boolean False

Label Allow Forecasting corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesActivityRemindersPopup Boolean False

Label ActivityRemindersPopup corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesEventRemindersCheckboxDefault Boolean False

Label EventRemindersCheckboxDefault corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesTaskRemindersCheckboxDefault Boolean False

Label TaskRemindersCheckboxDefault corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesReminderSoundOff Boolean False

Label ReminderSoundOff corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableAllFeedsEmail Boolean False

Label DisableAllFeedsEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableFollowersEmail Boolean False

Label DisableFollowersEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableProfilePostEmail Boolean False

Label DisableProfilePostEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableChangeCommentEmail Boolean False

Label DisableChangeCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableLaterCommentEmail Boolean False

Label DisableLaterCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisProfPostCommentEmail Boolean False

Label DisProfPostCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesApexPagesDeveloperMode Boolean False

Label ApexPagesDeveloperMode corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideCSNGetChatterMobileTask Boolean False

Label HideCSNGetChatterMobileTask corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableMentionsPostEmail Boolean False

Label DisableMentionsPostEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisMentionsCommentEmail Boolean False

Label DisMentionsCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideCSNDesktopTask Boolean False

Label HideCSNDesktopTask corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideChatterOnboardingSplash Boolean False

Label HideChatterOnboardingSplash corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideSecondChatterOnboardingSplash Boolean False

Label HideSecondChatterOnboardingSplash corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisCommentAfterLikeEmail Boolean False

Label DisCommentAfterLikeEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableLikeEmail Boolean False

Label DisableLikeEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableMessageEmail Boolean False

Label DisableMessageEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesOptOutOfTouch Boolean False

Label OptOutOfTouch corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableBookmarkEmail Boolean False

Label DisableBookmarkEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableSharePostEmail Boolean False

Label DisableSharePostEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesEnableAutoSubForFeeds Boolean False

Label EnableAutoSubForFeeds corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableFileShareNotificationsForApi Boolean False

Label DisableFileShareNotificationsForApi corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowTitleToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowTitleToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowManagerToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowManagerToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowEmailToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowEmailToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowWorkPhoneToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowWorkPhoneToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowMobilePhoneToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowMobilePhoneToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowFaxToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowFaxToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowStreetAddressToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowStreetAddressToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCityToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowCityToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowStateToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowStateToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowPostalCodeToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowPostalCodeToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCountryToExternalUsers Boolean False

Label ShowCountryToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowProfilePicToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowProfilePicToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowTitleToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowTitleToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCityToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowCityToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowStateToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowStateToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowPostalCodeToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowPostalCodeToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCountryToGuestUsers Boolean False

Label ShowCountryToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideS1BrowserUI Boolean False

Label HideS1BrowserUI corresponds to this field.

ContactId String False


Label Contact ID corresponds to this field.

AccountId String True


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

CallCenterId String False


Label Call Center ID corresponds to this field.

Extension String False

Label Extension corresponds to this field.

FederationIdentifier String False

Label SAML Federation ID corresponds to this field.

AboutMe String False

Label About Me corresponds to this field.

FullPhotoUrl String True

Label Url for full-sized Photo corresponds to this field.

SmallPhotoUrl String True

Label Url for Thumbnail sized Photo corresponds to this field.

DigestFrequency String False

Label Chatter Email Highlights Frequency corresponds to this field.

DefaultGroupNotificationFrequency String False

Label Default Notification Frequency when Joining Groups corresponds to this field.

LastViewedDate Datetime True

Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field.

LastReferencedDate Datetime True

Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field.

GeoLoc__Latitude__s Double False

Label GeoLoc (Latitude) corresponds to this field.

GeoLoc__Longitude__s Double False

Label GeoLoc (Longitude) corresponds to this field.

GeoLoc__c String True

Label GeoLoc corresponds to this field.

TextLong__c String False

Label TextLong corresponds to this field.

ExternId__c String False

Label ExternId corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the UserFeed entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the UserFeed.

ParentId String True


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String True

Label Feed Item Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True

Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

CommentCount Int True

Label Comment Count corresponds to this field.

LikeCount Int True

Label Like Count corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

Body String True

Label Body corresponds to this field.

LinkUrl String True

Label Link Url corresponds to this field.

RelatedRecordId String True


Label Related Record ID corresponds to this field.

ContentData String True

Label Content Data corresponds to this field.

ContentFileName String True

Label Content File Name corresponds to this field.

ContentDescription String True

Label Content Description corresponds to this field.

ContentType String True

Label Content File Type corresponds to this field.

ContentSize Int True

Label Content Size corresponds to this field.

InsertedById String True

Label InsertedBy ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the UserLicense entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the UserLicense.

LicenseDefinitionKey String True

Label License Def. ID corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the UserLogin entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the UserLogin.

UserId String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

IsFrozen Boolean True

Label Is Frozen corresponds to this field.

IsPasswordLocked Boolean True

Label Is Password Locked corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the UserPreference entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the UserPreference.

UserId String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

Preference String True

Label Preference corresponds to this field.

Value String True

Label Value corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the UserProfile entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the UserProfile.

LastName String True

Label Last Name corresponds to this field.

FirstName String True

Label First Name corresponds to this field.

Name String True

Label Name corresponds to this field.

Title String True

Label Title corresponds to this field.

ManagerId String True


Label Manager ID corresponds to this field.

CompanyName String True

Label Company Name corresponds to this field.

AboutMe String True

Label About Me corresponds to this field.

Email String True

Label E-mail corresponds to this field.

Phone String True

Label Phone corresponds to this field.

MobilePhone String True

Label Cell corresponds to this field.

Fax String True

Label Fax corresponds to this field.

Street String True

Label Street corresponds to this field.

City String True

Label City corresponds to this field.

State String True

Label State/Province corresponds to this field.

PostalCode String True

Label Zip/Postal Code corresponds to this field.

Country String True

Label Country corresponds to this field.

Latitude Double True

Label Latitude corresponds to this field.

Longitude Double True

Label Longitude corresponds to this field.

IsBadged Boolean True

Label User Photo has a badge overlay corresponds to this field.

IsActive Boolean True

Label Active corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesActivityRemindersPopup Boolean True

Label ActivityRemindersPopup corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesEventRemindersCheckboxDefault Boolean True

Label EventRemindersCheckboxDefault corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesTaskRemindersCheckboxDefault Boolean True

Label TaskRemindersCheckboxDefault corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesReminderSoundOff Boolean True

Label ReminderSoundOff corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableAllFeedsEmail Boolean True

Label DisableAllFeedsEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableFollowersEmail Boolean True

Label DisableFollowersEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableProfilePostEmail Boolean True

Label DisableProfilePostEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableChangeCommentEmail Boolean True

Label DisableChangeCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableLaterCommentEmail Boolean True

Label DisableLaterCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisProfPostCommentEmail Boolean True

Label DisProfPostCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesApexPagesDeveloperMode Boolean True

Label ApexPagesDeveloperMode corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideCSNGetChatterMobileTask Boolean True

Label HideCSNGetChatterMobileTask corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableMentionsPostEmail Boolean True

Label DisableMentionsPostEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisMentionsCommentEmail Boolean True

Label DisMentionsCommentEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideCSNDesktopTask Boolean True

Label HideCSNDesktopTask corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideChatterOnboardingSplash Boolean True

Label HideChatterOnboardingSplash corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideSecondChatterOnboardingSplash Boolean True

Label HideSecondChatterOnboardingSplash corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisCommentAfterLikeEmail Boolean True

Label DisCommentAfterLikeEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableLikeEmail Boolean True

Label DisableLikeEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableMessageEmail Boolean True

Label DisableMessageEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesOptOutOfTouch Boolean True

Label OptOutOfTouch corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableBookmarkEmail Boolean True

Label DisableBookmarkEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableSharePostEmail Boolean True

Label DisableSharePostEmail corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesEnableAutoSubForFeeds Boolean True

Label EnableAutoSubForFeeds corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesDisableFileShareNotificationsForApi Boolean True

Label DisableFileShareNotificationsForApi corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowTitleToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowTitleToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowManagerToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowManagerToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowEmailToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowEmailToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowWorkPhoneToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowWorkPhoneToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowMobilePhoneToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowMobilePhoneToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowFaxToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowFaxToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowStreetAddressToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowStreetAddressToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCityToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowCityToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowStateToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowStateToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowPostalCodeToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowPostalCodeToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCountryToExternalUsers Boolean True

Label ShowCountryToExternalUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowProfilePicToGuestUsers Boolean True

Label ShowProfilePicToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowTitleToGuestUsers Boolean True

Label ShowTitleToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCityToGuestUsers Boolean True

Label ShowCityToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowStateToGuestUsers Boolean True

Label ShowStateToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowPostalCodeToGuestUsers Boolean True

Label ShowPostalCodeToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesShowCountryToGuestUsers Boolean True

Label ShowCountryToGuestUsers corresponds to this field.

UserPreferencesHideS1BrowserUI Boolean True

Label HideS1BrowserUI corresponds to this field.

FullPhotoUrl String True

Label Url for full-sized Photo corresponds to this field.

SmallPhotoUrl String True

Label Url for Thumbnail sized Photo corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the UserRecordAccess entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the UserRecordAccess.

UserId String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

RecordId String True

Label Record ID corresponds to this field.

HasReadAccess Boolean True

Label Has Read Access corresponds to this field.

HasEditAccess Boolean True

Label Has Edit Access corresponds to this field.

HasDeleteAccess Boolean True

Label Has Delete Access corresponds to this field.

HasTransferAccess Boolean True

Label Has Transfer Access corresponds to this field.

HasAllAccess Boolean True

Label Has All Access corresponds to this field.

MaxAccessLevel String True

Label Maximum Access Level corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the UserRole entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the UserRole.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

ParentRoleId String False


Label Parent Role ID corresponds to this field.

RollupDescription String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

OpportunityAccessForAccountOwner String False

Label Opportunity Access Level for Account Owner corresponds to this field.

CaseAccessForAccountOwner String False

Label Case Access Level for Account Owner corresponds to this field.

ContactAccessForAccountOwner String True

Label Contact Access Level for Account Owner corresponds to this field.

ForecastUserId String False


Label User ID corresponds to this field.

MayForecastManagerShare Boolean True

Label May Forecast Manager Share corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

DeveloperName String False

Label Developer Name corresponds to this field.

PortalAccountId String False


Label Account ID corresponds to this field.

PortalType String False

Label Portal Type corresponds to this field.

PortalAccountOwnerId String True


Label User ID corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the Vote entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the Vote.

IsDeleted Boolean True

Label Deleted corresponds to this field.

ParentId String False


Label Parent ID corresponds to this field.

Type String False

Label Vote Type corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.


This is a table representing the WebLink entities in Salesforce.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier of the WebLink.

PageOrSobjectType String False

Label Page Or sObject Type Name corresponds to this field.

Name String False

Label Name corresponds to this field.

IsProtected Boolean False

Label Protected Component corresponds to this field.

Url String False

Label URL corresponds to this field.

EncodingKey String False

Label Link Encoding corresponds to this field.

LinkType String False

Label Content Source corresponds to this field.

OpenType String False

Label Behavior corresponds to this field.

Height Int False

Label Height (in pixels) corresponds to this field.

Width Int False

Label Width (in pixels) corresponds to this field.

ShowsLocation Boolean False

Label Show Address Bar corresponds to this field.

HasScrollbars Boolean False

Label Show Scrollbars corresponds to this field.

HasToolbar Boolean False

Label Show Toolbars corresponds to this field.

HasMenubar Boolean False

Label Show Menu Bar corresponds to this field.

ShowsStatus Boolean False

Label Show Status Bar corresponds to this field.

IsResizable Boolean False

Label Resizeable corresponds to this field.

Position String False

Label Window Position corresponds to this field.

ScontrolId String False

Label Custom S-Control ID corresponds to this field.

MasterLabel String False

Label Label corresponds to this field.

Description String False

Label Description corresponds to this field.

DisplayType String False

Label Display Type corresponds to this field.

RequireRowSelection Boolean False

Label Require Row Selection corresponds to this field.

NamespacePrefix String True

Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field.

CreatedDate Datetime True

Label Created Date corresponds to this field.

CreatedById String True


Label Created By ID corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedDate Datetime True

Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field.

LastModifiedById String True


Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field.

SystemModstamp Datetime True

Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field.

ViewsBack To Top

  1. Formulas
  2. JobRecordResultsV2
  3. PickListValues
  4. PolymorphicColumnsRelationships
  5. TableRelationships


This table lists formulas for the specified TableName.

Table-Specific Information

The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver. The following queries are the only ones processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Formulas

SELECT * FROM Formulas WHERE TableName = 'Account'

You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any search criteria will be ignored and an unfiltered response will be returned.

Note: Querying the table without a TableName filter specified will attempt to retrieve column metadata for all objects in your Salesforce account. Depending on the number of objects, this can take a while.


Name Type Description
TableName String The name of the table. This must be specified when retrieving data from Formulas.
ColumnName String The name of the column associated with the Formula.
Formula String The formula associated with this field.


Retrieves a list of records for a specific job.

Table Specific Information

This view shows information about the records that have passed, failed, or are unprocessed after executing the CreateJobV2 stored procedure.


To query this view you must specify the JobId, RecordState, and ColumnDelimiter columns in the WHERE clause. For example:

 SELECT * FROM JobRecordResultsV2 WHERE JobId='133485445' AND ColumnDelimiter='COMMA' AND RecordState='Failed'

Name Type Description
ID [KEY] String ID of the record that was successfully processed.
Created Boolean The name of the table. This must be specified when retrieving data from PickListInformation.
RowFromOriginalCSV String Truncated row that was provided in the original job data upload request.
JobId String Specified the unique Id of the job.
RecordState String Specifies the type of the records that were processed by Salesforce. Valid values are 'Successful', 'Failed', 'Unprocessed'.
ColumnDelimiter String The column delimiter used for CSV job data. Valid values are 'BACKQUOTE','CARET','COMMA', 'PIPE', 'SEMICOLON', 'TAB'.


This table lists picklist values for the specified TableName.

Table-Specific Information

TableName should be specified in the WHERE clause. RecordTypeId may also be specified along TableName to only retrieve data for a specific record type.

SELECT * FROM Formulas WHERE TableName = 'Account'

SELECT * FROM Formulas WHERE TableName = 'Account' AND RecordTypeId = '0121W000000cq9EDAL'


Name Type Description
ID [KEY] String The unique identifier of the picklist in the format ColumnName|Picklist_Value.
TableName String The name of the table. This must be specified when retrieving data from PickListInformation.
ColumnName String The name of the column associated with the picklist entry. This may be optionally specified to only retrieve picklist information with regards to the specified column.
PickList_Value String The picklist value.
PickList_Label String The label for the picklist value.
PickList_IsActive Boolean A boolean indicating if the picklist value is active.
PickList_IsDefault Boolean A boolean indicating if this picklist value is the default value for the column it is associated with.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
RecordTypeId String The Id of the record type. Specify this to return values only for picklist fields of a record type.


Lists polymorphic columns relationships in the specified table name.


Name Type Description
TableName String The name of the table to retrieve relationship information from.
ColumnName String The name of the polymorphic field.
SalesforceType String The salesforce type of the polymorphic field.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
RelationshipName String The salesforce name of the relationship.
ReferencedTableName String The name of the object the polymorphic fields relates to.
ReferencedColumnName String The name of the column the polymorphic fields relates to.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.


Lists relationships in the specified table.


Name Type Description
ChildsObject [KEY] String The child table that is related to the specified TableName in the input.
RelationshipName [KEY] String The name of the relationship.
Field String The field the relationship is associated on. Found in the ChildsObject.
ParentObject String The parent object in the relationship. This is the same as the input TableName.
DeprecatedAndHidden Boolean Boolean indicating if the relationship is deprecated and now hidden.
CascadeDelete Boolean Boolean stating if this entity is deleted, does the child object also get deleted.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TableName String The name of the table to retrieve relationship information from.